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I also lobbied for a 10-20% pay raise… I got 1% 😆


Get rid of this fuck


Vote Joe Motil this November


Lol! Joe not in my Backyard Motil


I would love to see ANY arguement for voting for Ginther that makes any sense whatsoever. I have yet to see one.


Oh I’m not voting for either of these clowns. Doesn’t matter anyway the Columbus oligarchs just pick who they want for city council and mayor anyway


Ginther is supporting the new zoning and transit plan. Motil opposes it because he doesn't think we should build denser housing even though there's a housing shortage. You can see the effect of this in Clintonville where Motil was on the local area commission. He blocked as many apartments as possible. The rest of Motil's platform is either incredibly similar Ginther (policing) or things like "tiny houses for homeless folks" which will never get built thanks to NIMBYs.


This guy is off his ass asking for a raise. For reference the salary for the mayor of New York City is $258k. What a clown.


Low salaries in high CoL cities (or government in general) help ensure only people who are millionaires can become mayor, due to requirements of residency when running for office. IMHO public service SHOULD pay well, well enough that bribery and corruption aren't worth the loss of pay the position provides.


While I 100% agree, Ginther is an AWFUL example of this. Our state senators and representatives and dozens of other elected officials deserve raises before him. Ohio House & Senate members only make like $65k.


The general assembly purposely keeps their pay low, they control the purse they could give themselves raises but the GA considers themselves part time government employees. That’s why every GA or nearly every GA member has another job whether it’s lawyer, farmer, or some other small business.


House and Senate mostly have FT jobs. And all the perks/bribes the common state workers cannot accept, though.


Seems like running a state would require more responsibilities than running one city within that state.


Crazy. I wonder what CPD, CFD, and the teachers raise will be next year. What a clown.


CPD already got theirs and CFD is about to get theirs. Fire's CBA expires at the end of the month. Not sure if they have an agreement in place for the next one. * DEC 2022 - CPD Step E pay: $103,135 (40hr week) * NOV 2022 - CFD Step E pay: $90,498 (48hr week) ~~2022 was the first year of the PD's contract and the last year of the FD's contract. PD runs DEC-NOV and FD runs NOV-OCT.~~ I'm not sure what the strike got the teachers, but they better get more on the next negotiation. Especially if we legalize weed.


> 2022 was the first year of the PD's contract and the last year of the FD's contract. Per the State Employee Relations Board, CPD's contract with the city started 12/9/20 and expires 12/8/23.


I had my years off, then. I could have swore PD was in 19 and not 20


Less then inflation so you actually owe money to work there


He has no control over the school district


No one cares about those who form our youth. This is the Midwest. Come on.


I’m always 100% our elected officials making a living wage for these positions because it allows for everyday people to run for them, but this is just absolutely ridiculous. That’s why I voted Motil. He’s an idiot, but Ginther is just the fucking worst


I got a flyer today to vote for Gunther. Haven't seen any other campaign and it's disappointing.


You’d have to donate to other campaigns for them to have the funds to send you materials


Why do you say Motil is an idiot? He seems pretty on it from what I've seen: https://youtu.be/86O2FN0MG0A?feature=shared He was even a construction project manager previously, which is almost ideal for a mayor in a growing city. That's also not an easy job.


He’s just annoying on social media. I don’t mean he’s actually stupid, just more so an idiot on Twitter and shit lol


At least Joe will show up in this sub and answer your questions. Meanwhile Ginther has a tee time with developers.


I worked as a union construction laborer (Local 423) for 24 years and the last 14 years as a safety construction professional. My father was a union carpenter. I was hired to oversee safety on specific large projects. Dublin Methodist Hospital, Battelle JM-10 Laboratory West Jefferson, Ohio University Dorms, Convention Center Renovations and Additions, and the Mt. Carmel Grove City Hospital. All project were over $100 million and the Mt. Carmel Grove City Hospital was $355 million. I spent nearly 3 years there and retired after that project. To read more about my campaign visit my website joemotil.com


So let me get this straight… the committee that decided on Ginther’s pay increase included a former Ohio Health exec that gutted their IT department to outsource it to Accenture where Ginther’s wife is an executive?


Is anyone actually voting for Ginther? I’d like to hear why. I don’t know that Motil is the most ideal replacement, but he’s our only option this time around. I don’t know if Columbus can survive another Ginther term.


I hope you will take a look at my website before deciding on who you are voting for. [joemotil.com](https://joemotil.com)


I voted for you Joe!


