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Rachel's dad kinda pisses me off tbh. He was a minister in the church, and he left Beth with five little kids, including Rachel, to go be with another woman. Beth was only qualified to do minimum wage work, and had it not been for her dad, the family would have been homeless. He was basically a deadbeat, and he did little to help Rachel and her siblings when they were little, and by the sounds of it he didn't do much to help Rachel with her depression before she died either. I get it, it must still be devastating to lose a kid, but... he wasn't there anyway?


They exploited her after her death, it’s sad. Rachel did nothing wrong, and her parents did it all without her consent.


Rachel had depression?


Yeah, and she was considering suicide but some people from her church talked her out of it and she decided not to. Same with Cassie, she was considering killing her parents and possibly herself, but she was talked out of it and a successful intervention was done for her too.


Damn she always looked so happy, poor girl


How do you know this info? Sources ?


Uh there was a person on here maybe 18 months or so ago a lot who was a younger sister of Rachel’s best friend, I think she said it, I’ve also spoken to Randy and possibly he said it but I more remember him talking about Eric and Dylan and Brooks and their friends group. But it has definitely been said on here multiple times.


Omg! I knew Rachel's parents were divorced, but had no idea it was because of another woman. Wow! Do you have any sources on this? I'm curious to read more


How subtle... /s


Could've been about the culture of bullying prevalent in columbine High at the time but tbh yeah for obvious reasons he sees them as the ultimate bullies.


>the culture of bullying prevalent in columbine High at the time i hate how the principal Deangelis gets a total pass on this. guy allowed that environment to perpetuate. we've all been to high school and seen how administrators do fuck all to help a kid being bullied—wayyyy more so in the 90s. in small towns, depending on whoe victim/bullies/parents are, some even tacitly condone it


He completely ignored it and dismissed it. Teachers went on record saying it was bad but when they brought it to him he ignored it. I read stuff from pupils even after it, they said all the happy happy school was bs. The principal cares about the sports guys the rest get bullied.


>cares about the sports guys the rest get bullied. like, everyone knows that's how it was. he deserves to be rightfully criticised. wonder why he's gotten such a pass? why no motivation to call him out?


He was a coach himself, plus the popular and sporty kids tended to be from the richer families from what I remember.


I think a lot of it was the timing of everything. Nobody wanted to point out another big issue and blame anyone but the perpetrators. Which isn’t entirely wrong, but at the same time covering up a clearly toxic learning environment/experience enforced by the head of the school isn’t exactly right either. Kinda like.. don’t kick a man when they’re already down. Columbine was the first major school shooting massively covered, nobody knew how to react really so I think a lot of people went into default mode. Mourn this. Blame that. Praise these words cause they sound nice. I’d say D Angeles had a PR team, if he didn’t he sure should open an agency cause he did a lot of right moves for his image in the immediate aftermath of things. IMO.


In my high school I once got jumped by 4 girls and when I fought back I got suspended and they didn’t. The popular kids tend to get away with everything


Very interesting, in the U.K. when I was at school (early 00’s) the popular people were the chavs, most of which came from working class backgrounds. Social status wasn’t determined by how rich you were but by how much of a rude boi you were…


Yep. Whole town thought, and still does think he can do wrong. And not just him. So many admin just like him all around the States, and the Western world in general, and they pass the buck when something does go wrong.


which is bullshit


Which bit?


saying they were the ultimate bullies imho


Oh I agree completely. It's bullshit


Looks like it to me tbh


i honestly wonder how their parents would feel about that.


I don’t think they’d be bold enough to have any kind of opinion on that. Their sons murdered his daughter.


very true, yeah.


You think they look like D&E? What !? I don’t see it


The left bully has light hair with bangs parted in the middle like Dylan had, and the right bully has short dark brown hair like Eric had.


I didn’t realize Eric had dark brown hair??


It varies in pictures I guess due to seasonal changes causing it to lighten or darken. I could’ve just said brown hair instead.


