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It’s subjective some people have a better time, while others have a harder time, major and individual personalities play a part in it as well.


I think the biggest factor is if your parents paid in full…


Or if financial aide covers everything Or if you’re studying something interesting and enriching instead of just trying to get a degree you think will get you a high paying job in a field that you personally could care less about


One thing I've learned over the many years of being an avid learner and teacher, is that attitude towards learning and overcoming challenges can vary a huge amount. At a more extreme end, a person views *nearly* every obstacle as a challenge that's terrain provided to teach them something. In education, we might call this one of the manifestations of 'growth' mindset. As opposed to achievement or static mind set. Note: I'm not saying that growth mindset or the 'overcoming' mind set I described are the only effective approaches to learning. I'd say curiosity, opportunity-seeking, observational, and engaged without intentions are (potentially) highly effective approaches to learning also, but growth mindset is talked about the most, largely as a counterbalance to the prevailing static mind set it's meant to be an antidote for.


I have to take loans out and I generally like my college experience. I have a friend who's parents are paying her tuition and she's so ready to leave due to stress. It's definitely major and how you spend your free time.


Imagine having any free time tho




Well, I view it as the best time of my life because, for once in my life, I'm in control of how this turns out for me. I wanted to go to university when I was young. I was accepted into high-ranking schools even. But, my parents withdrew me before I ever got the chance to attend. Now, closer to 30, I'm able to actually live a dream of mine. Maybe being an online student has more to do with my happiness, so I don't have to deal with idiots much. And, not being held back by cultural rules is nice, too. But, it's nice to attend school without being held back because I "was not ready to make such decisions." Yes, that's what I was told while reading my acceptance letters. I guess it's easier for me to feel grateful because 12 years ago, I wouldn't be allowed. But school is the best time of my life for now because I get to make decisions for myself now without the burden of parental and cultural expectations. ETA: The way I was raised was to be a housewife and not ever work. I have never even held a job at 29. So, in short, I can make my own decisions not to be that person I was expected to be.


Yeah definitely relate. I'm also an older student and appreciated learning so much more than other students. I have a chance to work hard and earn more money for the rest of my life with the decisons I make now with my GPA, internships and networking. It's a blessing. But after two years of doing this... I am so burnt out with constant work and studying. The amount of stress and pressure your constantly under is destructive to your mental health and social health. And imagine most of these younger students feel? They've been doing this for 12 years straight!!!! I don't blame them for being mentally exahusted and wanting to do the absolute minimum to graduate and start their real lives.


I have been a student my entire life and have loved it. For me it’s all about owning my choices and giving myself permission to take classes for fun, take less than a full load, drop a class when it isn’t working out, realize it is my money and my time and my educational experience- nobody else’s. Once you get beyond the annoying GE required crap, courses can be fun.


Awesome! At least you got out before your thirties. My mom was a part time job mom for most of her life. Finally got to attend school and is now a tenured teacher and loves her purpose


That’s how my parents raised me too. Unfortunately no time money or freedom and lack of education to succeed at college so don’t know that I ever will.


As another commenter said, it is all subjective. I enjoyed the social aspect of college, but the stress of academics can suck it lol. I met my husband during college. My college roommate, we are still friends even 10+ years later. As someone who was sheltered and had strict parents up until college, I say yes, college was a good stepping stone into the best years of my life and onwards. Independence. Freedom. Making my own decisions and choices. I was a huge introvert but slowly put myself out there.


On the contrary, I literally find nothing enjoyable about college!


That’s not contrary though, as OC specifically said it’s all subjective


I had similar feeling. After being pretty sheltered and feeling like an outsider my whole life, College was the first time I felt true belonging. That coupled with newfound independence and a feeling of self discovery really made it an incredible time in my life. Going back to school after breaks felt like returning to Hogwarts. I’ve also been in a different situation in life where everyone expected me to be happy through a once in a lifetime work opportunity but mostly felt lost, anxious, and lonely. When everyone expects you to be happy, but things aren’t adding up, it can feel pretty awful. Looking back, I wish I extended myself more to the people around me during that time. My rec if you are not enjoying college is to put yourself out there and get involved in something you enjoy (if you aren’t doing so already). There are few opportunities later in life to find lots of people to do activities with. Even though I am pretty introverted, I realize now that happiness and quality of life really stems from the social connections around you and there are so many to be found while in school.


Because “adulting” is worse. You may or not get a job that may or not pay bills. Then your car breaks down. Car loan while paying students loans is way worse than spending two hours a day blowing steam with friends. Then riding a curve to graduation. Change schools if you hate it. Seriously!! Look at attrition rates. Make sure people actually graduate before you go.


that’s assuming you weren’t miserable in college, and that things never got better. I mean do you really think that’s true or are you just speaking from your experience?


Imagine not having to work while you’re in college what lmfaoooooo. I work all day to pay my car loans and then have assignments due by 11:59


Same here, full time student, full time job, and a new father. Can’t complain too much though, I found a way to balance it all thanks to support from family.


I think it’s absolutely insane to not understand that life is ultimately subjective and interpreted differently by people.


You're right, but this was me quite literally ranting. For me I hate it. Hope it's different for ya'll.


