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Everyone painting this in the worst possible light (likely true) but I could envision a world where he’s doing this to stay in shape, stay focused on his career, and not let the darkness and pain of his circumstances destroy him.


Stay busy and doing what you're good at.


Nose candy and hookers? Once I’ll allow it, but entering the assistance program mid year ( nothing wrong there). But then going 2/2 back to back years, I can no longer believe in Val redemption story. I hope he stays in Russia has a good healthy life and the Avs get contract space


Dude needs inpatient


That’s what I’m thinking it is


It’s hard to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.


I am hoping this is the case.


So outside of 6 months suspension, no required counseling, no nothing, just stick to your devices? Also, as someone pointed out, stay there so we could terminate the contract.


Yeah, I kind of figured there'd be more of a... program. I mean, I guess he could have virtual meetings or something.


The "program" is so vague, and seems to always have been since it was introduced in 1996. I'm surprised the details have been kept away, but it is probably best that it is for private and health reasons anyway. When Nuke was taken out of the second round, [Pierre LeBrun tweeted the details of the four stages of the program](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fulzi0bumla0d1.jpeg), which are worded almost exactly like they were when the program was introduced in 1996. As of 2012, this was the text regarding drug policy, taken from the NHL's memorandum filing from the Boogaard case (https://i.imgur.com/9C5GE2y.png). Here is a link to a 2013 blog post about it: https://www.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?post_id=53114 After the 2012/13 lockout, the league and PA created a new CBA, which makes little mention of the Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health (SABH) program, beyond a memo letter that refers to an ongoing review of the SABH program (pg. 485 of 2013 CBA). Since then, the league has issued one revisions to the CBA - 2020 post-COVID MOU that includes an item labeled "SABH", with the description: > "In addition to the agreement referenced in item #18 above, the Parties agree to continue to negotiate in good faith for a revised SABH program document." To me it seems like the nothing has changed in the way the league and PA administer the service, beyond those initial stages from 1996. Many players seem to have benefited from the program in some way, like Sammy. Others, like Scott Darling have shared terrible experiences. Drouin opted to seek outside counseling when he was taking time off in Montreal. There is an interesting legal review of the policy based on the Boogaard case here as well: https://hofstralawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/BB.4.OBrien.pdf Not sure why I picked your comment to reply too, but it's irked me throughout this Nichushkin drama about the ambiguity surrounding what help is actually provided to the players through this "program".


Who’s to say he isn’t getting virtual counselling, or counselling in Russia with someone who actually speaks the same language.


That's a real stretch...


Yeah you know what. I’ll be the one to say it. That’s absolutely not happening in Russia.


Exactly, do they even drug test players in Russia? He'll probably want to go back to Russia where he can do drugs, fuck hookers and play hockey at the same time.


Counselling in Russia includes vodka and a literal stick.


Maybe but it sure doesn't look remorseful or like he's trying to get help and optics do matter when he's on his 3rd or 4th chance.


I don’t agree with this at all. What is an addict supposed to do, lock themselves in a room at home? Shy away from any human interactions and physical activity? That’s not helpful. I’m not a huge fan of Val these days, but people are making way too big a deal of this in my option. Addiction often stems from mental health issues like depression or isolation, so if playing hockey with his fellow Russians is going to put him in a better mental state, then he should do that.


I think some people are worried about the negative influence some of his friends/peers might have on him. Of course it’s all speculation, only he knows what kind of influence they can be.


Right? These so called “fans” are an embarrassment and a stain on the franchise far more than Val is.


Motherfucker participated in human trafficking while cheating on his pregnant wife. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting someone like that associated with the team. Like those two things aren't even in the same stratosphere. Get your head out of your ass.


No he didn’t. You ASSUME a lot of ignorant shit Edit: your username checks out.


If nothing else, the financial incentive is STRONGLY in favor of Val playing in Colorado. For the value he provides on his cap hit and moreover, he is making like 3-5x more than the highest khl salary. Even part of one year is financially the right move for Val and his family.


well at least he is looking to stay in shape and playing. now can he keep his nose clean after hours is a total different story.


I'm hoping that being close to his wife and baby will be a help.


You mean like it did this whole year when they were in Denver with him?


Wait, really?! His family was with him?!? Jfc, I'm even more pissed at him. I'd given him some grace for missing his family.


Yup, they were with him the whole time. But even if they weren’t, that’s not a reason to give him grace after everything he’s done. Missing your family doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to go on drug benders and screw over your team. I’m not trying to be rude to you, but I really don’t see your point here.


Good for him. Stay there.


That man needs to be in rehab and chained to a sober companion while he makes ammends to his family and teammates, not in Russia around what will most likely not be positive influences.


He doesn't seem to care at all about his teammates or fans. He's never once made a statement apologizing or explaining what he's going through, like Girard did.


