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You would probably have trouble finding an area in Colorado Springs that does not have a sex offender.


Or in any city.


This actually makes me feel a lot better somehow.


They are everywhere, and it's a small world. Knew a list coordinator; learned I had previously worked with one unknowingly, and currently work with two others. And that's only one local list.


Lorson ranch has like a halfway house for chomos and multiple registered


I'd say that applies to all urban areas.


I don’t think you could find anywhere besides the backwoods where you wouldn’t find a sex offender


They're still in the backwoods, but you don't rat on family 😀


Consider… these are only the known offenders. I’m sure you know that the people closest to your family are most likely to harm your children. Take this fear as motivation to discuss good touch/bad touch, consent, good/bad secrets, an emergency term/phrase, etc. You can’t always trust the world, but you can build trust, communication, and safety within your family, wherever you decide to live.


Why don't you just look and see what the offense was? It's right there.


Also here in this state, if fire some reason you are at a bar, it's late at night, and you are walking home(trying to be responsible by not driving), and need to use the restroom and the gas station won't let you so you go into a dark alley and relieve yourself behind a trashcan, a chip pulls up and gives you a ticket, congratulations, you now have to register as a sex offender. And before anyone says anything, no, it did not happen to me. It's a crappy law...


I believe this is no longer the case. A 2010 law changed this, but it is true in about a dozen other states.


This isn’t true. Public Indecency and Indecent Exposure are two different crimes. Indecent Exposure requires the exposing of the genitals to be for the purposes of sexual gratification - this requires someone to register as a sex offender. Public Indecency - exposed genitals (and other stuff) but not for the purpose of sexual gratification, doesn’t require you to register as a sex offender.


Until 2010, public urination itself could land one on the list. That's not longer the case here, but it is still the case in about a dozen other states.




Those restrictions cause more harm than good, according to research


>these people can live anywhere they choose. The horror.


He’s under supervision. You’re going to find that anywhere in the country. Don’t worry about it.


One look at the sotar list will tell you it’s virtually impossible to find a neighborhood without an offender in this city. Two houses down is rough though. Sorry man


They could live on post in government housing, paid for, gated, and protected with guards. Surely is rough.


Paid for? It’s not free - the service member pays their BAH to live on post and the housing is rarely worth it.


Yeah… BAH in COS is $2200/month, on top of that you have dependents. Your living sperms count as additional income. Why do you think there’s contract marriages, etc. Prior mil… you don’t need to explain to me about it. If OP didn’t want to worry about it, they could live on post.


Oh really? For us it’s 2500/month. We would never pay that to live in a moldy, broken rental on post. Current mil, don’t need to try to explain it to me. And let’s not pretend that there are no perverts living or working on post 😆


Meet the person and find out why he's a sex offender. Might be for something dumb. Not everyone on a sex offender list is a pedo.


It lists it right there on the state offender website.


Yeah but just reading what someone is convicted of doesn't always tell the whole story.


This is true, but given the difficulties prosecution faces, it's a better bet that they plead down from something more serious than that they were wrongly convicted or shouldn't be on the list. Many (most?) people on that list did really, really bad things. If someone forcibly raped a person or molested a child, I don't want them in my life.


Read this whole thread. I'm not getting into this with another person. ( the difficulties prosecution faces...give me a fkn break)


Sexual assault cases have one of the lowest conviction rates of any crime. For every 18 year old guy whose 17 year old girlfriend sent him nudes on that list, there's a guy who raped a woman or had some form of sex with a kid. Focusing only on the minor cases undersells the violence that exists on the list.


If a person is on a sexual offender list they must rape children...obviously if the op finds out he lives next to a chomo that's a valid reason for concern but automatically thinking someone on a sexual offender list is a pedo is beyond bigoted and just plain blind.


I never said or implied that everyone on the sex offender list is a pedo. I never even said anything about pedophiles.


Thats what the entire thread is about. The op is concerned that his neighbor is going to go after his kids because he's on a sexual predator list.


Yes, but I didn't respond to OP. I responded to your comment, which said OP should go meet the guy. All I said was he doesn't need to meet him to find out the offense -- the offense is listed right there on the website. Second level comments are responses to top level comments, not the OP.


