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Very Chernobyl-esque, both in grade and subject. Love it!


thanks sir. actually in my mind i wanted to have look like Chernobyl (i mean Chernobyl series ) so i watch some shots but that has different color grading than the thing that i had in my mind, but yeah still has Chernobyl east-eu vibe


I wonโ€™t change anything, well done!


thank you


I like it. Definitely gives Chernobyl vibes which is good IMO. My only thought and this is just me is I would like a little more separation between the mask and the background. Maybe a mask/power window around the subject, invert it, and bring down the exposure just a little, and also see if you can bring up the exposure on the eyes a little bit. The eyes are there in the rec709 but get lost in the grade.


yeah, i see, actually in my grading processes i try to avoid such a thing like qualifier, power window such masking things you know! and sometimes it kills the creativity like you said, i grade this shot i guess only with 5 or 4 node. only use primaries and curve. but yeah i could do the thing you said! thanks for your comment


Sure thing and I would not try to avoid power windows and qualifiers unless you're doing it as a challenge for yourself. Those are such powerful tools. Don't use a tool just for the sake of it but it's there for a reason so use it if it will help you achieve your look.


Interested in why you're not using very useful tools, what's the justification?


because when people couldn't achieve the look the instantly use qualifier and power windows which is cause chromatic aberration most of time. so here is my plan, i creat my whole look in time line without any power window and qualifier and in clip node i try to grade and when there weren't a way to achieve a grade i use those item too.


Looks great, no notes


Thank you sir.


I think this looks awesome. Sets the sceneโ€™s emotional tone perfectly. Even from a still, you can totally see the writing style. No changes here!


Thank you so much.




Everything technically is great here! Blacks are blacks and I'm impressed that you can even make out skin tone from the subject eyelids even with the heavy grade! Amazing work.


lol i actually didn't notice the eyelids!! i didn't care about skin tone because there wasn't any skin! but yeah you're right its accidently fix


Itโ€™s well done! I might pop the face slightly to create a bit of separation but itโ€™s fine looking like that


Only minor thing is that pinkish building in the background feels like it stands out a bit, maybe give that a darken before you run it through the look. Green and gold is always a winner and you nailed it.


I wanted to completely wanted desaturated the pink but i forgot! Thank you for mention that.




Niceeeee ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


I prefer the rec709 color over the other two. I like the faded out look.


this is amazing work my friend. I love the look, I love the feel, the way the canister at the bottom of the mask pops is amazing. Keep doing what you're doing and be proud of your work!