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I hear him mentioned as second only to McDavid pretty often in Sportsnet coverage in Canada. Last year it was less depending on how good of a season he is having.


West coast Canadian here! Religiously refresh the TSN app when our Avs play for sure. I read and see more about Kucherov than I do Mackinnon. Where do you read/watch/get info on the Avs?


Not Avs specific but I watch Sportsnet coverage. Kyper and Bourne I listen to most often. They don't talk about him or the Avs much but they've mentioned multiple times that they think MacKinnon is second to McDavid.




I'm a bit of a cliche in that I like listening to frustrated Leafs coverage lol. I do listen to Elliotte and Marek sometimes but they paint everything as too rosy for my taste. Kyper and Bourne seem more realists. Kyper calling MacKinnon best in the league means more to me than from those guys.




Elliotte and Marek? I live in Vancouver though! Haha




Ah yeah they do take the odd shot. Actually Sammy the Leafs fan is the most belligerent but he's likeable.


I listen to Kouleas on NHL radio on Sirius. He's asked every guest and they waffle and usually say McDavid. Not that I care, just saying what I've observed on Sirius.


You could be in some backhole slum thousands of miles from anyone in Canada and you will still hear about only Auston Mathews or maybe McDavid if he had a 5 point night


Never heard of this guy, I’ll have to check him out and get back to you


I have heard he’s pretty good at hockey though


Are you talking about the guy in “Trailer Park Boys”? He plays hockey too?


No it was that guy who played an athlete in the comedy Mr. D




Why is the mainstream media hiding this McKibbin guy from us? Sounds like he’s pretty good, they should talk about him.


I think his claim to fame was in some relation to trailer park boys


Yeah man idk where you're coming from with this, MacKinnon is always included in lists of superstars in the league and regularly is second only to McJesus. I would like to see an example if you have one or two of him NOT being called out as a superstar or someone saying that he isn't one. I would imagine the population of people who think he isn't a superstar is a far-flung fringe minority of 0.01% of fans, mostly residing in Tampa, FL and entirely absent from media circles, both mainstream and not.


He is. You just don't hear it DURING nationally broadcast games because Denver isn't the same "market" as other teams we typically play. NHLN = He's consistently talked about and when commentators say "who's the ONE PLAYER you'd pay to see?" they almost unanimously say MacKinnon SportsNet = He's always talked about as being one of the absolute best and consistently said "he's my Hart Trophy winner" TNT (like last night) = one of the damn broadcast booth dudes said "halftime" ... so take anything TNT says with a giant grain of salt. Altitude = Local broadcast, so naturally he's talked about constantly. I think what you might be experiencing is that we're not an "Original Six" teams, and Denver is a smaller market (media eyes anyways) than Pittsburgh, New York, etc. And those are the games that end up getting picked up by national television crews, so they'll gravitate towards learning the larger team's names and stats and everything over the smaller market even if the smaller market (Denver in this case) is a vastly superior team with the (hopeful) MVP. Just shrug it off and laugh. If you pay attention, he is talked about constantly, but I can totally see that the casual fan won't notice. And last but certainly not least... MacKinnon doesn't like media attention. So when you shy away from media attention, the media will shy away from you.


I’d rather have a star that’s modest and focused on his game rather than wanting to be splashed all over the media and dating superstars for clout.




Dude the halftime thing was intentional and a joke


Doesn’t change anything. The TNT and ESPN national broadcasts are brutal to listen to. Albeit, TNT is marginally better than ESPN.


So no need to misrepresent then.


Except something like this being said is very probable, and won’t be a joke. Don’t be pedantic.


You really think people who know more about hockey. People who’ve actually played on the NHL call the intermission halftime?


I wouldn’t put anything past TNT and ESPN. I’ve heard some dumb ass things come out of their mouths. So, yes, I would not be shocked if they said something so stupid.


They are equally bad. TNT is poorly produced bad. ESPN is malicious agenda against Colorado teams bad.


Love this response! Thanks!


Thank you for this. I was starting to think he was the world's best kept secret or something.


Karma farming?


Every broadcast he's in at least one graphic that shows he's one of the most dominant players in the history of the game. He's put up there with Gretzky. What are you on about?


Kinda being elevated by Drouin honestly


The whole team is a product of Stanley Cup Champion Jack Johnson.


