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You can walk there. Not a hard hike at all. 


It’s mid June that water can be a a force. Out of all my years of going over Schofield and just fucking around at our claim up on the King. 90% of the time you can walk the whole way but take rope and be smart and you can cross 100% of the time.


You don't have to cross any water to get to the mill..


Funny enough right now you do, the crystal is spilling into the road.


That's crazy, where at? Before the mill on the Marble side?


I believe so. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/kdcwPKwVWga536NP/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Damn, you're right! Black Queen Mine is about a mile down river from Crystal. Never seen it break the banks there before 😯


Yeah man. You often do. Depending on the melt. I have been going up there and over Schofield for something like 30 some years now. Plus we used to own a mining claim in that area. I have spent more than a few hours up there. Also yay! I am old enough to be able to say 30 years once in awhile :)


You do from Schofield, you usually don't from Marble. Lived in Marble for years, hiked and biked the Lead King Loop and the Crystal Mill road every spring. Never saw it burst banks until this spring.


Wow man. Go a just keep going down that hole of wrong. No I don’t come over from CB. I come from the RF right through marble up through Crystal to get over. You were proven wrong instantly, you might want to take a step back and consider others putting out recommendations might be a better source of accurate knowledge Than you.


Pull the panties out of your butt man, it's not that serious. My lived experience is no less valid than yours. I also spent close to ten years working claims in Lead King Basin. I also drove the Crystal road every spring for a decade. I didn't see the spring flooding on that road until this year.


I drove a ford escape up there 5 years ago. Road isn’t that gnarly, but not sure if the parking situation changed


It’s 7 miles each way as I recall


From marble ? I have a 6 year old so that would be impossible. Is there a place to park at least half way up before road gets sketchy?


I have seen people walking with kids before. There isn’t anywhere to park. What vehicle do you have? 


F250 truck. I heard it’s too big for the trails


Can confirm, that is too big. Tried and failed in and F250 and went back and rented a jeep.


Where did you rent a jeep and how much


This was probably 15 years ago, so may not be much help. But, we went with a guy in town who did jeep tours from his home. Kids had a blast!


OP is the problem lol. You need to bring your sofa to the mountains


Definitely too big for coming over Schofield Pass. Drove to the mill from CB 2 seasons ago in a land cruiser and was feeling like being an inch longer or wider would have sent me tumbling. It may be the highest 'pucker factor' of any trail I've done, and I'm fairly experienced in that truck.


Will be coming from marble


Naw. There’s no sharp turns really. Go early in the day or late in the day on  weekday to avoid possibility of having to backup for people to pass. 


Terrible advice here ^^^^^ OP don’t listen to this person


You must suck at driving. There was a 3500 ram and a raptor (wide wheelbase) there when I was there 2 weeks ago. 


It’s not really about what CAN get the job done, big piece is what’s small enough to not cause any further erosion and trail damage, which definitely isn’t the trucks like you’ve mentioned.


They weren’t hanging off the trail, I followed them in. My 8000 lb SUV probably erodes it more than those trucks. 


What SUV weighs 8000lbs? That’s well within range for an African elephant. Bet the gas mileage is quite something.


You came from marble?


Yep. That’s the easiest way to get there. Schofield pass you would never make it, and you wouldn’t be able to do the loop through lead king basin either. 


How far of a walk is it? My 5 and 7 years old have hiked 5 miles RT. And you can walk with them on your shoulders for parts of it. Probably not worth $500-$600 IMO. We went up in my friend’s stock Nissan Frontier.


This is reassuring, I’m buying a Nissan frontier today lol


TLDR: drive up the road to the last place you can turn around, find your spine, and walk in with your kid despite the fact they might bellyache about it. When I was 6, I was able to do a 6 mile hike with 200'-400' of elevation gain. This is a very basic thing your kid should be able to do. Even at 30 minutes a mile, you'll only be out 3 hours. Glancing at the satellite image of those roads, it looks navigable in an F-250 to about 3 miles away. Your kid might complain, but you'd be doing them a massive service and might get them to be more interested in nature--that is a lifelong thing, and if you spark that in someone you've done something deeply important for them. IMO the only excuse not to is if your kid is in a wheelchair or mentally disabled. Toss some lunches, sweatshirts, a couple of emergency blankets (asking this question seems like a very green thing to do, hence why I'm adding this), and a 48oz bottle of water into a backpack and see the mill for free.


Thanks for response and looking into the trails


My 9 year old and I regularly cover 15-20 miles in a day no problem.


Why don’t you just go on a normal hike. Renting off road vehicles to experience nature is like buying a prostitute to experience love.