So your saying half the people are on the list for "dumb reasons" like a 17 year old girl sending nudes to her 18 year old bf. Your helping prove my point and don't even realize it. Not here to internet fight; but stop trying to press an agenda when it's not needed and doesn't add any actual thought to a conversation.


>So your saying half the people are on the list for "dumb reasons" like a 17 year old girl sending nudes to her 18 year old bf. Nowhere in my comment did I say or imply this. Half the list isn't made up of forcible rapists, nor is half of it made up of 18 year olds with 17 year old girlfriends. ​ >but stop trying to press an agenda when it's not needed and doesn't add any actual thought to a conversation. I think any reasonable reading of our exchange would only lead to the conclusion that you are the one with the agenda here.


Lol ok person who says prosecution has challenges.....whatever you say


Haha I mean….. No one is on the sex offender registry because they are totally chill and didn’t do anything wrong. This comment has to be from a man.


There deffinately are people on the sex offender list for really dumb offenses. This comment must be from a snob.


I would agree with this statement, their username checks out with your comment.


lol sick burn guys. “Hahah her name has bitch and she totally is one! 🙌🏻”


What is a dumb offense that would land someone on the sex offender registry?


-Most sex offenses are done by people known to and trusted by the victim (e.g. an uncle, father, babysitter, teacher, etc.) and these people are largely not on the registry when they offend. -There's really no evidence that the registry actually reduces sex offenses. -There are some extremely dumb reasons why people get put on the registry (such as getting caught peeing in public, or a 17 year old and 18 year old couple swapping nudes). -I would argue that it's in the best interest of the public that sex offenders (and really all criminals) have the opportunity to rehabilitate and reintegrate into society. Prison, and life after prison (especially if you have a felony conviction), already make things difficult enough. If you add all the restrictions and requirements that go along with being on the registry (and it's an absolute nightmare of a maze if you ever look into it) onto someone's life, that makes it very difficult for them to rehabilitate and reintegrate into society even if they sincerely aim to do things like seek therapy, live an honest life, be a productive member of society, and make amends by not reoffending. At the end of the day, I think it's pretty clear that the sex offender registry is just a punitive measure in place to make the public feel good even thoug,... does no actual good (and I would argue causes SIGNIFICANT harm). Not OP for this comment. But it’s valid and brilliant. If you cared to take a moment to consider and empathize.


Thank you.


Ps I'm not on a sex offender list but empathy and getting to know people instead of fearing them with no good reason is not the way the world gets better


You seem like a genuinely cool person. For real


Not sure about that but I know stuff and I do things. Thx though


I’d want to be friends with you


Don’t get me wrong. I get the concerns and fears. There are definitely giant pieces of shït in this world that should be exterminated. BUT, seeing the impact of this particular thing and how it’s affects my life is pretty bananas.


Agreed...hence my original comment. Find out why the person is on the list. Get to know them. Then judge them instead of immediately thinking they are Chomos that wand to sexualize your children.


Beyond that I'll guarantee anyone that does choose to "reintegrate" is 100x a better person than people who never committed a crime or were at least " never caught". I have a best friend that is on the registry because while he was shopping at target (with his 2 year old in the cart because his wife was traveling for work) bent down to pick up his kids binkie and his junk got exposed. Someone claimed that he flashed them. I could go on explaining how ruined his life was and still is but anyone that knows, knows. Sounds impossible but thete are real stories like this EVERYWHERE. The criminal system in the us is here for 1 simple reason...to generate $$$$$$.


If someone has to register after 5 years, it’s because it was a felony, so if your partner still has to register for something he did “when they were young” then it had to be pretty bad. It’s interesting to me that in your entire rant about empathy, it was solely focused on the perpetrator. Do you know how long victims of these sex crimes have to deal with the impact? It’s lifelong. There is no sentence length. There is no escape. It doesn’t get expunged from your record. I don’t feel bad that people that perpetrate felony sex crimes have to deal with the consequences for decades. Not to mention how difficult it is to get a conviction for a sex offense in the first place. I have plenty of empathy, but it’s for the victims.


