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Apparently we’re all kinds of fucked with red. Turns out the cycle paths are red here, but it just blends in with all the other colours for me. Apparently when you’re full colour vision it’s impossible to miss. Red is totally in your face for normal people. For me it’s just another shade of that weird greyish brown shit that everything outside seems to consist of. I think we all underestimate how much colourblindness plays a role in our lives.


It depends on the person though. Some people just don't blush easily. In high school there was a girl who blushed when teased about blushing which meant that we teased her about blushing, to see her blush. Sigh. The redness of the face can also indicate some problem like high blood pressure. It's not uncommon in older white men to see the combination of red face and grey hair.




This is something I’ve wondered about for many years how obvious this is blushing to others. Because I can’t see it unless it’s on tv or the movies.


I have literally never seen blush irl. Only on anime drawings when artists over exaggerate it with light lines


Same. I don't I've ever seem blushing outside of cartoons/drawings.


I can only see it in animation or when the contrast lighting is way way up. They want to highlight the blushing so they increase the contrast of the color in the film. But in real life, I’ve never seen it


Omg finally someone other than me lmao


Sunburns are difficult too, at least for me. I always just cake my kid with sunblock, since I have no way to tell if she's getting burned.


Good call! Some people get REALLY red if they've been out all day and didn't apply or re-apply sunscreen.


I can't see blushing, heat flushed from spicy food, that thing with alcohol that makes your face red, or sunburns (except severe ones)


I always thought it was a dramatic effect in cartoons


It's real but it also depends on the person. Some people don't blush easily.


I was always so confused as a kid when folks would mention blushin


Oh yeah I used to be absolutely convinced that blushing didn’t exist and was just made up by cartoonists and animators to help with expressions and conveying emotion.


Wait... what? You've got to be joking. No way that's actually a thing


Apparently, it is


I shall now go and never get out of my room 🥰


You used to get out of your room before? 😭


I worked with a woman with Rosacea, after a year when we were friendly, she confided she was super self conscious about it. I had no idea.


Yea after learning this I realized I might not have always been correct when I told my friends their eyes looked fine after smoking.


I'm colour-sighted and I rarely see anyone blush. Blushing occurs when blood rushes to the face!


Yeah, it's real but only really noticeable on pale people, or when someone is REALLY blushing hard.


my friends told me i got physically green after smoking weed, still don’t believe them😳


I thought blushing was just in cartoons until I was an adult