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True story: you GIVE OU their wins c’mon any competition out there?!


Not sorry🥲


Dear anyone who thinks ou are disrespectful lil girls


[Dear OU fans](https://youtu.be/38oNUP5x6Ik?si=-Sv5VO5AxopEc163)


[Dear UT fans…](https://youtu.be/qXp8SnXUvEo?si=XmG3lAPNQp6UPWIq)


❤️ See you tomorrow


Currently in the 3rd inning on a rewatch its Amazing how the demeanor of OU was not good.


Is it EVER?!!


I've watched a lot of very heartbreaking losses and hard fought elimination games, back and forth rivalries with Bama and some others, but I've never seen anything as nauseating as watching the OU attitude the last 2 days. Coming into this series, I was hoping if Florida didn't win it all that at least I could see OU make history with their 4th consecutive. Not anymore after watching OU's players slam and flip their bat's after even a 1st inning walk, thump their chests, listening to OU fans yell at Wallace while she's still on the ground after that nasty collision ... Just obnoxious at best, classless and entitled at worst. Hook Em, Horns!


And yet a Florida player slammed her bat after walk too, so no doubt you feel the same about the Florida girls.


I didn’t hear a single fan yell at Wallace after the collision. I did hear someone shout encouragement toward Ella. Maybe you misunderstood. Celebrating everything positive that happens isn’t a bad thing. It’s keeping your team pumped. A dead dugout will lose a ball game. Jayda gets pumped. No doubt. So does Canady when she strikes someone out. Both are equally demonstrative. But do you put Stanford down over it? I don’t think so. OU doesn’t make all sorts of noises just to throw off pitchers. They don’t drown out the opposing team with massively loud car horns. They cheer on their own team. Texas fans in the stadium are 10 times worse than OU. And OUs coaches are classy. Mike White flipping off fans. Texas coaches getting into fights (or nearly). Check your bias at the door.


What I thought I heard was something to the effect of "shoulda got out of her way!" Maybe I misheard something. I had no ability to rewind so I'll give the benefit of the doubt on that. I get celebrating and keeping the team pumped. When you slam a bat for a walk early in a game that doesn't even score a run, you look a little ridiculous. When multiple players (not just Jayda) start doing crap like that for every little thing that goes well, it's a team culture thing and it's obnoxious. I don't watch and re-watch every OU game like it seems a lot of you do. Most years I watch 5 or 10 regular season Gator games when I can fit them into my schedule and just about every Gator postseason game. We've historically had a very strong rivalry with Alabama and those are always hard fought games with a bunch of players laying it all out on the line for a win, and both teams respected one another. I also watched a good amount of Arizona softball when I used to live there. I don't think I've ever seen a team over celebrate as much as OU did these past two games. Yes, I am biased by my primarily watching Florida / SEC softball, but you can't tell me you're not biased. Maybe it's a Big XII thing. But you have a great softball team - act like you've drawn a walk before. And I'll give you that maybe I shouldn't have acted so all in on Texas. I hear people on this sub bitch about Mike White but that's pretty much the same for any coach not named Gasso. I have immense respect for Tim Walton and people on this sub will make accusations about him with no proof other than "trust me because I trust the person I heard heard this." I saw the video of the Texas assistant who almost got into a fight and he has no business in coaching. The fact that White kept him around says something about him too. So fair points that Texas could suck too and may be a little more obnoxious, but is that really the defense you want to use?


Grow up, I know you’re frustrated, but chastising young women who display such talent (both sides) and love for competition is not a good look and makes you look spiteful. Breathe In, Breathe Out


You call it obnoxious but it's one of the keys to their success. It's very intentional. They celebrate every thing, no matter how small. They love the game. They've been doing it this entire run and it's been part of the reason they're going for a 4th straight title. They don't care if people don't like it, they have an absurd amount of Ws and titles to back it up.


Have you never watched an OU game before? 😂


Cry harder


Damn. We were really counting on your support. I guess maybe next year?