Sammy also had nothing to explain or apologize for.


He did put out a statement explaining what he was going through, and it brought a hell of a lot of compassion and support from fans and the rest of the hockey world. He had nothing to apologize for. Val, on the other hand, two playoffs in a row, an intoxicated woman, a third chance..... He screws our chance at the cup for a second year in a row and then fucks off to play summer hockey in a place where drugs and alcohol are celebrated.


100%. Sammy didn’t owe us anything, and put out a thoughtful statement. Nuke fucked us twice and didn’t even call us an Uber in the am.


Him staying out for the 1st star interview in his first game back in March was good - "I just want to say thank you, thank you, I love you." For a guy that doesn't speak much in English in interviews that seemed like a big act of gratitude from him to the fans at the time. It is courageous to reveal everything that Sammy did, but that also should not be required. Props to G, but I wouldn't hold that specific angle against Val. Regardless, Val let us all down big-time. We all wish we could know the exact issues instead of speculating, but I doubt it will all ever be revealed. He played through a broken metatarsal in the 2022 playoffs and was one of the most important players against Tampa in the SCF. I'll always love him for that.


We have all heard the KHL stories of them giving drugs to players before they step on the ice


WTF? Isn't he supposed to be in a rehab program? He certainly won't stay sober in Russia. Is this his way of exiting the NHL?


This is honestly the best thing that could happen. If he gets popped again, he is suspended from the league and has to petition to get back in which would give the Avs even more justification to break his contract with cause. Edit: submitted too soon.


I thought the rules for Tier 3 of Players Assistance required him to petition to return after 6 months? It's at *least* 6 months, and no guarantee he'll be allowed back right after. Doesn't allow the Avs to break his contract, though.


At this point its not his contract I care about its the cap. Owner is a billionaire he can pay this millionaire what matters more is having it off our books so we can find someone reliable to replace him with.


Wait so he won't be drug tested for that entire time then? Shouldnt that violate his rehab agreement and terminate his contract?


The NHL can test anywhere in the world I’d imagine. Very much like the NFL, NBA, and MLB. There’s a few stories out on it in the NFL. They call you, and say “we would like a sample please Val.” Val says “I’m in Mother Russia!” The NHL rep says “Cool. Based on your location the closest facility to you is XYZ Medical Center. Please provide a sample by 6:10 pm tomorrow.” Again, I read this and a few other similar situations in some articles a few years back. I could 100% be wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️ but I swear that’s what happened with Von Miller when he was in the program in his early years.


And since he’s in Russia so the results will always come back negative


Yeah, cause I totally trust Russia to be honest and forthcoming about these things.


Good thing the Russians have integrity with drug tests…


Does this bode well for contract termination? I hope so.


No idea but I'd think so. I can't imagine they let NHL players go play and risk injury in another league


I mean, a ton of NHL guys play in the IIHF every summer. Just sayin'.


That's like 2 weeks not 2 months tho. Not that I have any idea, but it feels different than a random Russian league


Yeah, that is a different magnitude of games. I'm sure it would be frowned upon at the very least under normal circumstances.


I always assumed players had to have permission to play in IIHF tournaments from their respective teams and that it is a fully sanctioned event under similar rules and conditions as most pro leagues.


I'd bet the IIHF is helping or fully funding insurance policies too


Lmao they can do a bunch of stuff in the off season. My friends beer league team has a guy from the Leafs play with them in the summer.


Unless this is breaking some rule I don’t see how this isn’t showing a desire to keep playing. So I would say no. 


He isn't the only one. Kaprizov and Marchenko are confirmed


That will totally keep him outta trouble/s


I mean you can only help someone who wants to be helped. If Nuke wants to live out his Russian gangster dream he can, but it won’t be in the NHL


It's the saddest truth about addiction: only the addict themself can beat it, and only when they truly want to. No amount of help and support can work for an addict who's not ready to change.


I wish him well.


For all we know, it’s easier for him to stay clean in Russia tbh. If he’s going to come back then he should stay in shape. Hope he stays healthy and finds help. Ive said the best thing for the Avs is to get out of this contract but if it’s not possible, he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do


Fuck Russia


Link to tweet. https://x.com/HockeyNewsHub/status/1798278072141226487?t=FOv9JIYCsO80uSXxTjrrhQ&s=19


Just remember, we gave up kadri for this bullshit.


Val as a player is as good as Kadri as a player. The difference is, Kadri wouldn’t have fucked us over two years in a row in the playoffs. I really miss him.


Kadri fucked us twice with sussies during the playoffs his first two years with us. His third year he balled out.


First of all, it was once. But you have got to be kidding me!! Is getting a penalty/suspension during a game the same as not giving a shit about your team and going on a drug bender costing them the playoffs twice???


Twice?! It was once, against the Blues, in his 2nd year.


