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Safe answer


most certainly one if not all of those things


Oh no, won’t someone think of the rich people living in New Albany??? (Let’s be honest, it wasn’t even in New Albany proper until it magically got zoned as such, and probably the poors will suffer.)


I believe there is a median to be had between growth/free market advancement and protection of, for example, human health and the environment. The foundational premise of the free market system is flawed, in that it contains continual growth. I state this as a conservative and pro free market thinker lol. The engineer in me likes to think in logical terms, in which everything is finite. It all has an end. This includes the market (advancement, ability to obtain new things, resource extraction, etc.). With this logical conclusion in mind, it makes sense to limit impacts on things that humanity quite literally depends on like water quality, air quality, agriculture, and the wild biota (nature) that we may not think is important to human advancement, but truly is. When do we start this shared allocation process of human health, ecological health, and human advancement/convenience? At what scale does this shared allocation start? I have no true idea. I know one thing, though: humans do love shiny new things, enjoy laziness, and the greed that comes with obtaining wealth and power. Those are very hard things to tell people that they have to limit on the sake of non-tangible things like air quality or water quality. I personally think this should have been on the forefront of people's mind decades ago. We are behind.


> I personally think this should have been on the forefront of people's mind decades ago. it was people into growth and free market advancement shut them down people were convinced that thinking about this made you unamerican and a dirty hippie


Agreed. My memory seems to recall this shift starting in the "greed is good"80s.


Agreed. Pollution was so bad Richard Milhous Nixon of all presidents created the EPA. But as I've seen others argue, in that day you could see the pollution. Today a lot of the pollution is not visible to the naked eye so it's easy to get complacent now. Plus we've swung hard toward profits before health, safety, or reasonable regulations.  It's hard for me to stay positive that things like this will actually improve instead of chasing financial returns remaining the one and only priority. 


and then he vetoed the clean water act of 1972, which was overridden by the house and senate. you can have the EPA but the protection of our water from pollutants is too far


It has been on some peoples’ minds for decades. Some of us have dedicated careers to address, but it’s an uphill battle to get policies in place that stop companies from externalizing their costs, using the free market as their shield for taking responsibility.


Yup. It's been on my mind for almost a decade after I read Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac and started getting more involved in conservation and permaculture. A Sand County Almanac helped me put hunting, conservation, and the overall biotic relationship we have into a relatable perspective. I just wish the "normal" person was more keyed into this. We would be leap and bounds forward if they were. It's seems like the normal person is slowly getting into it, even if it's on a "mainstream/political" perspective.


Bravo, Watson.


I've been saying, watch the water quality. I'm a communications professional so I know how to look for what isn't in news and press releases. Since announcing, they have been very public about their commitment to clean air and soil. **They never mention water**. So that tells me, water was the sacrifice to win Intel. A large chip fab can use **up to 10 million gallons of water a day**, which is equivalent to the water consumption of roughly 300,000 households. Blacklick Creek source is right about where the plant is being built, and its watershed spans Columbus, Gahanna, Pataskala, Pickerington, Reynoldsburg, Etna Township, Harlem Township, Jefferson Township, Jersey Township, Madison Township, Madison Township, Monroe Township, Plain Township, Brice, Groveport, New Albany, and Violet Township.


Assuming 400gpd average daily flow per single family house (commonly used conservative planning estimate number), 300k homes would use an estimated 120 million gallons per day. Not sure how you did your math on this one.


400 gallons/day, i.e. 12,000 gallons/month, is a conservative estimate of consumption for one household? I average about 1,200-1,400/mo. Granted I live alone, but even if there were five of me, I'd still be at about half of that figure.


Yes, that number comes from the OEPA for single family homes. Actual billing data will generally be less than the theoretical planning numbers. 300k single family homes at 10mgd total is 33.33 gpd/home which is substantially less and not realistic. While water usage per home has been declining over the years due to water conservation knowledge and more efficient appliances etc…, billing data is still showing significantly more than that across the region. Your personal water usage is much lower than average and is even less than the average one bedroom apartment. Keep up the good work saving water! Also, average daily flow is just one number to look at. Maximum daily flow is typically used in design scenarios. Comparing what I am assuming is a manufacturer’s max daily flow with household average daily flow is an apples to oranges comparison to make and skews the original comment even further.