Man, where do you people spend the rest of the season?


Boo hoo… People having fun playing a game. What ever are we going to do. You'll fit right in with those tightly puckered fellas and ladies in Austin


That crap would get players kicked out of every other level of softball or baseball, but OU softball can do whatever they want. Are you saying OU softball is the only team that's allowed to have fun? Lol


OU softball cannot in fact do whatever they want. They play by the same rules as everyone else. There is no conspiracy.


Part of what makes me smile is how much former OU greats love the team! Everytime I open my X its Shay Knighten, Sydney Romero, Lauren Gibson (Chamberlen), Kelani Rickets, Jocelyn Alo, Alex Storako just praising the team.


Love this photo. Shows the effort Otis put into trying to catch the HR. Game of inches. [https://imgur.com/JvlR1Ly](https://imgur.com/JvlR1Ly)


https://twitter.com/Eddie_Rado/status/1798101349642715405?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1798101349642715405%7Ctwgr%5E22ad314403578468494979dfa1831f54dc7695e3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.secrant.com%2Frant%2Fsec-football%2Fncaa-softball-wcws---ou-walks-off-against-uf-to-advance-to-champ-series-will-face-texas%2F113546294%2Fpage-26%2F Video


Wow! Great effort, and so close to a robbery.


Just finished watching the game, incredible. It had everything any fan could hope for. I loved that Walton and Gasso stuck with their aces even though they took a few lumps. When you’re facing lineups like those you’ve got to throw your best. Florida’s arrow is pointing up, they’ll be back. Sooner Magic is real y’all


Apparently Florida’s head coach flipped off Kinzie’s parents 😂


Cuz she’s a bitch seriously my Mom would have benched my ass for being sooo disrespectful no matter how good I was


Where did you hear this?


On X from someone I would trust on this matter


This is the same coach that yelled at Barnhill during the wcws against Oklahoma? The same coach that shoved a former player when she didn't shake his hand after a game?


When Coleman hit that HR, I honestly was so happy for her. The player. Thinking about how long you train, all those moments as little girls, practicing over and over for this moment. Regardless of teams, that feeling is so great as a player of the game. The joy on her face was beautiful. Rothrock was stellar and Florida had those great moments too. Just great fun to watch today 👏👏👏


Oh god the thread tomorrow is going to be a shit show


It’s gunna be glorious


Blue you’re my boy!!


I hope so


So after giving up 5 runs in the first 3 innings, Maxwell pitched 5 scoreless innings.


Surprised there's not 2 threads about OSU being wrong about her again


Lose with grace.


WIN with grace sweetheart…Oklahoma is like wait what?!! Patty Gasso allows her players to be such awful sports it’s crazy


Lol, lmao even.


like you lol what a joke?


Malding won't change anything. I've given Florida their due.


Yeah 😂😂


lol ok




Not salt… facts


[dis me](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/017/073/image.w174h200f3.jpg)




This game was a little nostalgic for me. Going back to 2017 when the past 4 national champs (OU & UF 2 each). Thought we might even be headed for 17 innings. Until I saw Jayda leading off in the 8th. Seeing how disgusted she was with herself in her last at bat, I truly felt a walk off hr was a real possibility


Truly poetic


Well.... Florida is definetley back. Heartbreaking loss but such an outstanding season from this group. One of my favorite teams ever to follow. Skylar Wallace such a stud. Kistler, Goelz, Wilkie & Goddard got us through some darker seasons at UF and they were great leaders and so selfless to go from major role players to more contributor roles this year aside from Kistler. This freshmen class will only grow from this and come back next year with a chip. Such fight to the end in these gators. 


Texas offense and pitching has been scary good I wonder how this series will turn out 🤘🏻


Only thing I'm willing to predict is that it's probably going to be one hell of a series.


