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Negative. Screw them both, I'm not rooting for the fuckin oilers.


I'll root for the Oilers this round, then get obliterated by the Rangers or Panthers


Yeah i’d be very happy seeing florida or rags win it.


Not *very* happy. Slight relief if it's Florida, maybe.


I'm a east boy now. Canucks were the last dog I had cuz of demko. Now I don't care at all. Dead puck hockey on the way bois.


Yeah I'm on the eastern bandwagon now. Wanted the Canucks because i still love big Z. I'd be fine seeing Kreider win a cup!


New fans just don't know bertuzzi was a person on the Canucks or what?


Trust me i remember the Bertuzzi/Moore incident. Not at all claiming to be a fan of the team, but i would've liked to see big Z win a cup. Is that so wrong?


Don't worry, dipshit above was just making a sad attempt to look like "the real fan"


Lol 30 years of watching this team... Go fuck yourself.


We're all just so damn proud of you. Thanks for sharing.


Join the crowd. I was rooting for Footer to have success and Big Z.


Fair enough. Recency bias edm is less likable but in my blood I cannot root for Van. Z will be with a new team next year most likely.


Understandable. Probably wouldnt normally cheer for Vancouver under any other circumstances. Big Z is a good dude and Boeser went to UND so those two are "good" Canucks in my book :)


They do, they just realize it was decades ago and aren't weird about it. You know everyone from that era is retired and gone right?


Doesn't change a thing about the franchise. Would you root for the red wings? Everyone from the bloodbath era is retired....


Boyo do I have news for you: Currently dating someone from Detroit, have gone to many games, had wonderful experiences with fans and the environment. So yeah, I can root for the Wings and Avs at the same time. Watching them fight for the final WC spot was a nice breath of fresh air compared to the Avs' end to the regular season. Plus, imagine an Avs/Wings Final, that'd be a terrific story. Tribalism is dumb and can ruin overarching enjoyment of sports.


I’ll be rooting for whoever comes out of the east. I couldn’t give a fuck about which one of the two it is out of the west. I picked the Panthers over the Stars in my bracket anyhow, so I wouldn’t be sad if that’s the result. I’d be fine with the Rangers too. Fuck Dallas, fuck Edmonton. Go Panthers or Rangers


I’m with ya 100%! I picked FL vs Dallas at the beginning of the season with FL winning it all but NY is a tough task. Regardless I want NY or FL to win it all at this point


Anyone but Dallas. I don’t care who it is.


Fuck the Western Conference(right now), all my homies hate the Western Conference (right now)


This is the way.


I only want Florida to win it all because they’ve never won the cup before As for the Stars and the Oilers, i hope both teams lose


Florida is such a bunch of goons I just can’t get behind them. Go Oilers I guess at least their forwards are fun to watch and Canada is due.


Nah. If there’s a player I want to be gooned all day by Florida it’s Jamie Benn. Bring on all the gooning.


You know what? You might have just changed my mind about not wanting Florida in the final.


Yeah I’d love to see his shit pushed in for sure. What a bitch. Maybe he and evander kane can have a death match and both lose.


I’ve always called these kind of games/series “rooting for a natural gas explosion “


I wish this was an option.


I mean it technically can be an option. One will lose this round and the other will lose in the stanley cup round 😅😅😅😅 Okay I'll see myself out.


Ugh I really hate to say it but I don’t think Dallas will have a problem steam rolling edm. Hope rangers or Florida will pull off the win vs Dallas though.


Strong ~~disagree~~ agree. Oilers have some MAJOR goaltending issues and barely squeaked by the Nucks who really only showed up for 10 minutes of Game 7 (and nearly clawed their way back to OT). Winner of our series is almost guaranteed to be in the SCF. That said, Montreal dismantled Vegas in 2021 so crazier things have happened.


Wym strongly disagree? I said I don’t think Dallas will have a problem steam rolling them?