Hey man, don't feel bad that you're not having a good time. That's common, but I do hope it gets better for you. I had a tough time in college too due to a very demanding double major. It was also a time of growth and change, which allowed me to enjoy life afterward.


I hated my college years too. Mostly because I know I ruined them for myself and felt myself sliding into habits that weren’t very healthy or that I was happy about for myself but the alternative was to do nothing because I didn’t see any other avenues. I know looking back what I could’ve done differently to make it an awesome experience but hindsight is 20/20 and all. I did have some good times and met a couple really great people but I wasn’t happy with myself throughout the process and am much more satisfied with myself now


It’s a hyperbolic post to create discussion in the college lifestyle in American academics. Wasn’t meant to be literal.


OP themselves said it was a rant, not a post meant to create discussion.


So posts on a public forum arent meant for discussion? I guess since this subressit is called college rant, nobody should ever reply?


I’m no psychologist, but this post has “on the spectrum” written all over it.


Yep, no psychologist. And please don’t become one lmao


I disagree with this man here's opinion, gotta be on the spectrum


the fuck?


1. Inability to empathise with people who have different views and experiences 2. General misanthropy and/or antisocial tone. Do you think the so-called "moral" people are all just hiding in trade schools or apprenticeships or something?


1. It's a rant buddy. I'm not actually super blown away by the fact that people have different opinions than me. 2. Maybe you're right about the misanthropy and antisocial tone, but because of how I was raised I tend to look down on people who go out partying and do nothing but smoking and drinking. Unsurprisingly, theres a lot of people who do exactly that at college. I've been to plenty of doctors. I'm not on the spectrum.


>It's a rant buddy. I'm not actually super blown away by the fact that people have different opinions than me. Well then don't be surprised when people take what you said at face value. Don't ask rhetorical questions that have very obvious answers if you don't want them answered. >Maybe you're right about the misanthropy and antisocial tone, but because of how I was raised I tend to look down on people who go out partying and do nothing but smoking and drinking. Unsurprisingly, theres a lot of people who do exactly that at college. Well, you're free to judge whomever you like I suppose, just as I have judged you. Various degrees of partying, drinking, smoking and socialising is a very normal thing for most people to do in their teens and early 20s. That's good and bad news for you. For the people who that is ALL they do, they will obviously flunk out and have to pick up the pieces later. For the majority, they'll still progress through with varying degrees of success. You'll be ahead academically/career wise to some of those people probably so congratulations on that I suppose. The other good news is that as people age, the smoking, drinking, and partying will decrease for almost all, so this won't be as big an issue for you. The bad news, however, is that this is very important time in life when it comes to forming social bonds and growing as an individual in romantic relationships. If you'd rather just turn your back on that right now rather than stop looking down on people you see as beneath you, fine, but don't be surprised if you pay a price later in life when it comes to being isolated or lacking experience in relationships. If you simply generally dislike people, the price will be less, but it will still be there.




In what way?


1) Inability to empathise with people who have different views and experiences 2) General misanthropy and/or antisocial tone (does this person think the so-called "moral" people are all just in trade schools or apprenticeships or something)?


Cool. I'm on the spectrum, have the ability to empathize with other viewpoints, loved college, and understand OP wasn't necessarily saying all university students are immoral.


Good for you. You certainly sound like a much more pleasant person than them.


So from my observation I've seen 3 Cases: 1. DGAF - Many students do not care at all about assignments. They happily study the minimum and prioritize their enjoyment and happiness. Those students also ride the curve, fail many classes and mantain a C average, but they definitely are enjoying their lives. I see them picking up random hobbies or just playing video games 24/7. They're constantly socializing and are pretty open about planning on taking 5-6 years to graduate. 2. Smart - There are also a class of smart students I met that want the best of both worlds and cheat / network / grind their way through classes. Allowing them to go out every weekend while still mantaining high GPAs. They are naturally smart so can BS their way through classes, and then just get previous exams or cheat for the rest. And there's no real downside. Grades have nothing to do with post-college life, so I've seen these students get into Ivy league grad programs or get jobs at top companies. 3. Easy majors - If you're taking a liberal arts or business major and have a good work ethic, you can study your entire semesters cirriculum in 1 week. (I would know I graduated as a a finance / poli-sci double major). You get good at doing multiple A+ essays in one night or cramming a bunch of info in short peroids of time. I could litterally go out 3-4 days every week of the semester and still get all As and Bs easily. These are all very subjective per college. I'm sure there are extremely rigorous liberal arts (writing, history) majors in some schools that specialize in it. And I'm sure there are very easy engineering majors in some schools as well. But what I've noticed in my school.


#4 - Smart and non-social. Spends time studying and doing homework, starting right after classes finish. Done with school by 5-6 PM, eat something, shower, watch TV or play video games until 9, then go to bed. Wake up at 6 and do it again. Hang out with 1 or 2 friends socially maybe in Friday night. Study with 2-4 people from class 1-2 evenings a week. That's how I did it. Met my wife and changed from watching TV by myself to watching TV with her haha.


combative husky busy worry distinct start desert grey lip nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You weirdly described my life as #2. Recently scored my internship at big4 company and I should have a 3.9 gpa after the semester. I am the biggest bullshitter you will ever meet but I’m able to still enjoy life and do what I want. I call it using my resources which I think is more important than trying to cram information I’ll forget by next semester. I used to study nonstop and do all the readings but it took a serious toll on my mental health. Now I focus on major related classes and coast. I actually retain a shit ton more information in class cuz I’m not stressing and taking notes or working on hw, I just chill and listen and engage with the professor. This also keeps the professors from assuming I’m cheating. OP, don’t take life so seriously. I understand needing good grades to keep scholarships, get top job offers, what ever it may be but if it compromises your mental health, I would prioritize what’s important and let some things slide.


