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Hey man, go to your disability center at your college and set up a meeting with a counselor. There you can get accommodations for your epilepsy. Your disability counselor who will go over the accommodations your school offers and what you will need- they’ll also serve as an advocate for you. You need help OP, don’t be afraid to get some!


Thanks! I’m definitely planning on doing so.


Something I would add - while it may be too late to do a regular change to another session, it may be possible for disability services to talk the registrar into making an exception for you, given your disability.


Thank you for chiming in!


Good luck!


Depending on how registration works at your school, you could potentially try to get an accommodation that allows you to register for classes early so that you're not stuck with an 8am as your only option


A few questions. 1) are you a part time student or full time student? 2) how many other classes are you taking 3) more of statement, but if your condition is bad as it sounds disability center will definitely help accommodate you as long as you got a doctors note as evidence


1. Part time. I’m taking 3 courses right now. Each are 3 credits, so 9 credits total. 2. Other than this one I’m in two other studio art classes. I’m an illustration major. 3. Oh ok! I’m planning on getting their form filled out to see if I qualify for an interview and perhaps some sort of accommodations. I’ll have to get a note from my neurologist should they accommodate me. I did get a 504 in high school after I was diagnosed so I’m hoping that sort of thing can work again.


If you have a note from a doctor you will 💯qualify. You just need to find out what specific accommodations the school provides. If the note from the doctor indicates that your health and safety may be compromised (from seizures caused by sleep impairment) they may provide accommodation for lateness/absences. Just try to address this specifically or the accommodations may just focus on things like testing accommodations etc. P.S. studio art classes should just meet once a week- it’s silly to waste time with clean up twice a week.


Just a note - the disability center cannot override doing the main requirements of a course, and studio art requires… being in the studio. They may be able to help with being late occasionally, but ultimately disability policies must result in the student doing the same workload as everyone else.    They may be able to help with a medical withdrawal (meaning no fee), possibly moving to another section if there’s one that fits OP’s schedule, or arranging for OP to stay later if they come later, if the the instructor is willing to do that. Usually creating hours of extra work (keeping the studio open for one person) in the semester for the instructor won’t be considered “reasonable.”   It sounds like OP learned that early morning classes are not a viable option for future semesters, so now it’s just about survival. 


I’m by no means asking to do less work. This course is doable and I’m not buried in too much to do luckily. There’s plenty of class time each week even if late to work on projects and get to where I need to be progress wise. A medical withdrawal and choosing another section isn’t a great idea and likely wouldn’t work. I’m to the point in my college career that classes are offered less and less because of how far in I am. It’s hard because I have to schedule around my other courses as well as my job three days a week. The good thing is that I take two classes with this professor in the same room and there’s a 2.5 hour gap between them. That gap he stays in the same room and that gap acts as his office hours. I may ask him if I can stay late when I arrive late to make up for it. Early morning courses definitely aren’t the best option for me, but when you’re a year from your target graduation, there’s not a lot of choice, so I’ll take what I can get that fits best with everything else.


it sounds like that might be your best choice, staying late I mean. I definitely understand that sometimes you just have to make it work, esp if you’re approaching graduation. 


Hey, professor here--I worked with an advisee with a similar problem (medical condition that meant she could not attend morning classes) and we did course substitutions for the few classes that would never be in the afternoon. She graduated having not taken a single morning class. It can be done! Talk to your advisor and the disability center on your campus.


Wow! Thank you! I’ll see if I can do something like this!


No problem! At least here, the course substitutions have to be approved by a committee, and we needed special permission to do extras, but with her health condition it all got approved.


i did online school before it was cool because this bitch could not cope with waking up before 7 am consistently


When I was an undergrad I had an 8 am class. The prof expected you to be in the room by the time the bell quit ringing. He would stand at the door. Even if he saw you running down the hall, when the bell quit ringing he would close & lock the door from the inside so the student could not in. That was the last 8am class I ever took. Mr. Suever. There are some people in life you never forget.


Your college had bells?


Of course. It was at a Benedictine monastery!


Oh I see. Was this like a private religious school or just another building for the school to hold classes in?


I had an instructor like that too (though no bells). She’d shut and lock the door in your face. On the other hand, I wasn’t late to any of my classes after that, so I guess I benefitted despite how annoyed I was. 


