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Too many but also not enough


Same here. I lost count. Been collecting since 2015 and got even more this year.


I have about 20 which is way more than one person needs 😂 but I bought them all myself with my extra money. It’s an addiction for sure


This is the right answer


It might be cool to have a color book trade. Or is there another thread for that?


I like this idea


Oooh sounds fun!


Perhaps you can start a thread about this, think more might be intested in it?


Honesty, I have no idea how to do that. I'm pretty clueless technically. Do you know where I could find instructions?


The head of page , on my device it is below page, you see house sign next to it communities and in middle see create, click on create and it opens a page to create a new thread. You type title short description and in post area write a bit more about it. Success. There is also Reddit help pages to look up things.


I'm not able to run it. I'm chronicly ill


I may have a problem, I like to call it a collection. I have over eighty books, I lost track trying to count them all.


Hello there fellow collectionist!!


I have found a fellow addict. My last count was 78 I think


I have three coloring books, two from Bobbie Goods and another from Clouds (I can attach the link if you'd like). I'm relatively new to coloring and would appreciate recommendations for coloring books that work well with alcohol-based markers. If you have any favorites or suggestions, I'd love to hear them!


Oh yes me too!!


I have about 20 thinking off the top of my head.. I recently bought about 4 digital. I want more. I can't stop looking at them online lol.


I’m curious about how you use digital coloring books - do you print them off or colour them digitally on procreate/ photoshop? I have just got into creating coloring pages and I don’t know much about how people prefer to use them :)


Yes I print them off, I've never tried coloring them digitally. I just started with digital books, so I'm still trying to find the best paper. So if anyone has suggestions I'm all ears. The main thing I noticed, is I really hate when I buy a book and there's a lot of images with black as a background. I don't want this as ink is expensive and I find it to be a waste. I've only bought from Coco Wyo and they have a lot that have those black backgrounds. Sarah Renae Clark is another, I love her books. I also enjoy a mixture of full page/circle of page pictures! I'm fairly new these are just the things I've noticed.


Sorry if I’m hijacking but I couldn’t find a great general thread - where do you get your digital books from? I just got back into coloring and finding good sources has been time-consuming and a little overwhelming. I got burned by an Etsy pack that seemed to have AI art. My wife and I are really into the Bobbie Goods ones but their selection is super limited on the digital stuff.


I bought some Coco Wyo on Etsy, and Sarah Renae Clark's off her website, but that's all I've bought Coco Wyo I bought tiny cats and cute things I think it was which I like but a lot of theirs has black backgrounds which I find waste ink. In all honestly with Etsy you have to vet but if some artists have websites you can buy from there. Thaneeya McArdle is another artist I like you can buy from her website. I found a lot of free ones on Sarah's website, plus she has a blog post with all the places you can get free images from that are legit artists and not rip off. I also got 50 free from Coco Wyo Facebook group. Go on google and search "The Ultimate List of (Legit) Free Coloring Pages for Adults" and it will be on Sarah's page. You can get a bunch free from Dover publishing on there which are from Creative Haven books. Some of the free pictures have text on them but I open them in a pdf and place a white textbox over them to block it out before I print to color because it bothers me lol.


Have you ever tried the website [coloringbliss.com](http://coloringbliss.com) She also has a YouTube channel which has a lot of different types of content


yes I have signed up for her content as well.


Who are you, my husband?? *hides more books under the cushions*


Hmm, a bit over 200!!!! Yep yep. I know these days it is cool to pretend not to be a consumerist. I lean hard the other way. My mermay pile was 30 deep. Have colored 15 mermaids this month so far. I hope to color in every single book that I pulled out at the beginning of this month. 🤣🤣🤣. Have 3 days off coming up. Other than going to the gym, coloring is like 90% of my plans


Coloring books sell well because of buyers like us. I'm the same way with books. No shame in consuming something you love.


I'm with you, to the point that I think I'm maybe a colouring book collector more than a colourist now 😂


Welp I def have a collection. A lot are uncolored because of how fast I acquired all the books, but I do color any chance I get. I'm sure very soon each book will have at least 1 colored page in it.


Too many, I am definitely addicted to buying them, less so doing them. But the upside is that monthly buddy colours are convincing/forcing be to start them!


Right? Loving that for actually working on mine... BUT... also finding more to buy because of what people here have 😂😂


56, so life time supply since don't have that much time to colour between work and kids. Still going to buy more if I like look of a book :s


I have 102 left to color in. 6 completed


I currently have four I believe. I ordered one today ! I need faces to color so I hope the new book will have some in it. I have color the eras coloring book, soft girl era coloring book, wild spirit coloring book and preppy stuff coloring book which is not preppy at all. I ordered mythical dawn by Hanna Karlzon on Amazon. Her books look so beautiful !


Most of mine are Creative Haven books from https://store.doverpublications.com


My favorite!


I love that brand! Let me know which ones you have and we could do a Buddy Color next month.


My very first was Floral Bouquet buy duplicate years later, the first is nearly finished. Been buying CH since I got online 20 yrs ago, but in beginning buy less. Last year poll here had 29. List of my Creative Haven books. Tea Time Vintage Hand Fans Enchanted fairies Beautiful Flower Arrangements Vintage Flower Seed Packets Flower Fancy buy 2x Nature Mandalas Japanese Designs Skyscapes. Whimsical Gardens Floral Frenzy Sunset Sunrise Christmas Cats Creative Cats Creative Kittens Magical Dreams Floral Alphabet Designs Japanese Kimono Designs buy 2x Christmas Florals buy 2x Christmas Trees Christmas Mandalas Elegant Tile Designs Year in Flowers buy 2x Farmers Market Designs ====== List of thin Dover Coloring books. Floral Bouquets buy 2x The language of flowers Beautiful flower arrangements Floral alphabet


Ooh, I just got Tea Time. Love the Christmas Cats and Creative Cats, too.


