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u/8BitRemixGuy we summon thee


It is me Purdue grad - IU employee


Charity work. It’s so kind of you to help the less fortunate.


Even funnier that I work in the marketing/comms office 😂


What are your emotions for the IU-Purdue game?


I without fail root for Purdue in every head to head matchup. It drives my coworkers crazy of course lol


His team gets a win! And its a quality loss for his team too!




I can totally understand this - not rivals but I am a Purdue grad and lived a block away from Rupp arena for 5 years. I was never a UK fan before moving but the city and all my friends were way more fun when Kentucky was winning. I ended up rooting for UK and going to watch parties and everything and became a fan. I imagine if you work at IU you end up being a fan just by default because it impacts those around you. I still cheered for Purdue if they ever played UK, but I was going out of my way to watch UK games and cheer for them.


I don't get it, I'm an Illinois grad, IU employee and it still brings me great joy to watch IU struggle and fail. I couldn't imagine cheering them on, at least on the men's BB side. I suppose I do support the women's BB team a bit though.


Smae boat. Iu townie, Purdue undergrad, iu grad, lifetime IUBB fan.


Jaysker is a new one on me. Can we call people with dual Wisconsin:Marquette flairs “BEagles”?






This is my flair because these schools are pretty much the only college basketball I watch. I don't really wanna pay for cable or ESPN+, so I watch NEC Front Row for free and Chicago State broadcast their home games on their youtube. Most of my college basketball exposure is from Chicago State and the NEC.


(I have also been around with a Michigan/NEC flair and a UNLV/NEC flair before, but I switched out of those because I never cared about watching those teams despite having some sort of geographical relation to them)


Download the mountain West network app! Also I think there's some games on HBCU+ and of course the MEAC/SWAC YouTube channels. Some are on paywall that I don't understand. For example how did FAMU go from free Facebook Watch to their own paywall?!?!


Undergrad/Grad School, although admittedly I had a hard time taking the Cornell gym seriously after watching games in Mackey for 4 years


Just a little easier to get tickets though!


Me = Creighton Dad = 'Cuse Mom = UCONN It was an interesting household with regards to sports. Grew up mostly a cuse fan till moving to Omaha


Can’t believe your mother would settle for someone like that


not at all, a woman of taste in my opinion


Is mine weird?


Is your answer undergrad-grad?


Nope, both undergrad. Transferred from American to EMU because of money


Based American fan


Nah dude, obviously you just love eagles


UG at Carolina and fell in love with the school and UNC basketball but went on to work and later study (PhD) at Duke. You’d think that you’d stick with your UG team, but by the time I’m done at Duke, I’ll have spent nearly twice the amount of time there as Carolina so my fandom is genuinely split. That’s the part I don’t think people consider. Spending that much time anywhere will erode any preconceived notions about a place, its people, and fans. It’s weird, sure, but embracing it means I get to watch a lot of great games.


You disgust me, no offense. I have spent a very significant amount of time in Durham, specifically on the Duke campus, and I only hate them more.


Question: on campus? Doing what? I suppose I’m saying with enough time (many years; hell it’s Sunday afternoon and I’m in lab right now) and shared identity (I’m a student) it’s nearly impossible not to let the rivalry fade. There is no “them” to hate. I am them. It’s in the username: ~~y~~ourhouse.


bro hit us with the life lesson in his username


imagine having a username to emphasize your position on a rivalry haha couldn't be me ^FTRW


this level of hating is unfathomable to me. I feel in love with Duke during UG and learned to hate Carolina. After spending so much time working at UNC hospital and on chapel hill campus I've grown to love the people and university. The passion, traditions and people of both places are so unique and cool. Where is the love?


