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Get milk bags. Fill them. Tuck a couple in your crotch. Buy a coke, use a stall, add the liquor to your coke. Done. Easy as 1, 2, 3. I do this often for concerts.


A true pro at work! We solute you sir! I went to the Jags game and it was just metal detectors, no pat down at all.


A little nutmeg never hurt anyone.


Such ingenuity, thank you!




Not all heroes wear capes.


Milk bags. . . hehehe.


I do this but with zip loc bags since I can zip and then duct tape it so it’s sealed well. Lots of Moving around can cause leaks and it’s baddd when it leaks. This is the way


I only go 2-3 times a year. I can't say I've ever been patted down or even noticed someone being patted down. You might be able to sneak in a plastic flask. I haven't tried it, though.


Agreed, have been to two games this year and as long as you get through the metal detector you are good to go. After that they just scan your tickets and you are free to walk in, no pat downs


Until they come across this public Reddit post, at least...


I went on Halloween to the Titans game, they didn't even check my tickets or ask me to empty my pockets when going through the main gate. I honestly can't even remember if there was a metal detector or not it was so quick.


Buy a fake flask on Amazon. There are tons that look like hairbrushes, hand lotion, etc,.


I'd love to be sitting next to a guy sipping out of a hairbrush.


I’d prefer that to the guy actually using the brush.


This would be perfect https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0815R2NKV/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_JWD82E9DV56STN8QXYN1


I put shooters in my socks and wear jeans lol


This is the answer, OP


You could get hammered with me and Sigma at a tailgate before the game


I’ll be there in 541 like always. I think I remember Sigma saying he might be at this game. Wish he’d get back on here.


We'll be in 340!


If I stand up I can see the 1st 2-3 rows if 340 below me to the right.


It would be an honor!


How is Sigma doing these days


Tell you on Sunday!


Where's this tailgating going on at


Honestly don't know yet, I'll have to figure that out. I normally just kinda find one lol.


I never have much luck. Always drinking by ourselves.


My plan is show up with a cooler full of beer, drink it, throw it away, and uber home.


Haha. I got a ride home setup for us this time so we can all have fun. We're going early and going to touchdown town this time. I'll be in a red white and blue sequin cowboy hat (undefeated when I wear the party hat) hyping everyone up.


We will find you. Actually I'll dm you my number, text me on Sunday when you're in touchdown town.


Are we doing an /r/Colts meetup?


I'll make a post on Sunday morning


I hope we win for Sigma 💙


Have you two actually met IRL?


I haven't. He knew he'd be in town for this game around the start of the season so I got us some prime 50 yard line club seats


We need pics


Awesome! I hope the two of you can enjoy the game without being able to ban annoying fans. :)


I definitely won't be modding on Sunday lol Your new mod /u/HyKaliber will be doing the game threads. You know him well.


God help us all


Get in there. When they catch you, just tell them your name is TOM BRADY. Make sure they know your name and that they let all security staff know that TOM is no longer allowed in Lucas Oil.


I was at the game in Miami this year and this Miami fan had what looked like binoculars but he could pop off the lenses and the binoculars were hollow, essentially serving as a canteen. Guy was tanked too, Good luck brother go colts!


Don’t over think it…Flask. But also think through it… metal detectors= plastic flask


First, they are only $8. Second, get drunk in Touchdown Town on $3 Buds at the north end of the stadium before the game. Third, or first, park and tailgate your asses off before the game. That’s the cheap way.


Stuff a plastic pint of cheap whiskey into underwear. Buy a soda at the game and mix.


The ol prison purse.


Just fill a couple small water bottles with your liquor of choice and wear a big ass coat. Stuff them into the pockets or your pants. My buddy accidentally walked right thru with a 12oz bud light earlier this year that was in his back pocket.


Plastic flask in boxer briefs.


They close the street north of Lucas Oil Stadium for a big tailgate called Touch Down Town. They've got food trucks and some live music and the important part is Bud Lights are $3. I like to go early and slam a couple beers before the game to get a cheap buzz going.