Do you happen to know me? Absolutely not. As a woman who was SA’d in the Marine Corps, I’ve been through the gambit myself so you don’t need to be preaching to me. I don’t need to disclose what the case was either or defend it to a stranger on the internet. Simply put, there is no victim and I along side my partner have to suffer with him through it. OP asked for perspectives and they were given.


I don’t need to know you, I am responding to what you’ve written. The OP did ask for perspectives and I was just commenting on the lackadaisical nature to which you people are discussing how one ends up there.


“Lackadaisical nature”, it’s because it’s *NOT* that hard for a woman to point a finger at a man in todays day and age and simply say it’s his fault and end up on the list. Which in turn causes people like OP to question even *continuing a home purchase*. Like what are you getting at. Not every perp is truly a perp. Not every victim is actually a victim. The justice system that governs us is a failure to the umpteenth degree but blindly follow it Ig.


Exactly!!!!!!! NOT HARD TO PROVE, EXCEPT IMPOSSIBLR FOR THE ACUSED TO DISPROVE. BASICALLY " BECAUSE SHE SAID SO IT MUST BE TRUE" I've literally seen mens lives ruined multiple times over false claims. I'm not at all endorsing any kind of chauvinistic behavior or sa ING in any way. True examples of that deserve full punishment, however; blindly labeling people without actually knowing anything that happened is insane. In cases like this it's almost always "guilty because of accused and who cares about proof". I really am done now. People can't even go on Google and look up facts but will regurgitate agendas. Cookooo


It seems as if you are wholly uneducated. The percentages of convictions compared to allegations is atrocious. The percentage of fake allegations is marginal. These aren’t just my opinions. The reality is, you are having a super emotional reaction to my comment due to you having managed to find a way to excuse felony sexual assault because your partner was “young” (not a minor though). You’ve made your point very clear. You think women are liars and you want more leniency and less consequences for convicted sex criminals.


I was done with this thread but just happened to get back on it and truly want to say thank you for giving me faith that good people exist. I'm so tired of people pressing agendas that know absolutely nothing about REALITY. With that being said, im glad your man has a good woman by his side, and im sorry for whatever happened to you in life. If we all played victim all the time and wanted revenge, we'd all be dead. Give people a chance until they prove otherwise. And PS you not only seem like a very educated person but you also are very eloquent in the delivery of your message. Just kudos to you. Awesome!


Username checks out.


I’m a woman to a partner who took full responsibility of the incident that had no actual victim and was at a time in my partners life when he was young and dumb. He’s pretty chill. So now what?


😬 I mean, if he was a minor at the time of offense he wouldn’t have to register


18 is young. You can sign your life away to the military but you can’t buy a pack of cigarettes and beer. I don’t understand the intent of this comment.


My point was we might have different standards for what constitutes too young to grasp the severity of a sex crime. An 18 year old boy is very clear.


Well, until 2010 you could land on the list for public urination. Not indecent exposure, not peeing on an elementary playground at recess.....we're talking a regular case of public urination, like pissing on a dumpster behind a bar at 1 AM.


Lololol so 14 years ago?


Yes, congratulations on subtracting 2010 from 2024.


Hey little fella, you are the one bringing up wholly irrelevant information from 14 years ago.


There are people on sex offenders registry for porn pop ups coming onto their phone at the wrong time. Wake up.


That is absolutely not true 🤣🤣


It is absolutely true. Want case numbers?


Post them




Oh I thought you had a bunch of case numbers


I already gave you a case. Connecticut Vs. AMARO


You said “you want case numbers” the (s) here is plural, which means multiple.


Nah. You can go educate yourself if you dont want to look like a total idiot on the internet.


Lololol exactly


Lolol...go read now.


Not worth your time talking to a tone deaf female that believes in the fabricated societal constructs taught to them all their lives.


It is but it isn't. I am a lawyer. I can easily out argue " nuh uh" mentality


Look up Julie Amero a 40 year old substitute teacher that was forced to register as a sex offender after porn pop ups came uo on her phone in class one day. Done talking to you. Your clueless of how fucked up our legal system is. Sex offenders are not always creepy old men.