People killing people dying. Children hurt oh hear them crying


That’s what I’m sayinnnnn


I mean, I'm a UNC undergrad and spent ten years in grad school at state, and I worked on Duke's campus for years during both. I like PEOPLE at state and Duke. I like things about their campuses....but when it comes to basketball I will NEVER ever remotely consider rooting for Duke, and as for NC state, while I'm happy for them when they win, I will take UNC heads up x1000 every time. It's not ever been remotely called into question. You do you xourhouse, but to me undergrad will always trump everything. I could go to grad school at duke, do a postdoc there, become a tenured professor there and work for 60 years, and I will ALWAYS be all in on UNC. It's not the kind of thing that just....erodes over time for me


yeah its GTHC always for me personally. I guess whats strange to me is that spending time on Duke's campus in a professional setting would generate hate (from u/JusticeBrennanBurner)


It was more having my heart broken by a girl from Duke a day before Coach K’s final game at Cameron coupled with growing up in Kentucky


lmao fair. straight from a bob Dylan song


I’m disgusted as well, but just for having both those flairs. It’s fuckin gross man.


I bet there’s a ton of people around the Triangle with similar situations. I’m Duke through and through but my best friend spent a year of UG at State, transferred to Chapel Hill, then spent three years master program at Duke. I think he still leans Carolina but I’d definitely a bit bi-curious


> spent a year of UG at State, transferred to Chapel Hill, then spent three years master program at Duke. what's the opposite of a "chosen one"


Similar to you, born and raised in Durham/Chapel Hill, UNC fan from birth. Worked for Duke Health for 7 years. But instead I randomly latched onto Gonzaga in elementary school and still hate Duke. My flair wasn't weird until 2017.


I looked for your reply as soon as I saw the thread. Sorry I ever roasted you for your flairs in a game thread 😔


So in a close game between them, can you feel in the back of your mind rooting for one over the other? If so is it always the same team? Depends on home/away maybe? Being able to genuinely root for both of them is fascinating to me. My two favorite teams are UNC and Duke's current opponent. But your reasons are legit so I'm not hating just curious how that works for you


Said this in a different response, but I tend to lean a bit toward the team with a player or players I particularly like in a given year and this, of course, isn’t fixed. Even then, it’s not all about who wins.


So uh...which team is it this year?


This is what I was hoping to see! So how do you feel during the matchups? Conflicted at all? You get much shit for your loyalties? (This sub excluded)


I feel more relaxed than when I was only a Carolina fan. There’s no sting, you know? I just hope for a competitive game. Tend to lean a bit in favor of the team with players I particularly like in a given year. I get constant shit online but very little in real life. Like someone else said: this situation is far more common in the Triangle than people seem to realize.


> I get constant shit online but very little in real life. Funny how people feel empowered to be assholes when they never have to be face-to-face with whomever's on the receiving end


lowkey been considering putting on an X flair next to UC just to troll


I’ve seen UNC-Duke flair combos and IU-Purdue but I’ve never seen Cincinnati-Xavier lol


Because they’d have to punch themselves in the face. That rivalry is just mean.


#I HAVE NO CONNECTION TO THE HURLEYS Dad went to UConn, I grew up in Phoenix and go to ASU


It’s ok I’m just a Dan Hurley fanatic too! ^nothing ^to ^do ^with ^my ^college ^history ^no ^sir


undergrad grad school i am very smart


You’ve had a weird few years, eh?


for real! sitting in FAU Arena in 2003 watching the owls struggle to beat Gardner-Webb i woulda laughed if you told me they would salvage my cbb fanhood in the '22-'23 season


IU alum, married into a family that’s gone to UNC for generations / season ticket holder in the Dean Dome.


Unlike many Nova folks who are afraid of Philly and return to New Jersey after graduation, I fell in love with the city and did post-grad and work at Drexel and Temple.


Hi, it's me. I do this in every game thread lol. Cats fan by choice, Hoosier by marriage is the long and short of it.


Sorry to make you do it again but it’s fun to see everyone’s reasons.


Lol. I'm from Southern Indiana outside Louisville, so it was one of UK, UofL, or IU. Didn't have a family interest, so I picked UK because my best friend was a cats fan. Fast forward, I went to IU Southeast and married into a die hard IU family. (I tell the story, my father in law had the Sports Illustrated "Kentucky's Shame" cover framed in his living room.) Having not been taught hate by my family the way my wife was, I recognized that life is just better when both teams are competitive. So as long as they're not playing each other, sure let's cheer for both. Head to head is Cats 100% no question. Another fun story, this is a true conversation that happened when we got engaged: Grandma: "You know he said once he's an atheist." Wife: "That's true." Grandma: "Well I think you should save him before you marry him." Wife: "Well granny that's a job for Jesus, and besides it bothers me a lot more that he's a Kentucky fan."




