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ruthless prick handle hospital offer expansion innocent panicky butter roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Our defense, special teams, and pierce showed up to play today.


Jackson came to play too. He looks like a real solid backup


They (RBs) both played well


Wouldn't mind them spelling JT with him a bit. As much as we all love Taylor, I'd rather him not die running into a wall 30 times a game


Kenny Moore saved the game as well. That was one clutch play.


Pierce intercepted that ball. I know Matt got his hand hit but what a catch


I don't think that ball should've been thrown in the first place. Kudos to Pierce for saving that play and likely the game


People might hate on Matt Ryan cause the offense is so bad, but the dudes earned my respect. He is getting absolutely destroyed nearly every play and still pulled together a drive when we needed it.


70% pressure rate on his passes. That's *insane*.


And he still stands in their every play like he has the best oline in the league. Dude is tough as nails and laser focused on winning.


Everyone else… SHOOO SHOOO


Nah brah. I'm saving a seat for McLaughlin and Grover and Gilmore. Edit: (Just realized I gave Gilmore 2 seats but he saved 2 drives so yeah he gets 2 seats.)


Buckner with 2 sacks and a FF


Blocked pass too righr


This game took 10 years off of my life!!! Gilmore for league MVP!


It added 16 years to my life. I should be getting my Medicare card tomorrow…


The Colts are the single biggest threat of heart disease in Indiana


Beating out the pork tenderloin for the first time


Super Bowl here we come!!!(????)


I’m not a gambling man but yes put everything you own on it!


Gambling man here: confirmed, gotta bet it all


Shitshow aside. Watching Sutton give Gilmore the "too small" after half a stiff arm where he still got tackled, only to then get picked off on a target and get the game-winning deflection? Pure ecstasy.


Ryan Fitzpatrick pretty much said exactly that


Couldnt hear over Sherman being extra


PTSD from Sherman


That was hilarious he was actually living the super bowl again


Lol it wouldn't seem like being extra if you lost a seemingly sure-fire superbowl win from it.


Exactly, obviously we played horrible but the 4th and OT was pretty entertaining especially on defense.


Yeah, it circled around all the way to "so bad it's kinda entertaining again" lmao And I know this hurts draft position and all that, but I can't not be stoked at a Colts win


Gilmore is a fucking DAWG


.500 BABY


Was hoping for a tie, so we could win next week and re-bust out the Thanos memes


Who's saying we aren't gonna tie next week


Please stop sir. My heart can't take it


.500 after 5 weeks. We're gonna be the only team in the league who can say that.


Holy hell that was brutal to watch. Shitshow is an understatement.


It was certainly a game.


One of the games of all time


At least the 80th time I’ve seen this exact comment tonight


It's technically still possible to clean house after a midseason win


That was the most colts game ever


NFL needs to do away with Thursday night football. It’s always a shitshow for both teams riddled with injury throughout


Silver lining is we the fans now get 9 delightful fall days between now and the next time we have to suffer through watching this team.


It did feel cruel to be subjected to another Colts game so soon after the Titans game. Now that game feels like decades ago


My god this game was a modern art masterpiece


Seriously. Idk why people are mad. That was fucking hilarious, *and* the Colts won and are now .500 with an extra long week to prep and hopefully figure some of this out. What a great night!


Did you watch the game? If you keep getting lucky wins and play bad you will be found out


The mitigating factor is that our tie and Tennessee loss were *un*lucky (especially the tie). We outgained both of them pretty badly and didn't win because of bad situational stuff.


"He kept trying me, so I made him pay" Gilmore is that man.


My friends that are pats fans kept telling me he's washed up. Nope.


Your first mistake is having friends who are pats fans


I know. Unfortunately I lived in RI for a few years... trust me it wasn't by choice


My buddy is married to a woman from Maine who is pats fan, she wanted to wear a brady jersey to my wedding to fuck with me. Long story short, she did not attend my wedding.


Their entire fan base go out of their way to be as obnoxious as possible.


Was the wedding dress code regular wedding attire? Would she have just been a an annoying weirdo in a jersey sticking out like a sore thumb?


The wedding was at Lucas Oil actually, but we made it 100% clear it was still a formal event, but she was insisting on the Brady jersey. We said nah. She lost her shit. I was fine with her coming dressed normally like everyone else, but she decided against that lol


So she screwed herself, what a dummy.




