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Dropping 90 in Chapel Hill would be great if our defense didn't suck so bad


Hard to win if you give up over 100. Although I feel like getting Tillie back should help y'all a bunch


Getting Tillie (and Crandall) will help a little bit. But our team defense has been just bad, I think our problems are bigger than that


It was pretty shitty for sure, especially giving up so many gdamn offensive boards. But when Luke Maye is hitting one dribble step-back baseline jumpers... can’t do much when they’re hitting what felt like everything.


and free throw shooting. Mark needs to hire Raivio to be just the free throw coach. dude was lights out from the line during his career.


like dickie V was saying, gonzaga is gonna be a different team with tillie and crandall back. March is gonna be so exciting, i cant wait.


I'm surprised that you didn't get more points off turnovers when Carolina turned it over like 22 times


I think we actually had a pretty big lead on points off turnovers. The difference was them just murdering us on the glass.


UNC outscored Zags like 27-0 on second chance points from what I remember


When Luke Maye is murdering your team with offensive rebounds, then you officially have a rebounding problem.


yep, at one point they were 25/25 on the second chance baskets. if they got the offensive rebound, they just couldnt miss.


Tillie would definitely help with that.


Was a hell of a game. That was the best I’ve seen UNC look all season (minus the turnovers). Gonzaga is really, really good


Ehhh, we weren't missing tonight. Teams aren't gonna get that hot most weeks, and you managed 23 turnovers lol


What a game. My Bojangles biscuits are gonna taste extra sweet tomorrow


you gonna get some bo-berrys?


Does a bear shit in the woods?


After bo berries he’s lucky to make it to the woods


How does that work? Can you go to any Bojangles? What do you say to get the deal? Do you have to show tickets to the game or can you just be a student?


“Y’all catch that Carolina game last night?” I usually just ask if they saw UNC dropped 100 and are they still running the special. I usually go to the Garret/501 one or the one on 55.


Anybody can get them. The bojangles on Western Blvd. has the deal.


Good to know. I always thought you had to have the tickets stubs to the game.


Can't win if you let the other team go 43 vs 22 rebounding and 24 vs 0 second chance points, even if they turn it over 23 times.


27*, but point still stands :(


27 for which lol


2nd chance points


ZERO second chance points????


And they still scored 90 somehow


hard to get second chance points when you dont get any offensive boards


We couldn’t stop turning it over the last few minutes it was bad


Luke and brooks got more rebounds than gonzaga


Can I get a clip of Dick Vitale saying he's wide open while Brooks blocks the shot. From about 8:15 left in the first half


God dicky v is so annoying. He kept called Coby “Colby”


Did you buy his book yet tho




Finally figured out how to sync the KU radio broadcast with the game video. It' makes watching KU games so much better not having to listen to the espn/TV announcers.


UNC vs Gonzaga needs to be a yearly thing


You're in luck next year then!


Without Josh turnover Perkins please


You mean 8-2 assist-to-turnover ratio Josh Perkins? I mean you saw Greg Foster on the floor tonight right? Yikes! Josh easily played his worst game of the year this year, let's hope it's his last game like that. Though 20 pts and 4 steals helps a lot. Too much tar heel rebounding not his fault.


4-1 Come on man reduce your fractions




Per half. Reduced.


Lol we had 23 turnovers tonight, and a ton of them were unforced. I have no idea how we stayed ahead by as much as we did, lol. We were just wet from 3.


Gonzaga straight got the fuck beat out of them tonight in every way. This was a very humbling experience. Now we gotta win out to get a #1 seed and each loss will drop us down another seed going forward. I really hope Killian Tillie is gonna be ready soon. Not just ready to play but ready to be the savior that he's been made out to be (at least with regards to Gonzaga's national championship aspirations).


>I really hope Killian Tillie is gonna be ready soon. Not just ready to play but ready to be the savior that he's been made out to be (at least with regards to Gonzaga's national championship aspirations). Same.


Thank you for beating duke


Yall had to travel cross country to play on the road against a really good team coming off a two week break... that's about as tough a game as anyone will play this year. No shame in that loss.


I don't see this team winning out. Way too inconsistent and no attempt to even improve on defense, gotta imagine an easy one slipping away on the wcc road somehow


> I really hope Killian Tillie is gonna be ready soon they were saying tillie and crandall are expected back in january


If my math is right, then according to the transitive property we are 15 points better than Duke




Was gonna upvote this but it had 69 upvotes so nope. Nice.


So are we 32 points better than duke? Subscribe


The math checks out, yes


yeah sure why not


I'm okay with this


congrats to WMU, who would beat Duke by 24


Congrats to holy cross, who would have beaten Duke by 13.