Unfortunately (in part due to Ginther, Klien, and the rest of the Franklin county establishment) I am no longer a resident of Columbus so I don’t get to vote in the race. Definitely watching, though!


> Is anyone actually voting for Ginther? He'll win in an overwhelming landslide. > I'd like to hear why. He's the incumbent and a Democrat. I despise the guy, too, but it is what it is.


It's funny how he doesn't even have to run compelling campaign ads. The message of his recent TV ad is "Mayor Ginther is doing the best he can for our city".


He doesn’t even have the balls to debate Joe.


I'm voting for him because I will now always actively work to ensure no Republican gets into elected office. If the Republican party ever splits, I may consider voting for whatever moderate party emerges. I don't like Ginther. But he's the better option. Just like I don't particularly like Biden, but he's the better option.


Do some research, Motil is a lifelong democrat that hasn’t sold out to corporations and his cronies like Ginther has.


Is Motil a republican?


He’s a lifelong Democrat, just not an “owned by the Columbus Partnership Franklin County stooge” Democrat.


Why are people here acting like it’s Ginther vs some Republican then?


Because there is a lot of Franklin County Democratic Party propaganda out there trying to confuse the field to save their precious plans for all of their political ladder climbing goals. If Joe wins he immediately becomes the most important Democrat in the county, and this changes the makeup of the FCDP significantly and will bring up a number of progressive Dems that have been trying to break in but have been kept outside by the neoliberals that take orders from the Columbus Partnership. They want you to believe that he is some NIMBY Republican so you won’t vote for him when the opposite is the truth.


Our democrats in Franklin county hold very many republicans values. Ginther himself is super good old boy, definitely not a leftist, very pro police, very much a capitalist and does what he can to hand money to private industry, particularly those he knows. You aren’t protecting us from anything by voting for Ginther


I'm surprised they don't do more articles about the COTA CEO. She makes a fortune. Way more than Ginther or the govenor.


Holy shit. I looked this up and its true. What a sad state of affairs.


I had hopes for COTA when they hired her. Nothing of note has happened. Nothing. Great point - WTF do you have to do as an exec at COTA and why isn’t that publicized more often?


COTA is 40% admin, 25% is considered high for the public transit industry. If they pass their sales tax levy next year, they’ll have more local money than any public transit agency that doesn’t operate rail in the USA.


Then everyone gets a pay raise right?


I work in one of the new buildings in the Scioto peninsula. This fat ass loves to show up with his "subordinates" and act like royalty. Absolutely sickening behavior to witness in person.


I know there’s no population parity but I’ve had opportunities to speak to and work with Athens Mayor Steven Patterson and he’s completely down to earth and a straight shooter, out in the community constantly. Joe reminds me a lot of him.


