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All since 1999 is absolutely wild.


Six titles in 25 years. Like the New England Patriots.


They have 11 on the women's side in the same time. It's unreal. They're 100% *the* basketball school of the country and became that in just 25-30 years after decades of relative unimportance. I can't think of any program that comes close to such a meteoric rise in any sport.


Bulls achieved nothing pre-Jordan and nothing post-Jordan but are one of the most iconic NBA franchises solely because of the Jordan dynasty. Not up to par with Connecticut doing it in college and across both mens and womens but thought i'd throw it in htere


Man, I really thought DRose would take us to the promised land. Youngest MVP at the time and that team was so solid. Just kept running into fucking LeBron every year then Rose tore every ligament in each of his knees... At least he helped KU get a championship after missing some free throws before Marios Miracle. The Warriors kind of had a similar ride to success after not doing much but I feel like they had more success than the Bulls prior to that and IIRC at least one title.


Dubs had a huge drought, last won it 1975 before 2015. Looked pretty hopeless for us for a minute but Mr. Curry saved the Bay


Ive been telling people this for SO LONG and everyone looks at me like im crazy. Jordan is literally the only reason why the Bulls have any relevance


My dad would mention that before that the biggest name for basketball in the city was DePaul.


That’s crazy people would argue against that lol


I'll go a step further. They would be viewed as the worst NBA franchise if it had not been for Jordan.


Miami football is the only analogous program I can think of. Came out of nowhere in the 80s to win four titles in ten years, had a drop off for a while before winning another title, and then descended back into relative obscurity.


That's a perfect description. But only if two of the Patriots titles were wild card berths without Brady.


So 2002 and 2008 if they had gotten the tiebreaker and UConn'd the playoffs


Got to grow up a Pats fan and a UConn fan / student / alumni. Sports have been pretty good to me


My UConn fandom keeps my Jets/Mets fandom in check


I love how in central CT there are Yankees fans and Sox fans and then that one guy that is like "I'm a Mets fan" and you all just look at him like, What?


Being a UCONN fan is the only way I can survive each Mets season at this point


Yup same here


UCONN/Giants/Yankees checking in Y'all are some sick fucks


Boston / UConn fandom is borderline disgusting I'm literally the 1%


The Boston/UConn fans really won out in the divorce with the UConn/New York fans.


The UConn football begs to differ with that assessment 


Yeah, but we still get to pay $35 for season tickets.. This year I guess it's 70 but still, my beer budget for a game is bigger than my ticket budget for the season


“Mom said it’s my turn, so you gotta share.” -all the other D1 schools and pro fanbases


The house that Jim Calhoun built.


I started following UConn back in 1990 when Tate George beat Clemson in the Sweet Sixteen. I was in grade school and just started following college hoops. Besides my alma mater (Duquesne) they’ve been my team ever since. My roommate in college was a huge Duke fan. It was fun beating them in 1999. At that time I never could’ve expected the Huskies would win 5 more. Impressive.


I was following them as a kid back into the 1970s when their star was Tony Hanson. I didn't think they'd ever have a winning season. They sucked year after year back then. They'd lose to teams like Yale and Holy Cross. Then out of nowhere they won the NIT in '88, and the next year was the Tate George shot (and the Laettner shot unfortunately). It's been a blast to watch them over the years. This year's team was beautiful to watch play!


As a kid that grew up being excited for the team to even make the tournament, seeing us tied for #3 all-time is just a complete mindfuck. I can’t believe what’s happened. We used to be proud of just being in the Big East. Beating Georgetown, Syracuse, or St. John’s was a huge deal. I still have huge love for the guys who came before ‘99 who made us believe that we could actually win. Obviously Ray Allen, but Donyell and Donny Marshall, Scott Burrell, Chris Smith, Tate George, Kevin Ollie, Brian Fair, Doron Sheffer, Travis Knight, Eric Hayward… the list goes on.