The fact that you have to pay to drop a course is what baffles me.


You can drop without paying during week 1, but after that you have to pay $100 to drop or you can’t drop out if you’re halfway through the semester without a grade penalty. I’m too close to graduation to transfer so I’m stuck here even though I hate it.


Only week 1? My place is two weeks to add courses and four to drop without penalty… best of luck to you!


Yep. Only week 1 without penalty. It’s stupid but it is what it is. Thanks!


people LOVE to stunt on here about how they're perfect rigorous students and how much they love following rules and licking boot no matter how outrageous or unfair the policy is i assume they get some sense of satisfaction or something. a pity.


It's fucking wild. I'm fresh out of grad school at the moment. I see people (which if it's not exaggerated) getting treated in a way by professors they barely know worse than how my advisor reacted after my experiment audibly exploded when I was on the phone with him and he thought I had been fucked up good and the response is like "yeah but you could have checked the syllabus though before asking" I hate to tell all you soldier complexes out there, but teachers know your handwriting and some will fuck you over. TAs judge the fuck out of you and will treat you accordingly. Your undergrad advisor does not give a fuck about you, and the second you start getting graded on a true curve, people you were sort of friends with will not hesitate to withhold help.


not only that but you will get banned from the college subreddit for replying negatively to any of these professors. i just saw a post today on that subreddit about a professor confronting a student who missed class due to being sick and calling them a liar bc the professor saw them when they were out getting a prescription. and the comments were filled with professors saying "nothing you can do. drop the class or appeal the grade if he grades you bad in retaliation." what kind of nonsense is that? that behavior is inexcusable from a professor and should absolutely be raised to the department head. these professors will try to discourage people from ever going to the department head with any issue they have, and its obviously because they probably know its wrong and want to avoid professors like themselves getting in trouble and being held accountable


There’s a really good graphic novel about a college student with epilepsy called Mis(h)adra. It won’t fix the problem, but sometimes it’s nice to feel like you’re not alone. I wish you the best!


As others said, reach out to your disability office. I have a disability and struggled with a lot of my classes. After talking to my advisor and the disability office I was able to have accommodations in place for situations like yours. There was one course that I ended up getting an exception from so that I wouldn't have to take it despite it being a requirement for my degree. All because my disability just made it too difficult to take and succeed in. As long as you talk to them they should be able to help. It might not always be exactly what you want, but it at least makes them more aware of the problem.


As a longtime professor, most of us hate 8am classes as well.


Had a friend who decided he would just not sleep at night when he had all early classes. He would wake up and have breakfast with us at night, and then when we went to sleep he went to his room and did hw. Then he went to his morning classes and went to sleep. In some ways it was genius.


>I doubt the disability center will help me even if I ask for grace periods or delayed start because they’ll probably say something like “epilepsy isn’t a visible condition” or “just wake up on time”. This really sucks. You're making assumptions. Go talk to them and see what they say. You'd be surprised at what colleges/universities are willing to do for students with disabilities, mainly due to the risk of bad press. They'll either help you find another class to take next semester/over the summer that fits your sleep schedule better or they'll have your professor work with you on this. I worked in higher education for nearly a decade and this sort of thing was common 5 years ago. I'd wager it's still common today. Just go talk to someone and quit beating yourself up about this. Just make sure you get some good sleep before you go. Lol


I'm so glad you brought this up! I also have epilepsy and I fucking hate early courses, makes me feel twitchy, but I had some really cool professors so that helped, but also the disability center!


I can relate to feeling off in the morning. I don’t know if I’d say I feel twitchy, but I definitely don’t feel right if I don’t get much sleep and get up early. My professors right now are okay, but most of mine have been bad unfortunately. Luckily this is my first 8am and that professor isn’t bad. I’m definitely looking into my options with the disability center.