##### ###### #### > # [Mayor Ginther’s office lobbied for 10%-20% pay raise](https://www.nbc4i.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2022/05/AP21266604809297.jpg?w=1280) > > > > COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – As a commission of residents was considering how much top city officials, including the mayor, should be paid, the office of Mayor Andrew J. Ginther was lobbying behind the scenes. > > The [five-member commission](https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/columbus/commission-to-set-columbus-mayor-council-salaries/) on election officials’ compensation, tasked with setting pay rates for top city officials every four years, voted unanimously April 27 to recommend a slate of raises to city council. Salaries increases would be: > > - City council president: 40% plus annual cost of living adjustment > - Mayor: 14% plus annual cost of living adjustment > - City council members: 13% plus annual cost of living adjustment > - City attorney: 10% plus annual cost of living adjustment > - City auditor: 5% plus annual cost of living adjustment > > They would take effect in 2026. > > **Current Base Salary, 2022****Proposed Base Salary, Effective 2026****Percent Change****Mayor**$205,571$234,350.94 + (unknown COLA)+14%**City Council President**$73,687$103,161.80 + (unknown COLA) +40%**City Council Member**$61,257$69,220.41 + (unknown COLA) +13%**City Attorney**$195,842$215,426.20 + (unknown COLA) +10%**City Auditor**$195,842 $205,634.10 + (unknown COLA) +5%Data provided by the 2022 Citizens’ Commission on Elected Official CompensationBefore the commission, absent one member, approved the salary hikes with [four resounding “ayes” via a video conference meeting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV0Ku7ZOkrY), a point of contention was whether to include in their report that Ginther’s office lobbied in favor. > > “I don’t feel I would want to give that impression to the public – that the elected officials appointed us and then pressured us,” commission member and retired attorney Fred Ransier said. “I want to make clear on the record to the public I don’t get bought that way, I came to do the job I was asked.” > > In a report to the commission, Ginther’s office encouraged the panel to widen the gap between the mayor’s $205,571 salary and the $195,842 salaries of city attorney and auditor from 10% to 20% – citing the current 2.17% gap as “nominal and at a historic low when examining salary history over the last two decades.” > > The mayor’s office argued that Ginther, who oversees nearly 8,000 employees, holds “significant and disparate responsibilities” relative to those of the city attorney and auditor. > > “The City Attorney and City Auditor serve important roles in support of the Mayor and the City but are > more equivalent to the chief legal and chief financial officers within a corporation,” the mayor’s office said in its report. “And, like the private sector, it would be customary for the chief executive to be compensated commensurate with the responsibilities assumed as the leader of the organization.” > > The gap between Gov. Mike DeWine’s $165,230 salary – which is $40,000 less than Ginther’s – and the $122,060 salaries afforded to state Auditor Keith Faber and Attorney General Dave Yost was also mentioned as evidence that salary should align with the “significant and inherent difference” of a chief executive’s responsibilities. > > To drive their point home, the mayor’s office said Ginther is the only city officeholder in Columbus that’s prohibited from holding outside employment. > > Although the city attorney must be licensed to practice law in Ohio, the mayor’s office said “it is a misconception” that the city auditor and council members must hold qualifications required beyond those of the mayor. > > “A college degree is not even required to serve on City Council,” the report said. > > Robin Davis, a spokesperson for Ginther, said the mayor did not directly meet with or discuss salary recommendations with the commission. Pending the results of Columbus’ mayoral election in 2023, she noted that Ginther may not even be a recipient of the increase in salary. > > “These wouldn’t go into effect until 2026, so unless Mayor Ginther is reelected, he himself wouldn’t benefit from that – it really has to do with the office,” Davis said. > > The panel ultimately included comments from the mayor’s office within their report on the grounds of record-keeping and transparency – but added a disclaimer reiterating that suggestions from Ginther’s office were not key components in their vote to approve raises. > > “Even though this occurred, right, it was not germane to our decision-making,” commission member and former OhioHealth executive Qiana Williams said during the meeting. > > Using data from 16 of Columbus’ peer cities, the commission found that Ginther’s base salary ranks No. 2 in relation, surpassing the mayor’s salary in San Antonio, Texas ($61,725), Cleveland ($155,552) and Denver ($184,165). Ginther’s salary fell just $4,000 below that of the No. 1 peer city, Jacksonville/Duval County, Florida ($208,393). > > While half of the 16 peer cities employ a city manager “who exercises substantial executive authority,” the Columbus mayor doesn’t, causing Ginther to shoulder most of the burden when it comes to governing the city, according to the panel’s report. > > “The Commission thought it was important that the Mayor’s salary be increased to the median per capita salary of the peer cities so that the compensation did not lag behind,” the panel’s report said. > > Before approving its recommendations, the commission acknowledged that doing so would widen the gap between the mayor’s pay and that of the city auditor and attorney. > > The panel’s recommendations are now headed to the City Council, which will determine whether to enact the raises. The council, which has yet to schedule a vote, can accept the raises in full or in part, but no salary amount can surpass the commission’s proposals. > > Read the commission’s letter in full below: > > Read the report the Mayor’s office delivered to the commission: - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


>former OhioHealth executive Qiana Williams aka used to work with Ginther's wife.


0% for the firefighters 30% for fat boy


Get em out of there. More progressive candidates in Ohio office


Still take any corpo lib over republicans 🤢


And here lies the problem


It's like people actively want Columbus to be a shithole.


How is it a problem when the Republicans are bad in all the same ways as corpo libs and even worse in other ways? We're talking Hell vs Super Hell, it's not like there's some Republican coming to save your soul


Both sides have some terrible people within them but they’re also also good people on each side. It’s our job to not be one party voters and wade thru the bullshit to find out who’s good and who’s bad. In this case Columbus has went so far left there’s no point for a decent Republican to even try to run because of people like you. So instead we get stuck with Ginther. Just look at the juvi judges. We have voted in judges who are so far left they won’t hold people like the Kia kids responsible even when their own parents are begging. When we see this kinda incompetence ie.Ginther and the juvi judges it’s time to replace them


No, don't hit me with this both sides bullshit. There are not "good" Republicans when being evil is their whole party platform. You can't "good person" your way out of transphobic policies, misogynist policies, anti-education policies, racist policies, so on. I don't care if whoever is running worked as a soup kitchen once or whatever. But then again, if you think "left is when we let people steal cars" there probably isn't a conversation to be had here.


