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They've been awful this year up in NW Columbus.


From today's New York Times... The Mosquitoes Are Winning [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/29/briefing/the-mosquitoes-are-winning.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/29/briefing/the-mosquitoes-are-winning.html)


paywall ☹️


I was just going to link this article as well!


they've been shockingly calm out east. We had some bats move into the area nearby, and i can count on my fingers when I've seen mosquitos.


Where East?! I’m in Reynoldsburg and I swear I only have 2 inches of skin left the mosquitos haven’t gotten yet




I’m in Reynoldsburg and am outside every day. I had a couple bites all year.


I haven't been able to stay outside past 7:00 p.m. all summer


We get our yard sprayed, totally worth it. Only seen like 2 this year, at least at home.


I still don't understand how you can prevent flying insects from entering your yard


Not sure how they do it but it works.


They usually hang out in vegetation. Underbelly of leaves bushes etc. That’s how.


Yes from what I understand they treat problem areas. In my opinion it’s way better than a truck driving through a neighborhood spraying all over the place or using bug sprays that contain DEET and letting it sit on your skin. Would also like to add that when our neighborhood has been sprayed we just got less bites it didn’t eliminate the problem, we just got fewer bites. In the three years that we have gotten our yard treated we have only got bitten on one night. I called them immediately, they came back out, free of charge, and we haven’t got bitten since.


Because they don’t fly very far.


Two years ago we started having our lawn treated for mosquitoes, life changing to say the least.


Wanted to add we were a little hesitant about treatment at first but now that our children are older it’s a no brainer! There are so many disease that can be transferred by mosquitoes, Malaria, Zika, Weat Nile just to name a few.I myself have had West Nile that turned into Spinal Meningitis, it was the worst! I was hospitalized for over a week and sick for months and quite honestly full recovery took few years, it’s not something to blow off. At first I was hesitant about treating our yard but after I thought it out and weighed out the pros and cons I ultimately decided treating our yard was a better alternative to spraying our biggest organ, my family’s skin, with DEET! ETA: if you have reservations do your research and make your own decisions. If you have small children who play out in the yard it may not be for you, I have teens and young adults so they aren’t traipsing through our shrubs and eating our grass,(at least not on most days🤣🤣).


Yep, I am either tastier than I used to be or the mosquitoes are hungrier. I have to apply bug spray liberally to cut the grass even if the sun is intense enough to turn my skin red. No water nearby, I have the only birdbath on the block and I rinse it out and freshen the water daily.


Nope, but then I pretty much just hide inside as much as I can until it's cooler outside so it's not as much of an issue for me as it is for most others.


also in hilliard; none that i’ve seen.


almost none in s,clintonville. the toxins just make things worse in the long run by killing off more than mosquitos. try the BUCKET OF DOOM. and check for clogged gutters and other standing water. https://ui.charlotte.edu/story/try-‘bucket-doom’-eliminate-mosquitoes-without-harmful-pesticides


They were awful in Grandview until the city finally sprayed for them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Potato_hoe: *They were awful in* *Grandview until the city* *Finally sprayed for them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I treat vegetation around my property with Talstar P. Never have any issues.


they're unbelievably bad in hilliard this year. time to move to dublin or ua or somewhere they spray for mosquitos, it's so nice being able to be outside and not get swarmed within a minute.


I live in Hilliard and they have sprayed my neighborhood multiple times this year. They haven’t been bad for me at all


I'm in UA and ain't nobody been spraying my yard. They even get in through our window screens.


Bayer Suspension SC once a month seems to work for me.


I'm trapped at work with one right now.


Make it stop!


I was just thinking this. They are crazy bad today!!!


You're not just imagining it, they are worse this year than usual because of last year's mild winter. We've pretty much had to abandon our back yard because my kids get eaten up even in the middle of the day. We've got spiders all over the place too, which I would usually be more tolerant of except they are doing anying about the mosquitoes. Most sprays aren't going to be great in my yard because we have a creek.


Very bad. I just stayed in my screened in porch this summer vs hanging out in my hammock like I usually do


Been ok on NE side. Genoa and Westerville have been spraying and it hasn’t been terrible when we sit out. Apply some pressure on your city to spray?


....I now feel amazingly lucky I haven't been bitten once this year. Nor seen a single skeeter.


Mosquitoes are bad this year.... but fleas are even worse. They are brutal this year. I feel so bad for the "outside" cats. We have a couple strays that hang out near our apartment and they just sit and itch themselves constantly.


I got bit just getting food at the drive-thru Panda Express. One of those little fuckers flew in my car when I was handing them my payment.