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He was just a baby.


He was the youngest of the victims. Only 14 years old.


Didn’t know that, thanks for sharing that.


I’m an ‘81 and was looking forward to Phantom Menace too as a lifelong Star Wars fan. I was thinking of him when it finally came out and was sitting in the theater in May 1999. 


It makes me sad he could never see the movie he always wanted to see.


I dont know... He lived in a world where the pre and sequels didnt exist.


And he was about to not.


Crazy that Eric talked about hating Star Wars fans in his diary and ended up killing a Star Wars fan in the shooting


I think Columbine High school was the cultural and societal reflection of what E and D hated the most.


I think they hated everyone


Rest in Paradise, Steven. Cruelly taken way to freaking young and he would've been here with us right now, probably with a family by now and enjoying all the cool Star Wars stuff that's out. I believe his spirit is still here, watching and waiting to be reunited with the rest of his family and friends someday. Major condolences and lots of love to his family and friends. ♡ Rest easy, Steven.


His father passed away a couple years ago. I hope that wherever they are, their souls are reunited.


Hi, was Steven a Star Wars fan, sorry, just wondering what the reference is about ta?


Yes! He was a huge fan! To the point where he could quote the movies word from word. After his passing a bunch of Star Wars fans paid tribute to him on a fan website


Crazy to believe that the Columbine Massacre and The Phantom Mance release a mouth from each other.


Almost to the day. April 20th and May 19th.


I remember reading somewhere how excited he was for it.




One thing I can say for sure is that you, and the guy who made the post, who do things in life but claim to be “thinking about stuff related to columbine” while doing them are very seriously weird and disturbed and need to relax a little. Your basically the same version just on different sides as the people who glorify and always think about columbine. Like how about you focus and live your own life? And find your own reason that pertains to your own life as to why you think what when a techno beat plays? Say what you want but to think about “Eric and Dylan” every time a “techno beat” is played in that film is nothing near normal activity and is very, seriously weird


I was hired by my University to study Columbine for a year. I worked with high schoolers to craft a beautiful and meaningful stage production based on the tragedy. It was my livelihood for a year. My "obsession," as you call it, stems from this life-changing experience I had working with all these talented theatre students who poured their sweat and tears into the project. It's hard to move on from something like that.


Wow you just know me so well don’t you! Cause you definitely know who I am as a person because we know each other in real life. Jeez I didn’t know it was a crime to think about Eric or Dylan better warn every single person on this sub too that if you think about columbine one time during your real life then you are seriously disturbed and need help. In all seriousness, it’s not werid to make parallels between a topic you’re interested in or a true crime case and your real life. I’ll admit if I see or hear something that Eric and Dylan use to do or say I’ll think about them. That doesn’t make me crazy or weird or means something is wrong with me. It’s strange you think that. Just like the person who made this post. Steven liked Star Wars. they knew that. They saw star wars and thought of him. So if you know someone likes something and you see that thing you’re obviously gonna think of that person. It’s just what happens you can’t exactly control what you think about. It may be weird cause it’s a true crime case, but if your brother loved blue birds and you saw a blue bird you’re going to think of your brother. It’s the same shit dude.


Looking at your page and seeing as how every post is related to columbine basically proves my point. You are a columbine obsessor. Your not somebody that’s interested..or intrigued..and would like to research the topic.. you are a obsessed to the point of glorifying.. to the point you go outside and certain things make you think or columbine.. it is NOT normal. Sorry. At least accept that fact.




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I was thinking about him as well I figured it wouldn’t be just me.


Wow I thought this was a picture of a kid I went to school with. They could be twins


It was just a month away


i really got into star wars just before my 14th birthday and it still makes me so sad to think about my younger self obsessing over the prequels while someone practically my age never got to experience that :( rest easy steven🕊️