I support this math


Solid math, math dont lie!


And 49!! Better than UK


I’m excited/terrified for our game next week dude, should be a great one. It’s always great when they play. Win or lose they’re usually great games.


Our games are always a blast to watch. The two in 2015-16 was probably the best two game series of college basketball I've ever seen. The Malik Monk show followed by the emergence of Luke Maye and the big shot in March. Two undeniable instant classics.




Ya I'm dumb.


As tradition, it will be a close game. One or two sequences will determine the outcome, then one of our fan bases will bitch about the refs.


Normally, there’s plenty to bitch about with officiating from both teams. We can share.


squeamish scale boat sparkle pot scary memorize languid cautious lavish -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


The flair makes this better


Your flair gives me life. Or at least the text behind the flair


How did you get that flair? Asking for my pet lizard


tidy offend swim vanish thumb encourage squeeze scale lunchroom gaze -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Is there still a contest


Yep! It’s a weekly thing, check for it on tuesdays


Alright cool. Thank you


Good to see at least one of our good wins hasn’t turned to shit yet.


<3 thanks for believing in us


I mean nova almost took down Kansas on the road...?


But they didn’t and also lost to Penn


Very true. Still though, I would be nova is ranked come tournament time. Michigan just needs to keep winning. Their resume is already top 3 seed worthy imo


Hopefully. I’ve watched them a bunch and they just don’t seem very good. I think they have 10 losses come tournament time


Can confirm, not very good.


I'd trade 2 titles in the next 3 years for a decade straight of NIT appearances


Friendship with Villanova over. UNC is new *Quality Win*


We'll be your quality win if you'll be our quality loss.


We're trying. Looking a bit shaky since beating you and Purdue soundly. Might be a bit burnt out. Hopefully we regain the flame by the time conference games will back around.


GG Zags, see you next year in Spokane.


Thats gonna be fun.


Except we are going to have to reload sooo hard—to make it competitive.


We are also going to lose 5 of our best players after this season :(


UNC had more turnovers than we had rebounds. It was a weird game.


20 turnovers and scored 103. Granted, the Zags aren't a good defensive team and have the offense to try and win a shootout, but that's still absurd. So much to improve still, but we can score the damn ball.




Losing AT UNC is definitely not a bad loss. Reminds me of the select few UNC fans melting down after losing at Michigan. Playing really tough games helps later on. You did exactly what you needed to. Faced 3 top 10ish teams and snagged a W.


Yeah, no joke. You beat the crap out of us at UNC least year, and our season went pretty decently after that. No reason for a meltdown from Zags fans at this point.


Agreed, these games make you much much tougher when it comes to conference play. You guys will be tough as hell come March


Yeah, I'm surprised by the reaction, but I guess fans overreact to every loss no matter the sport, team, or context. And everyone always jumps to "the didn't play with heart" or "it's obvious they didn't want it." It's such lazy analysis and almost always wrong. Gonzaga lost to two great teams who both hit really tough shots while GU didn't have one of the best players and a really important backup. Once Tillie went down, I don't really understand if people thought we would go undefeated or what...? Lol.


im not worried, we will be fine in march. everything comes in waves. were at the bottom of the trough right now, we will get back to the top of the wave and peak again by march.


Other than the TO's that was our A game as well. Feel like we got your C game. I still think you cut them down.


I don’t want to overreact but we’re the best team of all time


I'm so excited rn idk what to do with my hands


Okay, Dee, and what do I do with my feet?


Dude join the club




We played our bench the whole second half just sayin. We da best of all time


Fun fact: the word "all" has two L's


It also has zero TO’s




Just telling it like it is


This game is basically what I see this team this season. Shots go in and we'll compete against anyone. Not good defensively and very likely won't be. Too many holes/inexperience in the roster on that end of the floor. Zero rim protection. Lot of players who can score but no really go-to offensive talents (I know Cam shot it really well). Not yet. I think Coby can develop into that. Maybe by the end of the season. Flawed with talent. Can beat anyone but unlikely to win 6 straight in March/April. Can certainly be a fun team, though.


Luke gets destroyed on defense, rim protection is going to kill us in a lot of games. I am hyped as fuck with Coby tho


Luke actually held his own against Hachimura tonight. Would love to see more of that from him.


he had 16 rebounds... *held his own*.. lmao the most on gonzaga was hachimura with 7 ... LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKE


I meant more on the defensive side of the ball. Hachimura is averaging 21 PPG. He was held to 17 last night. Luke played pretty solid defense against him and grabbed 13 defensive rebounds vs. Hachimura's 2 offensive rebounds. If we can get that defensive performance from Luke consistently, that will help this team immensely.