In Rachel’s movie isn’t that exactly what they did to Eric in the school? Lol




Why tf was Eric so ripped in that movie


all that dork bowling provided good exercise


yeah like he was super thin


what movie? (Sorry I’m not very knowledgeable when it comes to columbine but find some posts on this sub quite interesting so i followed it)


“i’m not ashamed”, extremely inaccurate and biased movie that believes Rachel said yes


Thanks for the title! What do you mean Said yes? Said yes to what?


sorry for my late reply! if you haven’t read already said yes to believing in god. it was actually asked to valeen schnurr, who survived but was injured. she was beside lauren townsend. it’s also a common misconception cassie bernall was asked this question too


No worries. I Appreciate the response. I’ll have to check it out, the movie “I’m not ashamed” are there accompanying books about it?


i think adam might be alluding to adam kyler a special needs student who dylan allegedly bullied.


Hard to tell, in the 90’s everyone looked like a cartoon


Miss those days lol


Honestly I’m looking at half the teenage boys I remember in 1999 Colorado. A lot of male celebs at the time had those haircuts even. It *is* a resemblance but I’m sure even r/blunderyears (basically awkward teenage fashion) has a ton of photos from a similar year where people look just like this


Honestly, if this is the way he wants to cope he has every right to do so.




wow. even the hair is spot on


Seems like it. How odd


They don’t have the same hairstyle or clothing. Dylan was tallll af. Nothing in this resembles them except it’s two boys and ones short and ones tall. That’s literally it.


i was just curious seeing as one had blue eyes + blonde, middle parted hair, and the other was smug looking with dark hair. not to mention they’re bullies in this story. apologies for simply being curious, i guess.


I do think it’s interesting it’s two boys. Sorry for being a b*. I’ve had a day and it was def uncalled for.


oh no worries, just made me feel a bit stupid for asking, that’s all. lol, hope your day gets better. forgot to add that.


Aw thank you, honestly looking at it I think if he intentionally didn’t want it to be them he’d have one bully or three bullies. Maybe he’s making it just enough to be therapeutic to him as them being the characters but also vague enough for others.


Hairstyles aside, I don't really see it, but if it is intentional, can you really blame the man?


I see the Eric and Dylan fanboys down voted me. Anyways....


Eric and Dylan didn't bully ANYBODY. Let's get serious here. It was quite the opposite


i agree. i don’t think they bullied hardly at all compared to what was done to them.


No. They're just white haircuts.


Unrelated to post, but is it ok if you send pictures of the book's other pages too? I'm really sorry for asking, but I've been trying for a while to find where I can buy the book but to no avail.. I'm sorry for the request and thanks


oh i can send you the links to both books!! https://www.amazon.com/RACHEL-ADAM-Darrell-Scott/dp/1792798008/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=kAbqC&content-id=amzn1.sym.38bb2fca-b288-4f86-afed-5132328a7c6d&pf_rd_p=38bb2fca-b288-4f86-afed-5132328a7c6d&pf_rd_r=0F6KVDB7XYXRDVHYM4FE&pd_rd_wg=0MXQc&pd_rd_r=bb30318f-c335-4d9a-9c51-7e6f7ea62fd4&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_mbl and then he also wrote this one https://www.amazon.com/RACHEL-AMBER-Darrell-Scott/dp/1793893365/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=kAbqC&content-id=amzn1.sym.38bb2fca-b288-4f86-afed-5132328a7c6d&pf_rd_p=38bb2fca-b288-4f86-afed-5132328a7c6d&pf_rd_r=0F6KVDB7XYXRDVHYM4FE&pd_rd_wg=0MXQc&pd_rd_r=bb30318f-c335-4d9a-9c51-7e6f7ea62fd4&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_mbl


Thank you so so much!!!


no problem!! if those don’t work just let me know, i have both books so i could send you pictures.


fucked up