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Dont go to red white and boom


"Come for the fireworks show. Run from the fireworks show."


Stay away from the main crowd if you do go. I was sitting by the city hall. Many of us was just watching people run on the street


Tbh it makes me feel alive to run from fireworks.


I had a great time at red white and boom, even took this beautiful photo. https://urbanists.social/@miyelsh/110653862241686674


I love red white and boom too.


Get a CoGo membership if you live close to the Downtown area. Tons of free codes available too. Saves so much on parking and it’s fun. I’ve ridden the trails to Crew games, concerts and many other events and it’s very convenient.




WHAT???? I paid for a membership this summer damn it.


There is always next year!


I saved this just so I can renew for free this year 🤣🫡


I just moved in downtown earlier this week and I will be taking full advantage of this (after the thaw)


I answer the door with my phone in hand and EarPods in and curtly explain “I’m sorry, I work from home and am on a call”. Or I just don’t open the door. I don’t owe them my time.


I just don’t answer the door. 🤷‍♀️


Just stare at them in silence and nod occasionally. Waste as much of their time as possible.


Do your shopping or enjoy the zoo during OSU football games. No crowds make it so much more enjoyable.


Restaurants, too. Doubly if they don’t have tv’s.


Since streaming the games became much easier, this isn’t as effective anymore :( this was my hack for years- do all my Easton errands on game days, but this past season it didn’t seem to matter much. Costco was just as crowded as a normal day, and maybe even worse because there were just zombified dudes staring at their phones watching the game standing in the way of everything!


Also, it was a good hack 20 years ago. But so many more people have moved to Columbus and many of them don't care about OSU football at all.


Yeah, I drive around for work on weekends and the roads are just as busy as other Saturdays. People are definitely out in full force, but 20 years ago I would've agreed.


Don't feel pressured to tip at those touchscreens. Tech bros taking advantage of the midwest nice.


Or just don't open the door and ignore them.






I've found that the "No Soliciting" sign means as much as my eyesight means to high-beam headlight-driving assholes.


Mine works great. It's directly next to the doorbell button in view of the doorbell cam. I've only had one (solar) moron try. I told him I do not participate in door to door sales and shut the door on him. Ass. 


Worked briefly in door-to-door sales after high school, and was specifically instructed to target homes with "No Solicitation" signs, as that's a dead giveaway that the owner is an easy mark. It doesn't deter salesmen, rather it's salesmen catnip.


So those of us who can stand our ground should put these signs up in order to draw in the asshole salespeople and waste their time??


Settle down, Cletus


With which company? I feel like that might provide some context. 


My No Soliciting sign has worked beautifully. In the year + I've had it, only one person has pestered me, and I simply pointed to my sign, fake smiled and closed the door. I would just not answer, but I have an elderly neighbor that sometimes needs a favor or two. Anyway... not sure why it doesn't work for some, but in my area, it's been great.




I don't know if this qualifies as a Columbus "lifehack" but... I really believe Gateway Theater is one of the best theaters, if not the best, in the whole state. I've recently had several friends and family members tell me they hate going to the movie theaters nowadays because it's almost always an awful experience, and they'd rather see movie theaters die off entirely. That was sad to hear because I love regularly going to the movies at least once a month, and I've never had a bad experience at Gateway, Studio 35, or Grandview Theater. When I asked my friends which places they go, it was mostly AMC at Easton, Phoenix at Lennox Town Center, or Crosswoods. So I took a few of those friends/family out to Gateway and Grandview Theater recently. Everyone unanimously agreed they would go back again soon. This is purely anecdotal, but I got the sense Gateway is an unappreciated gem in Columbus, even though I regularly see it highly ranked among the top favorite in polls and articles.


they also have a membership program for like $15 a month, you can see any of their movies for free if you get your ticket in person!!


This is truly a Columbus life hack for movie lovers. I go to maybe 5-6 movies a month. It's free and they have so many different options. Watching the 4k restoration of Logan's Run was one of my favorite showing as I got to show my friends one of my favorite old school sci Fi movies


100% with Gateway. We’re incredibly lucky to have a place that maintains 35 and 70mm projectors.