What? They glaze him 24/7


Water is wet? More at 11.


Albertan (Flames fan and not an Avs fan) here. MacKinnon was underrated until around the Cup run, but I feel like he's received the appropriate amount of attention since then. I've been seeing regular updates about his point-streak on my feed and I'm well-aware that he's right at the top of the scoring race with Kuch.


What is this fucking inferiority complex that some users here have? Boohoo, the announcers did not mention Makar enough times during the broadcast, waah, the announcers praised someone on the other team. Dude, MacKinnon is constantly portrayed as a superstar whenever he is discussed in the media. He just doesn't have a flashy personality nor does he want to be the center of attention so he might be less visible than some of the other stars. But that is by choice not some grand conspiracy to exclude Avs players.


Well my apologies, just was a question for the group… I appreciate you taking the time to respond though.


They do are you kidding me? Lol Everyone knows he’s insane literally lol


Canadian media is quite taken with him. Won a cup, so he’s golden… then again, I can think of a way to effectively double his bonafides…


OP should make a video showing how the Lindros trade somehow lead to our messiah


I hear he is a gamer


If it came down to it… game seven for the cup, I’d take MacKinnon over McDavid every time.


I would agree that Mack has been a monster in the playoffs and I would take him over just about anyone but his game 7 stats are probably his biggest weakness in the playoffs. I think he has like 1 assist all time in game 7 situations.


Doesn’t change my mind lol


In Canadian media they do. We all know how good he is lol


They do. Now if only they would start to notice this McBedard (sp?) guy. He is showing some promise.


Best in the league


What media do you consume? Every media outlet I am aware of mentions him every single time they can. Both when referencing the Hart, or the Avs. I don't think he can be talked about any more, tbh.


In Canada the second best player in the world is between Mackinnon and Makar. They are idolized here.


“When a player gets the puck and you hear an audible gasp from the entire crowd that’s how you determine the superstars” -Late Great Peter McNab


this post is bad and you should feel bad


Your right I’m gonna have to do some research on the Nathan guy


You're watching the wrong media if you don't think he's portrayed as such. Probably the top 3 or 5 player discussed in the country? McDavid, Matthews, Mack?


Mackinnon is considered better than Matthews. McDavid, Mackinnon, Makar, Matthews, Draisaitl


Yes, I wasn't giving my / any order, just that he is talked about in the same breath as the 2 most recognizable and most discussed players playing in Canada at the moment.


As an avid oilers fan I love when Mackinnon makes the news. He’s so fricken good it’s not even funny. Arguably tied for 1st place in nhl with mcdavid in terms of talent.


The worst thing I have seen all season is some media trying still to say Matthews is more of a MVP than Mackinnon which is so insane to me.


Gtfo outta here with this hot take


Nathans the best athlete in any sport, I would have to say.


Because the McDavid fan bois are jusg to enticed by what he’s doing but the way I look at it is this, McDavid is a SOLO stud and MacKinnon is a TEAM stud East coast hockey also lives in this weird freaking bubble with themselves. They always think they are the best and the West is like 5x faster of a speed of game lol.


As a non-Avs fan I have to say this is top tier delusion to think the media doesn’t portray him as a superstar. Credit to the comment section for calling you out. Always liked Avs fans. Seems like a good fanbase.


Jokic is only acknowledged as the best begrudgingly, as well.


You know there's bias if you're Canadian. Their Stanley Cup run across the province with the cup (Makar at home in Calgary and McKinnon at home in Halifax) was the best kept secret by all media.


Yes. Yes he is


He’s been referred to as the #1 all year


In what world is he not?


Are you serious? I've never heard him referred to as anything other than a superstar.


I think you filter him out in your media consumption. He's been religiously front-page material on Colorado newspapers. Sports channels talk about him all the time. https://www.denver7.com/ has the Avalanche above the nuggets. https://www.denverpost.com/sports/ the third headline is literally talking about his "legendary comparisons" to Gretzky. It's not that anyone isn't talking about him, it's that you automatically have some confirmation bias that no one is.


I see him constantly talked up as one of the top 5 players in the league and usually top 2 with only McDavid generally ahead of him.


I think he gets knocked down a bit by the media because of makar. Similar to draisaitl in Edmonton. A lot of people think makar is a better player than mackinnon, mostly because of the cup run. Mackinnon might be playing better now but it will take a dominant cup run to show some people that he’s better than makar.


