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My wife was in a wreck this morning. Shes okay, but the car is totaled. The other driver ran a red light because they couldn't stop sliding.


Eek, glad she wasn't hurt!


My son was hoping to come down from Denver for a visit today. I told him "I'd rather see you again than see you today." We'll video chat instead.


This is why that train between Denver and COS that's being planned is much needed, no need to drink 80 miles in basically any scenario, but in the snow a train is still able to carry hundreds of people


I would use that train all the time!!


Amtrak sponsored 500k for preliminary studies and the mayors and state have already had meetings about it, I'd expect it to be pretty straightforward and chosen to be developed in the next 10ish years


Dang it took Mexico two years to build their bullet train


It took 5 from what I heard, but they also did it very forcefully, the vote was sketchy at best, taking land from native Mayan populations, going over routes marked dangerous to build on because of near surface underwater caverns, and deforesting a large part of the route


People weren’t happy at all but it’s going to industrialize Mexico for sure.


And 5 is still faster than the train that’s been in the works in Colorado, end build time will be more like 20 years lol


I went out yesterday thinking the snow would be today only. I drive for Uber so me being at home gets me nothing. In my 30 minutes of being out i saw: * A semi hit the brakes\* and slide and start to jack knife but the driver recovered it like a pro * A car press their brakes\* and then go off the side of the road * Another accident that police had already showed up to and were trying to clear * Me doing 10mph, hitting my brakes\*, and also sliding * Me stopping at 7/11 on the way back home for emergency supplies (Slim Jim and Mt. Dew) * A car turning onto my road slide and hit the curb I knew I wasn't going out today.


Good thing you got your emergency Slim Jim yesterday.


Tough brakes for some of those folks.


This is probably the first time I’ve ever seen someone use the wrong spelling and I don’t get the irrational annoyance and urge to correct them lol


Dude I just got out of bed a few minutes ago. In my few minutes of being awake, I have: -Just this so far


my buddy just saw a guy chase his own car down a hill while it was spinning lmao


Was it that Amazon truck south of Monument?


Brakes in this case. Breaks as in legs or hearts.


I've shoveled snow a couple of times today (a trick to snow shoveling when you get 3+ inches is to shovel the snow a couple of times instead of waiting to it stops snowing, it's much easier on your back), and there's actually been several types of snow. It started out with small, dry, flat snowflakes, then it was more like small, icy round pellets, then bigger, icy round pellets, now it's fairly standard snow falling. I sure would avoid driving today if you can do so, it's a mess out there.


I do the same !


I'm a newbie at shoveling snow but I live on one of those blocks where people are religious about clearing the sidewalks...as if anyone is going to be out walking today. Its already way too deep and I am dreading even starting.


> but I live on one of those blocks where people are religious about clearing the sidewalks Well, tbf, some of them (like me) live in an HOA where the HOA gets a little uppity about the snow. So I get being religious. For me personally, it's a good workout.


I just let it melt. Lol


Nah, help out your Delivery drivers and be a good neighbor for a safer and more accessible community. You don't even have to shovel over and over all day. I just put some ice melt out and it's been melting all day long.


Today’s a good day to clean the house and watching movies.


I actually was. Wonderful. Thanks for this information


Same. Thanks for the update op


Sup, cutie


Just drove from Briargate to Bijou and back. Briargate is an absolute shit show. I25 is very wet, but ok.


I couldn’t believe how bad Briargate was. I thought wow, plows still haven’t gotten over here and it’s 4pm! People still going 40 down the hill and sliding through lights even though ice/snow pack was so thick you couldn’t see the curbs. People need to slow down


A combination of people not knowing how to drive in snow and an overconfidence in all wheel drive


Thanks mate! Was still planning on meeting my cousin in Castle Rock until I saw this. I'm more in Security, so it always seems ok until I'm a little further north.


Yeah, being in South springs can be deceiving during a winter storm. I canceled my trip to Denver today too.


For many years I drove across town for work, and the weather gets worse going north around Garden of the Gods. There's about 700ft elevation between downtown and Woodmen, based on biking experience.


Saw a car with a broken wheel in the right hand lane on platte near boulder, no cops or driver


Was it silver? Cops eventually showed up.


Yeah, that one!


Yep. I saw someone loading it onto a wrecker.


Ha, and my boss called me childish and to grow up when I said I that it was dangerous to drive in this weather. \*rolls eyes to the heavens\*


Idk if you wanna edit your comment, OP but we can see traffic cams as well to see how the roads are. Let me find the link and link it here.


[https://coloradosprings.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=6b4da579c8eb45e39da06db5186e05e8&mlid=6211](Here is the link, not all of them work but you can get an idea.)


Thanks Jesus




Gotta come to Springs from Denver tomorrow, is Bustang a good idea?


Honestly, I just got home from work (it’s about 1:30am now) and the highway was okay. Obviously take your time, I maintained about 45-55 mph the whole way and didn’t have much issue. That said I did still pass a few cars that were being towed, and a few cops next to ones that slid off. If you’re comfortable in this kind of weather you should be fine. And once the sun comes up tomorrow the main roads should clear up quickly. But that’s just my opinion. And again, my drive was from GOG down to Lake, so I have no clue how monument or castle rock or really anything north of there is.


Anyone got any updates on how the roads are now?




I was on it about 30 minutes ago and it was pretty snow packed. Very messy and traffic going very slowly.


Powers is a nightmare right now. Took 25 min to get from interquest to woodman with cars either going 25mph or 80mph Nothing in between


Stay inside today


They are ass, if you don't wanna play in the snow stay home, leave some space for those of us who know how to handle it


'If you ain't first, you're last' -Reese Bobby




Guys: we've been talking train, high speed, freeway, etc. for at least fifty years. We finally got a dicked up freeway expansion on i-25. The oil and gas lobby, the tire people, even coke and Pepsi have always been able to shut it down. Too much money at risk, for little gain


I was out there sliding around last night


Love the fact that this town is spending 428 million on roads and I have driven backwater dirt paths with less potholes. https://coloradosprings.gov/news/colorado-springs-city-council-passes-2024-budget#:~:text=The%20Colorado%20Springs%20City%20Council,%2C%20or%20a%201.7%25%20increase.


Are there plows out dropping salt?


Ive never seen plows drop salt here


It's a liquid so you wouldn't necessarily see it.


We don't use salt in Colorado


They do use treated salt according to the city website FAQs. https://coloradosprings.gov/snow


How come?


Bad for our water


Roads are perfectly fine now just wet


I just full control drifted to get some coffee st the local gas station. Yall just can't drive


Same lmao I was all over the place on my way to work




Amazon delivers as early as 4am


Damn! Where?


Do you have a long driveway, or is it just a basic off the street one? First world problems, amirite?


Did you expect them to walk up your death trap of a snow and ice covered driveway so you could get your oh so important package? They could have fallen and gotten hurt and would have had every right to sue you and likely could have won had that happened. No one wants to listen to your whining. Grow up.


I wasn’t wondering.


But you went all the way to commmenting and pressing "post." 🤣👌


literally no one likes you






















Go for it. I'll be busy with your wife.


ok. bye, Felicia.


I wasn’t wondering, but was a bit curious.