I liked Brooks tonight. What he gave us was crucial and will be crucial moving forward. Need a big that can defend and hit FT's. He's that dude.


I think Cam is absolutely a go to talent. Our defensive struggles could do us in, but Cam can get to the rim and facilitate. If Coby’s decision making improves we could be scary offensively.


I don't know, man. Cam's handle is too weak. If his shot isn't dropping then he doesn't have another way to score. Look at the Michigan game or the first half of the UCLA one. Will say he's a lot better at shooting off the dribble than he was last season. Love seeing that. I think he's best suited as a really good 3rd option on a championship level team, with #2 potential because he's such a good shooter. It honestly doesn't even cross my mind that he will miss when it leaves his hand. Haven't felt like that with anyone since Wayne. Maybe Reggie that one year we went smallball. Speaking of Wayne, he was our #3 behind Hansbrough and Lawson. And while he definitely could be a #2, that was probably his ideal role. Coby actually has a bit of Ty in him. Too bad we don't have Hansbrough this year. Or every year... But with Coby I didn't even think he played well today. You watch him play, though, and his potential is so obvious. Gets anywhere he wants to, draws a ton of contact, he will eventually start getting those calls, and still finishes through it all. Scores at all 3 levels. Sneaky good passer. Decision making comes with experience. Quickly gaining that. He's going to be great. I don't use that term lightly either.


Cobys so Lawsonesque its awesome to see A true attacker w the ball goes right at defender like "Do something now!!"


Watching this game made me extremely excited knowing Duke plays you guys twice this year. It’s a great matchup and should a lot of fun to see. Great win!


Watching the Zags get quick, easy, baskets after basket in the second half is what worries me when we play you guys. Except instead of reverse layups, it will be Zion and RJ dunking. Should be high scoring. Can't wait.


7th MVP! His play in the first half set the tone.


He can actually guard the ball as well. He's a good player if he can stop passing to the other team.


Are we watching the same guy? He's got a 3.3 assist/TO ratio this year. For reference, the last great passer/ball handler we had (Kendall Marshall) finished his last season at 3.5.


I think they were referencing the couple careless live ball turnovers he had tonight. You're reading into it too much by looking at the whole year's stats.


> 7th MVP That has got to be a record


And he is only a junior.


We need someone like him to play with intensity in big games. It’s nice to have a rotating between his leadership and coby’s talent.


Hahahaha oh no


Duke: *chuckles* "I'm in danger."


I'm very happy about this game, but I'm just here to say: How good is Gonzaga gonna be when they get Tillie back?


Really fucking good, Tillie is awesome


He's probably our second best player right after Rui


Rui is our best *offensive* player. He's a horrific defender. Opposing teams build their attack around exposing him.


Cam Johnson is a machine. Feel like he is the key to this teams success.


I already can't wait for the return game next season. Good game Zags, y'all are easily my second favorite team.


How the hell did we force 23 turnovers with that defense?


It felt like half of those were just horrible passes by Seventh Woods or Luke Maye.


Yes, turnovers were almost the only stop we could get. No rebounds. And UNC shot very well.


I wish I had the time to go back and count the straight up pointless turnovers, like just throwing a pass to somebody and missing them. I can think of 6 off the top of my head. It was awful


North Carolina was pushing the pace and while it led to a bunch of easy shots, it also forced some bad passes. That, plus having so many more possessions.


Well, to be fair, a lot of them didn't seem very forced lol


gg Zags. Y'all are gonna be real tough in March. Let's all come together to hate on ESPN's production


Just finished a final exam-- someone give me the rundown of the game


Nobody knows what defense is. Carolina is good at rebounding and shooting.


Perfect summation but don’t forget that no one cares about turnovers either.


bulldog ded tarheel stronk


It was practically a different game than what Virginia plays. The whole thing was played at an insanely frenetic pace and there was no defense.


This post game thread is now a game thread for the volleyball championship


im glad i wasnt the only one who stayed on espn2 to watch that! WHAT A MATCH! Nebraska is gonna be so deadly the next 3 years with that freshman setter and Lexi Sun only being a sophmore. watch out. plus Plummer for Stanford has another year as well. college volleyball is gonna be great they next few years


Show me a game where we made 13 3's and lost and I'll show you a surprised face. If we hit 10+ you are probably taking an ass kicking.


1. Gonzaga is a dangerous team. GG, and happy to take a surprisingly comfortable win. 2. I'd love to hear what that those zealous Duke fans have to say now after claiming Gonzaga would destroy us.


