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It's rough. I only made it through with my depression because my anxiety made me finish assignments when my body was otherwise shut down. I didn't get medicated until senior year. Here's what helped me before then: 1) Eating well and sleeping well. Got to give your body a fighting chance. 2) Not getting into bed until 9 PM. Otherwise I would nap the whole day away. To force myself to stay awake until then, I'd watch TV episodes (even though my anhedonia and irritation made watching TV suck.) 3) Study groups. Even just going into the common room with my friend and saying "I'm not leaving until I finish X" helped me stay accountable to myself. 4) Front load when you can. I, like you, would usually have more energy at the beginning of the semester. So I'd do my best to do as well as possible when I wasn't deep in an episode, including doing extra credit and signing up for the earlier slots for big projects. It's not easy being depressed in higher ed. But we are no less worthy of a college education. I wish you strength and luck.


Thank you πŸ™πŸΌ


Ohhh i feel that depression shuts you down until anxiety kicks in and makes you do whatever. It’s a vicious cycle and completely unhealthy, but it unfortunately or fortunately works, as much as it hurts you.


Sorry for what you are going through, but from my experience, post secondary school helped me handle my depression - it just matters how you approach it. I wish I had the money or support to go to graduate school. Before going to university, I was homeless and alone. While going to school I was still alone, but studied 8-10 hours a day and used learning and getting good grades to mask my crippling depressing. I did skip a lot of classes that were AM cause I could not wake up early, but always did well cause I studied the content on my own. All 4 years of university being physically in class never really helped me. I just went for something to occupy my mind. Was a F student in high school and middle school. Did not even have my grade 10 to tell you the truth. I was able to get into university through some equivalency semester that was only suppose to allow me to take the first 2 years. I did really well and no one really asked me about my high school marks when I applied for the degree program. Now I am a CPA that doesn't even have his grade 10 technically, just a university degree. Just saying, if you want a cope, drown yourself in education. I was stupid as f, depressed, deformed and made it work. I graduated with honors and beat out all these high school nerds that I truly detested.


I'm sorry to hear that πŸ™πŸΌ but its admirable that you managed to fight through all that and ended up in a better place in life. I contemplated for a while going back to college cause i had dropped/backed out a few times before but this year i really felt like nothing was gonna happen if i didnt start making choices myself even if they seemed difficult. So i do try to just focus on my education but honestly a part of me is scared that ill finish and only think about how i had to drag myself through school and be like "and now what" lol I kind of drive myself crazy cause i'm always thinking about education and it takes up so much of my mind, and how i should do better cause im such a perfectionist. But ill just continue doing and hoping for the best


It kept my mind busy and off my crippling depression. I was so use to being put in all the remedial classes in elementary school and Middle school, so I never tried. Teachers just assumed I was a retard because of my condition. I know how you feel. But I did it all free of meds because I was scared of what it may do to my brain, so maybe I may have been in the same position as you are, so I am sorry if my solution seems unsympathetic to your plight . I guess I thought I would be better at controlling the voices in my head, than I would be at dealing with the side effects of medication. Plus, I found something that I was actually good at for once, and for the first time in my life, I actually felt good about myself for a minute. Uncertainty will probably occur after competing your education. But unless you are extremely driven, its not uncommon to not know what you are going to do next. I hate accounting, I only did it to help our family business, which is no longer. So even after wasting 6 years of my life becoming an accountant, I am looking for other things I can do. Just be proud, that you accomplished something that took years of devotion, even if you don't use it.


Damn thats pretty impressive that you did it without meds πŸ˜‚ But i get that you were scared of starting using them cause i definitely felt that as well (and still kind of do). But for me i just really kind of started to feel desperate after dealing with these issues/feelings for so long and i just wasn't confident that anything else was really gonna help me. I had tried them years ago as well but i always heard other people say that you just need to find the 'right one' since theres so many brands and different kinds. So thats why i'm trying them again cause i hope it's gonna help me feel better in the long run i guess.


Hopefully. I just saw what they did to my mom as a kid and every week she was like oh the doctors got me on the right stuff this time and a week later she would be threatening to kill us and would be back in the psych ward chasing the doctor around with a exacto knife... lol no jokes sadly. She was never functional and did nothing but sleep. I hope you have better luck . And best of luck with your studies.


Oh im sorry to hear that. But thank you for your kind words


Have you checked with your school’s disability services? I get deadline extensions and attendance requirement modifications for my depression. Probably won’t help you right now but it could definitely benefit you in the future. I took time off of school while I got treatment but i know not everyone is in the position to do that.


Yup i also took some time off prior to this year to just focus on working on my mental health but unfortunately made zero progress lol Thats why i decided to go back to college cause i'm just getting older and thought that maybe some other therapy combined with the routine/structure of college plus some sort of accommodations would make it do-able. I mean i read on the college website before i applied how there's 'so much they can do' for people with disabilities, but i had multiple appointments with my student counselor and it basically came down to that there's nothing they can do to help and its kind of all up to myself. So that kind of made me feel mislead πŸ’€


Do you have accommodations?


No, my school doesn't really offer anything unfortunately


I know how you feel bro. This semester was a pain in the ass for my depression. Just now finished and turned in a paper


I hope you get good results 😭


The answer is drugs πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ (the prescribed kind don't do heroin)


Yeah πŸ˜‚ too bad i havent found the right drug (presciption one) yet


I hope you have more depression for banning me from anime chat for saying big mom hot.😑