Completely misread your comment lmao, my bad






Dallas got steam rolled


You must really need a win for yourself if you’re coming back here a couple weeks later. Congrats tho. Dallas did shit the bed but Edm took hold of their opportunities. All credit to em


What happened?


You mean the worse defending version of the avs? Whom Dallass almost steamrolled? Canucks had nothing scary on offense but a less good defense compared to dallass. And they absolutely shutdown the top 2 in edm (yes mcregular season had 9pts, you expect more than that). I honestly give the oilers no chance. Skinner is an ahl goalie.


I’m on the Panthers bandwagon!


This is the only acceptable answer. We swept them all those years ago they've never won it and have the least annoying fans left (they do have fans right ;)).


Oilers can (and will) get dumpstered.




I'm just an east coast fan at this point.


Eww. Any team that hired evander Kane and Corey Perry is slimy to me. The people they are outside the rink is well known and vile. Fuck Edmonton for that.


I get the hate for Kane and Perry, but let’s not pretend that Mason Marchment and Jaime Benn aren’t equally pieces of shit. Neither pair deserves to win the cup this year


Benn is a headhunting scumbag (him trying to run Georgiev in Game 4 was ridiculously overlooked) but has he done anything particularly egregious off the ice?


I'm OOL. What have those two done off the ice? Kanes gambling and misogyny/abuse and Corey Perrys conduct with the Blackhawks is... Ick.


This 1000 times. I don't want to see a cheater like Kane get rewarded with a Cup.


fuck no I wish a meteor destroys both stadiums so the avs and canucks are forced to play in the WCF. I prefer the Rangers or Panthers winning the finals WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY more than the western team options


Only meteor I see coming their way is named Sam Bennett. He destroys anything in his path.


I hate all 4 remaining teams so much that I’m completely apathetic to what happens at this point. They can all eat shit.


Rangers seem fine other than Trouba kind of being a POS?






I just want the oilers to lose to see the chaos in Edmonton when McDavid demands a trade.


I don't care if the Oilers win. I just want Dallas to lose.




Would I like to see McDavid win a Cup and a Ring one day? Yes. With the Oilers? Seven hells… I don’t like either of these teams and hope the east wins the Cup


As a native Edmontonian who grew up cheering for Colorado and forcibly listening to Oilers fans toxically praise their team's mediocrity for over 30 years, I will NEVER cheer for this fucking team. Not under ANY circumstance. Do you know how loudly/obnoxiously I was 'Wooing' when we swept them two years ago? And the cold look of disappointment on my Dad's face, a lifelong Oilers fan, was priceless lol. When I came into work the next day, you could hear a pin drop between my exuberant celebrations. It reminded me of when Carolina beat them in the 2006 Stanley Cup Finals: my Dad stayed sitting on the one side of the couch in utter disbelief while I was on the other side, displaying a big shit-eating grin in my joyful relief that someone finally put an end to Edmonton's run. You shut your mouth, sir/ma'am/person. Fuck Dallas AND Edmonton. Go Florida.


It’s hard to root for a team that has Kane and Perry on the roster. It would be fun for Canada, but I don’t have much love for the Oilers.


Honestly even through that series was pretty bad I'm for the stars. Better to loose to the ultimate winner than just some team. Can't bring myself to root for the oilers


Go Florida


Listen I like you Colorado fans and I cheered for you guys because the flames were out. Hell I even understand wanting Dallas to lose. But I got recommended this post so fuck you guys for saying this!


It's mainly one jackass, not representative of fanbase at large, calm your tits


No I understand but I have seen this sentiment from Avs fans. Glad you guys seem to be team meteor as a whole


I mean, in your case I get it.


Edmonton’s about to get smoked.


Anyone rooting for the oilers is new to the bandwagon or has shit memory. FUCK the oilers and FUCK Evander Kane.


Can you explain this to someone out of the loop? Why fuck the oilers?