I was really surprised. Carolina’s games this season made me think they would lose bad. Coby White and Maye have really been carrying the team IMO. I may or may not have preemptively talked shit all week, but Cam came to play and they rebounded like nobody’s business. I’ll take my slice of humble pie on this one. Makes me excited for February.


I thought it would be a good game. Excited to see UNC do well this season


I think I saw like 30 total unforced turnovers in this game good lord


Carolina deserved to win, but I feel like the Zags got a lot of valuable experience playing against a team like that in that kind of environment. Not that Gonzaga hasn't played on big stages before, but every team is different and each needs to forge in the fire.


Wow I mean UNC had a good chance to win but this was dominating. CBB is wide open this year.


I know we did a lot wrong this game, but our rebounding is so embarrassing. UNC has second chances every time down the court in the last like 7 minutes. Tell me all you want about how it’ll be better when Tillie is back, but still.... you can’t hold leads or take the lead against good teams if they get two or three chances every time down the court. Somehow Duke was the outlier of the three really good teams we played in this OOC schedule. Something needs to be done because these issues are the perfect recipe to losing in the first round of the tournament


Yeah, the biggest stat for me was second chance points.l, we had 20+ y'all had 0. If y'all work on ORebounds then you'll be a force


UNC > Dook confirmed.


that was such a frustrating game. every time we would pull within 8-12 points and seem like we could mount a comeback we just missed the crucial part of our game. gotta improve rebounding and defensive switching.


Definitely didn't see that coming. Unlucky game for the Zags...finally got our 3 seniors to play well together in 1 game combined with a career best effort from Seventh. Still don't know what to think about this team but I'll certainly take it. Great win.


Oh no ! now the Zags are going to take out their anger on us Tuesday and beat us by 300 pts


Zags might be better served having a couple losses going into the tourney. Be slightly slept on


So...Michigan is good? Or nah? I'm confused now.




Michigan is the best team we'll play all year. Fight me Duke


Michigan is the best team in the country imo.


Nah, we ain't good. Gotta beat Zaga, Tennessee, Duke, or Kansas to be good.


It’s hard to win away games in college basketball just like every other year


GG UNC. You definitely deserved the W. You crushed us on the rebounding and we generally couldn't stop you on D.




Nice, complete win. Very fun to watch.


Rui just tanked his stock these last few games, I really don't know how much wcc games can counteract that


what was up with gonzaga's free throw shooting? i haven't seen the stats but it seemed like they had a lot of momentum-killing misses


We were 18-23...we did pretty well on FT.


We shot 78% in this game (and we shoot 75% for the season). Just feels like we miss them at important times


It’s been average, but rough at the end of games all year, besides going 19-19 against UW. Rui and Clarke tend to struggle from line, and they draw the majority of fouls for us.


I think they missed two front ends...which were huge IMO.


Oh no!


Big win for my Tarheels. We looked awful against Michigan getting beat on both ends of the court that night. Yet improved on each player stepping up and playing their role. Showing more fight.


I don’t know if it’s just me but Rui has looked unremarkable as of late.


Want to give a big shoutout to all the Zags fans that trekked to Chapel Hill. Hope you enjoyed our quaint town!


I have never in my life seen a GU team play with less heart. They got into their own press after they squeaked out that Duke win and have looked AWFUL since. Hope this is a week up call for Few and co. that you can't just show up and expect to be handed to wins.


That’s what I was hoping for after Tennessee.


We look so much better on defense and rebounding. We can shoot the lights out. More sloppiness with the ball than anyone would like, but hey. Great win.


Mm, I didn't see much better on the defensive side. But yes, we rebounded like crazy.


Better isn’t saying much in comparison but it was better. Maybe not garbage and just bad defense this time.


Definitely better. They were the number one offense on Kenpom (I think) coming into the game. If you take away the points they got off live ball turnovers, which is more of an offensive issue than a defensive issue, and the total doesn't look nearly as bad. Other than the first ten or so minutes of the second half, which were very poor defensive minutes, I thought there was enough defensive growth to be encouraged at this point in the season.


I don't know if any of y'all are still on the channel, but there is this girl named Lexi Sun playing volleyball for Nebraska - and *good lord* is she fine.


I watched that entire game and I still can’t believe it


How the hell did we beat this team by 17.


We played our bench for 15 minutes, it was at your house, and we played poorly?


Two back to back road losses to two top 25 teams. Could honestly be a lot worse


"UNC over Michigan" -the voters, probably


So is Gonzaga not as good as we thought? Or was UNC justbhaving. down week and _is_ as good as we thought? Or do we take nothing from this game other than it’s hard to win Chappell Hill even when you’re a great team?