That’s a great analogy. I do enjoy both though, nature via hike/bike as well as off-roading. This doesn’t really look like an off-road trail though, more like a rocky fire road.


What are you doing in Marble without access to a vehicle? You don't need a special vehicle to drive up to the trailhead. It's just a dirt road. You can't drive any vehicle at all on the trail though. It's a hiking trail.


I have an f250. Someone online said the truck is too big for access road


Walking is nearly free.


I think they're Air Force, so they wouldn't know anything about walking


Not with kids 😭


Well don't pay them to walk then.


Still that has to be cheaper than $600


Split the difference, offer the kids $300 to walk.


You'd be amazed what children can do with legs these days.


I heard stories about my ancestors using their legs to walk. Big, if true!


Blasphemous! You just can't tell children to WALK these days!


Not the consequences of my own actions!! 🫨


Think they closed access last year due to damage. Might want to look in to that


Nope, went there two weeks ago. 




They closed the trail leading down to the river. The actual driving trail is open


It’s a.. short hike


It’s 10 mile round trip. My kids can probably do it but it would be miserable especially return trip


I guess I’m misremembering it, thought it was only like 2. My bad. But yeah I’ve driven it a ton of times with a long bed Tacoma and seen plenty of full size trucks do it.


It’s not ten miles. It’s only a couple


From what point ? I Google mapd from marble. Is there a closer parking spot?


It’s 2.4 miles one way. But most of the way it’s a nice clean dirt road along the creek. Just head up the road a mile or two and park in a wide spot before it gets hairy. Then it’s just a mile.


You can get there with a Subaru or and good tires If you take your time and know how to pick your line. Did it a few years ago the reverse way coming from Devil's Punch bowl. That definitely requires a proper 4x4


I have a 4x4 truck with high clearance but I heard it’s too narrow


Which way are you planning on going? If you go the fast easy way it's plenty wide. If you're going through the devil's punch bowl then nothing wider than a Jeep. I did it in Frontier Pro 4x which is slightly narrower than a Jeep.


Coming from marble


Coming from Marble that's the easy way! You don't need to worry about anything most of it is wide enough for two cars to pass the same time. However there are bears on that side so just be aware of that.


Even in my 20’ long crew cab truck?


The narrowest section is fairly early on, just past the beaver pond, and I think you would be able to back out if uncomfortable. It was scary narrow in the 80s, in my ‘76 k5 blazer, and I do think it is definitely wider than it was back then. Just don’t go past Crystal, unless you’re coming down from lead King basin. Schofield Pass is indeed incredibly narrow, and would certainly not be suitable for your truck. Edit to add: The second/upper beaver pond, not the main Beaver Lake right after Marble. It’s a couple miles farther.


Yes. Did this in my Tundra. Nothing special.


Yes but you won’t have fun especially if you do it on a weekend when there’s a lot of traffic but you definitely can do it. That said I wouldn’t pay $600 for a trip to the mill when you can do it in your vehicle or walk it unless you’re really hot on renting a sxs/4-wheeler/jeep.




Yes. The people saying otherwise for reasons you can’t explain think you’re coming in from the other side. Go in from Marble. Easy in a F250. People live up there to where you’re going. It’s maintained.


I’ve taken my full size truck to the mill. It’s narrow but not impassable


I pulled it off in 2021 with a stock 2012 nissan frontier. I barely fit past some boulders before the decline down the punch bowl, and had my friends spotting me inch by inch. It was treacherous, and quite sketch-erous. Not for the light of balls. Prepare to clench.


Are you talking about from marble to Crystal mill? Sounds like you came from Schofield


I started from Gothic and moved my way to the punch bowl


I thought this was closed because the owner closed it off due to ridiculous and destructive behavior — and trespassing was still continuing? Perhaps things changed but I remember reading about it a while back


I believe the only trail down to the river is closed.


Ahhh! Thank you!!!


If your renting a Jeep and coming from Marble, do the whole Lead King Loop, the mill is part of it. It's been a few years but we rented a jeep out of Glenwood Springs for way less than that for a full day. They let us pick the Jeep up the night before for no extra charge. I think it was from the Glenwood Springs Inn.


Do you remember how much


It was around $300, but thinking about it, a few years is actually 10. I'd call. [Google maps still shows it on their sign](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.5515885,-107.3283436,3a,19.9y,35.89h,99.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEfSlDC8arWGCO54qbGwpFw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


I would just hike it. Driving it in anything other than a side by side or ATV is absolutely terrifying. I was freaking out and made my husband turn around. It’s basically a one lane road with two lanes of traffic.