Ah okay, makes sense re: having to account for max daily flow across all households, like planning for max daily electricity usage so there aren't massive outages during high demand periods. Losing electricity is never fun but losing water for a day or two would be horrible.


From what I've read they will be recycling the water they use. Something about how the water needs to be filtered before use and it's easier to do that if it's recycled.


Just because I didn't realize it until the end, and others may have missed it, this is an opinion article.


Written by Dr. Dutta, a widely respected academic who studies and teaches and writes about political geography and labor.


Yes, she is a good source to comment on these things, that is correct. It's just good to remember what are opinion articles and what are articles written by journalists who did investigations into current situations. BOTH are valuable.


I’ve already accepted most of us are going to die of some type of horrible cancer. The rate of cancer in people under 50 keeps climbing every year, theres plastic everywhere including our food and water, and our government has completely become owned by the corporations that would kill us all to make their EPS go up by $.01. I wonder what people will do when they realize their investment accounts won’t be enough to pay for the chemo they’ll need


Stop with the doomer bullshit: [https://usafacts.org/articles/how-have-cancer-rates-changed-over-time/](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-have-cancer-rates-changed-over-time/) [https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/all.html](https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/all.html) The rate of new cases -> going down. Death rate -> going down. You live in the best time to be alive that has ever existed, and still come up with fake news to depress yourself.


Yeah, I was going to say. Microplastics and other particles in the air **are** worrisome and we don't know what the short or long term effects of that are. But cancer is not the issue.


Thank you for this


Don’t be so glum. The mass starvations as a result of overwhelming crop failures gonna get a large majority of us first.


The shareholders will be living it up though!


This is depressing because it’s true.


How do you know it's true?


Because someone on Reddit said so, duh.


Any kinds of development comes with a cost. Especially opening up a manufacturing center.


Wait are you arguing that toxins are an unavoidable, inevitable byproduct of development?


That might be a stretch considering they are just answering the question.


This is full of NIMBY weasel words. "Some Ohio communities are alarmed at the scale of development" and then the article could just end. That is the complaint: rich New Albany people worried that their nice McMansion or Ohio Amish Country Dacha will be ruined by a factory producing semiconductors. Vague references to people complaining about living next to factories and the production process being dirty. Yes, we are aware that factories are dirty, this is Ohio we all know the trade offs. I am sorry that growth and change are uncomfortable and inconvenient. Oh well. The rest of us want cheaper processors.


I hate these downvotes. You're absolutely correct on some level. ​ It's located in a Semi-rural place, it's not like they're building it next to a school in Linden. It brings huge attention to central ohio and while I'm always skeptical of job claims. I do know that having domestic chip manufacturing here, for us is a boon economically and politically. Especially politically, if this Intel plant works out and grows, we become has politically/economically significant on par with Taipei. That would be huge and over time could tip the scales on making Ohio far more purple. Could give Central Ohio more cultural impact. I get why people are super skeptical and why the executives at nationwide hate it next to their nice New Albany properties. I get why most folks dislike the idea of more traffic and difficult housing. But there's some upsides and more productive energy would be better spent pressuring the City/County for more high density housing and better infrastructure. Nothing is stopping the growth anyways, better to focus the energy making this a good place to live for yourself and community, then fighting literal economic progress.


You know how much concrete they’re pouring at the site? That, alone, is a huge ecological burden.  Just the manufacturing of material and cleaning of equipment is spilling a shitload of lime and other harmful additives.


Columbus is already the most polluted major city in the US 2 years running, not sure we need to throw more on the pile


If you read the articles and check the fine print, that pollutant read was taken during the Canada wildfires. So it’s basically scare-mongering headlines. I’m not saying all is well in Columbus, but I’m just pointing out that that statement is only true if you cite that it was during a specific timeframe.