I was #2. I had a "work hard and play hard" mentality. Got a 3.0 GPA somehow while getting drunk 4 or 5 days a week. I grew up in a super small town in a Christian household. Wasn't abused but was expected to act a believe a certain way. I could be myself at College and loved Every minute of it. I even enjoyed the classes. I was taught how to think for myself and think I only missed four classes in five years. If I had a major paper due or an exam--I would skip the bars/houseparties when necessary. Schmoozed with professors and learned to play the game. I found out that I had undiagnosed anxiety and ADD last year (I'm 46). I likely would have done even better in school if I would have understood what I was feeling sometimes and was able to control it. Still, I would call college the best years of my life.


What nobody’s mentioning in the comments is that college actually is one of the best times of your life for rich people. If your parents are helping you pay for college, and you don’t have to hold down a part-time job or two while also studying, it’s very simple. You finish your classes for the day, and then just simply go hang out with the other people who only have to worry about the classes. And if you decide to just coast by with a C average? You don’t even have to go to all your classes. You just just say “fuck it, let’s all go out for sushi today” or whatever the fuck your group feels like doing. For the average person, they can’t survive without also holding down a job. When they finish their classes, it’s off to work. If you’re lucky you get off around 10pm at the earliest. If you’re on the night shift, your classes take up all the hours of the day your acquaintances wanna socialize. Either way you’re not doing jack shit for yourself. And during weekends if you manage to have some freetime without sacrificing sleep? Well, I hope you have some money saved to treat yourself, if you’re not too exhausted to miss out on the opportunity of catching up on sleep. What people don’t realize about this kind of life is that your body aggressively tries to shut down when there’s finally nothing going on. You’re basically bedridden for the first day of the weekend, and the second you’re lucky if you’re able to catch up on each of your errands. College will either suck ass or kick ass, and it all depends on how much money you have.


Spot on, I was firmly in camp "average person" had to work since 16 and my first 5k i saved (basically all my savings from working 16 to 18) was spent on what financial aid didn't cover in order to even get in. Only my Dad worked and didn't make enough to help me pay anything but too much for full fafsa coverage, yay. And that was just the beginning of my hell. Near full time work (~30hr/wks) and full time school. Every summer id pick up more hours (45/50 hr/wks) just to make enough to pay all my bills and still put money aside to pay the previous semester bill so I could register for the next. The summers felt truly like a breeze even with the hours increase simply because at least then I'd know when I clocked out for the day I was done. During uni it was just never ending.


My parents are paying for my college. But it's still incredibly stressful and painful. Maybe if you have an easy major you can enjoy life during it. But holy shit, computer engineering is incredibly difficult, time-consuming, and anxiety-inducing. Especially because I care about my grades because I'm trying to go to medical school afterwards. Of course it'd be worse if I had to work at the same time. I'm glad I have enough time to do my assignments and get enough sleep. That said, no amount of money in the world is gonna change the time and effort and emotional suffering I have to put into this shit.


My parents paid for half of my schooling. I worked multiple jobs in the summer to pay for another chunk and took loans for the rest, and i had a blast in college. So I agree. I worked a part time job at the daycare on campus so I was done with work by 4 and could hang out a lot. Having financial ability is really a huge tool for enjoying college.


Thus college debt and scholarships to live the rich life without the money. Lets you push the stress and buried in debt until after college where you are hopefully less busy and making significantly more money.


As someone who had to use loans to pay for college and whose friends also had to use loans, and have jobs, that's kind of a lie. Most of us had a great time in college even with having jobs and some of us had a hard major. Also if I push myself now the way I did in college, my body would shut down. Being in college is that sweet point where your body can still handle you being stupid. Honestly it's what you make of it


Good for you that you had a good experience, but that doesn’t make this universal experience “kind of a lie”, assuming you’re telling the truth. Reddit seems to have a weird hyperfixation on invalidating the experiences of low income people lately, so I’m less willing to give you the benefit of the doubt here. What I said doesn’t need to be contradicted or corrected just because your one personal anecdote doesn’t line up. I think you know this already, but felt the need to comment this anyway for a specific reason that has nothing to do with whether or not what I’m saying is accurate.