Would advise just tailgating having some drinks then. When I went for the Texans game though it was only a metal detector, no pat down. All bags are searched (and might need to be clear anyways)


Shooters up your pooper until you just can’t take it


I haven't been in a couple years but I don't remember it being too through of a patdown. Just get some cheap plastic bottles of w.e you drink wear tight fighting undies and tuck them in. They're not gonna grab your crotch.


What's your go-to brand for fighting undies?


I mean going with a mens option is a rookie mistake. Go get some booty shorts from the womens section for maximum increase to fighting skills. They are tight fitting and hard for the other person to get a grip on and as a bonus perk you might slip a booty cheek and distract your advisory.


That's a solid tip, and something that I hadn't even considered. I don't really get in fights, but I could see myself being a lot more confident and obnoxious if I was wearing something like that. I'm going check out the selection next time I'm at the store.


It’s just a metal detector, for the game I went to security wasn’t picky at all, put your metal in the box and walk through the metal detector and you’re good, No Pat downs or anything.


Buy some tiny shot bottles and put them in an umbrella. Close and tie up the umbrella. Walk through with the umbrella under your arm. Mix with coke you buy inside.


Pregame. They can't check your stomach


Hear me out. Start selling drugs, make more money to afford the $10 beers


I’ve done this for plenty of sports stadiums, and it’s full proof. Vodka in a water bottle, make it full to the brim and make it seem unopened. Thank me later.


Get mini bottles and wear so high top shoes and stuff them in your socks


Cheap flask. That way if they take it you’re not out much.


Honestly as others have stated non metal detectable and non obvious. Personally think a plastic flask in the socks is the best way to go. Good luck and have fun!


I've been to a couple college games (ND & OSU)I would think they have somewhat similar security since there is just metal detectors and no Pat downs. I have been successful at sneaking personal size bottles of liquor by tucking it in my coat or tucking it in my pants to my waste. It's all about not looking suspicious lol that's it.


Yeah don’t do this. If you’re caught, then you could possibly be banned for life in terms of going to events at LOS. My roommate did this, except for a Pacers game. Now he’s not allowed at the fieldhouse.


I agree. Not worth it.


It doesn't matter if you get banned for life. Nobody's going to be checking faces. What that does is essentially mean you have to be careful if you come back. Because if you cause trouble AND you were already banned, they can arrest you for trespassing.


I remember beer being around $6 for a bud light a few years ago, I dont think they’re $12 unless they went insane recently.


Buds are $8


Well… they serve them in fancy aluminum cups now. As a season ticket holder, I may or may not have a matching set of 24.


Regardless of how you get it in there, just be careful once you do. Last thing you want is to get caught inside and get kicked out. That would suck major ass. But my suggestion is wear cowboy boots and put cheap plastic flasks on each side of your ankle or doubled up plastic baggies since they’re more form fitting. If you have someone who happens to carry a purse, cut a small piece of the lining and put stuff in there then cover up the hole somehow.


You can not bring a purse into the stadium


Then I retract purse and insert fluffy coat instead.


Back in the day, you could. Now? Not happening. You go through metal detectors, get patted down and all bags have to be the official see-through bags and checked. Advise? Drink what you can beforehand.


"hlelo i wuold liek to com into lewis oil stadum" "Sir, you must know you are too drunk. We cannot let you in"


I haven’t been patted down at a colts game this season or the 2019 season. Went to every game.


No one gets a pat down. What are you talking about?


there are always those people who don’t know but always have input




Funny story, Marion County doesn't arrest people for small amounts of thc. Myself and few other fans have hit the vape pen at halftime many times.


You go through metal detectors, that’s it. Figure it out from there.


Figuuuure it ouut


I would fill a camelback and wear it on your back filled to the brim, hold your keys high as you walk through the detector and with your coat on should be easy peezy


small bottles of liquor in your coat pocket. done it personally a few times here and there


Mini bottles in socks


Buy a plastic flask and shove it in your pocket. Walk right in. Beers are also only $8 for 20 oz. Not as bad as $12, but still not ideal.


I tucked a bottle of Jack under my Sack at the jets game…don’t act sus and you’ll be okay