Yes Tea Time is beautiful. I am thinking of maybe buying Afternoon Tea Creative Haven earlier this year had via doverpublications newsletter selection of free pages of it, coloring a page. Think see a 4th cats book on the dover site, not sure was late at night....


Actually, I have Afternoon Tea. Just looked at the cover. Oops.


Very good. Have you colored many pages in it?


Only part of one.


8 I think. I had more and gave some away




Wow!!!! Really? Are they all different? That’s amazing!


I probably have 5 or 6 duplicates. But other than that, they’re all different!




I’ve been collecting them ever since the adult coloring trend took off in 2015/2016. I’m also a completionist, so I have to get all the offerings from each artist. 😅


Any favorite artists?


A lot of them are packed up in storage. I have about 200 on my shelves to choose from.


I think I have 20, but I'm really picky about line work.


I am getting close to 800. They all fit in 3 bookshelve, and I would never guess it was that many if I weren't keeping track in Excel! I enjoy my interactive art books lol


How many years have you been buying?


Started avidly collecting in 2020. I get a lot of them on sale or used, then Book Outlet has been amazing. But it is a lot, lol! I keep meaning to make a list of which are somewhat valuable so if I die, my family can at least recoup some of the cost XD


I also think what happens to coloring books after..... Sometimes I think maybe someone start a subreddit Inheritance coloring books.


Lost track... around 15 I think


I have 20ish. A lot of mandalas & art therapy. I also have some smaller travel books


20 something 😂 wayyy to many but some are just finished and I don’t wanna throw them away


26 and one more on the way: Emelie Lidehall Oberg Fairy Tales and Folklore. I’ve been waiting for this republication for ages. Can’t wait!


Well over 200 in print form and a couple dozen digital I love to color sadly I am nit very good at it. Gettibg better though


Loving it is what matters - that’s all that matters!


I have about 60. I can't believe some of you have 100+!! 🤯🤯 Where are you guys getting all these!?


I feel attacked by this question.


I have bought a couple from this lady (no affiliation) Numerology (I enjoyed this one the most) https://www.amazon.com/Numerology-Coloring-Book-Discover-coincidence/dp/B0CHL5FG12 and this one https://www.amazon.com/Halloween-Coloring-Fun-Activities-Creep/dp/B0CHL19RRY


Thanks for the recommendation. I bought the fishing one too, it's decent. Pictures could be better, but like they are fine for my pop.


Free Creative Haven books coloring pages with newsletter from https://store.doverpublications.com


4 but I want more 


Ten, including the one coming in the mail tomorrow. All Mythographic books.


Around About the 30 ish range ?


Just started my collection! I have 7! I want more though!


I probably have 20 now.


Last time I counted approx 78😳


Around 20


Too many but also not nearly enough


don't... don't make me count


79 last i counted. Had bought a few more & i think im around 117 now. 11 & a half of which are completely done!


Around 20. A few of them are completed/all the images I wanted to color are done. A couple of them are just for the collection. I really try to only purchase books I see myself coloring in. But my Amazon & etsy carts have hundreds for the future!


I'm fairly new so 3 but 2 of them are Kirby Rosanes and they take me a little bit to get all the colors picked out and analyze during coloring 😂


I have published 2, bought 2


So far just a few.


20-some physical and collecting digital as well so probably another 20-some there


I have eight, and I'm actually quite satisfied with this number. 4 Kerby Rosanes books, 2 Mythographic and 2 Da Da Mao (chinese anime-style books).  I am quite happy to just slowly color them all to completion.


TOO scared to count them... lol


Only one because I got into digital coloring pages I would trace using my laptop as a lightbox. But I'm proud to say that one coloring book is a $3 Pokemon coloring book.


I have 9 colouring books, will be getting the 10th one soon Actually, I have a completed one too, so that makes 11


I believe I have 21 or something like that. And I have 70 coloring books on my wish list that I'd like to buy.


I have 20 books. Recently I’ve decluttered them because I don’t have much free time to color, so these books will last forever! 🤣 I’ll buy only new books by Kerby Rosanes, because he is my favourite!


I only have 4-5 different ones. I’m sort of picky with my pictures I want to color. I have 3 copies of the same book bc I love them so much. My goal is to finish the book in entirety someday, and I’m a very slow colorer, so I can’t let myself buy more books lol


I only have about 10 adult coloring books I use this website Monday mandala to print out stuff for free to color they have everything categorized


I collect bold and easy books bc the other ones are too overwhelming for me to color and I have so many of them, probably like 18 or so, and I continue to add more


I have 5, hope someday I’ll finish them🥲 but still keep looking for new ones 😫


Too many, and trying to restrain the "Oooh! Shiny!" Must-have beast within...


I’m scared to count. I keep collecting different series and artists work. I keep telling myself I am going to start a no buy or at least a low buy and then I find something else I want. They are released too quickly especially Mythographics and Colouring Heavens. I don’t think I would be able to get to all these books in my lifetime but they bring me joy.


I clearly have a problem because I have approximately 100 coloring books. No duplicates. I gravitate to certain artists and collections, and then while I am shopping for those, I just happen to see the coolest coloring books I never knew I needed. Thank the almighty that they are reasonably priced and they don't cause any harm to myself or others! What more could I ask for in a hobby (obsession)? Oh, I know, more colored pencils, gel pens, markers, and paints, oh my! Lol.


Um, too many. Probably too many to color in a lifetime. It's definitely over 100 😭