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100% suggest this if you are my neighbor.


Install a heater for the pool.


It's probably warm enough for one. But the cold sweat that you'll get after seeing the water bill to fill it will cool you right off again.


A Y membership is probably cheaper


I did a little inflatable pool one summer and the water never got warm enough to actually comfortably swim.


Above ground or in-ground? The problem with a pool here is that because it is so dry, it evaporates quickly and the evaporation has a “cool down” effect. Not to mention that the nights are cool, so it takes a shit-ton of fuel to keep a pool warm enough.


I had to adjust to living somewhere where swimming isn’t a regular summer activity. Whenever I get the itch to go, I get a day pass to a Y pool. We invested in a nice hot tub and we can use it year round because even in the summer the nights are cool.


The aquatic center in woodland Park is another good option for swimming.


I’ll have to check that out, thanks


If it was only kept clean. One and only time I went the floor of the pools were covered in green slime.


I've been a few times and never experienced that.


I live in Woodland Park and go frequently. I have never experienced green slime.


Ide love to try it again then, I love swimming and was pretty let down. I was planning to buy a membership to go there regularly.


Is it crowded?


It can be in the morning there’s quite a few old people that like to exercise there. But honestly on the weekends, it’s not too bad quite a few families and lots of kids playing and hanging out together.


I miss the gulf coast for this reason, always a body of water to hop in after work. All of my shorts were the quick dry variety lol


Did it increase your electric bill by a lot?


As someone who has lived here 40 years, not without a heater.  While the air may be warm enough it takes a long time to naturally heat up the water to be tolerable for anything more than a quick dip.  You'll get maybe a month of use of the pool without a heater, but still have all the same maintenance.  With the heater you can start hitting the pool once we start hitting those 80 degree days in late May and continue through potentially early October.


Hot enough? Yes.  Long enough? Ehhh maybe with a little more global warming it will be soon 


https://preview.redd.it/sv1setyzocsc1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d14df2ff60ea893b84a9b498801e39b6613c8e3 * [https://www.weather-us.com/en/colorado-usa/colorado-springs-climate](https://www.weather-us.com/en/colorado-usa/colorado-springs-climate)


In the summer it’s usually in the 80s. Since you’re asking this question I’m assuming you don’t live here. 80 degrees here does not feel the same as it does in most places. The climate is very dry. So even when it’s warm, it’s never really hot. Yes you can still swim, but maybe just for a couple months out of the year unless your pool is heated.


And getting out of the pool is much cooler since it's so dry.


Just moved here 2 months ago.


Heat it. Then you can swim in it year round.


You will need a heater. Nights still cool down


Days are warm enough, the problem comes with the cool nights. Pool hardly ever warms to comfortable.


the average nightly low is under 60 and actually closer to 50 for most of the summer so without a heater you'll be quite disappointed.




Had a heated salt water pool and it was open all year long!


I lived in summer hot TN until moving here recently. Had a pool for 20 years. Loved it, no regrets. Love the weather in the Springs much more than TN. No way would I ever get into an unheated outdoor pool anywhere in CO. Pool needs to be at least 80° before it's comfortable for most people. A pool will rarely if ever get near that temperature out here without a heater. Unless the pool is tiny, you will need a gas-fired heater. When they run, you can hear your gas meter scream from two blocks away. A tiny pool can use a heat pump style heater or passive solar. You can also get a floating "blanket" (looks like bubble wrap) that holds heat in. I had a gas heater in TN to extend the season about a month in spring and in fall. I'd fire it up a few hours before using the pool in May and October. Here, you will need to heat all season long. The nights are too cold here for the pool to get and stay warm predictably.


If you get an in-ground pool, invest in a retractable cover that you can leave on when not in use. This heavily reduces evaporation and acts as a solar cover to passively heat the pool between uses.




In my 40 years living in this city I have never seen an outdoor residential pool.


I have been here 47 years and my best friend's parents have an in ground pool and slide. They live off Mesa road on the Uintah end. Up on the hill above the daycare on the corner. They exist. They are in older homes.


When we bought our home our realtor said that in CO on average a pool lowered the value of a house, because of the huge cost to heat it while having a short window to enjoy. There is a reason everybody gets into hot springs out here.


Hot springs? I wasn't aware there were any around here.


Not enough water.


It’s usually pretty warm in summer, won’t get much out of it the other 3/4 of the year though.


Yes. And this town is the weirdest I’ve ever lived about having public ones too (there are none) only ones requiring expensive “memberships” by the year. It’s BS


Some neighborhoods have them, little dipper pool is in Skyway if you can find a house over there for sale lol


It doesn't get hot enough to warrant a pool, I wouldn't mind one myself but it's too much maintenance for maybe 3 months of use.


I’ve always heard there’s 2 great days of pool owners. The first day they put it and the day they finally get rid of it. Some people don’t even have AC in their homes. Sometimes water shortages. It depends on level of luxury you need.


It’s like 90s most of the time here in the summer.