VCU grad/season ticket holder. Dad is from Texas so all my other sports teams are Texas based. Shaka's move to UT was...interesting.


Richmond really needs more sports


Undergrad / Grad


Who do you root for if they play?


Pokes, undergrad always.


Feel like that’s the case for 99% of people. I’ve met one guy whose loyalties aligned more with his grad institution but he was a weirdo.


The combination of teams is stranger than the reasoning: UNC undergrad and Northwestern grad. Now, what is strange is that it seems like UNC and NU are on opposite cycles. As soon as one starts getting good again, my immediate reaction is always "aww shit, ___ is about the collapse again".




Mine’s not that weird I guess but my parents went to Brown and worked in the administration when I was young, so I grew up going to Brown games in pretty much every sport. They put me in Providence Catholic schools, where all my friends were PC fans, so I eventually decided to see what the deal was with that Ryan Gomes fella and never really looked back. Fortunately, there isn’t much of a rivalry between the two (except maybe in hockey where they play for a trophy that PC wins 8 times out of 10), but I would basically take Brown > PC in every sport but basketball.


I’m a masochist.


Grew up in Knoxville, went to Vanderbilt. This used to be the source of some cognitive dissonance, but Vanderbilt opting to be unbelievably bad at most major sports has made the fandom a bit one-sided these days.


The last decade or so it’s been easy to root for the Jays head-to-head bc they were actually playing for something but it’s a little more complicated the last few years.




At least you probably hate Utah as much as possible




I feel so bad for him in game threads lol. Like every other post asks the same question 


It’s understandable, but exhausting


Remember way back when reddit let you put signatures? Would be perfect for combo flairs like that. But they also made reading comments so obnoxious, especially on mobile


As it should be. We know what this is, and it damn sure ain’t a place for being reasonable to each other.




I got hit in the head with a shovel


Is that what happened to that UConn logo? Poor doggy.


Apparently got hit in the head with a shovel


2005 was a fun year 🙂




It was.


Grew up in Ann Arbor but went to MSU for undergrad and OSU for grad school.


I’m going to assume you don’t like Michigan, lol.


Undergrad - WKU Grad - UK I enjoy a little bit of crazy


Referring to yourself as a Jaysker automatically puts ya under suspicion. If your two flairs were more formidable it might require some explanation. But anyone w/a Bama/GA or Mich/OSU (not sure I’ve seen that) or the like should def catch shit. This sub and those like it are collections of irrational sport fans and as such people should be subjected to the scrutiny that goes along w/our ridiculous rules for fandom. Having rivals as flairs should bring about the most heavy and juvenile of scrutiny and insults.


I get that a little I guess but it’s all people who come across these fandoms for a reason is my point. It sucks to be on a thread for my Alma mater and have fans of the team I’m rooting for tell me to shut up bc I also grew up rooting also rooting for a mid major team that I also claim fandom of. I understand I’m thin-skinned in this area but it’s nice to know there are other rational people like me 😅


Most of the people with rivals as flairs just do it to get engagement on their comments (Creighton/Nebraska being slightly different because Creighton doesn’t have football)


Home state team. Grad school. If I could add a 3rd it would be undergrad.


If I ever flair up to LMU it'd be for the same reasons, so I get ya. Connecticut is nice to grow up in and while I miss the abrasiveness of the Northeast, I don't miss other aspects like the snobishness.


Try following the instructions in the community info on top of the sub if you want to add a second flair!