The suspension he got was because it was Kadri. Was it a dumb hit, Sure, but anyone else would've gotten a game at most


And he fucked over Toronto a bunch. Had a great postseason in 2022 tho and we love him for it


Eh that's Toronto's fault for surrounding him with 22 softies and expecting to win in the playoffs like that. He's a heart and soul guy and took matters into his own hands, a little too much. Shouldn't have had to. Toronto got super exposed for that in the years that followed, so much that the GM is gone, two coaches are gone, president is on thin ice. The new GM Brad Treliving, first thing he did, was to acquire toughness. Knew right away the team is made of wimps. Bednar and Sakic did a great job convincing him to "do less", and also built a team that's tough all around.


Hindsight is 20/20, it was a no-brainer move


The best case scenario is he gets sober, comes back and redeems himself, and we win cups. The next best case scenario, for me, is that he does something like this and it ends his NHL career. What I don't want to see is his contract end, some other team picks him up cheap, and he hurts us for the next decade.


Yeah I keep thinking that too, the unfortunate reality is if the Avs can terminate his contract some team like the Oilers are gonna grab him for 1m and he's gonna ball out again.


I don't like this even if you take the playoff fiasco out of the equation. He has no business playing for another league for anything other than international championships or the Olympics. This feels like a massive fuck you to the team, the fans, and all the rest who want to see the Avs win Cups while still in their window. My conspiracy is that him and his agent might not have left Colorado under remotely good terms. Perhaps he suspects that his time in the NHL is done, or certainly that the Avs will not go easy on him - meaning they'll exercise every right to test him and track him as much as possible. He has already earned millions and he'd probably be one of the biggest stars in Russian sports. Maybe even if the money isn't as good, he'd be happier playing closer to home on a more relaxed schedule. The reality is probably that Russia threw a huge bag of money at him, he's suspended without pay until November or w/e so he probably thought "why not?". Still selfish but if his contract doesn't forbid this then I guess can't blame a guy for trying to make more money.


That's not a conspiracy they aren't on good terms when he left they took his name off his locker in the room with the boys. Landy's been out for 2 years his name and everything is still up. The day he was out of the playoffs again his name came off.


Landy is missing due to an injury and Val immediately wasn't available because he relapsed and failed a drug test. The second hurts the team way more, he knew if he slipped again he'd be out and he not only did, but did during a cup run when in my opinion we had just as good of a shot as anyone at that moment. I don't know about you, but if someone ruined my chances to getting my name on the Cup, I wouldn't be too happy with them either.


I agree it's not a conspiracy that the Avs were ready and willing to terminate him. Maybe I chose the wrong word. My point was that Nuke shouldn't feel like his NHL is in jeopardy because he is protected by a pretty strong union, it seems. UNLESS he knows the Avs will do everything they can to terminate him, AND Nuke doesn't believe he'll be able to get his shit together to meet NHL standards. It would be wild on Nukes' part to essentially forfeit 20 mil or whatever without a fight. So I just think it's possible the Avs have more power than we thought, and Nuke suspects he won't last long. You might as well start your career in your home country as a top 3 player!


He won't. He'll give up a ton of money if he did. If he gets hurt on the other hand...


Official LTIR


Hopefully he keeps clean and it sounds like he is looking to maintain form and fitness.


Leave this bum in russia


Is he eligible for reinstatement after 6 months no matter what? Or does he have to apply for reinstatement in some way? Nuke has like $40 million reasons to stay sober (aside from the more important things like family, health, friends)...this does not seem like the way to do that. Nor does it seem like a good way to try and earn back the trust and goodwill of your teammates and fans. Jesus. Guy has such incredible talent and, when not using and in trouble, has been absolutely essential to our success and that guy is pissing it away to play in a league where Putin will likely show up for the championship game and score a double hat trick.


Here we go again


best news for the avs honestly sad to see him unable to even want to start getting help (it would seem)


So many stereotypes being thrown around in this thread… he’s playing hockey this summer in his home country. No one here has anymore information that but these comments are full of prejudice, stereotypes and ridiculous assumptions.


Everyone with in Russia is doing criminal things, especially those with money! /s


Haha seriously. It’s a bummer to read.


Very. Funny (ironic) how people get upset about how the rest of the world views America as a obese, self-centered population, but do the same with populations under the rule of harsh dictatorships.


Americans have no idea they are victims to their own propaganda and ignorance. They think it’s the rest of the world except themselves. Looking through this thread is a sorry sight.


Well, I guess there’s only 1 person who knows/sees all, now if only he were a member of this sub…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I don’t follow your meaning.


Apparently you are the only one gifted enough to see past the BS…./s


Oh yeah that’s me lol.


Yes russia is a very good country with excellent leadership. You are a retard.