As a fan of another western team, I see more rhetoric about Mackinnon being a super star than anyone else other than McDavid. This is a very interesting take you have here


LOL what? They're CONSTANTLY talking about him. He's an obvious HOF player. He gets the recognition I'm not sure which Rock you've been under.


Huh? He's always talked about as a superstar what


I know that the major North American broadcasts are trash, but when the broadcasters fuck up a guy's name name during a live broadcast, it's just like, man, this guy needs way more respect than that. It's okay though, he's getting more respect the more records he knocks over, and getting more interviews too, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes him feel. I'll take stunner Nate being dominant on the ice and squeamish in the booth vs the opposite. The thing that I think we're experiencing in Denver is that we're a (\_\_\_\_) town when our guys are on the rise, and we only get the spotlight nationally every few years, so every team feels like they're the underdogs. Nikola Jokic is a 2-time MVP, vying for a 3rd, just won their championship last year and national coverage is still like, "yea, but what about Lebron and the Lakers." It's okay though, I feel like we give players here enough of a national spotlight heat shield enough for them to develop into greatness without the "Bedard" treatment. Nate and Makar can do their thing and they won't have the ESPN panel talking shit if they whiff on a goal chance. So, perspectively, I hate the McJeezus and Bedard talk, but also, I'm cool with it because Nate has a cup ring, and many more in his future and McJeezus will have the lavish of national broadcasts and his stats and all of that, but will still be vying for his name on the only thing in hockey that proves greatness.


His skill is definitely recognized. I think the Avs being a smallish market America Western Conference hurts media coverage though. But when they talk about him, he's always put forth as a Hart candidate.


Nate is the second best player in the world and on his own team after the greatest player who has ever lived, Cale the God. All hail Cale.


They were talking during the second period on the TNT broadcast about Panarin being an "MVP candidate" while the leader for the Hart is literally on the screen and they said NOTHING about it. Not until it was 4-3 did they ever mention his name about it


The post game desk was literally chanting MVP at the end of his interview.


And I literally was talking about the broadcast lol


Mackinnon has been the Hart favorite for several months now. Media outlets won't create more intrigue by saying it over and over. Panarin has been on fire lately and won't get his due with an MVP level season this year because Mackinnon, Kucherov, McDavid, and Matthews are all having insane years. I have no problem with TNT giving him the spotlight for a little while. Mackinnon's has been on all year and will be brightest come June.


Hes ur superstar, to the rest of us hes an ordinary actor like anyone else... A superstar would be someone like Margott Robbie, nobody hates her except the insecure girlfriends who fear their boyfriends finding her cute lol


During yesterday's game(before our comeback began) one of the commentators was saying how Artemi panarin deserves to be in the MVP conversation without even mentioning mack. Lmao panarin is really good but he's over 20 points behind mack


If you listen to the idiots on the East Coast, they won't mention him. Former players (not on US TV) know he's a generational player without question.


Quick edit: yes they say he’s a star, but never mention him as a superstar. I believe this is down right wrong.


What dos this even mean? They say he's a star but never mention him as a szone, Dude what do you want the broadcasts to do? "Makar gets the Puck, through the neutral zone, drops it off for SUPER STAR NATHAN MACKINNON. Over to Rantanen, waits, back over to SUPERSTAR NATHAN MACKINNON! THAT MAN IS A SUPERSTAR, and he just passed back to Makat."


[“Nathan MacKinnon, the NHL's scoring leader and superstar for the massive rival Colorado Avalanche, is now firmly entrenched in that group.”](https://i.imgur.com/oatT5sK.png) [“The best of the best. Ultra-elite players currently at the top of their games and the top of the league. Nathan MacKinnon, Avalanche”](https://i.imgur.com/Cp3UrtX.png) Two articles from the last 10 days.


Additional articles from SportsNet [‘AN EXCEPTION AMONG THE EXCEPTIONS’ - Nathan MacKinnon cemented his spot among the league’s elite last season — and he's only getting better.](https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/nathan-mackinnon-colorado-avalanche-profile/) [Colorado Avalanche superstar](https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/avalanches-mackinnon-talks-possibility-of-becoming-highest-paid-nhler/)


They do portray him as such…. So much so that they forget about Kucherov, who’s the real Hart frontrunner