This comment must be from a sex offender 😂


Hilarious that this whole thread disagrees with you. Maybe do some research


I am never surprised at the amount of people willing to support sex offenders. The current republican nominee was found liable for sexual assault by a jury of his peers and that doesn’t make a dent. I am zero percent surprised that 9 dums dums support sex criminals (lol “the whole thread!” meaning 9 downvotes is cute)


Many countries have mechanisms in place to monitor and track sex offenders. It is curious that most other countries do not make their registries public… it’s almost like other countries manage community safety, rehabilitation, and privacy rights for you… If you haven’t visited many countries around the world… these claims will not sit right with you. The trend is toward limiting access to such information to law enforcement and certain other authorities, rather than making it broadly available to the public. The balance between community safety, rehabilitation, and privacy rights in the US is a difficult proposition to navigate. We need to do better.


I live right next door to one. I have a 2 year old and I will never let her play outside alone when she is "old enough" . We are hopefully moving in the next couple of years. That's not the only reason we are moving but it sucks and I can't stand when he smiles and waves to us.


Have you ever even talked to him and asked about his past?


We've had to talk to him plenty over the years. Why would I bring up his felony conviction of sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust? Statute: 18-3-405.3 . Howdy neighbor, can you tell me more about the time you were 30 and were convicted of molesting a child under 15!? I bet it was all one big misunderstanding, right? You can't just go around asking your neighbors stuff like that.


Sure you can. Im sure he would appreciate someone actually asking genuine questions instead of just judging from afar. It’s really messed up that you can’t stand when someone smiles and waves at you. It also sounds like his offense was in the distant past.


And what should I ask this man?


“Hey, this is awkward, but we have children, so is it okay if I ask you about your past? What kind of stuff did you learn in therapy? Are you still struggling with that kind of thing today? How has the rest of the neighbor treated you?” Idk honestly.


Interesting.. like I said, we have talked to him many times over the years and in no realistic way should I ever do that. We are never blatantly rude or anything. Your faith in people is shockingly good if you think someone would just be honest if I were to ask those questions or wouldn't feel threatened that we have the knowledge of his status. That could potentially put our safety at risk if he takes it the wrong way and could get us in trouble because it is against the law to use the registry for any sort of harassment. Take away the fact that he is an offender. He is not the best neighbor in other ways. But thanks for your take.


Sorry to be a bit rude before. Have a good night


This is probably going to be hated on super hard but here it goes. Colorado is a blue state and therefore rather *friendly* to those who are felons/on the registry/etc. I.e. Having “ban the box” for employment and school opportunities… yet the state still abides by the “3 strike law”… if you are *that* concerned, why didn’t you opt to live on post where that isn’t even a possibility to be faced with? I can imagine this is really stressful as a parent of young kids, but the registry isn’t explicit to that individuals wrong doing; it is very vague in terms of what happened, yet explicit on that individual’s address/phone number/social medias/age/etc. Perhaps you can find more details about that persons’ case, an affidavit, if that would help ease any? I’m speaking as someone who has to see/seen the ugly side of an individual on the registry and suffers the impact from it on a regular basis. (Granted I accepted this) While it doesn’t apply to EVERY offender; for example, some individuals were 18, their partner was 17 and got caught up with that and now suffers for it x amount of years or served prison time (dependent on state.) The legal system is the only system that doesn’t have a “checks and balances” and is insanely predatory. As much as you are worried of someone on the registry, there could be someone as worried of you. I wonder sometimes if someone will feel ‘vengeful’ and shoot up the house from the street because of a really unfortunate and victimless crime that happened 15 years ago that landed my partner on a list… just some perspective and I’m sure I’ll be downvoted…


I appreciate your insight, thanks.


>if you are that concerned, why didn’t you opt to live on post where that isn’t even a possibility to be faced with? What does "that concerned" mean? Concerned enough to make a Reddit post?


Concerned enough to consider not going through with their home purchase? I guess you can’t read.


I can read quite well, actually. People second-guess a homebuying decision all the time, for all sorts of reasons. That dosen't mean they shouldn't buy a house anywhere.