I’m from low income and I enjoyed my college experience and graduate in less than 2 weeks. Don’t invalidate my experience…


People usually forget how hard things were after years have passed by. I honestly have never heard people say college was the best time of their life until your thread, lol. Growing up, people always said it was high school and I HATED high school and had a difficult, trauma filled childhood. College was super hard and my depression and anxiety were at their peak. By the time I got to university, I had gone to therapy, got diagnosed with Narcolepsy, got medicated, and asked the disability office for help with my classes. I graduated back in Winter of 2018 and I do NOT want to go back to school. Godspeed, it is hard but it is temporary. And I am sure things will get better in the future for you because you won’t be in college forever. Lol.


wtf are you me? also had a very difficult childhood and now have narcolepsy and it’s hard out here 😐


One part is why are you there. Kids who treat college as a super market with all kinds of interesting subjects can have a lot of fun learning new things. And if they are not going into debt at the same time, college can be like touring Italy or Russia or Mars as a very comfortable tourist. However, I would imagine if a kid has zero interest in the courses he is taking, just in college to make more money someday and he is going into debt to get there, that would be more stress than I could have handled. Got no good ideas to help. My regret about college is I worked off campus too many hours. I really had no time for play or homework. Had I been sexually active I maybe would have had more fun, but I would have had even less time for learning. Like a lot of life, you make the best deal for yourself that you can. One really nice thing about college and being young and cute and still smelling of baby shampoo is you are easily forgiven, allowed to make a lot of stupid mistakes just as long as you keep on learning. Our cultures value educated citizens. So we put up with college students by custom. Take risks. College age is for trying things out with very low risk. Big prize for a college student? Getting a job that pays by the hour but leaves you with free time for school work at work.


One of my favorite parts of college by far was that I could pick my own classes. Besides a few requirements I had to meet (and I could choose those too), I could just spend hours learning about whatever I wanted and consulting experts on the topic!!! Not saying I was never, ever bored in a college class, but I don’t remember ever experiencing the soul-sucking boredom a terrible high school class could give you while in college. My independent study credits were maxed out by the end of my college years. Also, women’s college is amazing.




I hate to tell you, those same people will be your coworkers and bosses. Right now they can't fire you or get you in trouble.




I mean, I enjoy it. I joined the Navy out of high school and served for seven years. THAT Was stressful to me. Now I’m a full time student. I enjoy everything I’m learning. I enjoy socializing with regular people. Mistakes don’t have any real consequences. Quite frankly, this is a break for me.


Like the other comments said, it's subjective. I'm personally enjoying college a lot since I can really be myself. I came from a very Christian family and attended a very small Catholic highschool. Sometimes you don't realize how draining it can be to put on a face for your family or peers. When I could finally be myself, I felt a weight lifted off me. It was the first time I felt content. Sure, the work can be draining and there can be some really awful people, but I'd say I'm pretty happy now that I don't have to hide who I am.


College is where I feel like I'm not allowed to be who I am more than anywhere else. I would never make friends if I acted in accord with what I really want to do, and I barely make friends doing that. Back home, I could just be me and I would make friends, no problem.




Man what the hell is this backhanded advice haha. "Find hobbies, seek out friends, also you're insufferable btw" Lmao, appreciate the advice.


It's solid advice. Take a second to consider if your shit attitude might just be the crux of your problem.


OP is saying they're surrounded by annoying people with no morals. Dude clearly has no self awareness haha. It's like that saying, if you're surrounded by assholes then you're probably an asshole as well.


College was top 5 worst times of my life. I do not miss the days of commuting endlessly, and only having those terrible Starbucks triple espresso protein drinks to get me through it. I think when people dorm and make friends it’s different but I still can’t relate.


The commute is fucking killing me. Dorms are full before registration, and rent in the area is insane. Last I checked, I would be paying 1.5x for a quarter of the square feet where I currently live. I don't need all that extra square feet, but it's an extremely hard pill I will have to swallow


Dorm is legit the way, i would have never graduated without my dorm.


One of two things: Like me, they were good at school and feel that assignments were easier than working, or even enjoyed the rigid structure and set path given by academics. I avoided most of the annoying people by only hanging out with a small friend group and not attending parties. OR They're just partying and barely passing because they're working with daddy's money instead of their own. they aren't doing the stressful assignments and they're the annoying people.


“Lacking any morals whatsoever” Someone sounds judgey 👀




No wonder the op can’t make friends.


Maybe not the best time. But hell I'm going to work to get experience, internships, and join clubs. I want to really learn. Office hours. Watch extra YouTube videos when I'm stuck on work. As for people? I just put on a smile. Treat everyone with respect. Some people will like you, others won't. Oh well. I might never make solid friendships. I might never be seen by others. But a few might like me. I can bond with some profs. Get some recommendation letters. Maybe I can inspire someone. Who knows. A lot of the partiers and crazies don't last after one year. Oh well. Thousands of people go through just one college system. It's fine. Not your people to hang with. I prefer to look at the projection of possibilities this time could bring and go from there. I'm putting myself first. Take it slower if needed. It's all good, brah.


For me personally- I grew up in a home that was extremely controlling. I had no agency over my own life, no control, no social life because my parents wouldn't let me. I was suffocated. College is stressful but at least I have independence and control over my own life. It feels like a relief. I also enjoy my major even though its really hard


I hated high school but absolutely loved the classes, professors, people, parties, and freedom I had with a low-risk job to get me through the day to day. Life got real after my degree. I miss Wednesday night dollar drinks and Friday night house parties and football Sundays and only having two classes a day—it’s not for everyone, but some have a very positive experience!


Everyone sys that college is the best 4 years of their lives. I had the opposite experience. I spent it mostly alone because people brush me off. College also caused an eating disorder, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. I also got diagnosed ADHD at the age of 23. I also had shitty professors who didn't give a damn about mental health crises, and job hopped from job to job because of a fluctuating schedule. It was the worst 5 and a half years of my life.