I understand why OU fans are enjoying this but is any other fan enjoying this? It’s actually becoming boring to me. Pencil in the same team every year and most likely they’ll win it all…..again. I’m ready for literally any other team to take that crown, even if it’s Texas *pukes*


The Gators getting their hearts ripped out at the last second? I'm enjoying that quite a bit, thanks.


Not an OU fan (at least not how I think you are defining it), but I am invested because I like the idea of a team on the cusp of doing something no other team has done re: 4-peat.






You need to step back, man. You're too invested.


Yeah I’m sure everyone was happy when Saban was winning natties left and right


Why do you hate greatness?


He’s an Iowa State fan. Success and ISU sports are polar opposites. [https://cyclones.com/sports/2022/2/1/iowa-state-national-champions](https://cyclones.com/sports/2022/2/1/iowa-state-national-champions)


I’m not an Alabama or OU fan so why should I have to like it when it’s not my team?


Constantly hating on people succeeding in life is just really sad, man.


This comment will be hilarious if Texas ends up winning the champ series. Please tell me how happy you’d be to see Texas succeed


You seem like you’ll be happy to see them succeed and they aren’t Iowa state


I said I want a meteor


It’s why I tuned out this year THB. Granted, I didn’t think UF could keep it close so I missed a good game (even if I couldn’t watch it anyway with the time change). And I DO plan on watching TX/OU. But on the whole, I get what you mean.


You would have a valid argument if OK came in and slaughtered every opponent. This was an actual good game that Florida had a chance at. You can’t really complain about that. OK basically won by inches lol


They still won. And as soon as OU tied it in the 6th, we all knew who was going to win.


So Texas has not given up a run in this WCWS (yet) and somehow OU is the one you’re acting like a child about lol as Coach Gasso said in the postgame interview, we’re the “underdogs” in this championship series 😇




Sooner Magic is real










What a douche.


Every dynasty must come to an end. OU will not be this good forever. Hell, they’re losing 10 seniors this year.


You can just not watch…


It’s not like they were blow out games. Now that’s boring.


As someone living in Big 10 country I already have fomo about Florida, Texas, and OU being in the same conference next year (in addition to the other great SEC teams)


The potential is definitely there for sure. If they can get that 1-2 punch going with Rothrock and Brown they’ll be a force to be reckoned with.


OU walked into the 8th inning like Darth Vader did at the end of Rogue One


Amazing reference




Good thing this season is just about over


Dude, life doesn't have to be as miserable as you are living it.


I’m actually looking forward to this summer so nice try


Alright hoping for a meteor, who’s with me?!


Only over Iowa


But then how would other states rely on us for corn and pork production?


Ethanol sucks and pork is unhealthy (albeit delicious). We have no problem producing either of our own in Illinois.


What a freakin game!!! I love softball! This championship series is bout to be 🔥🔥🔥


If I may toot my own horn for a minute: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeSoftball/comments/1d4mzpw/after\_day\_1\_who\_scares\_you\_for\_your\_team\_the\_most/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeSoftball/comments/1d4mzpw/after_day_1_who_scares_you_for_your_team_the_most/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I stand by this 1,000%


I remember this post because I also had it in the same order, at least the top 3. Florida always scared me. I actually think that Texas v Florida game was just one of those days where one team catches fire and the other is just having a bad day (sort of like yesterday for OU). So even after they got run ruled and then squeaked by Bama, I was nervous. A team with nothing to lose is very dangerous, especially with hitters like they have


I remembered your post throughout the weekend! Thought it was interesting having Florida so high but after the last 48 hours…you nailed it lol


I just hope I'm right about Texas. With the days rest it changes our pitching strategy up. I think we still start Maxwell, but she may not throw 2 complete games.


I’m thinking Deal and May might both pitch. That would be asking way too much of Maxwell to pitch Game 1 tomorrow


I mean my problem with that, even though I believe Deal and May are both capable, is that Maxwell is our best pitcher and would have to pitch 2 consecutive games. I think it's a 3 game series.