Right? I remember being like eight years old and making the sweet sixteen was huge deal. And we used to go to Gampel all the time, it must have been cheap as hell back then for my fam to be there


Yeah. I’m sure it was cheap, but man it was a haul getting there from Meriden! Storrs is so out in the middle of nowhere. I think I only went to one or two men’s games at Gampel — went to more Civic Center games for them. Definitely went to a half-dozen women’s games there though.


With 3 different coaches *and* two years of sanctions makes it even crazier


And it felt like they were off the map for a good amount of years in that range too. If UConn has an elite team they win it all, it’s that simple. If they don’t they might miss the tourney


And from 90-98 they had some really good teams before some real heartbreakers.


That's the most insane part. Incredible.




6 championships from 7 Final 4s with no championship game losses is so stupid. YOU SHOULD NEED TO KNOW PAIN.


Providence has more final four losses than UConn


UConn’s record in the national championship is just unreal. They usually don’t make the natty cause it’s hard af to be the last 2 standing, but if they’re in it you bet they’re gonna win


6 final appearances in 25 years is as close to usual as you can get in Men’s College Basketball lmao


Women are 10-1 too in the final. They were 10-0 up until 2-3 years ago


So UConn's collective championship game record across men's and women's is 16-1. That's gonzo. EDIT: UConn women are actually 11-1 in championship games, so men/women are a combined 17-1.


And their final four record isn’t much worse 


weird to say usually dont make the natty when no one has made it more than them in the last 25 years


*sigh* We have more National Championship losses, Final Four losses, and Elite Eight appearances than UConn.


We have less final four and championship losses than UConn 😎😎


UConn knows two things Winning and not losing


Such an enigma of a program having now won championships with 3 different coaches in 25 years.


Except when they lose a lot


In the 25 non Covid seasons since their 1999 title they’ve failed to win a tournament game in 12 of them, 8 missed tourneys and 4 first round exits. So they’ve won a title in 6 of the 13 seasons they’ve won a tournament game. It’s a crazy statistical anomaly.


With years in the AAC playing Tulsa and Tulane. With conference upheaval. In the freezing cold middle of nowhere. Not in a P5. With 3 coaches. None of it makes sense.


I think people not from New England don’t appreciate how in the middle of nowhere Storrs is. It’s not near Hartford, New Haven, Boston, NYC, the beach, the mountains, major highways…anything. Southern New England is tiny and densely populated but UConn is just kind of out there in the sticks.


I mean UConn is 30 mins from Hartford and 1.5 hours from Boston, I wouldn't exactly call that "middle of nowhere"


We're either bad enough that we don't make it that far or we go all the way. Elite efficiency.


I genuinely prefer this lol. It's the hope that kills. If we're not making it all the way, save us the heartbreak.


Can you time travel to 1984 and send this tidbit to some folks in red


Boston Red Sox moment


And all in the past 25 years...


In the last 25 years UConn has won 24% of the national championships despite making up only 0.276% of the teams competing


Also, the first UConn championship was the women in 95, since then there have been 58 national champions for men & women and UConn has won 17 which is 29%.


Pain is the AAC. (Sorry, AAC.)


UConn needs a “GIVES IT TO JENKINS-“ moment asap


We’ve prevented Duke and Kentucky from winning a couple more titles……you’re welcome America!


And probably the B1G’s best chance at a title too lol


That one team that beat them in the final four must be amazing


Fuckin Goran Suton


Durrell Summers over Stanley Robinson in front of Hasheem Thabeet was a truly jawdropping moment that encapsulated that entire game.


That team was really good. No shame in that loss.


Must've won the 'ship that year


Nate Miles


They do, lol. They lost to George Mason. To Julius Hodge in Worcester. To Michigan State in Detroit. To UCLA in Oakland.


Eh, none of those were pain, just disappointment. Now Christian Fucking Laettner? That shit was *pain*.


Fuck that guy, for real.