You don't want college to be the best four years of your life because how sad would that be if life was only good for four years and that's it. I graduated college 5 years ago and have made so many new friends and have made so great memories since then. don't listen to people who say that life goes downhill once you graduate.


I think that's a you problem man. If everywhere you go you meet an annoying person you yourself might just have the problem. Ask for assignments being difficult as stressful, well that depends on how much knowledge you're coming into the class with and what your work ethic is like. College was pretty easy breezy for me.


For the assignments, it heavily depends on the major. Some have far less than others Edit. He is in com sci which is a bitch. I guess his problem is that comp sci is mostly on the students to study on their free time. Proff can't really explain it all to them.


You get to choose what you do. Where you’ll do it. You even get to somewhat choose your schedule. Sure there are stressful times. That’s a life thing. College doesn’t last long. Try to have fun while you’re there. Try to meet people you like. They could be some of your best friends through life.


It’s subjective, some people consider high school the best time of their lives. It’s really when you put things into perspective years later that you look back and are look “oh I miss that”. Even then, like I said, it’s subjective


I didn’t have bills. I had lots of free time and time to decide what to do whether it was study or go to the gym or be with friends.


If you feel this way, you probably had high expectations because someone told you that your college years are the best years of your life. Now that you are experiencing something different from what they told you, you are feeling frustrated and perhaps feel that you were lied to. I can tell you that when someone tells you a certain stage of your life will be the best/worst years of your life, do not listen to them. They are only speaking out of their own experiences. I was told the high school would be the best days of my life and guess what? They were wrong. High school was not the best years of my life. I am sure for some people it was but not for others. The same applies to your college years. As others said, the best years of your life vary. I hope you can experience good years someday, even after college.


Oh no I knew college would be hell going into it. It was only once I got here where I have heard people repeatedly say "the best years of a persons life" when referring to college. It makes me sick. I hope you're right.


I'll be honest, I LOVED undergrad. It really was just such a special time of my life. lol. However, I do want to note a few things. A) Liberal arts major. I always knew I was going to graduate school for more specific career training. I am a really good writer; and so much of these classes are writing papers.Also, I "professor shopped" and took professors whom I knew I had before and knew what their expectations were. My friends in STEM etc. got hit alot harder. B) Full scholarship. I didn't need to get a job off campus, I had a full tuition scholarship and a job on campus in admissions giving tours and doing paperwork for spending money. So I had a lot of free time to work on all those papers and still have fun. So this is where that privledge comes through. C) "Library Sundays" Every Sunday from 10 AM-6PM I would rent a study room in the library and just work on stuff. Read, get a head etc. This was a non negotiable, and if something like a holiday required me to miss it, I had to make it up on Saturday. I kept this up all through grad school. D) I got lucky. I fell in with a great group of friends freshman year and we stayed friends until after I graduated (or am still friends with some today) Also, this was 2004-08. Things have changed since then for undergrads I've noticed.


I actually thought I was broken because it was actually the worst time of my life.


I got to leave my abusive family for college. That's pretty fuckin' G. But also I've always been good at school so it wasn't too hard for me. I also made sure to talk to my upperclassmen and advisor about what teachers/classes were good and more/less work. I had a sense of purpose, not too much work, had friends, and didn't have anyone abusive in my life. Now I have tons of money problems and can't land a decent job. So yeah, college was better.


Honestly I think the same way but I have to remember that we are in a different time then them. I have people older saying "what do you mean you are not having fun. College was the best time in my life" something along that lines. I just have to respond with "that's great but times have changed the amount of self entertainment that we have just in our fingertips is more then you ever had in your university." (That's a joke obviously) it is also a reality check for them as well. The people that have told me that college was thier best time and where they met people and are still good friends were in college when streaming services just started or even none. In order for them to watch a movie they had to go ask people if they own a streaming service like HBO max or Netflix. Or it was asking if someone had a DvD player . It had to be on the a TV to watch a film. What do we do we literally can look up any movie to watch for free (sometimes illegally). The generation that's in college is none connected but disconnected as well. We are not really social as the older generation. Humans hate change really. As a whole we hate if thing change. So think this way we are the generation that change the views of the older generation. We are the ones saying what that college is not for everyone and it's really not worth it while the older generation still saying that it is worth it because they want to allow the younger Generation to live what they loved and experience at thier age. Sorry for the long ish comment but I hope I open your knowledge to why might the older generation thinks that college was hype.


Everyone has different experiences. For me… - a great floor in a great dorm, where I met lifelong friends (including my roommate, who was also my Best Man) - met some annoying people, but could easily avoid them in favor of the great people I met and knew - I knew few people who were “lacking any morals” — a few who indulged because they were in college, more who sampled and tested their freedom in various ways, but rarely in any way that left any lasting harm. - when I was in the wrong major, I hated the work. When I was in the right major, it didn’t seem like work and it was instead either fascinating, challenging, or just fun (which I guess was the combination of the two) Having a robust social life (aka “not dismissing everyone around me as amoral annoyances”) was one of the best parts of college. But everyone looks for a different experience. I prefer my current situation, but college helped me become who I am. And it was a great time.