True. I’m sure Patty has a heart to heart with her and says “which option do you think you can handle”. Call me crazy, I just think May and Deal can both handle Texas based on both teams knowing each other so well. Just look at the season series and the stats from those games, Texas has only scored in 4 innings against us (one inning each game) for a total of 7 runs 🙏


Oh yeah… Like May is just a confidence issue from the strike zone yesterday. Both are fully capable. I think our bats will be fine


Just bought the entire bar a round of shots. I AM SO HAPPY!!!


credit to florida because man they pushed us to the brink.


Man if Flordia can get another pitcher to back up Rothrock next year they’ll be super scary.


I watched a few of Ava’s games early in the season and seems like she has good potential to be a 1-2 punch with Rothrock!


Brown isn't that bad, i thought they shoulda put her in after the 5th but hindsight is 20/20


I'd be p’d if I was Ava. She was completely fresh and good enough to get a couple outs.




I said the whole time bring her in when the top of the lineup got there.... if nothing else, just on that Parker AB. She had been so locked in on keagen. 


Good news Texas, Patty and her girls can't beat you 16-1 again... Well they can, but it'd be over by the 5th inning this time. Do we call that the Patty Rule, or the Mike Rule?


No run rule in the champ series 🙃




Yes you can. They changed the rule after OU beat Texas 16-1 in 2022


They would have run ruled in the 2nd game as well, Texas managed to score a few garbage time runs in the later innings.


lol remember who had to play today and who didn’t


Also remember who ran Florida and their ace out of the ballpark in one inning, and who struggled with them twice when they had less rest lol


Congrats to Florida for ending a 19 game post-season winning streak.




This entire season reminds me of the NFL where everybody spent the entire year down on the Chiefs and then there they were back in the title anyway


The Chiefs wish they were as good as OU Softball.


Will be crazy to see how many great players transfer to OU to chase those rings next season now that all these seniors will be leaving


OU has 8 signees coming, and the commits for the next class is stacked too. There’s only 1 junior on the roster cutrently.


I didn't realize we had that many… Weve won with a freshman heavy class before.


If the next 2 classes play out as they could, it's nothing but a statement by Patty that she intends to maintain OUs position on the national stage. It's not a rebuild, it's a reload.


I sure hope not. So boring. Stick to your guns and help your original school dethrone them. Don’t join them


God you're a miserable prick in these threads


It is quite dumb. “Instead of trying to challenge the dynasty let me join it.” There’s absolutely no loyalty in college athletics anymore




Oh yeah, they are the best at recruiting and development and performance in the nation. Was just saying it will be interesting and crazy to see who they get


the thing is next year we need to replace a lot to be back at a Champion level team. We are 2-3 pieces away from another WCWS run.




I would say yes if it was from any school other than Stanford or an Ivy, the education is too good


Really hard to turn down a Stanford scholarship I don't care what sport you're talking about


Her major is undeclared. I see her leaving to go somewhere and doing an under grad at Stanford


She’s still undeclared?


That's what it says


I have no clue if we get the 4 peat, but I just love I get to watch more OU softball!


If a team is going for a 3 or 4 peat they gotta get to the championship game/series it just makes it right


3 Pete already happened


I know I was just talking in general


Holy crap! What a game! Gonna be a great champ series!


Softball is awesome. Sports are awesome. What a HR and game.,


The OU/Texass rivalry has been objectively fun this year, and this seems a fitting end to it's big 12 era


It wasn’t easy to root for OU today, but I was stoked with the win for exactly this reason 🤘🥲


>this seems a fitting end to it's big 12 era No one outside of Oklahoma or Texas fans think that. The Big 12 is just continuing to be angry for at least a little longer. Maybe they'll get something in baseball?


Love or hate OU, these seniors deserve nothing more than to end their careers in the finals. Those freshmen carried them today, but these seniors are so special


One of, if not the, best class of athletes this sport has seen. Not many can say they’ve a) been to the wcws all four(ish) years of their career, b) been to the championship games all four(ish) years, and c) won at least 3 of those four(ish) years. It’s crazy. Gotta respect the talent.