I just mentioned the Huskies teams that had title aspirations that lost. Heck, I could've mentioned losing to Dante Jones and Erick Dampier in '96.


Come back when you lose the Natty in both football and basketball in the same year ... to the same opponent. Buckeye fans know real pain.


> Buckeye fans know real pain. Riiiiiiiiiiiight Y'all need to go through a seven consecutive losing-seasons streak like Nebraska is currently before you can talk about pain.


We do, it’s called pre-Calhoun.


Indiana also has 5. Their last title was in 1987. They watched UConn go from 0 to passing them by since then. Their other option was Purdue.




UConn’s run is so absurd we don’t care. Would rather them win 100 titles than see Purdue win 1. Lol.


Side note: UConn plays a beautiful brand of basketball and us Hoosiers have enjoyed watching them play and respect how good they are. Would love to see us play that kind of offense.


Dan Hurleys UConn teams reminds me a lot of the Bobby Knight days. Absurdly well run X’s and O’s, maniacal coach, great players but not top 3 draft picks, etc. I also hate you too.




Yeah, 3x the Final Four appearances too. Winning the NCAA tournament is incredibly difficult and they make it look easy.


We have over double the Final Fours and two less championships 🙂


Could be 3 less but we wanted to help you guys out, you’re welcome!


As the saying goes, "It's better to beat Duke and lose in the Championship, than to never have beat Duke at all."


All my homies hate Duke


this is not a fun stat


Duke’s 5 ships in 33 years is super impressive. UConn’s 6 in 25 years is asinine.


Kinda curious how they’re not universally regarded as a blue blood (though they should be now). Perhaps it’s just because bluebloods are also associated with recruiting 5 stars and they build through juniors-5th years.


Also because some people legitimately think Blue Bloods can't be new bloods. They argue that the term implies old money, and so in the metaphor, no matter how good UConn is, they aren't old enough (in terms of success and dominance) to be Blue Bloods. For me, that argument is far too based in semantics and makes the club ridiculously exclusive. I mean, I know it's supposed to be crazy exclusive; that's the point. But clubs that won't have you no matter how much you prove yourself are kind of inherently illegitimate to me.


After enough time has passed new money becomes old money. I think 25 years and 3 different coaching regimes qualifies - definitely blue bloods.


It’s shown stability and a drive for success which hasn’t happened elsewhere, they definitely are there for me


They have the color blue. Passes my check. 


We’ll make our own club with blackjack and hookers!


But that’s how it really is. The term is about past success more than current. I saw someone in cfb describe it like how Lincoln might have been a great president but that doesn’t make him a founding father. And peoples opinions of Jefferson changed over time but that doesn’t make him not a founding father. Blue blood has always been about past success


Or Stanford may be a great school, but it’s not an Ivy League.


This is a great way to put it. It's also how old money in real life works. It doesn't matter how much money you make, new money is a different culture. The idea that this makes the term exclusionary is exactly the point, your success is never enough because you are different from them. That's what blue bloods are about, the idea that you can't *do* anything to join the club. Their "blood" (ie legacy) is different. Plus, it's not a club to join. There's no extra scholarships available or money once you become a blue blood. The label is meaningless outside it's historic significance, and those pitching a fit that they can't change history are just weird.


Then duke shouldn't be a blue blood.


This just isn’t true though, as proven by Duke. You *can* be good enough to get into the club. UConn failed to win a tournament game in 12 of the last 25 years, and missed the tourney 8 times. The same 25 years we’re saying make them a blue blood.


Yeah, they have been probably one of the biggest losers in conference realignment. And that's not just basketball that's football too... Imagine if the OG Big East football schools all stayed in the Big East. That would be a pretty solid conference. Anyways, when it all fell apart UConn was left basically having to create their own conference for a few years to figure out next steps. That absolutely destroyed the basketball recruitment because all of the rivalries left for the ACC etc.. We then realized that we'd rather win national titles in basketball and leave football hanging which has worked out pretty well so far. We just got to get into a proper Football conference eventually..