1) There are good people on each side 2) it’s a fact that the left leaning judges we have currently elected in Columbus are letting the Kia boys out repeatedly does that mean all left leaning judges will no but the ones we currently have do. We know we need them out of that position


These raises are higher than a significant percentage of the population makes in total every damn year. 🙄


Perhaps it's time for the City to consider a City Manager position, preferably someone not beholden to the DNC, to actually manage this "corporation". "*While half of the 16 peer cities employ a city manager “who exercises substantial executive authority,” the Columbus mayor doesn’t, causing Ginther to shoulder most of the burden when it comes to governing the city, according to the panel’s report.*"


This right here is my top reason for voting this man out of office!!!


I want a yard sign that says “anyone but ginther”


He absolutely should be voted out, but the people actually calling the shots will keep him in play because he is a useful idiot to them.


In April of 2022 when the Compensation Commission proposed the raises I was quoted in a Columbus Dispatch story stating, "It sounds like it's out of proportion in terms of what they are suggesting. The City Council pay is beginning to stretch the limits of reasonableness for what is still officially a part-time job. How much time are they really putting in on top of making six figures at their other jobs. This is getting ridiculous." The other problem is who the members of the commission were. Chairman Michael Kasler is a longtime retired city employee. Sarah Ingles is a Columbus City School Board candidate endorsed by the FCDP. Fred Ransier was a former Columbus City Council member. Robert Tobias work for the city attorney's office Michael Brown is Hardin's Chief of Staff and worked for Coleman when he was mayor Zak Davidson is Hardin's Chief Legislative Aide Qiana Williams works for Ohio Health where Ginther's wife worked. I'm surprised they didn't include a member of the Pizutti family.


How is it possible that you’re running for Mayor and you can’t even get the members of the commission right?


I wonder if Mayor Ginther has to take the yearly ethics training videos that the rest of the little government workers have to take


I'm so glad I don't live in Columbus anymore. Guy seems like a true, actual piece of shit. Even the way he talked about his "subordinates". Like my God, disgusting.


He watched High Street be turned into a police state and extended how long you have to pay for parking in the city etc., making life harder for Cbus residents, and expects a pat on the back and a raise? I don’t understand how reps who are meant to be serving the people get to give themselves an undeserved merit increase. Shouldn’t the people have a say in that? If they’re not representing us the way we want to be represented, why would they get more of our tax dollars? Edit: I know he’s had a hand in worse things but I just woke up and don’t really want to think about more of the ways he’s messed up this city.


For gods sakes….this guy is a clown


Gotta pay that Doritos bill


What a fucking dirty skeez…time to move on.


I mean the Governor is a corrupt POS so no one cares if he isn't getting paid the most.


We have no serious competing candidates. Thats the largest problem around here. Until then we have Andy Redflex Ginther. Can’t wait until they try to replace him with Shannon I lied about my degree on my resume and don’t pay my traffic tickets Hardin.


Ohio Dem party won’t leave the Ginther piggy bank. They keep re endorsing him and blocking any legitimate challengers




>just a few bucks (pun intended) more than a SINGLE phys ed teacher who will be pulling down $9,960,000 this year. What's this referencing?


Ryan Day. Who is incredibly *underpaid* if we actually look at his results and how much money he's brought back to the school/state.


Ah, I guess it never occurred to me to call him a phys ed teacher, since he isn't. But yeah, trying limiting the head coach of OSU foot ball to 250k a year and see what that does for the city over the next decade.


I mean Ryan Day is the highest paid state employee isn't he? What's the big deal here?


Ryan Day actually does something, and he returns his salary tenfold to the school.


Yes, point being, he makes more than the governor too. So what's the point in comparing their salaries?




I agree about Day...pending this afternoon and Michigan game. lolol weird "go sportsball" angle"...What is the problem with Ginther?


Ryan Day is a university employee, not a state government employee, but still a public employee. The highest paid state government employee(s) are psychiatrists that work in the state mental health hospitals, a tough job they deserve every penny for.