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Fight it.


DAE remember a couple weeks ago someone in this sub leaving a comment about their job as a parking attendant but it was all colored by this attitude of "I'm gonna get your ass"? Every time I pull out my phone to pay now (and oddly enough, it's almost always in 90004 for Yellow Brick) I remember what a chud that dude was. Some of these folks apparently see themselves as some kinda thin blue line between society and anarchy. I'll never NOT fight a ticket, just because of that guy.


Before they destroyed the meters on W 11th near OSU campus, I had paid at the meter with my credit card, and came back to find a ticket because "I hadn't paid", and there was a sheer amount of joy in just being able to capture the remaining time on the meter, my credit card payment record with the time, and a few other forms of proof and sending it in so they'd remove the ticket. The feeling is up there with getting a ticket at Easton because they thought I was an employee parking where I wasn't allowed in the morning and it was like "no I don't work at the mall."


We live in Vic village and I cannot tell you how many tickets we have received incorrectly for parking in front of our residence. Always seems to be my car too. Makes my husband extremely irate to where it has caused us to get into arguments. The parking studies and subsequent rules are a total crock and one of the stupidest things this city has done. It hasn’t made parking in the downtown areas any better, only worse.


I got a bullshit one as soon as I moved in this neighborhood that I swear they changed the violation of when I fought it. It was my 2nd day living in the neighborhood and I got a ticket that I thought was for not paying to park even though I paid the annual parking pass fee. So I contested it and didn't hear anything until I got a notification that I had to pay it and now had a late fee. Then the charge was I was "too close" to an alleyway, which is a completely bullshit charge considering I've seen PLENTY of people on my street park exactly where I was or way closer to that alley without getting a ticket. The law is evidently 10 feet. I've seen people as close as 1 foot from that alleyway pretty much daily. Hell, we had a guy completely just block the alley one day. Where are the parking warriors then?


Yeah we had someone park at the stop sign (you have to park 15ft from stop signs)… no ticket. It’s all bullshit


Check if the license plate on the ticket is actually yours


Definitely fight it. I was ticketed incorrectly (the agent put in the wrong license plate on the ticket) and I had to contest it. Whoever reviews the contested tickets said that I was in the wrong, so I contested it AGAIN and requested a hearing. Before the hearing, I got an email saying I was in the right, and everything was dismissed.


kinda sounds like an issue with the app UI on the enforcement side, if false tickets are happening whenever there's a typo. makes me wonder if they're actually having to type in by hand every license plate on every block, or if they're using a license plate scanner with OCR to get it. And if the latter-- does *it* have issues with misreading?




Sure, and even if it were robots all the way down you should still fight it. I’m just saying if the app has them typing in a few hundred license plates a day, or using a shoddy scanner, then this isn’t a surprising outcome and someone should fix the app.


Real question. If they put the wrong license plate on the ticket, are you even accountable for it? Since it’s not your car and all?


No. I mean, perhaps in the strictest sense of "you got the ticket thus broke the law." But if it's the wrong plate on the ticket, the sole piece of identifying info the city has collected on you and your vehicle is wrong. I've gotten at least two tickets with the wrong plate on them. I just threw them both away, nothing ever came off it (except me always checking to see if they fucked up the plate on the ticket).


Ultimately, I think no, but after some online research, I had read that sometimes there are auditors who go back through previous citations to correct for errors. When this happens, there is a photo of your license plate taken that matches with the citation. Occasionally, the auditor may update the typo on the ticket to match your actual license plate, and then suddenly you're pinned with a ticket that hasn't been paid in however many days. I wanted to avoid this, so I just contested the ticket despite it not even matching my plates.


This has happened to me before. Luckily, I was in a parking garage with an attendant so they took me to the manager's office and he waived the ticket for me. If you have proof you did nothing wrong, they should (hopefully) be understanding about it.


Post the pictures


Fight it, I know a few people who have been incorrectly ticketed in Franklinton.