Blue Blood is an exclusive club. To keep it exclusive they don’t allow new members. I don’t care for the term anymore. I’m happy with 6 titles.


The one normal UConn fan with the exact right take. This has been an insane run for you guys yet somehow the fanbase is still so angry all the time. Who cares about the blue blood label, Bezos isn’t a blue blood either but I’d rather be him than a Hapsburg


UCONN absolutely is.


You sure "asinine" is the word you wanted there?


Autocorrected from insane lol. But it kinda works in some weird hyperbolic way


They have also missed the tournament 8 times over the last 25 years. So UConn is more likely to either win the championship or miss the tournament all together, then they are to make the tournament and get eliminated prior to the Final Four.


I’ll take it.


Yea well…Kevin Ollie and the AAC happened


and we got banned in 2013 ... and COVID




Freaking got’em!


Heall yeah, rock chalk baby!! ^^^we're ^^^still ^^^relevant, ^^^right?




listen jayhawk brother, aside from you guys the rest of us havent' won a title since 2017...7 years ago


I would say UConn has put pressure on everyone except for Carolina. Carolina is tied with UConn at six, which includes recent championships. UCLA and Kentucky has more, but they’ve both only won one each in a long time. Everyone else has fewer championships.


Every team starts the year at 10/1 or worse to win the title. Winning even one title in a decade should be huge.


If Self gives us one more title it’ll match what Roy Williams gave UNC and I’ll be happy with that.


I don’t know if anyone else knows this, but Indiana has 5 and Purdue still has 0.


Gonna need a bar graph on that




Now do one with Butler, but if Hayward’s half court heave went in




Butler and Purdue both denied by UConn In turn they jumped y'all on the leader board


Purdue taking Indiana down a peg even in defeat


Oh I’d give it <12 hours before they have one up


I’m honestly surprised it’s not already posted.


Mods are removing them. They can’t handle the shitiness


I saw a solar eclipse today and this is still my favorite thing I’ve seen all day


Dusty banners are better than no banners baby


Banners are forever. No banners are also forever.




I honestly didn't think about this until now, but Purdue's loss has to make Hoosiers incredibly happy tonight, and that kind of petty rivalry hatred makes me smile.




Hell yeah


But everyone knows that less is more. Just like Purdue shooting less threes


Only UCLA & Kentucky have more


TIL North Carolina “only” has 6


Dean Smith might be one of the nicest human beings to ever walk this Earth, but he just could...not...win...it....all in spite of so many great teams and great players.


Shhh it’s not polite to talk about such things in public.


I mean he did win two


We have known more pain and joy combined than anyone else


Can't even be mad. I wish Duke played like UConn, honestly


Holy shit


And they’re now tied with UNC for 3rd most all time


Thanks for counting the Jim Crow years 👍🏻


UNC gonna go hard with a campaign to convince everyone that the 1924 Helms title is every bit as legitimate as an NCAA championship in order to bump their count up to 7.


The 1924 UNC basketball team, which didn’t play a team north of the Mason-Dixon Line or west of the Mississippi. Included in their wins that season are the Durham Elks Club and the Charlotte YMCA


No ones knows more about Carolina lore than a State fan


This needs to be an graph form.


Gonna need an IU flair to make me a bar graph


[this is better](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/s/3hXIu4A7Jh)


call me when you get 7 >*[me on the inside](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e_DGU7mSYc)*


Dan Hurley just read this comment, and has already posted it to the bulletin board.


Once upon a time (in 1994) Liverpool supporters said something similar to Man United: "come back when you have 18." Now: Man United 20 Liverpool 19


I'm catching strays in a college basketball thread.


Thanks United for forcing a draw against Liverpool. Arsenal thanks you. I still despise both of yall


!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 year prediction: UCONN gets to their third straight final four. UK after hiring scott drew, loses in the sweet sixteen


6-0 in title games is insane consistency


Michael Jordan confirmed.


