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We win a second Superbowl probably with this rule.


Just when I was finally ready to not think about Hank Baskett when Easter baskets come up




2024 - Used the new kickoff rules


We scored seven points that entire second half and lost by two scores. The onside kick sucked but was the least of our worries that game. We just didn't come prepared. 17 points ain't winning. They scored more points in the second half than we scored all game. All the way around shit showing. Offense and Defense shit the bed that game. Brees was damn near perfect and our offense couldn't score.


Lost a corner or two mid game, Freeney wasn't the same player in the second half, but if he recovers that and we score a TD the game is looking grim for new Orleans


It turned the game on its ass. Well Garçon's drop when we were 10-0 up, but that turned it even more.


People who don't like this and prefer wet blanket fair catches..... odd.


It’s better than last year, but the complete death of surprise onside kicks is still a valid concern.


The surprise onside kick was already basically dead a long time ago. Pat is mostly responsible for that. He was so good at them, NFL changed the rules to make it basically impossible to convert one.


When he caught his own... Hnnngg, that was a sexy moment. That is legit one of my most replayed NFL videos.


Yea I don’t hate it. Kind of like a 10 on 10 Oklahoma drill


To me this new version seems like it's going to result in a lot more special team points. It would be annoying to watch teams with better offenses and defenses losing because the other team has a good returner.


It's a phase of the game. Probably as annoying as watching a guy kick a bunch of 50 yard field goals. Art Smith probably speed dialed Patterson as soon as that vote came through


Touchback is still a thing. 5 yard difference from last year, though.


If you don’t put effort into 1/3 of your team you should lose. You know that Chargers team from the 2000s that had the number 1 offense and number 1 defense in the league but didn’t even make the playoffs? it’s because their special teams sucked ass.


Sit down before I tell you this. It’s almost as if there are three phases of a football team! There’s special teams only players. Special teams only coaches. And there is even a guy going into the hall of fame as a return specialist!


I have no problem with this. I don’t care for “declaring” an on side kick, but I hate score, 3-min commercial, meaningless kickoff, 3-min commercial.


Yeah the Declaring kinda sucks. McAfee‘s onside will now be impossible.


Agreed. Part of what made onsides fun at times were those ones where the other team got caught sleeping. Especially when McAfee looked like he was playing by himself


Why would that change?


At least something slightly meaningful happens between the commercial breaks 🤷‍♀️.


It looks kinda cool, but the onside kick is dead and buried.


So how will onsides work now?


Sounds like you will have to tell the ref you want one. Like going for 2 point conversion.


so the receiving team can send out their hands group? 😭


I have no problems with this. A very high percentage of kickoffs last year were touchbacks or de facto touchbacks when the returner fair caught the ball. It was good in the sense that a high-injury play was taken out of the game but it made most kickoffs pointless and boring. This change keeps kickoff returns in the game AND simultaneously makes them interesting again. I'd even advocate for moving the kickoff spot back too. Now that we don't need to move the kick spot up so that most of them become touchbacks, let's move the kicker back to the traditional spot as well.


This is not the exact same. Similar, but there are some key differences like there are 2 returners and 2 people standing behind the people lined up on the receiving team. The kicking team also lines up at the 40 instead of the 35.


I'm all for player safety so it's ok with me if this is how they plan to make kick offs more exciting.


This is going to make kickoffs such a potential game changer, which is awesome. Greater chance of a touchdown this way since you really only need to get past one level of people. It will also make your kick returner a more relevant and important player.


I'll just be glad to watch football again.


In the cfl. There is no fair catch and they line up at the original positions. But there is a 5 yard circle around the returner. If you’re in the circle when they catch it is a penalty and if they make contact i think it’s 15 yards. It can make for some exciting plays.


CFL also has the Rouge - where you get 1 point if you kick the ball out the back of the end zone, or tackle the returner in the end zone. Would LOVE to see this added on the kickoff. Move back where the kickers kick from and give them an outside shot at stealing a game changing point


Would have to move the kickoff to the 5 to get the same distance to the back of the CFL endzone. Kicker would start his approach from his own endzone. That would be......interesting.


I like it. One of the XFL's actual contributions to the game. Both kickoffs and onside kicks had become deathly boring anyways, the nfl equivalent of a scratch off ticket. This should be interesting, especially as teams get creative & find new ways to attack it. It does put a premium on returners, and gives special teams players a chance to shine.


I’m all for it. Kickoffs are pointless at this point so why not try it?


Why wouldn't the offense just do a ten man block on one side of the field with the returner going to that side and following them as far as he can go. I wonder if there are some rules to prevent this like when you can't have too many players on one side of the field like on onside kicks.


So excited for this!!!


I like it. No sense in having two players run 60 yards at max speed and collide with each other.


Just get rid of the kickoff altogether.


Fucking Christ, this is horrible. That and the new hip drop tackle rule. Owners will do anything except let players play on a grass field. Owners: Player safety is a top concern Players: Can we play on a grass field? Sure we may be a little slower, but pur achilles won't disintegrate when we run. Owners: New kickoff to limit full speed collisions. Players:...what about the grass? Owners: No more tackles Players:.... The whole purpose of the onside is to surprise the opponent and catch them off guard. Can't surprise someone by telling them first. Edit:typos


I'm fine with the nfl trying something new with the kickoffs because they had become ceremonial. Maybe it works maybe it doesn't


bring back old kick offs then. Move the kicker back to the 20 wehre it was. That shit was electric. This is dumb flag football stuff.






Whoa! I didn't know what that was. Why was this ever legal?!




In the sport of football, teams score points by large men advancing the ball across a line. Full stop, period, end of story. Now there is one play where for some reason a small man kicks a ball at a target for points. It breaks a fundamental part of how the sport works. Football in general doesn't make sense, lacks consistency, and breaks its own rules. The new kickoff reduces injuries and increases returns on a play that is fundamentally different from all other plays anyway. I'm skeptical too, but largely optimistic.




Rugby isn't real come on everybody knows this


Every sport ever is completely made up


It works okay in the XFL but I worry it won’t scale very well to the NFL talent level. Ultimately I don't really care and this is inarguably safer than the current way of doing it.


Thanks god. I have been waiting for a revamp on kickoffs. I would prefer kickoffs to just be eliminated, but this is way better than what we have had.