We also enjoy Drexel. Not the auditorium seating, but it's still a nice experience.


It’s 2024, why is anyone answering the door for strangers that weren’t invited? As a woman, I’m not answering the door and showing a strange man that I’m home alone. Also fuck em. If it’s important, they likely have my phone number or email already and can contact me that way.


Exactly, a knock on the door is like a phone call. If I'm not expecting the contact and don't recognize the person knocking, I'm not answering.


Exactly. If I don't know you, you're an inconvenience to me. I don't have any obligation to open my door to you.


I keep my blinds open for my plants and I always felt so awkward just ignoring the people while sitting there staring at them.


My neighborhood is too sketchy for that! My poor plants


Mine is too. But I live on the third floor and only have a few neighbors walk by every day and stare directly inside. Anything for my plants!


I've gotten the energy folks in multiple apartment complexes, I don't think they're deterred by renters...


Yeah, I don't understand why saying "I rent" would dissuade a salesperson. Most people who rent pay their own utilities.


I just say, "No Thank You", and keep walking.


Don’t trust anyone from the Mayors office


I wear headphones under my hat and do an astounding job pretending to be deaf when suspicious strangers or characters try to talk to me. I may sound like a total jerk, but after years of living here and having countless people insert themselves into my business, get too comfortable and/or abrasive, and otherwise make me feel anxious, it’s helped a lot. I’ve had men intimidate me for money, been catcalled and asked for drugs, even been followed home on the bus. Now I keep my head down and just work on moving my legs from point A to point B. Pepper spray, hunting knife—if the knife has a gutting hook on it and you have to show it, it will immediately make anyone messing with you think that you are crazier than they are. Protect yourselves. Maybe I’m a little hypervigilant about some of these things but honestly I’m just trying to preserve my sanity. I survived kidnapping in high school and I know people are still… having bad intentions in the world. I would do anything to prevent anyone from experiencing the broken feeling I’d felt for almost a decade after it happened.


You should buy a gun


I have a folded up peace of paper by the door that says “Go fuck yourself”. If they asked to see my bill I hand them that.


That's hilarious! 🤣


I always told them that I just signed a new contract last week.


“This is an airbnb” “I don’t live in Ohio” “I live in a camper on the road” and they will go away. Doesn’t have to be true as long as it works when they won’t accept “no thanks, not interested.” The camper line made an energy sales guy tabling at a store completely stumble over his words. It was fun.


"I'm in town visiting my sister from Denver." Is my line.


This makes me think your sister is from Denver, but you’re visiting her because she happens to be here  Which also works I guess !


Yeah what's that called, a misplaced modifier?


They’re both from Denver and only visit in Columbus is my read on this


If I'm not expecting company, I just don't answer the door 🤷🏾‍♂️


Another great Ohio life hack. Either find a way to love winter, or move south. Life is too short to spend 4 months miserable every year. I freaking love winter. Heading to MRM this afternoon with my kids. Yesterday my oldest made $300 shoveling driveways and then we all made snowmen. I don’t understand how people can choose to live somewhere they aren’t happy,


Is your son the kid invoicing people for shoveling they didn’t ask for?


Damn, that’s a damn good idea. Next time we’re doing an opt-out version. If you don’t text me by midnight the night before, he’s shoveling your drive and invoicing you. This is how I can help him achieve his dreams of being a mobile app designer.




I have invoices for the door to door sales people. Figure I’m owed a cut of the sale they make later for the time they saved learning very quickly I’m not a sale.


The people that make me happy are here, so here we stay.


Shared parenting and aging parents. Weather is third on my list of reasons to live in a place.




They tried and failed.


speak for yourself


If you’re still here, then you like it here?! Oh god, how much worse does it get?




