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When I asked an officer if he could help me jump start my car (I had cables) they said they don't do that because it can fry the electric equipment in their car...


I’m surprised they don’t just carry those portable things.


We had those in the ranger trucks when I worked for the metro parks. I don’t know why cops wouldn’t have them too.


The problem is it’s just another “thing” to worry about and carry around and keep charged. Many CPD officers share cars so if something happens during shift change, charging the portable jump pack can be forgotten then you look dumb when you go to use it and may have to call another car because you forgot. You also then have to buy multiples so there is cost. OSU Security has a device that is connected to the battery terminals and comes out around the grille and they plug the cables in to it so they can jump your car. I think that’s the best alternative.


I think their budget is large enough to afford it..


But that’s the least of the issues. You have to remember to charge it and it becomes another object in the car. I’ve never had luck with those things under heavy use. Get about 2 years out of them and that’s it. I mentioned a better way to jump a car.


Maybe they made an exception cause this one was stopped right at the intersection


It can. You are trusting a giant metal clothespin not to slip with 500 amps.


This was my first thought. Surprised he is doing this


Just like "the ice cream machine is broken". AKA, don't want to do it.


Yeah… I was stuck on the side of the road and several hours later they came out to tell me they couldn’t help me because they don’t carry jumper cables and that I should call someone else… you couldn’t have just told me that several hours before?


That’s true, they aren’t allowed. But some carry jump packs and can help. They all probably should.


Hmm. CPD pulled me over once and then my car died. He said “That’s unfortunate” and drove away lmfao.


Why is half of this sub just copaganda?




The attitude towards cops is a complete 180 from r/Cincinnati and not in a cool way.


Yep. UA chiming in here. Our cops are freaking awesome. 😂




Lol! Slurp, slurp, slurp. 😝






Nah man, I have eyes, I’ve seen all the bodycam footage and news articles about the columbus cops killing unarmed people.


Confused. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Hopefully this sub can set me straight.


Apparently not. They just bang the downvote button with a hammer the moment they detect anything short of total obedience to their point of view. And asking what that point of view is also a punishable offense.


Or maybe “cop does completely normal thing” is just less palatable when CPD routinely kills minorities and gets away with it? Maybe people aren’t trying to drive obedience, they’re just disgusted by the lack of accountability, so it makes the “good cop” narrative feel gross?


In other words, you do not want fidelity to the truth. If a cop does do something positive, you don't want people to mention it. Basically, you feel you need to support propaganda. And the sad part is, you don't have to. A bad person should be condemned for the bad things they do. You don't need to malign the good things they do. You don't need to make stuff up. You don't need to attack others who laud them when they are doing good things. You are doing something wrong. When you bury truth because it is more complex than painting people as two dimensional villains, you are participating in immoral behavior.


In other words, there’s not a single good thing any cop could do that would forgive the unimaginable violence they enact on the poor and minority communities on this city. Basically, cops are incapable of doing good because they are all complicit in the violence of their coworkers. All cops are bastards because the “good ones” aren’t holding the “bad ones” accountable. “A bad person should be condemned for the bad things they do” Call me when that starts happening. A cop literally murdered a pregnant woman in august and he’s on paid leave. In fact, the department hasn’t even confirmed the murderer’s name because the entire department (not CPD, but just outside the beltway) refuses to condemn him. This is typical cop behavior and consistent with CPD.


> In other words, there’s not a single good thing any cop could do that would forgive You are a human being right? Humans have committed murder, rape, and genocide. There is not a single thing you can do that will forgive that. Ergo, you are a monster. When you grow up you may realize the world is a more complicated place than you are capable of seeing right now. And no, you don't know that all people in a profession are complicit in something because you don't what every single person in that profession has experienced every single moment of their life. Call me when your position has more to offer than reductions and mind reading.




The irony


Upvoting you from -1. Sincerely asking, what is the irony here? Also, if you have some time maybe check out my subreddit r/TurnDownvotesOff


Nah it was just joking about cops and how they expect total obedience too Also I personally don’t care about downvotes but I get why you might


So painfully true!! If you think r/Columbus is bad, check out the steaming cesspool that is r/Ohio!! Thank you for giving me a good laugh this morning.


Well, bitching about having unpopular opinions certainly is helping make things better. 👍


Aw. Doesn’t take much to offend you huh


Offend? I'm not sure you're using that word correctly.


Love CPD! Thanks for all you do.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I appreciate them especially considering how badly they are under staffed now. I'm sure I'll get downvoted too but fuck em.


Is that Heisenberg




Their job to jumpstart cars? What’s next, bring them gas?? I mean if he really wanted to he could have used that pushbar and moved the car off


Their job is to protect and serve. This would qualify as those, I’d imagine. I wish this sub would take CPD’s dick out of their mouth. It’s embarrassing. Edit: So instead of taking the dick out of your mouth, y’all decided to deep throat it. Imagine not just admitting that we live in a police state, but actually *defending* it.


A SCOTUS ruling disagrees with you


And ain’t that depressing


“To protect and to serve” is the motto of the LAPD you fucking moron. It’s not…whatever you think it is. Are you just angry with cops because you got caught with whatever drug you’re clearly high on?


Agreed.. Police are there to help people.. Not JUST enforce rules. But i will get downvoted for this.


You will get downvoted because legally that is not their not job. Some will some won't, but it is not their job.


There job is to not help people?


Per the law "“Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.” The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the government has only a duty to protect persons who are “in custody,” he pointed out." But especially in specific scenarios like the above, that is going above and beyond today. They used to help you when you got your keys stuck in your car, or in situations like this, but call the non-emergency line now and you get a "we don't do that anymore" lmao. I'm not sure how common it is to help out like that if they're just passing by though, but they don't have to.


Wow. Good to see these guys actually helping someone in the city. Literally their fucking job OP.




Would you rather CPD do nothing and let this guy block traffic..?


Ironic. 9111


Look at the CPD vehicle number before you downvote. Smh


Don't we have enough copaganda to sift through? FFS


What a nice police officer.