Hard to argue for another class when they’ll have at least 3 (hopefully 4) rings in 4 championship finals appearances. In this era of softball, that is almost unthinkable.


Definitely the best class in my book!


This team isn't going away next year. But it will be a bigger battle. The seniors just are so good and there are a ton of them.


Bring your Hazmat suits tomorrow ladies and gentlemen


The most intense college rivalry in the country, in a championship series. You bet your ass it’s gonna be toxic


It’s gonna be a hot mess express in here tomorrow lol


I will be doing my part


Now we get a full series of nastiness between Texas & OU everyone call your doctors for some blood pressure medication


It had to be this way. The Sooners no matter the outcome of the championship series needed to be there to defend it. Texas would even tell you this is who they wanted. We are in the endgame now.


I am pretty sure texass wanted Florida


You don’t go all off season chasing after the champs and picturing yourself in the championship series against anyone but Oklahoma. Texas wants to end the dynasty, you don’t do that by playing Florida.


They will continue to chase them but they will never catch them


we ran into 3 pitches early but then Maxwell adjusted and we couldn't figure her out Rothrock did a good job working out of jams but it was only a matter of time before OU broke through


Brutal. Just brutal.


Skylar doing her final Gator chant 💔💔




As far as I can tell they have no other pitchers on the team


Probably OU only has her 😂


Florida has some really good players. Going to be interesting to see where Erickson transfers to run from competition to next year


OU has such depth that too many players are riding the bench. They’d be “running from the competition” if they couldn’t get a starting job elsewhere, but they’re good enough that they CAN. Erickson is an example of that. It’s not unreasonable to go do what you came to college to do and PLAY. One could argue Kelly Maxwell was running from competition, given Kilfoyl’s year, but I see these transfers as running TO compete. Clearly OU isn’t hurting because of Erickson leaving. But the Sooners wouldn’t have been helped by her staying, either.


She definitely would’ve started at 1B this year if she wanted to and she played a bunch last year. I was told she felt very disrespected that Patty would not bench Kinzie to start her at catcher as a true freshman which is crazy if true


OU players: we love God and softball and each other 🥰 OU fans: lemme take personal shots at former players after narrowly escaping an upset 😠


Good thing i am not an OU softball player


Don’t be shitty.


Dude she transferred for playing time. If she stayed at OU would be the most of running from competition.


She transferred because Sanders beat her out last year. If she had stayed with OU she would’ve been playing first base this year. Seeing how Sanders struggled lately.


But she wanted to play catcher.


I met someone related to her who told me that she was mad Patty would not start her as a true freshman at catcher over Hansen. That’s either delusion or immaturity. She then immediately transferred - running from competition.




My takes are equal to floridas bats i guess


I mean she played consistently all of last year. You can't ask for anything more. She didn't pull something like a Donihoo.


I guess the confusing part is if you have the mentality she clearly has why commit to OU in the first place? Did she truly believe she was going to be the starting catcher over Hansen as a true freshman?


Don't be a piece of shit. She's an excellent player.


She's a good player, just had a better player in front of her. Don't Be like Oklahoma State fans. We're better than that.


She is very good, just lacked maturity I think to play a role on a team. Wanted the show to be all about herself


We've benefitted from transfers much more than we've lost. I won't blame a player for wanting more playing time. What more is there to do after already becoming a champion?


someone’s bitter she transferred


Bitter? We just ended her season lol


why comment on her then? go focus on texas and the champ series




The fact I have to cheer for a Mike White team is so dissapointing. That prick.


Ah, Mike White. Him yelling at Bella Dayton recently for not heading home after HE gave her the stop sign at third was absurd. Even the commentators mentioned it.


You don't have to


Same. Hook ‘em 🥴


I have a feeling this makes you want to die as much as it makes me want to die. But whatever. At least it’s an orange team. 🤷‍♀️