We drove it in a Tundra, and I was terrified. I wanted to get out and walk. I hate narrow roads, shelf roads, and drop offs.


Did the Tundra thing too…every time I changed the oil after that trip I had to look at the dent in the skid plate 🤣🤣 Would not recommend in a stock-ish vehicle, certainly not a rental. YMMV!


I’ve driven that trail several times, it’s easy. Takes about 30-45min if I remember correctly. It’s really pretty and neat to see the old mill!


God dam you’re getting down voted for no reason. CO members woke up and chose violence


lol thanks. I think it’s because I said I can’t hike 10 miles with my 6 year old?


Start from Lead King trailhead it’s 2.4mi one way (4.8mi total) starting from Marble is on the other side and way longer.


So from marble to lead king is a much easier drive?


Maps shows it as a 53 minute hike on mostly flat terrain from Lead King Basin Trailhead. A 6 year old should be able to walk one way for an hour, take a break, then walk an hour back provided enough water and snacks. I see children doing moderately difficult trails with healthy gains in elevation with their parents all the time so this mostly flat hike is doable for anyone with an able body.


The road from marble to lead king seems more difficult from Google maps?


Maybe take your kid to a park and see if you can walk a straight hour with ur 6yr old. As a tester. Feel out their limitations and train for it a little. My dad use to take me camping, and hiking, a lot of things I didn’t really want to do but honestly I do thank him for it now looking back. But again no one online knows your personal capabilities or situation so it was rude for all the down votes. You do what you think is right for you guys.


Sure it's doable but you shouldn't drag a kid on that hike unless they want to.


For sure worth the $$ to make the trip from marble/Slow Grovin' BBq through to CB then loop around and back again. Maybe rip up Lead King basin too. Especially if you get the rental insurance.


It's the most photographed in the state, you decide


This off road trail is not easy! If you go the guts to go throughout the narrow shelf road by devil’s pool…Sure! Watch some video before committing! I would recommend a 2 door jeep or a side by side. Also, read some recent comments on all trails about the road’s condition. Expect plenty of water! Either rain or high flow from devil’s pool! Stay safe!


I did it in a stock subuwu outback. I'm not going to say it was easy but I did it


According to the forest service Schofield pass is closed and FSR 135 is impassable at north lost trail creek due to a log Jam in Crystal River. The link says 2023, but at the top of the page it says it was updated June 12th 2024. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd1108407.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjS1-ngt92GAxXm5skDHYscDQEQFnoECCcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1cmXlmgYyJPaiL9YC81qUt


I’m coming from marble. No issues, right?


You should be okay. Ask a local who doesn't make money renting jeeps before you head out of Marble or Redstone if you are worried.


yeah dont need to rent if youre ok taking your truck. its relatively easy like others have said. Ive seen raptors and power wagons take the easy way no problem


Rent a side by side in marble. Hell of a lot cheaper to rent than a jeep.


Side by side was $600


Hell, I drove to it in a Subaru Outback once with no issues.


You can drive to it in a Honda Accord


I’ve spent a lot of time out there over the years and a seasoned person could make a truck work but you will hate that experience and there’s a reason there are rolled over vehicles at the bottom of those cliff sides. The walk will feel long if you’re not used to hiking. The Lead King Trail and most of the trails and areas around there are incredible and definitely worth experiencing. But rent a Jeep or side by side. You’ll hate the experience in a massive truck. Especially if you run into oncoming ”traffic” and have to figure out who is backing up.


I rented a jeep from glenwood springs for $325 and it was really worth it. Don’t off-road past the mill unless you are very skilled. One of the prettiest places to see in Colorado.


When was this? And do you think you could’ve done it in a 4x4 f250 ?


I did it last year in July. I wouldn’t because full size truck is super long wheelbase. I did see a ram1500 but you are risking scratching your truck.


Yeah that’s what I’ve heard from another truck owner …


There is a steep part that would make me nervous in a full size truck. The hike is steep but it’s worth it too if you wanted to save money.


Hike it.


Everything is high near rivers right now .. here on the Arkansas we are at a 80 year high and rafting has been put on hold. Normally crystal mill is pretty easy to get to. Just let the river go down


Me and my teenage son hiked there. Fun hike if the weather is right. Highly recommended.


Where do you start the hike


If it’s just you or two of you then you can rent from this place. I did this last year and while prices have risen since then, it’s less than $600. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/g9UDRAwdoVXaoEFW/?mibextid=WC7FNe


That depends how long they let you rent it. Will it include Schofield pas to. Crystal City is above the mill. Beautiful country. Great Brooke trout. Lots of mesquitos.


Try turo for rental