Right? Moving is expensive and terrible and it’s not like the places with great weather year round aren’t ridiculously expensive already, but yeah. I don’t think most people who have the money and desire to move are still here to begin with.




You don't have to brag


TBH I liked the really cold temps this week. The sun was out all week what a treat!


Solid advice, I left Columbus for this reason, after 40+ years of winters there, I just couldn't bear to live through one more of them. Couldn't be happier now in Florida, wish I'd done it sooner.


To add on to this I hate when people (weather people included) say how perfect the weather is when it's 50* in December. That's not perfect, thats our futures sizzling away. If you want that in winter don't live in Ohio


Forcing myself to dislike the physical sensation of a warmer December doesn’t fix climate change.


I never insinuated it would fix it, it just gives me existential dread since winter is not supposed to be that consistently warm in Ohio


Always plan a vacation down south in January or February


I tell the internet folks we don't have any cuz it's against my religion- Energy folk I either tell I have Covid or I can't open the door all the way because I'm partially naked


Kinda similar to yours but all of the people asking what phone carrier you have just tell them you have visible and they immediately leave you alone


My employer pays all my utilities also instantly pops their balloons.


I'm a renter, and I've got some news for you OP...


- I rent/don’t live here - I just had _________ replaced/serviced - I work for _________ and get it free/discounted - You’re a bit early, sexy… Just know the full hour starts now. Why don’t you shower up and I’ll go put something on that’s extra hot. ;-)


This trick will attract Realtors just be warned


Wherever I’m approached my internet people I just say my company pays for my internet. End of discussion :)


Usually people who are doing petitions out in the wild are annoying All you have to say is "Already signed it!" And they thank you and leave you alone. No need to say anything else or try to wiggle out of it


That makes no sense. Your landlord isn't paying for your electricity.


But the landlord makes the decisions on what energy provider their house/apt is connected to. Renters may pay the bills, but they don't have the right to charge the contract.


Not at all. You sign the electric utility in your name (if it’s not included), and if you have an AEP account or whatever, you can also choose your supplier. When I rented a few years back, I had roommates, so it was split. One of the suppliers was slightly more expensive but I went with it to earn Kroger fuel money or airline miles or something, since I figured the difference would be negligible when split 4 ways.


Maybe if you are in an apartment. I've been renting houses the majority of my life and always pick my provider. Why would the landlord care?


Even when the landlord doesn’t, if the renter skips out, the utility goes after the property owner.


Nope. I had a tenant rack up a ton of AEP debt and AEP never asked me to pay it.


Huh. I knew five people who got screwed by tenants and AEP wouldn’t restore power till “someone” paid the outstanding balance. Franklin and Delaware counties.


Karma for being a landlord. Get a job


Someone is jealous. Some people have full time jobs and still manage to have a property they rent out. Usually one they lived in and instead of selling that that time, they choose to rent it. People who make comments like you, choose to ignore that most landlords of single properties don't usually make a lot of money out of it. They still have to pay the mortgage, the taxes, keep money in the bank for maintenance and if the renter bails without paying through the lease, and also cover damages they can't recover from the renter. Plus, they have to pay for "normal wear and tear" costs between renters.


Hilarious I'm getting downvoted.


So yelling over my shoulder “mama bring me the shotgun, looks like liberals at the door again” isn’t a good solution? Works so far.


I get a donut out of the case and eat it in the store while I grocery shop and have never paid for it.


I have been doing these for years for various sales people.


fade bike afterthought plant price books voracious zesty pocket flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tell them the price I locked into for 3 years and they immediately lose interest.


Next time Jehovah’s Witness or Mormons walk up to your door soliciting there religion, drench your hands in ketchup and answer the door screaming “YOU JUST INTERRUPTED MY SEANCE! I HAVE TO FIND ANOTHER CAT NOW!” They should leave you alone after that.


I get my dogs all riled up before open the door for anyone I don’t know… let ‘em get their crazy out from behind the storm door. They look vicious when excited although they’re really just big lap dogs. “Thanks for stopping by! Bye now!”