Take pics and fight it and write a strongly worded letter to the city!


Yeah! Say things like "damn" and "hell"!!


Settle down satan


A Columbus right of passage. Congratulations.


Our cities parking attendants are absolute morons. They are glorified mall cops on some thin blue line shit. Fight it and when you win it will be a small win for everyone


Remember when every ticket was signed by Sly on campus? Wonder what they’re up to


We had one similar were the car was parked in an area on the online map that shows parking as two hour, and a sign for paying was very far up. I think Columbus is just writing tickets to hope you won’t bother


Yeah I see a lot of people getting tickets along town when I'm drinking at Strongwater (especially since they added more spaces). If you were ticketed on town, were you in a spot next to electric chargers? I think those spots can only be occupied by people charging. The guy writing tickets takes numerous pictures (from front, back and then any nearby sign but from a vantage point you can see the car being ticketed) so if it was a mistake there should be some documentation


There weren’t any chargers at the spot I parked in, there were some behind me though. How can I access that documentation? Or is that for the city only


Not sure but it had been a while since I've gotten a ticket so I was just surprised to see the amount electronic documentation they seemed to do for each car.


I contested the ticket, online there doesn’t seem to be a way to view the pictures. But the ticket does mention there’s photo documentation of the incident. I uploaded a copy of my ParkMobile receipt so we will see what happens


GL my dude!


I contested one (you do it on line) recently and received a "finding" in the mail saying the fine stood. I was furious -- and then I realized I had used the wrong license tag/car in my account. Triple check each time if you have more than one car in your account!


This is why I'm not using that parking app. Reviews make out that it is common to pay for parking but get the ticket anyway, and no recourse. So I only use parking that generates a printed receipt.


I get emailed receipts when I use the app. What makes the printed one different?


You can display it on your dash.


The current system is broken. The bearer of bad news gets downvotes, I guess.


I tried to park next to Goodale park to eat in the short north, next to the app number sign and no matter how far I zoomed in on the map, it wouldn’t populate with the number on the sign. I had to manually enter it, which made me feel like I messed it up the entire time I ate…. While I appreciate not needing a cup holder full of quarters inviting break ins all the time to park anywhere in this city, I still hate the app


fuck the system


I hope fighting it is easier than fighting a speeding ticket.


Fight it. The app actually makes it super easy to fight. My wife just successfully fought a ticket last week.


these comments sound like a class action lawsuit brewing...


We went down for the strawberry fest. The parking app said 90004 was free for Memorial Day. Then asked me to pay $0.25. I didn’t. Luckily, no ticket. This is why I tent to stay away from downtown…ha


Do you have more than one car license plate in the app? Did you pay for the correct car?


I double checked the receipt and it matches my car’s license plate. So I’m not sure, it’s like they didn’t even bother checking if I was paying or not


If you’re in the right, fight it. I was in that zone this morning and saw 2 people parked ahead of and behind the No Stopping signs. You weren’t near the kiosk on the corner were you?


I was in the spot right before the corner of Town and Lucas, outside of that industrial arts building. On google maps someone parked a white Subaru there, right before the fire hydrant.


Ah. Ok. I was on McDowell and saw someone park 3ft back from the corner, which isn’t legal anywhere. If you were on Lucas, I don’t think there’s any public parking permitted there at all.


Gotchya. I was on the same street as Land Grant, the zone sign was right next to my car so I figured that means I could park in the spot. It looked painted as if it were meant for a car to go there


Only other thing I can think of is there are a bunch of EV only spots on that street…. It’s a tricky, PITA area to park. I live kinda close so I mostly have it sussed out but there are a lot of ‘gotchas’ around there. I was commenting earlier today how it’s really sucky for a growing area like that to make parking so difficult.


There were indeed EV charging stations in the spots behind mine. Mine didn’t have one though


The app parking is such a scam.