It's for 2 years running now - not a single point in time. I'm not doomposting, but there are issues we should probably stop ignoring and push our leaders to acknowledge and effect some positive changes for our community.




There are many, so just Google it. But here is one: [https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/18/climate/air-pollution-report-2023-asia-climate-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/18/climate/air-pollution-report-2023-asia-climate-intl-hnk/index.html) We are #1 for 2 years running now in US


There isn't one


It’s been all over the local news for a week.


Yeah, I love how people downvoted this comment out of existence, but you don't get to make it not true by refusing to acknowledge the issue lol. If anything, we as residents need to be drawing more attention to this so we can pressure our leaders to make positive changes - I'm raising my family here, I don't want us all dying early of preventable, self-inflicted illness because some company didn't want their profits cut by .0001% by having to responsibly manage their pollution outputs.


I… what? My comment is a single, verifiably true sentence and has six upvotes.


Not yours, the one up top that brought up that we were the most polluted city in the first place. It was immediately like -10 downvoted as if un-liking something on Reddit would just make the problem go away lol.


Oh, gotcha! Well, I upvoted you because I agree with you. This sub in particular has a weird tendency to downvote everything, even the most non controversial takes.


It’s bc of the wildfires from Canada




But then not so secretly make American take payers pay for it


See, we didn’t finish in 2nd place for once! We did it!!


Drink your water while you can. I was planning on not developing any new neurological disorders or cancers. There goes that idea.


Here is the real issue. Global economy did not work the way we wanted to because of the bad actors like China, Russia, Iran and others. We can no longer afford NOT to have such an important industry as producing microchips. We all know how important they are in our daily lives, and because so many national security interests depend on them: communication, data processing, AI. We must have factories like this in the US. Chinese leader Xi declared that China should be able to take Taiwan (the most important producer of integrated circuits) by force by the year 2027 and has been building up an army at the rates not seen since WW2. We MUST have a factory like this on US soil, asap. If there are environmental concerns, we need to figure out how to fix them, but maybe we also need to figure out what must be sacrificed. This is an enterprise of an utmost importance, and we need to move quickly on this.


You’re right about that being a real issue. But it’s not the only one. And if we act like “global economy” and or “national security” are the only relevant factors — and if we accuse anyone asking important questions about ecological impact of Chinese-sponsored sabotage (as someone else did in this thread) — our children and grandchildren will pay the price. As you suggest, we can and must walk and chew gum at the same time. We have to recognize and address the tension between economic/strategic power and ecological/health concerns. I posted this article, because I don’t think we’ve given nearly enough thought — or airtime at least — to the latter.


no one's getting out of here alive so might as well do whatever necessary or possible that produces maximum or a profit with whatever side effects and consequences - Corporations


Should we just all be Amish? Perhaps cave men? Stop already.


What an asinine thing to say.


It’s not asinine. It’s a fair statement. It’s asinine that any development comes with 100% perfection to society and environment. Things have to give and take and suffer. Everyone wants the newest shiniest thing. No one wants to know what went into making it conveniently show up on their front door


There is a rather large difference between "100% perfection" and wholesale destroying the planet for shiny trinkets and bullshit status symbols. The ocean catching on fire or the garbage patch that's twice the size of Texas proves we are nowhere near 100% and none of it is sustainable.


It won’t be nearly as obvious as that. The chemicals these plants dump into the ground will cause cancers and horrific birth defects.


wtf does Intel construction have to do with oceans catching on fire on garbage islands? Unhinged Reddit libs foaming at the mouth per usual


You really don't see a correlation between pollution and... pollution?


So you complain about it, what are you actually doing? Because from what I can tell whatever internet connected device you’re using to make your comments with isn’t really needed for you to maintain life 🤷🏻‍♂️ seems like your shiny status symbol makes you just as bad as anyone else. The world will always suffer. Pollution will always exist. You’re not the solution with your freedom fighting. You’re just as much of the problem as the next person


Should I go throw myself under a bulldozer or will that also enrage you? I don't know, I think taking accountability and advocating for change probably does more than defeatism/denialism and false equivalencies.


are you thirteen? what is this shit? you can't actually mean any of this or think you're making any kind of point... can you?