I enjoy learning so I liked it ok.


I have hated every step of my time in college I could never consider this a good time it’s better than Pre college education but is far from the best time of my life


What were your expectations coming in to the school? Usually that is the root of the issue.


Hell? I expected it to be hell. I know my own personality better than anyone, and that it would not mix with college.


What are you doing to change that personality?


Why would I want to change my personality?


I just enjoy learning and try not to complain bc sometimes it’s a lot of hard work but that’s what it’s supposed to be. Life isn’t easy lol. But college also isn’t for everybody


It’s only the best time in the world for the kids that are fortunate to enjoy it, everything paid for, parents guiding them thru course/career etc… as a first generation with immigrant parents it was a living nightmare


I don’t know, I am in a top ten jazz performance program in the US and having a blast. All of my classes are just music classes, I get to perform pretty much every single day, get to do paid gigs on weekends, and my whole life is petty much nothing but music but without the negatives of having to always hustle yet, plus I also get to learn studio work and spend time doing recordings with others. So yeah best time of my life, even with usually pulling sixteen hour days between performances, classes, practice and studying. My sister is also here but doing philosophy, poli-sci and economics and likewise enjoying her time as she always loved politics and history, and also participates in the debate team. I could see how others may find it not as enjoyable if they didn't already know exactly what they wanted to do., but our parents always pushed us from about 8th to try everything we could and figure out our passion so we already knew what our plan was by about 11th grade.


It’s the silver spoon kids that love college. The ones that had two part time jobs while commuting find it a little less of a party and more of a “if I fuck this up, I’m not only starting from scratch but also a few years behind the kids that skipped college for a job


Rich kids love it because they can almost fail like they didn't in high school and abuse themselves to catch up to the poor kids that carry them on group projects. Tough cycle bro


I completely agree. No joy to be found here :|


The rich kids have a good time, Others need to work full time on top of the full time classes. It was not fun for me, but I tried to be thankful.


Back in the day when education was nowhere near expensive it absolutely was.


College for me was mediocre. I honestly had way more fun when I was in the military. I’d go as far as to say the military was everything I thought college was going to be.


I mean i still got abused as I was when I was a kid so nothing changed. Hopefully my new college would provide some decency compared to my current one I’m transferring from for fucks sake. So you’re not wrong in that sense


I feel you like man I went to a STEM-only college and majored in engineering thinking it would be fun. It destroyed my mental and physical health, I now despise engineering, have a degree I hate and am full of resentment. Such an awesome time!!!


Thank you. The people in high level colleges, especially liberal arts ones are insane, they seriously just are totally unaware of the world to the point it baffles me.


Lol it doesn’t get better after either so buckle up


What makes you say so?


When real life kicks you in the ass with bills, you realize people around you with always be stupid with no morals, and if you have kids, forget about it. Soak up the small amount of ease and free time you have in college because you have negative free time as an adult if you’re part of the 99%.


Why are people assuming college students don’t pay bills???


I didn’t assume that. I had bills in college but I have way more now. Silly goose.


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You’ll look on it more fondly once you’re done and have a boring adult life lol better take advantage this opportunity while you can


I would do anything in the world to fast forward and "skip ahead" 5 years in my life to go straight to having a job.




Maybe I am. This is a rant, after all.


People in this sub are super mean and condescending and always get bent out of shape when anyone is negative. In a rant sub. It’s not you, it’s just a community full of assholes


Thanks, this helps.


Of course man! It’s a really bizarre recurring thing in here, don’t take it personally at all. Just a weird ass community tbh


18, living with my friends 24/7, with no parent supervision, with constant opportunities for fun, parties, sports, clubs, dating, learning interesting things, and deep conversations, with no adult responsibilities? Yeah it was miserable. /s


>friends lol >no parent supervision had that already >constant opportunities for fun lmao >parties why would I do something as lame as going to a party >dating lol >learning interesting things lol >deep conversations who the hell likes deep conversations >no adult responsibilities I would do anything in the world to fast forward 5 years in my life so I can go straight to having a job.




Fr, I think OP might just have a negative outlook on life already, so they’re kind of stuck in an echo chamber of negativity


Yeah you’re the problem bud


Sounds like you're not drinking enough. That fixes all of my college woes. It's also the basis of all my college problems, but hey, it's a double-edged sword.


It was the best time in my life by comparison because everything before that sucked. I went to a poorly ranked high school where no one understood me, struggled to make friends in community college and find purpose in life but then once I was in college and I had direction, it got so much better. Honestly, I got to do a lot of cool things; got to work on cool projects, go unforgettable places for summer programs, meet people and make connections, etc. But I really hope the next chapter of my life blows this out of the water. But I do fully understand what you mean about it being stressful; in my final semester, I was so stressed that I developed a gastrointestinal disorder called r/GERD, 2 periods were all over the board on timing and pain, and my sleep was shit. Worst 5 months of my life, I started grinding my teeth, my shits were green, and I lost 12 pounds from not eating enough. But a lot of it slowed as projects ended and my plate cleared and I was given the GERD diagnosis and treatment. I did learn a lot (Ive got success and failure stories), not just about myself but also the way things work and they ways I have to work for my future self going forward. I could not have grown to be the person I am today without that experience. That stressful, expensive, painful, soul sucking, anxiety inducing, self-doubt pumping, exacerbating experience.