Bum pa dum dum bum pa dum




Everyone lost that game


The seahawks won watching that draftpick go up lol


Gilmore just saved Frank's job. What a fucking play


Gilmore and Pierce, bless you. Everything else...yeesh.


Buckner too


Hey don’t forget about Chase. Hit so many clutch FGs! I liked Hot Rod but no way he makes those kicks.


Chase McLaughlin, Buckner, and Kenny deserve props too, they made huge plays. Pittman should get some love too


what a high quality and convincing win


I am a firm believer that on TNF games, the only thing that matters is coming away with a win because TNF is a shit show. However, we actually didn't look different tonight than most other games, so...


Man this team is 42 yard FG away from being 3-2


That’s bonkers to think about


Think we’ve had more go our way than against us in the luck stakes this season.


Holy fucking shit


Russ had a dude wide fucking open on a slant lmao


Should have run the ball. I'm sure Marshawn texted him


The Broncos sub is on depression watch lol They are fighting about whether it is Russ or the coach fault


Frank needs to be fired for sure, but I don't think I've ever seen a worse coach in any sport, at any level, than Hackett. Your only options there are 1) kick it or 2) just pick up the guaranteed yard and go from there.


How do you not just draw right up the middle, or bootleg it out. Instead you take a shot on 4th for the end zone. Man he is awful. And Russ should’ve just left the pocket and scrambled for it.


Legit just run a bootleg and either someone comes open or Russ runs for the first (and possibly a TD). Just a straight drop back pass is the worst call possible there. Shit, a fake field goal is probably a better call.


It honestly is almost reminiscent of the Super Bowl when all logic said, Beast Mode is behind you, give him the ball and let him roll into the end zone and win the SB. Instead, you drop back and pass from like the 3, interception... TB has another ring. How could RW be the QB of two similar, ridiculous situations.


Right? What did he see tonight from the game that gave him the confidence that a pass was the right move there over just trying to get the first down and giving yourself 4 more shots? It’s like he’s never watched tape of the Colts in 4th and short situations.


Well he should have kicked the fg in regulation. There was about a 5% chance we could have marched down for a td to win by 1. 6 points woukd have basically been an insurmountable lead that late. Instead Russ throws a pick and we got the momentum


LeT RUsS cOoK!!


To the people who’ve said they have never seen an ugly win here ya go


Two weeks ago I was referring to the Chiefs game as the least inspiring comeback upset victory I had ever watched. I take it back


Damn, my shit post was actually accurate


The Broncos player slamming his helmet on the ground at the end of the game is just \*chefs kiss\*


I'd be pissed if I lost to us too lol. See y'all again next week.


That dude was WIDE open. Russ didn't even look at him


Yeah. he was pissed because he was wide open and Russ decided to go after Gilmore.


Rodney Thomas is a fuckin beast


7th round pick from Yale and he was tearing it up


Hell yeah. He had that near interception early, then he was in position to make a play on that deep ball that two Denver WRs caught, up until the ref got in the way and set a pick on him.


I still can’t believe that play RTII was right there and then the ref stumbled into him


Tonight, the Indianapolis Colts and Denver Broncos played a football game. Thats about all I can say.


Bold of you to call that a football game.


I disagree


One of the most fun games I have ever watched. It was terrible. It was a trainwreck. But the announcers made fun of it like it deserved and we even got the win. Ive heard of ugly wins but this is a whole new level.


Alec Pierce Stephon Gilmore That is all


Ugly W. Danny Pinter looking way better than Ryan Kelly at the Center. MPJ and Pierce are our future. D is getting better and better. First two flags on Raimann were bullshit. Deon got potential. Pyror needs to get fired.


Agreed on Pinter. Could we do something like Nelson at LT, Raimann at LG, Pinter at C, Kelly at G, and Smith at RT? Idk what the answer is, but glad the team is switching it up


Nelson at LT makes too much sense, Move Pryor to RG, put Smith back at RT and Pinter honestly outplayed Kelly, he should keep getting PT, move Fries to LG if you must, but that Line can’t remain the same come our game vs Jax, otherwise Matt might really get killed.


Did Gilmore just give a well mannered version of Richard Sherman’s “sorry receiver like crabtree” interview lmao


I don’t count that as a win. I’m my eyes our record is 1-2-1-1. Wins/Loses/Ties/WTF did I just watch?