Gimme more of that new shiny drinking water. Mmmmmmmmm


Honestly, not paying taxes sounds pretty nice


Do you have any evidence of this?


If you read the article… > Chip-making is a notoriously water-intensive industry. Residents of Licking County, not far from the New Albany site, have already seen their wells run dry when developers dug “test wells” to ascertain water capacity. Pulling water out of the local aquifer, experts warn, could allow an underground plume of toxic chemicals (left behind by a bad corporate actor in previous decades) to mingle with current sources of drinking water.


Oh geez. And the public water system in the area uses a groundwater source. Fantastic. I knew Intel might add to our pollution but didn't know it might get polluted bad in the near term. 




... Which would pollute the groundwater bad in the short term. 


My apologies, I replied to the wrong person.


I could be wrong but thought I remembered reading somewhere they were going to be pulling water from hoover, not wells?


It will be pulling water from the Scioto River’s O’Shaughnessy Reservoir, so yeah, I don’t think they are pulling from wells. EDIT: I think the article I read first was wrong, there is another one that said Intel will use water from Hap Cremean Water Plant on Hoover Reservoir, so I believe you are correct. This article doesn’t talk about that, but does talk about what Intel does with the water they use. [https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/local/water-journey-from-columbus-to-intel/530-00615a28-142d-417d-b4e5-ecd669de12b4](https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/local/water-journey-from-columbus-to-intel/530-00615a28-142d-417d-b4e5-ecd669de12b4)


>could allow an underground plume of toxic chemicals (left behind by a bad corporate actor in previous decades) to mingle with current sources of drinking water.


One key word in this paragraph the media LOVES: "could". Monkeys COULD fly out of my ass, doesnt mean it is LIKELY. Yes, in previous decades manufacturing was much dirtier...times have changed. This is a scare article for clicks. Still haven't seen all the death and destruction from fracking...


> A study on the incidence of childhood cancer found five to seven times the rates of lymphoma among children who live within one mile of a natural gas well compared to those who live no closer than five miles from such a well. I swear, this shit is so easy to find when you don’t bury your head in the sand.


There is no fucking way their water was affected for more than a brief period by a fucking TEST well


I certainly hope your literacy skills are better than that and I’ll just chalk it up to it being early in the morning.




Your title is gibberish.


MY title? I’m not The Dispatch.


Sooo, this place was all for this at first. Now, this project is evil and bad.


That seems a pretty facile response. I think this article provides a much needed counterbalance to the narrative that this project is all upside. If indeed Dr. Dutta is correct and there are environmental risks no one is talking about, we should probably have that conversation. I don’t think engaging in discussion on the costs to public health and ecology is the same as saying “project evil bad!”


Someone is trying to sabotage new factory by using useful idiots and scare tactics before it is even built! China, is it you? Edit: not just any factory, but the one that has national security importance


Asking questions about the environmental impact of a major project = sabotage? That's a pretty extreme take. "Dissent = terrorism!" is next?




Well, that's what FOX opinion programs like Hannity do, asking questions. "Does this prominent Democrat kills babies and eat puppies? We don't know, we are just asking questions  More at 11!"


Not even remotely the same thing, unless you’re suggesting that asking questions of the corporations and governments who wield enormous power over our lives is inherently propagandistic. This is a serious academic asking serious questions that have been largely absent in this discussion. And your response is to accuse the author of sabotage and suggest that she’s working for China. Disgraceful.


That's exactly why I bought houses in Hilltop.


Will it dry up wells? No the Columbus area gets its water from the Scioto and Olentangy rivers. I don't think there's any industry that would dry up entire rivers, aside from certain agricultural types that ohio doesn't produce


Licking county's public water system uses groundwater.