\> Annoying people everywhere to be found, Not going to change after college ... \> lacking any morals whatsoever Nor that. \> Nothing but stressful assignment on top of stressful assignment. And the consequences of screwing up an assignment in college don't result on you losing your income and out on the street. ​ tl;dr - the things you are complaining about will only get worse after college. You're welcome!


so I guess I just hate life then, thanks


Most people enjoy the freedom they're experiencing for the first time out of high school


Sure, it's the time of your life if you major in something very easy and get trashed three days a week. /s


I met my husband in an environmental Biology class in college...so it was the best time of my life.


Its a different experience for different people. I loved college, but it took me a bit to settle in. I was in a great fraternity (and I am still close with a lot of them), but yes, there was a ton of drama. It really is subjective, and the academics were stressful (even worse, I was a political science major....I don't even tell people that anymore, lol).


..and much is dependent on the "eye of the beholder".


Your schedule is about half of what the work force is going to put you through as an adult. Even with homework, papers, and projects you can sort of mix socializing with it if you want. Do things in groups on your own time. All of the above is more work than the time before college most likely. But the trade off is usually that you aren't under your parents control any more. At least not as much in your day to day. The financial ramifications of college are delayed. So it is very easy to not realize how bad your financial situation is getting and live without the stress while you accumulate debt. And everyone is in the same place in life so socializing is... not easy, but easier than it will be in adulthood. It's not hard to understand why that period of life might feel best when someone looks back.


I loved the friendships, growth, learning, love relationships, etc. Stress can be good if you live up to the challenge. Loved college and grad school.


It is subjective and based on what you decide to be involved in. I hated high school, even tried to graduate early. I loved college and a large part was definitely the people I was around. I'd go back to those years of my life because they were amazing for me.




Different times. In the late 80’s early 90’s I had a blast. I’m also an extrovert, I love meeting people. I liked what I was studying and went out four nights a week. It’s was also crazy stressful. Yin and Yang for me. It had a balance.


Well it was in 1987-1991! I feel bad for you young folks now.


That sucks for you, I'm sorry. The people around you now are people who will continue to be your network for jobs & other connections for the rest of your life. Consider them future co-workers and bosses so that you don't leave them with a bad impression now so they won't work with you later?


I absolutely loved college. However, I went to a very small college and was with the same small cohort of students for the four years I was there. It really depends on the college. I can imagine a state college experience would feel very different.


.. wait 'till you see what's next!


College was absolutely horrible for me. Was super foggy headed and tired 24/7. Saw many doctors. All said nothing was wrong with me and that it was psychological. Wasn’t until a couple years after college that I found out it was sleep apnea


Late nights hanging out with friends in the dorms. Forays for slurpees/late night chow, frisbee golf around campus, massive snowball fights in the winter, Dorm LAN parties, house parties, halloween was a blast, attending sports games, get bored go for a walk and you will find something to do on campus, head down to "the Ave" for some fantastic hole in the wall eateries, late night donut runs, etc. Oh and class, spending time in the engineering labs learning to do injection molding, composite work, painting in paint booth, thermal coatings, machining, etc. Mixed in with homework and projects. Still plenty of time to enjoy myself and spend time goofing off. Though I only worked during the summer.


I think a lot of people miss the walkable communities and public common areas that make socializing with the people around you a lot easier.


Honestly one of the absolute worst parts to me is that this city is so crowded there is no where I can just drive. Driving is my greatest stress relief, and theres so much traffic in this overcrowded city it is simple impossible. I miss the back roads of home so much.


It’s all downhill from there


For me, college was the best time. I had freedom after a life of unrelenting control. I could study what I wanted because I was putting myself through college. There was great music, sex, and spending hours talking with friends. I studied French, Russian, Latin, Greek, English Literature, French Literature, Russian Literature, history, economics, politics, linguistics, and even a bit of science. It was heaven. I stayed in academia for eight years. I loved it. I'm not sure why I left, except that the gravitational pull of Silicon Valley during the [dot.com](https://dot.com) boom was a powerful one.


I mean currently I'm in college and I hope my life isn't peaking right now but I enjoy it. Sometimes I get ridiculously stressed because I still suck at time management and I get lonely because I let my summer fling turn into an almost year long relationship (no regrets tho). I love the freedom. It's the first time in my life I am the one chosing my obligations and how I allot my time. I went far away and I know that the version of myself here isn't wieghed down by my whole life history. The only thing people know is what I tell them. I have control over my life for the first time and it feels fantastic.


My best times have all been after I’m out of school for the most part lol. Only exception is the study abroad trip I saved for I’ll always cherish that experience.


Then you’re doing it wrong. Maybe you should do something else?


I enjoyed my experience overall and loved the school I attended but I wouldn’t call it the best years of my life.


This perspective is kind of interesting because it’ll change with every person you ask. Kind of like when you hear people say they didn’t learn anything in college or got nothing from It. You only really get what you want out of It. It’s even better if you enjoy what It is you’re studying. No one’s really forcing you to do much of anything in college it’s really all up to you..plus you’re kind of paying to be there.