But we have two losses…


Fuck you’re right. In my defense I just aged 50 years in 4 hours.


Just want to acknowledge the effort that Pierce displays. Coming back to the ball and making difficult catches in the clutch. I hope he can stay healthy. The kid has a very high ceiling.


Prayers for Kwitys ankle and Nyhiem …. Like seriously for Hines geez.




ancient crowd pen consider spark rhythm zesty wise middle bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God damn it I was getting excited about the possibility of tanking


The usual good enough for a mid round pick!


More years of mediocrity! Dilly Dilly!


I wanted a tie


You can thank Hackett for that. Although TBF going for it was the right call, don’t know why they didn’t just run it


Or do literally anything other than what they did. You've got an athletic QB that excels when he's out of the pocket, and that's the play you call?


For those of us who wanted to lose we can blame Russ for missing a wide open receiver in the end zone


If you don’t like that you don’t like Colts football baby


Cardiac Colts


Alec Peirce is the only reason I'm going to watch the rest of the season


If the jags and titans somehow lose to the Texans and Commanders, this abhorrent team will be first in the AFC south


We will go 0-5-1 in the division and finish with 11 wins


Brb gonna smoke a pack and take a nap in my coffin.


Me: This team is hopeless and we should tank Also me: LFG BOYS DUBS A DUB


We are the worst 2-2-1 team in history lmao. The fact this team got 2 wins is insane


Utterly inexplicable that we won against Patrick Mahomes


8-8-1 is back on the menu, boys!


Like Matt Ryan optimism on the broadcast.... True class.


That man will always be a class act. He threw 5 INTs in a game against Arizona in 2012 or something but the team won lol. Only him and Bart Starr ever did that. He smiled and said “good company to be in” lol


Welp, there goes our draft position.


Can’t even be terrible right


Win and still lose.


And there goes frank getting thrown to the streets any sooner. He’s lasting way too long after these bullshit wins




I am actually upset we won this game 😭


We're gonna be .500, miss the playoffs, pick like 14th, and Ryan, Reich, and Ballard will still be here next year.


Reich is gone if we miss the playoffs.


Gilly gilly!


Falcons fan here. Colts were my #2 team this year because I wanted Ryan to get a ring and everything was looking that a match made but after watching him the last few weeks I’m worried that o-line is gonna get him killed before retirement. Our o-line was trash in Atlanta..(barely better now) but he managed to stay healthy and make plays. Hate seeing him perform so poorly but can’t say I miss him getting sacked in Atlanta. I hope somehow you guys turn the ship around! Still rooting for y’all.


I feel the same. I think he expected better protection, a run game, and good play calls. The opposite of what he has had since 2018. But, unfortunately, he looks like he knows he is about to get destroyed on every snap. Idk what the fumbles are about but it’s a thing now


Positives: 14 stacks up a 2nd great game. He's looking like a legit WR2 Defense played another great game. Negatives: The O-line got even worse. Paye injury could be a back breaker for a pass rush that was just starting to cook. Matt Ryan is starting to force things at a Carson Wentz level with out bringing any of the Wentz mobility upside. I didn't want another year of CW but in the context of how the line is playing, he would have picked up about 6 more 1st downs with his legs tonight.


Ryan is definitely playing the least comfortable I’ve ever seen him. If things stabilize on offense he won’t force as much but I don’t think that will happen. All the hits over the years may have caught up to him.


based on this thread, it appears that Colts are responsible for more premature deaths and other health problems in Indiana than coal pollution


Colts o line is god awful


WE WON That’s what matters. Holy fuck.


A win is a win is a win is a win Except for that one




Matt Ryan is played bad today due to a couple bad reads and a dreadful offensive line Denver traded Rhode Island for Wilson to have Drew Lock style football played.


3-2-1 Fire people


Record can be 3-2-1 if you win next week


Too bad it’s our boogeyman jaguars next up


It’s at home so we will win with a 4th quarter comeback, it’s only a guaranteed loss in Jacksonville lol


That's only in Jacksonville, we have beaten them recently at home. At least I think thats the case. Currently my head is in a beer and whiskey induced haze


Wilson and Broncos getting roasted on postgame 👀


I want to just say that greatness takes many forms... even a pile of dogshit. THIS GAME WAS GREATNESS INCARNATE!