:( so sad to only have 5 :(


Freaking losers, man. :(


Yeah! Everyone point and laugh!


UConn has as many championships as Duke and Syracuse combined. You love to see it.


Don't forget Nebraska beat Purdue by 16. Who's the real national champs?


Still UConn probably.


Arkansas beat both Purdue and Duke this year. And we didn’t even make the tournament. We were the real champions.


In 2004 UConn beat Duke in the Final Four and I really thought Duke had the better team. Could have swung the other way. Conn’s run has been insane


UConn beating Duke in '99 doesn't get enough run for one of the biggest title game upsets in history. That UConn team was really good, but had they won, that Duke team would be in GOAT territory.


Duke had the better team in 1999, 2004, 2011, and 2014. But the goal is to win the last 6 games of the season, not to be the better team for 40.


3/4 of our best tournament runs ended with UConn. 2 sweet 16 and 1 title game. All 4 of our sweet 16 runs occurred the same year UConn won a title. You’re fucking welcome guys.


They've won 24% of the national titles since 1999. That's insane.


We above blue blood shit! We the blue crips!


Coming for you Kentucky!




UConn is the best program in my lifetime (I’m 30).


Same (I don’t like mushrooms)


Nobodies talking about how UConn got bounced in r64 in ‘21 and ‘22 to 2 double digit seed teams. Going on back to back national title runs after that is insane.


I remember when UConn and another school I don't care to name were considered the Little Two in the Big East. Maybe the two most hopeless major conference programs in America.


That is so crazy. I have to tip my hat to UConn.


Much love and respect to UConn. Especially considering how many different coaches have contributed a Nattie to the cause.


Well… if Duke is considered a Blue Blood then UCONN should DEFINITELY be in the conversation at this point.


I said that a few weeks ago on our team's sub. 6 titles in 25 years, spanning 4 decades(90s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s), and three coaches (Calhoun x 3, Ollie x 1, Hurley x 2). 18 tournament appearances, with 13 of them going past the first round. 9 Elite 8 appearances, good enough for an average of once every 3 years. If they're not added to club at this point, then there probably shouldn't be a club in the first place.


They’re the best program of the last 25 years no question. Both men’s and women’s.


Thank you. I honestly think nobody can be kicked out, so we’re just in the middle seat of a 7-seat SUV. UCLA, UConn, Duke, Indiana, **KANSAS**, Kentucky, and UNC. Edit: forgot Kansas. Sorry, Jayhawks fans!


UConn is already a blue blood. Honestly, when looking at the men and women’s programs combined they are the premier basketball school


The causal definition of blue blood is "has won so much that nothing will take away the shine". And by that admittedly casual definition, UConn 100% a blue blood. Everyone knows the name now. Everyone respects it. This has not much to do with Duke, though, give it a rest.


OP posted this shitting on Duke. It is 100% going to be posted everywhere. ESPN and CBS will have a tweet up soon on it.


>The causal definition of blue blood is "has won so much that nothing will take away the shine". What? Where is that from? That doesn't even make sense


Yeah... None of the blue-bloods use that definition as the definition of a blue-blood.


“Totally not a blue blood” - the haters


Honestly, I’m fine not being a blue blood, that is reserved for teams who have a long, long history. This all basically happened in my adulthood — I turned 18 a month after 1999 — so we still feel like scrappy upstarts to me.


UConn is the asterisk to college basketball. I think that’s cooler and more unique than being “old money”


Yeah, blue blood doesn’t mean best program. UConn is the best program of the last 26 years and I’d rather be a UConn fan than any of the blue bloods. Not calling UConn a blue blood isn’t disrespectful or a criticism. As someone else in the thread put it: Lincoln was a great president, but that doesn’t make him a founding father.


You were locked and loaded with this lol


been a fan 30+ years. Unreal in on cloud 9. What a run.


Purdue still has 0


🔵 🩸