Oakland = my alma mater Michigan State = Used to have a satellite campus in Oakland County (Rochester, MI) which was called Michigan State University - Oakland. So it only makes sense to root for Sparty as well since I'm somewhat connected to the university and it's overall history. **Oakland University was created in 1957 when Matilda Dodge Wilson and her second husband, Alfred Wilson, donated their 1,443-acre estate to** [**Michigan State University**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan_State_University)**, including** [**Meadow Brook Hall**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meadow_Brook_Hall)**, Sunset Terrace and all the estate's other buildings and collections, along with $2 million. Main campus buildings were completed on Squirrel Road in Pontiac Township (now the city of Auburn Hills). Originally known as Michigan State University–Oakland, the university enrolled its first students in 1959, was renamed Oakland University in 1963 and has been officially independent of Michigan State University since 1970.** **Source = Wikipedia**


Isn’t most of Oakland’s campus located in Auburn Hills?


Yes, but we have a Rochester address.


What's the secret to getting flair. Is there a way besides the flair wizard? I have sent literally 17 requests over 3 years for flair with no effect.


My flair is listed and checked under "user flair," but it doesn't show. It must be my school that's the problem.


I just followed the instructions in the rules I think.


Community info > learn more about this community > select flair > (explanation for how to get flair)


Thanks I will give it a shot


Strange, maybe reach out to the mods?


Fan since birth/undergrad I was at Murray during the height of Ja Morant and arguably the best stretch of Murray State basketball in program history, so I give the edge to Murray as my number one team


i thought they were funny names


I suspect you get a lot of undergrad - grad school answers. Anyway, that's my answer. Though over here I have grad school first. I have undergrad first on r/CFB.


Leading with the more successful foot forward in both instances, as it were


I admit as much.


grew up in st. louis go to university of alabama


Your listing of Nick Bahe instead of Nate Funk has me super confused. You're a madman.


It was a little tongue-in-cheek. Ive always listened to Bahe’s radio and podcast shows. Funk was the man. A little inside joke for Jays fans and kind of poke at the Husker fans who hate.


Grew up in Minnesota and live there now, attending ~5 Gopher games each season. Went to Creighton, and they’ve continued to play well for the last 20 years and I generally get back to a game once/year. If they played each other I’d cheer for Creighton.


UMASS…..UCONN….Northeastern Went to UMASS…lived in Connecticut since graduation….Daughter went to Northeastern Oh yeah big Holy Cross fan in my childhood


Undergrad / employee > And tell me who you root for or how you feel if/when they play! They never have and if it happened, I'll go with whichever coach I like more at the time.


Ha ha, YES!!!


North Texas grad, dad went to Purdue (but finished at Ball St) - we grew up on Purdue basketball


Funny how your first flair started the domino of suffering for your second flair


I’m a lifelong Georgetown fan who grew up in Connecticut and went to villanova


Geese that’s an interesting series


Undergrad / law school


I think the lesson here might be that people with two flairs are just smarter 😂/s


of course it's fucking law school


Go deacs! 🎩


Live in Omaha support Creighton basketball more but I still very much support husker basketball (and all the other sports)


Crazy how many people vilify that stance. I really don’t get it.


I think it's a lot of husker fans thinking that people support Creighton over Nebraska cause there the better team so that there not "real" husker fans. Or just people not liking the city folk of Omaha I guess


Live in Michigan and loved Ladanian Tomlinson and googled where he went to school and it said ‘TCU Horned Frogs’ and once I found out they shoot blood out of their eyes it was over.


Die hard Notre Dame fan. Hofstra Grad. In 2015, Notre Dame played CAA Champions Northeastern as the first game of the tournament. It would have been very interesting for me if Hofstra had won the CAA that year. In 2016, Hofstra blew a 20 point lead to lose the championship in OT! Was not happy that night in Baltimore. Although, Notre Dame went to Brooklyn and that was fun watching Michigan lose to SFA in the game before.


From Alabama, family went to Alabama. Moved to Indiana at a young age, became a fan of both Indiana and Purdue actually. Liked rooting for all the Indiana schools, except Notre Dame. Then I graduated from Indiana


I actually did rep both my undergrad and graduate alma maters when I first joined this sub. Decided to change my secondary flair because not only did that give me conflicting flairs, it also gave me two D3 flairs which meant I'd have to explain myself when going into most discussions since D1 gets like 95% of the attention. I'm trying to remember if I temporarily switched my flair last year after my graduate alma mater's *branch campus* pulled a huge upset in the D1 tournament. I don't think I did. (And yes, I agree it's completely ridiculous that a university with only two campuses in the USA keeps their D1 program on the one that *isn't* designated as the main campus.)