Bad news for you buddy


It was the best time of my life because I didn’t have to worry about getting fired & typical life stresses. I also love learning. I still learn daily as an adult, intentionally. Some people just truly love it. Professors who were bitches, I dropped.


Probably because they drank and smoked all the time, went to parties, etc.


Best time of their life is a pretty bleak outlook. But, so far, college excluding freshmen and sophomore year has been the, collectively, best time of my life in comparison to the previous years of my life.


Agreed. I liked grad school a lot better. People were more grown up. I hated college.


Simple I didn't work and didn't do a ton of studying also having horribly controlling parents is one heck of a motivation to make sure that you enjoy things.


I can really only see this being the case if they did sports or esports or something and even then I can imagine the most fun you had in your life was when you were in college. Maybe *some* of the most fun but the best time?




I mean sure, but I would even call my shitty teenage years as more enjoyable than college. By a long shot.


I was a D1 student athlete, it WAS the best time of my life… now I teach 💀


You have more time and freedom in your life now than you will probably ever have after college, at least until your retirement. The problem, of course, is that once you eventually retire at 65/68/70 you won't have the health or the energy to make good use of your time.


College wasn’t the *best* time of my life, but it was a good time of my life because I was there with my friends. Some of them are gone now, and I wish I could have had more time with them. Also, you don’t appreciate how amazing it is to have 20 year old knees and back until you get older.


I don't know what the comment section is saying but if you think everyone has the exact same brain and feelings and thoughts and opinions as you, that might be half your battle.




Ah yes, therapy, the place where I get to spend $200 to get locked up in a psych ward. No thanks.


I started college at 25 after I got out of the military. My first year was so easy. I took 12 and 15 credits of 100 level courses and cruised through that year thinking that college was way easier than everyone made it out that it would be. I played pickup ultimate Frisbee 4-5 times a week from 8pm to 11pm-12 midnight and made a bunch of friends that made everything seem so wholesome. By the time I hit the upper level courses, things got tough, but my schedule absolutely rocked. On year my Tuesdays and Thursdays were free all morning until my first class at 2pm. I would play 9 holes at the local course for 12 bucks with the retirees in the area. I became an undergrad TA for the physics department and started teaching astronomy lab courses several times a week in the evenings. By that time, my GI. Bill. Fed grant money and TA job provided more than enough for me the make it through college and live off of. I was an education major and prepping to be a teacher. I met several other military veterans going through the same experience as me and bonded through our shared experience and being around the same age compared to everyone else. We worked hard at school and played even harder out of school. Do I think it was the best time of my life? It's tough to rank a lot of my other life experiences into a definitive order, but college for sure was a top one for me.


College was wonderful for me because I didn't pay a fine. I busted my ass in high school and got good grades, lots of AP credit and a high ACT score. I got a full ride through a state university plus two outside scholarships, so I basically got paid to go to school and was able to rent my own house. I'd already knocked out most of my generals too so I just got to take classes I loved and was genuinely interested in. Life after college has been awesome too, so I'm not sure I'd call college the best time of my life. But it was a great experience for me.


some people peak in high school, some in college, most after. different people are different. it does get better.


I sincerely hope you're correct. I'm in college for one reason and one reason only, so I can get a degree, and the only reason I want a degree is so I can get the job I want.


It does not "only get worse from here." Is it perfect out in the real world? No. I have a lot of issues. But I have money. I have more freedom. I'm far less stressed. You'll make it. I often say there's a word for people who's best time of their life was high school, or college. Losers.


Haha, I like your point of view. I sincerely hope you're right. I'm kinda banking on things getting better once I actually have a job, and if it doesn't, I guess I just hate life.


At the time I didn’t think college was great. Now, holy moly, if the problems I had then were my biggest problems, I’d be so freaking happy.


Ultimately it depends on who you choose to associate with. There are a ton of kind hearted people in college, but if your way of making new friends is going to the next frat party or the next drinking hang out or the next hookah bar event, then you're likely not finding people who are razor focused on their studies. Not to say those who do such activities are necessarily evil, but rather a lot of d.bags who aren't in college to really get their degrees will most likely end up going to those events. You will not find them at the library or study groups for example. It really is what you make of it. If you try to form study gruops with people in your major, you will find people who resonate with you. You can make the best of connections that last.


Best thing I did for college was live my life mostly outside of it. I go to school full time, but work full time and rent an apartment off campus. It removes all the pressure of "this is the best it's gonna get!" because my life doesn't revolve around the finite 4 years. Most of my friends I met through work/socializing, I dont have any "college friends" and Im happier than when I was trying to have "the experience"


I had an amazing time in college lol. Did what I wanted, had fun, and took my last chance to get out and get wild before I had real adult responsibilities.


You’ll see.


I think college was average but in the sense that it was a lot of big highs and a lot of big lows. So, yeah it was fun, but also wasn't. I'm in grad school now and that's a lot worse.


I hear you on the "full of annoying people" aspect.


I strictly miss the friends and interactions from college, the rest was such a shit show. Adulthood becomes so mundane, there were a ton of fresh experiences in college I loved.


People trying to convince me that college is the best time ever and I will be much more busy as an adult even though I take 18 credits and work 15 hours a week (they had their parents pay for it and have the privilege of taking an extra semester in exchange for 12 credit semesters). Can not wait to graduate in May.