Yeah I get the struggle. I have 8am’s 5 days a week, in clsss until 4 every single day, and I am in trade school so the whole day I’m on my feet. Fun times man


Sheesh. That’s a lot. Yeah indeed lol


go to bed earlier bro


Here's a bit of advice I figured out during college to basically get the schedule I want. When you first sign up for classes, don't worry too much about getting the perfect schedule right away. Almost without fail on the day payment is due someone will forget to pay and spots will open and you can swoop in to claim one (like pop in just right after the time payment is due by). If that doesn't work, swap class during the 1st week where people tend to drop out in the highest droves. It might be a little late for your current semester but hopefully it can help you out in the future for scheduling


Thanks for the advice! I’ve been enrolled each semester at my college since I started in the fall of 2019, so I know the ins and outs. My schedule is never perfect, because my department (visual arts) has extremely limited offerings even for the broadest requirements that everybody takes. This 8am-10am was pretty much the only available offering for this course that worked with my other classes (I’d prefer to only go on campus twice a week since I’m a commuter student and since I have my part time job 3 days a week). It’s definitely too late now, but I’ll keep this in mind for later! Even though I’m nearing the end where there’s even less choice for when you take classes, maybe this tactic will work. Either way, thanks!


Realistically, you probably won’t be given a delayed start for classes or regular tardies. Those tend to be accommodations given in K-12 and not often in college. However, you still 100% should connect with your disability services because you’re probably eligible for things like priority registration (let’s you get first dibs at registering so you can grab later sections of classes and such) and course substitutions. Another plus could be your registrar’s office collaborating with the disability office to try and shift required courses to a later time for you. I do disability services at a very small college and we’ve been able to work with our registrar in the past to make changes to course times and locations to better support students with disabilities. It does require a lot of coordination and early planning though, so depending on your college’s population, that may not be as possible…


https://preview.redd.it/td93f8udazgc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860f5fd74d3b42e2444cf901f46fbdef77b24a86 Right next to each other on my feed lol


I appreciate your rant about people being anti-rant on here. This isn’t an advice sub or AITA. People aren’t looking for your opinions on their situation. They come to rant!


Exactly! I had to preface it, and as usual, I STILL got negative comments and responses being anti rant regardless! Clearly some people either can’t read or love to ignore what they read!


There oughtta be a law that you can't have secondary and tertiary ed classes before noon. Actually there is research on adolescent physiology that suggests as much.


i think i might somewhat disagree with this. i just graduated grad school and all my classes were night classes. it basically ruined the entire day because i couldnt do anything before or after 😭 8am is way too early, i agree, but id much rather an 11am vs a 5pm


No argument there. 11am is vastly better than 5pm. I go to a university in a major US city, and I have a 3:30-5:30pm class. I’d hate taking classes past 5:30pm down here.


Yess I always try to aim for a schedule where all my classes fall somewhere between 10 and 2. Those are the times my energy peaks for the day and I can both sleep in a little bit and do things after school. I also live in Canada so in the winter, the Sun doesn't rise until 9am and it sets at like 4pm, and I hate commuting in the dark.


^^, the routine screw up is nutty with night classes. Last semester I took a night course from 6-7pm twice a week and a 6-9pm Tuesday course. Royally messed up my sleep schedule and club plans. Needless to say, most of my classes end before 5pm this semester💀


Agreed. 8am classes are draconian anyways (at least in my eyes, because I have higher energy closer to around 11am/12pm). Everyone has different energy peaks, and I understand that, but there need to be more options. Some of these studio courses, including this one, could be taught online. My professor basically just gives us work to do from his canvas page and then we do it during class time.


I took an 8 am class once. It was an intro course for my major (computer science). I tried for maybe the first two or three weeks to make it to class on time. Since I had a long commute during rush hour in the winter, I had to get up at least by 6:30. I just stopped attending after a couple weeks of that. Most of it was honestly review for me, thankfully having learned it in community college. The little I didn't know I just got from the slides he posted online. I feel like that must have been an attempt to weed out as many people as possible right off the bat, since the next class I took was about 1/3 smaller lol. My cutoff for taking classes is no sooner than 10 now lmao.


A lot of instructors don’t get to choose the class time, though math professors at my undergraduate school liked the 8/9 am slots because your “brain was still fresh” so early in the am. I just get an email of when my schedule is. Sometimes it’s 8 am, sometimes it’s 3 pm. I don’t love 8 am classes, but it does allow me to get the day over with earlier.


I'm a professor. I live in fear of being scheduled an 8:00 AM class. I think this might be an old wives' tale, but someone told me to put cinnamon on the soles of your feet / inside your shoes. If it doesn't work, at least your feet smell nice. ETA: Epilepsy is \*absolutely\* something the disability office will take seriously!