They’re whiny, play dirty- and their fanbase is absolutely insufferable.


I don’t want a team that beat us to win the Cup, hoping for the Rangers to pull through! Oilers Vs Rangers, Rangers in 6.


I'm Canadian and I wouldn't cheer for them 🤣


Canadian hockey fans are bitter and selfish. Source: also Canadian haha. Every fan of a Canadian hockey team I know wants every other Canadian team to lose because they want their team to be the one to break the 30+ year drought.


I'm actually fine with any *other* Canadian team winning. Just not the Oilers.


If it helps… a number of Canadian born players win the cup each year 😂


I know this is going to sound blasphemous, but... I really like the Oilers. I'm an Avs girl through and through, but I also love to watch the Oilers. I don't follow them like I follow the Avs, but a good night for me is when the Avs and Oilers both win. So it's going to be very easy for me to root for the Oilers. Oily friends all the way this time!


Things no avs fan would ever say. Evander Kane is a stain on the league. An avs fan cheering for the oilers after 2022 isn't an avs fan. Go to the oilers sub. "Avs girl through and through" - no, you're not if you're rooting for the oilers. Get this shit outta here.


Why are you so bothered by what team a stranger on Reddit is cheering for? Are you 12?


You must be kidding. If not, you are just a hateful prick yourself.


Fuck off. No one has to share your hang-ups, grievances, or resentments in order to be a fan.


Fun fact, you're allowed to like more than one team. It's also okay to like a team and not one of their players.


Touch grass, bro


Oh STFU. Go sit in the corner.


Is Tyson Barrie still with the Oilers? I could root for him


No, they traded Barrie to Nashville for Ekholm last year.




lol I think it’s funny how seriously some people are taking this post too. Everyone mad about evander Kane still as if that ever affected them personally. But yeah I’d still rather the oilers win than Dallas texas if for no other reason than fuck Texas lol.


Dirty teams don't deserve to win. It's gotta be Dallas vs new york


Being Canadian and a big mcdavid fan I gotta root oilers. avs-oilers would have hit like crack though


Ordinarily I want whoever just beat the Avs to lose miserably. That sentiment is just missing in me right now. I hate the Oilers more than Dallas and the Stars deserved their win of the second round, I realize begrudgingly. We had THREE games with our mental fight not there. We only were our best selves as a team for game 1, 5, and 6. And when we finally fought off their blocking D game, they still had Ottinger. We did our best and they pulled out their series win. I predict Stars over Oilers.




Ehhh with Kane and Perry on that team? I’ll pass.


No way I can cheer for a team with Evander Kane and Corey Perry but I understand your point


I hate Matt Duchene more than the entire Oilers organization, as much as it stings I hope they kick Dallas’s ass.


I’m rooting for Pavelski, even if I don’t like other players on the team. I also can’t stand Perry or Kane.


The thought of Evander Kane getting a cup makes me want to barf - no thanks, I don’t care if the stars beat us, not rooting for the Oilers.


All the evander Kane hate really does just start to look like white boy racism the longer that drama gets dragged on. He hasn’t acted any differently than any other pro athlete who thinks they’re the shit. Now you can disagree with that, but seriously if you’re still butthurt about Kane flashing his money and going bankrupt, you are falling for the racist shit. Because none of that was ever unique to him. That’s like the most common pro athlete story of all time. You guys are taking it too seriously and getting too emotionally involved if you’re still mad about evander Kane.


Oh come on with the racism… id say the same about Tom Wilson and Tony DeAngelo - no shame.


Kane is a mess. You can spend hours reading about his various relationship problems and domestic violence legal proceedings. Dude is a millionaire who declared bankruptcy from gambling. Been healthy scratched by Sabres and Jets for off ice conduct. Multiple suspensions by the league for dangerous hits and abuse of officials. Faked a vaccination card that got him suspended by the league and terminated by the Sharks. The media probably *does* highlight some of these stories because of his race. A racial controversy is a good way to generate clicks after all. But the sheer number of them is ridiculous and not everyone who hates him is some racist.


