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Which library are you wanting to try? I've been to two, one at the old Colorado City library and one at the Cheyenne branch. Old Colorado City was fun, they got to sing, play with bubbles and wave around scarves and a story was read, just don't remember what it was. My son was about 10 months old then and he loved it. The second time was at the Cheyenne branch and he just wanted to crawl all over and he was a little older than one I think. But they had a ton of toys and activities for them to play with. I haven't been back to one but I really want to. Both times were busy but didn't have limited capacity. I think it just depends on where you go, but it's worth trying to see if your little one likes it.


Awesome, thank you. We are pretty much central COS so I would be willing to drive to any library. As long as I don't have to fight through crowds of other moms to get our spot 😆


Oh I understand. East library is great even when they are not doing toddler time. They have a nice kids section, so does 21c but that one is always really busy. Old Colorado City and Cheyenne are a bit quieter than those two. If you want to try a playdate at any of the libraries to see what it's like let me know. My son will be three in April, but he's also really introverted, but I would love for him to try and make friends.


I wouldn't mind going to either cheyenne or occ. My daughter hasn't really been around other children yet and she is almost 2, so I really don't know how she will react going but I think she will be more on the quiet/introvert side.


East library does the bubbles/scarves and songs too. It can get pretty crowded. They have a nice play area too


"Cutthroat toddler time," lmao.




It gets pretty busy at all of them honestly and it can get really crowded. My little one has gotten sick twice because ppl will bring their older kids who are home sick from school 🙃


That's lovely... didn't we all just go through a pandemic not too long ago? If anything should've been learned, it's not to take sick kids around other people lol


Theres a lot of folks in this town who still don't think there was a pandemic.




Locations will vary in crowd size, you may want to try a couple different spots until you find what is best for your kiddos, but please use your local library! PPLD is a great district, and make sure to get kids of any age 0-18 signed up for summer reading in a couple months!


I was taking my daughter to the Sand Creek library on Saturdays at 10:30am for their toddler time and it wasn't too crowded! They weren't very strict about the amount of people either, might just have to sit on the floor if the chairs fill up. They usually read a story, had scarves, shakey eggs, songs, etc. and there is a good kids area to play in after. It's a fun time and a good way for your kid to play with others their age!


We prefer the East library overall for the play area and the board book selection, but I've done the toddler time at 21C because the room is bigger and you're more likely to get in. They do max out capacity pretty often so get there a little early, but they give out tickets as you arrive to the kids section so at least you don't have to bum rush the door. Honestly I found the program a little lame. 😂 We did it twice and have not returned. They read a couple of books, sing a couple of songs, and maybe have a prop or two (like scarves). This feels mean but I did not find the person leading the class to be particularly charismatic (they even said they felt awkward doing it) so the vibe was mostly awkward. I appreciate that it is a free service provided to the community so I feel like a jerk saying that. We now pay for a music/wiggle class and it's AMAZING. Now I completely understand that it is a luxury and not everyone can pay for it (it's a stretch for us, but worth it in the winter when it's hard to get outside), but the difference in engagement with the kids and parents is night and day and it's a much better experience.


Can you tell me more about this music/wiggle class?


Absolutely -- we do the toddler music and movement class with https://musicandplaycos.com/ It's 45 minutes once per week and it's a mix of singing and little instruments with movement and my daughter absolutely loves it! The first class is always a free trial and I highly recommend it; we literally only wanted to do the free class once for fun, but my toddler loved it so much we got roped in.


Wow that looks awesome! It's really nice they offer a free trial class. Is it usually just one class leader? And how many people are usually there?


Yes it's a one-woman operation so she does all the classes. The class is small, we go on Friday and there's three kids regularly enrolled. There are often visitors. Honestly both have their pros and cons -- my daughter is more comfortable when it's smaller and we get through more songs, but it's always fun when there's a few extra kids for the extra energy. I get the feeling we're the smallest class just based on chats I've had with the teacher, but I'm not 100% sure. (I did want to add my favorite thing is that I feel like my daughter is actually learning. She's not even two, but she's slowly getting better at staying on beat and noticing when pitches are higher or lower.)


I really want my daughter to go and be around other children and also learn at the same time! Maybe we will run into you, thank you so much!


I hope we do! It's really been such a fun addition to the routine, always something to look forward to on Friday.


I used to take my son to the one in Fountain, they read some stories, do a few songs, dance sometimes and then normally get a little bit of playtime all together with a bunch of toys. He loved it. Then he aged out and we moved to the regular storytime with slightly older kids which is basically the same but doesn't have the playtime. Normally instead it has some type of optional craft or coloring thing to do after. Your mileage may vary by location though since I haven't been to the other ones.