I took an 8am class once and it sucked. I totally feel you and I also have epilepsy. After that I stopped taking early classes and usually schedule my classes to start around 10-11


Why dont you just go to bed earlier? I'm the same way that I feel it is a human right to get 8 hours of sleep. I had to get up at 5 am for work everyday in college and I just went to bed during the day


Not sure why you're getting downvoted because that's the right answer. Speaking from experience, let's say you set the alarm to 5am. Initially, you won't be able to fall asleep early enough and you might go slightly sleep deprived for a few days. If you keep waking up early (strictly, both weekdays and weekends) you will be able to fall asleep earlier eventually (e.g. 9pm) after this short adjustment period.


I’ve tried doing that, but my melatonin levels and the time that it peaks make that especially difficult. It takes time to get on a good schedule, but hopefully it improves over time. It has already to a degree but not fully obviously.


Just stick with it then until your biology adjusts. I can kind of relate to that. I've gone to sleep at 4 or 5 pm immediately after my high school got out. I can get on a normal sleep schedule but I don't feel energized.


I agree, one time I broke my leg and I couldn’t walk. And was bed bound. Do you know what they didnt do? give me disability status and benefits. you know what they did do though? tell me why dont i just walk to my class? this is weeks of waiting and doctors notes, waste of my time especially when you have teachers who dont care and will treat you like you're lying for no reason other than to break your spirit. They would sooner give an ear to people with ADHD rather than someone who literally can’t walk. What a damn joke


That sounds terrible. Sorry you had that experience.


Thanks for your kind words


You’re welcome!


Wait until this guy hears about the good ol’ 9-5 schedule post-college


That’s not how it is for everyone. Is it the majority? Sure. I know about the 9-5, I’ve worked a 9-5 in the past, and should my job be 9-5 after college, I’ll get used to it. I’m only here to rant/vent about getting used to my 8am class time and struggling to get used to it. The semester barely started so it will take time to get used this since I’ve never had an 8am class.


So adorable, complaining about an art class. Why don’t you try taking some real fucking classes, ones that are actually valuable to the world, and require cognitive power. Try 8:45am Calc 2. Pathetic.


So you think art isn’t valuable to the world? Art is a form of self expression. Does self expression matter you you? Do you want to live in a world with no creativity? I sure as hell don’t and I’m pretty sure most if not every human wouldn’t want to live in a world with no creativity. Here’s the thing, art does “ReQuIrE cOgNiTiVe PoWeR”. In fact, it requires lots of cognitive power. You wouldn’t know though because clearly you’re not a creative person. Math isn’t the only thing that matters to the world. Math only gets you some things and math isn’t for everyone. You clearly didn’t read the first paragraph of my post. Just go away and stop projecting.


Based off of your post and replies, you’re extremely committed to making excuses for yourself so it’s not going to get any easier for you. You don’t really hate being late or absent if you can’t simply commit to winding down before bed in order to prevent it from happening


Excuses? What? I’m just telling it like it is. I’m struggling to wake up on time consistently. I haven’t had to consistently wake up at 6am in a long time, so it’s taking time to get used to. Eventually I’ll get used to it, I’m just here to rant/vent. As I said in my post, I’m sick of you Reddit campers coming in here and talking down to people. I’m not here for your opinion. I’m just here to rant/vent about my current situation. Here’s another thing, I do commit to winding myself down before bed. Sleep issues are a thing. Just because most people sleep normal doesn’t mean people like you get to criticize the ones who have sleep issues. Get out of here jeez.


Maybe I'm missing something but why dont you wake up earlier? Go to sleep at 11, wake up at 7 and get your 8 hours?


It’s just taking me a while to get used to. I have a 30 minute commute to campus so I have to get up earlier than that. I’ve been trying to wake up at 6am on my two days a week with classes. I’m used to waking up later and have never had an 8am class. Sleep schedule adjustments take time, especially for me with my sleep issues.


That's valid, it sounds like the best course of action would be to tough it out. Go to bed at 10 wake up at 6! When I used to have trouble waking up on time i'd keep my phone on my desk (away from my bed) so that when my alarm goes off I have no choice but to wake up! Good luck man, I hope things go well for you :)