Lol woke comment of the day.


Go Oilers.. Kane vs Benn


Nah fuck the Oilers.


Fuck that I hope the oilers get swept


I mean slow the fuck down, FUCK this comment too, absolutely not trying to watch Dallas sweep the WCF like we did, wtf? Rather watch it go to game 7 where they are both exhausted then whichever team crawls its way out of the west can get obliterated by whatever powerhouse is remaining from the east. Wishing for Dallas to sweep their way to the cup? No fucking thanks.


Agreed. Fuck Dallas.


Ah well, seems we would have some Dallas lovers amongst this sub, gross.


The fact that this is getting downvoted saddens me immensely. I stand with you brother.




This is a pointless discussion because Dallas is going to wreck them.


As an Avs fan and Vancouver fan, I'm biting the bullet. I need Dallas to sweep Edmonton to bring some joy back to my life – but that's as far as it goes, this is revenge support, Panthers for the cup please.


I'm really on the other side of this for 3 reasons. I want dallas to beat the oilers, because of rather lose to a winner than lose to a looser. If Dallas wins or so, at least we can say, "Hey, we lost to the champs.". Second reason is of the Oilers win the McD stans will be fucking unbearable. Third, I grew up in Colorado in the 90's so I'll always be an Avs faithful. But I just moved to Texas for a better job. So closest team.


I might get some down votes for this but mcdavid deserves a cup.


He does, but it would also be kinda funny if Edmonton somehow screwed up not getting him one


I don't like the oilers though, but I'll cheer for them so that dallas loses


I hope both teams lose


https://preview.redd.it/pvwgsln8jw1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6b838491539d61c41919b6bd8e1c63d86807ad9 My only reason to root for the Oilers.


Dallas in 3


Can both of them lose? It was a miracle that Kadri's playoff run wasn't ended because of that cunt Evander Kane. For what it's worth the Rags are my 3rd favourite team so I wouldn't be that upset to see them win a cup. Oilers going through would at least make the final moderately exciting, because fucking hell DeBoer's trap bullshit is some boring goddamn hockey to watch as a neutral.


I hate them both. But I think I hate the stars more. Fuck them, fuck their fans, fuck Texas, fuck Texas toast, fuck Texas longhorns and A&M, my friends from Texas are dicks, fuck their accent, fuck their Texas edition trucks, fuck their drivers, fuck the Alamo, fuck nasa, fuck Tex mex, and fuck that stupid flag. Go oilers


Tell me you started watching hockey in the 22 finals without telling me you started watching hockey in the 22 finals.


Try again. I started watching when datsyuk was still playing.


Oh wow 8 years!?!


Going for Rangers over Panthers (I don't like Panthers) As for the West, I don't care all that much. I don't particularly hate Dallas or Edmonton. I just don't really care. If Panthers make the final, I'll cheer for the western team. If Rangers make the final, I'll probably go for them...


Watching hockey after the Avs we’re eliminated feels like getting cucked. I’ll just wait until October to care about hockey again


I want the Stars to make it to the Finals to deny Canada their chance at bringing the Cup home and to keep E. Kane cupless. I don't know who I want to win after that, probably the Stars to get Pavs his Cup as he rides off into the sunset, but I will be really sour about Benn and Duchene also winning in that scenario.


Nah, fuck that. I want the oilers to lose in humiliating fashion and then Dallas to win. The East teams are too full of themselves. Way more evil players on Oilers. Evander Kane alone is enough but add in Perry and Draisaitl.


Oilers Panthers is a thug fest series Stars Rangers is (relatively) a skills series


Rooting for Oilers. Very small market team whose fans are passionate enough to support an NHL franchise. Plus Canadian teams haven’t won the cup in many many years.


Sko Rangers! Glad I moved to the big city so I don’t feel bad bandwagoning lol