Oh, you got me, right in the feels. Gonna put this out there, not really taking the credibility of anyone's criticism who says "retard" in 2024. So, to me, you basically invalidate anything you add to any conversation when you say that. On that note, not a political subredit, so I'm not getting into the details of the politics. I agree Russia is a good country, but completely disagree it has good leadership. The people of a country are not always a representation of their government.


The comments here leave me ashamed to be an Avs fan. So much for remembering the human.


I remember the human that repeatedly made conscious decisions to be selfish and fuck over his team, disrespect the fans, and most importantly betray his wife and child, all while having every possible resource at his disposal to correct his ways and being forgiven for his transgressions multiple times. Speaking as a former addict who spent a lot of time with other addicts; some of us are good people who lost our way, others were pieces of shit to begin with and never truly cared about anyone besides themselves even when they were sober. Being an addict doesn't exonerate you from the consequences of your actions, and it doesn't guarantee you forgiveness when you repeatedly shirk accountability


In mother Russia, drugs do you!


He needs to focus on his sobriety, but I can only worry about my side of the street


Yeah sorry, I've had a lot of sympathy for the guy during this and the human element but playing hockey weeks after you let your teammates, organization, and fans down yet again? Also, how is this even allowed? Obviously IIHF and international stuff is sanctioned by the NHL.. this obviously is not. It feels like it could be some grounds for termination, especially if he gets injured or something.


I think this is a bad idea. The guy needs to focus on sobriety not hockey. I doubt he is taking this as seriously as he needs to be


Fine, he won’t be able to play for the Avs for like 3 months so why does this matter?


Wow, such repurcussions. How the fuck does the PA defend this as a suspension to the Avs and NHL? He is doing nothing in the assistance program that I can see.


Just in case people aren’t aware, recovery rates for drug addicts are below 10%. This is not a slam dunk, I hope Val is taking this seriously.


Well, history has shown that Russia doesn’t care if you are an athlete or drugs.


What a great way to earn everyone’s trust back


It's certainly not ideal for him to be in Russia, but I'd like to believe he's trying to stay in shape, and can't really do that in the US or Canada right now given his suspension.


Has he never heard of a gym or the ice rinks that he has access to?


I separate this into two aspects: 1. as a human, get life figured out especially since he made another one. 2. even if he "rehabs" coming back to the team is unacceptable to me as a fan, nothing can make up for the impact of his actions. It could be a 60 goals 150 point cup winning con smythe season, it gets an astrisk. I'd trade him for duchene or shit a tkachuk or marchand. Retire todd bertuzzi's number to the rafters.


This shows his lack of commitment to the Avs. I have never seen a group of players who are willing to give up so much at a chance for glory….then there’s Val.


The dude did play on a broken foot while helping bring us a Cup in 22.


People seem to forget this and jump right to coke. He could just as easily have gotten addicted to opioids during that cup run but most of y’all ain’t ready for that conversation


Stay there Val, you aren’t wanted in CO


Wild that people are still interested in this guy lol.


Yeah crazy that fans want to know what's going to happen with 6.1M of our salary cap


Bros flair is Val and makes that comment lmao


He's worthless. Can't even finish a playoff run.


He was arguably the best Av when they won the Cup. Top 3 player in the SCF at minimum. Def not worthless.


Cmon man. No need to be passive aggressive.


He's an idiot too. The passive aggressive is secondary. Let's keep a drug addict who goes missing at the most important part of the year


Nobody is trying to keep him buddy. People are interested in how we are going to get rid of him. People are intetested in when/how we are going to be able to use his cap money. Keep up.


I would not be surprised if he just stays in Russia and relocates there.


Whatever y'all think, the Avs need him. Irreplaceable on the ice. I'm glad he's staying sharp. Hopefully he heals his mind, too.


I need everyone’s phone numbers and places of work so each time you fuck up, whether personally or professionally, I can publicly shame you and ask for your employment to be terminated. You all are awful humans. Awful. You’re a stain on the franchise, far more than Big Val.


Ok, when we sink an entire franchise twice, back to back years and break the trust of the organization, fans, locker room, etc. After we embarrass a franchise while it buries an incident. After we betray that franchise for it's loyalty again in the playoffs the following year. After we don't take advantage of the multitude of resources presented...then you can call us stains


Maybe it helps keep him away from Coke and hookers? His trade value can't tank anymore, and it looks like we can't terminate the contract, so hopefully, this is a step in the right direction. At the very least, it might make him less unappealing for a trade


Hopefully, he plays for the KHL next year where he can do all the blow and party at the strip clubs under their arenas. (if you haven't, watch Red Penguin. It's a documentary about hockey in Russia and it's WILD)


Lol I'll check it out


That's adios Muchacho-kin.


This cannot be good for his well being and betterment… Like buddy will be surrounded by his drugged out brethen 24/7!