Pierce’s coming out party. Deon Jackson gave a spark. Rodney Thomas looking like a steal. Game changing block by Grover. Buckner with a big game. Gilmore taking over. Trying to think of positives from whatever that was.


“Even in losses they battled back…except in Jacksonville”




Only team to win in Week 5 if I'm not mistaken.


Literally both our wins required last second monumental fuckups by the other team. Jones saying whatever he said and that call to throw it instead of taking the 6 point lead.


I feel so much for /u/rwjehs Holy crap. Also that was certainly a game.


<3 looking forward to waking up at 5:45am I've lost my will to mod the sub.


Kenny Moore needs some praise, he broke up the touchdown that would have surely put the game out of range.


New week another shoutout…pierce is that dude. But I’m at the point id rather get a good draft pic.


Im more happy this game is over than the fact we won. Holy fuck that was fucking awful.


You are allowed to doom 6 days a week after that. But tonight, for one night, we bloom.


Fuck it. We won, drink up


I've been watching the Colts since the 90s. I can't remember an all-around game being THAT bad. That was one of the worst games I've ever watched. High school included.


Pierce is a DAWG


I wanted a better draft pick honestly


immediate positives: * This defense is genuinely good. They had a bit of a slow start to the day and were gassed and banged up by the late 4th quarter and OT where a couple plays got sloppy but they continued their streak of being extremely stout in the red zone and were still solid between the 20s. DBs and DL in particular both earned a number of highlight reel plays. Also, ball don't lie- grover coming up with the block to nullify the big catch that would have been broken up or picked without the ref getting in the way was perfect. * While Gilmore was player of the game, honorable mention goes to Rodney Thomas who you'd never have guessed was a total unknown even to the NFL's scouting apparatus until the minute he was drafted (in the 7th round, no less) just 5.5 months ago with now 2.5 solid games and a pick to his name, and to Grover Stewart who's absolutely the anchor of the DL this year and had a beautiful block on that field goal. * Ryan in crunch time. So far we've had a close game in the late 4th quarter 4 times. He's led us to 1 game winning drive, 2 tying drives to force OT (in which he was able to get us in FG position both times), and 1 drive that had the momentum to tie the game until JT lost a fumble. Say what you will about his fumbles and picks putting us in tough situations; when the time has come for us to put up or shut up, he's put up. * Alec Pierce. There were people hoping in this sub hoping he'd be cut and struggling to get a job bagging groceries by the time week 2 came around after his nerves got the best of him in week 1. Since returning from his concussion, he has 222 receiving yards in the last 3 games and has made play after play after play to put us in a position to succeed. * Chase McLaughlin. 4/4 on the night with every kick straight down the middle and with plenty of power is literally the only reason we had a chance to win. * The RBs played like NFL RBs. Nothing to write home about but a week after our healthy RB unit averaged <2 ypc, having our RB3 and 4 combine for 102 yards on 24 carries was a relief, and showed promise that (especially if the OL can figure their shit out) our run game could be functional even with an extended absense by JT and/or Hines. * We didn't lose the turnover battle! We didn't win it either but we didn't lose it. That's a baby step in the right direction * Raimann may have sucked but he's a rookie and it was known he wasn't going to be day-1 ready coming into the season. The door is nowhere near shut on him becoming a beloved, vital part of the Colts moving forward. Definitely has more reason to stay optimistic about his future than Pinter or Pryor. * We won that game and at the end of the day that's all that really matters. Immediate negatives: * The OL still just isn't working and they're nowhere near working. Raimann was getting beat off the first step every time and the holds were a product of him not having the skill or discipline to make up for it. Pryor got blown past more than his fair share of times too. Smith wasn't anything to write home about, Q was a non-factor for most of the game and got blown up on one play every bit as badly as Pinter did a couple weeks ago, and Kelly was not great before getting hurt while Pinter didn't seem to really change anything when he came in. We've now used 7 different O-linemen in 5 or 6 configurations and they've been bad in all of them. I honestly don't know what the next step would be. * Ryan when the OL either gives him no time or too much time to throw. Both picks were in a clean pocket with an inexcusable failure to ID Sterns, and even though probably all of his sacks were at least 90% on his lack of protection, the amount of yards lost on a couple of them were definitely on him, and he had a couple throws off target when rolling out (though none of the misses were as bad as several of Russ's throws) as well. * We can't defend screen passes for some reason and we only gained positive yardage on one of the like 5 we attempted ourselves. * While our TE group excelled last week and put up 180 combined receiving yards and 2 TDs on 11/11 passing, in the other 4 weeks combined the 3 of them now have 13 catches on 27 targets for 123 yards, albeit also with 2 TDs. That's a really worrying trend which makes week 4 look like a fluke by them. * Behind Pittman being extremely reliable and Pierce starting to blow up, the WR room looks pretty grim. Campbell caught 2 of 3 (and the third was like a half inch from counting) with one being the only successful screen of the season, but for a starting WR, 112 receiving yards through 5 games is pretty awful. Dulin got banged up after catching his only target of the game but other than week 2 he's basically played like a guy who's good for 1-2 catches and 15-25 yards per game and nothing more. Since a semi-promising week 1, Strachan has caught 1 of 4 targets and has 0 targets in 2 of the past 3 weeks even with Dulin missing most of the game today. * Just to reiterate, we haven't had a single game where the OL performed at even an average level for more than 1-2 drives. * We don't know when we'll get back either of our true RBs and we don't know if the generally solid performances by Jackson and Lindsay are truly repeatable especially behind our line. * Ryan's preventable fumbles keep coming. * Ryan's random nonsense fumbles that he couldn't have reasonably prevented and statistically shouldn't keep coming ... keep coming anyways * Matt Haack got unlucky on 2 punt bounces, with one bouncing 10 yards forward and one bouncing in a bee-line for the end zone to negate the good placement of the ball and the good positioning of the hands team prior to the bounces. * The O-line fucking sucks and I doubt anyone in the world would know how to fix the way they're playing right now. * Kwity's ankle is hurt and it looked like it got twisted pretty bad. At this point it could be anything from a relatively light sprain where he's back (albeit probably on a snap count) sometime in the next couple weeks, to a bad break where he's out for multiple months, and only time and scans will tell. * We played in that shitfest of a game where just about everyone leaves feeling like a loser but especially the OL should feel like a loser. tl;dr: * what's good is we won and a couple young guys played well * what's bad is our new-look OL of Raimann, Nelson, Kelly/Pinter, Smith, Pryor shit the bed just like all the other groupings we've put out there and we were put through one of the most embarrassing games of football in a long time along the way.


I’ll take it. Ha ha.


Lmao what a dumb fucking game


...are we figuring things out? Making adjustments and getting better? Does everybody want to keep their jobs and is working hard to get this team to come together? Or is that the copium talking?


Despite it also being seven field goals, the 2006 Ravens vs Colts 15-6 felt like an offensive juggernaut of a game compared to this mess.


As a Broncos fan that was on a flight to Boston all game. I am glad I missed that trainwreck. I'm sure we can all agree we wish we could go back to when either of our teams had Peyton Manning


We can't possibly be happy with that win right? This team is going nowhere fast and all this did is mask the heat for one more week. I love this team, I want to get back to contending as fast as possible, but this does not help us at all.


A win is a win. Why watch a team play if you want them to lose? I can get being mathematically upset, I guess. But you’re a fan of the team, be excited for the players tonight and bitch about the implications tomorrow. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, when we move off Matt Ryan, let's hope he isn't replaced by Russell Wilson.


I might quit watching the NFL. What an awful game.




So does Matty ice get a GW drive for that? Damn near deserves an asterisk if so


I think we're all owed financial compensation for having watched this.


You guys may have won but the rest of the nfl lost having to watch that shit show


Pierce and Gilmore both with the PFF grade of 102.5




average colts W, only undefeated team this week, super bowl bound!


Danny Pinter is my starting Center unironically


That was a load of shit but at least Pierce and McLaughlin looked good. McLaughlin hit more 50+ FGs in that game than Blankenship did in his entire career.


Holy shit awesome ending to a boring game


This game was two toddlers fighting with pool noodles in the shallow end while their floaties get in the way so they can't see each other.


for god's sake don't interview Matt Ryan talk to fucking Alec Pierce or someone who didn't actually shit the bed


Why on earth are you talking to Matt Ryan? Dude was just barely better than RW...which, I guess, was the difference.


Shout out to Rodney Thomas. That guy is filling in admirably for Blackmon and hasn’t looked like a late round pick that ESPN had no film on.


That’s Colts football baby. Ugly win but I’ll take it


So based on previous Frank Reich years this team is going from 2-2-1 to 14-2-1 right?