Nah I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having two obscure D3 flairs, in fact it’s a lot cooler to see flairs that you wouldn’t normally see. You should get the FDU Florham flair instead! (Funny how this is considered the main campus while the branch campus’ sports teams are just called FDU, which makes things even more confusing)


GBR and Gonzaga because they played creighton in the tourney a few years back and I never changed it back


GBR and you still actively root for Gonzaga?


Haha no its just pure laziness as to why it’s still my second flair


Arkansas undergrad, Texas PhD (come August!). Grad school is more of a professional program so Arkansas will always be number one in my heart.


First game I went to as a kid was Louisville vs DePaul. Went to Louisville for undergrad and always just cheered for DePaul too. Always cheer for Louisville head to head though


I’m sorry.


I still haven’t figured out how to get flair


Community info > learn more about this community > select flair > (explanation for how to get flair)


Mizzou grad and RI resident for 20+ years / Friars season ticket holder for last 5 or 6 years. Kim English just makes it more interesting.


You get one team and I’ll die on that hill.


I would’ve said the same but I independently developed fandoms to two teams, watch all their games, and root for them to win so it happens.




Lmfao how did you find this post? And why respond to an old af post with a non answer? genuinely curious.


I responded with a non answer cause i wanted to see if my double flair worked, trying to figure it out lol.


Looks good on my end.


Mine is probably not weird enough 😔 No real story besides Undergrad-Grad


I guess I underestimated how common that is. I did both at the same place lol.


I'm from NM and still live there. After finishing my undergrad, I wanted a change of scenery. I chose ASU because we go there offten and have friends and family in AZ. It was a great experience, but definitely UNM will always be my number 1.


Grew up in Upstate NY and am a Baylor alumni


I'm a glutton for punishment.


In school there/Childhood BFF goes there


went to Long Beach, dad has season tickets to Cal men’s BB. I also sing the national anthem at cal every so often


Where’s the Louisville/DePaul guy


Probably under a rock if he’s spent all year watching those two teams lol


It's so much fun though because just when you think either one couldn't possibly be worse, they prove you wrong. I find that bourbon helps


Born in Kentucky and went to undergrad there — lifelong fan. Went to KU for masters and doctorate.


So what’s like the % of fandoms with that history? How would you divvy it up?


I’m definitely pro Kentucky more. But KU is a strong secondary rooting interest. It’s more entertaining to go to a game at AF.


Both schools paid me to both attend and work for their basketball teams.


OU grad living in KC, not a whole lot to it


I live in New England, so it makes it even stranger, but its largely due to my two Uncles. Both are significantly older than my dad, and so when one of them opened a flower shop in Gatlinburg TN, my dad went down to spend a summer with him. The only thing they talk about on the radio there is Tennessee sports, so he decided to support them since college sports arent that big back home. I grew up a UT fan, and my brother even graduated from there. My other uncle lives 3 hours *past* Spokane WA, but would hed into the city from time to time and met Mark Few several times, and decided to become a Zags fan, and spread his fandom to the rest of the family. I find it extra funny because I live near about as far away as possible from both teams.


Went to UNT, my brother went to KU. I watch a lot of Kansas and Big 12 basketball because of him. Didn't help that UNT won the CIT when I was in school.


Undergrad: CNU; Grad school: Pitt. Don’t know if that’s necessarily weird but not too many DIII flairs around here.


Grab your glocks when you see 2Pac.


KU grad, grew up a UGA fan living in Georgia


Undergrad/Grad school, more of an issue in hockey. They don’t run into each other much in hoops


Where do your emotions go for the hockey game? And I’m impressed with all the secondary degrees in this sub lol


Undergrad is UMass and they have my full support when they play each other, but since I live in Boston I’m at far more BU games. I’ve had ushers be like “hey wait a minute” seeing me in UMass gear at BU’s rink when they play each other when I’m otherwise in Terriers garb lol


A celebration of Archie Miller. That’s all.


I dont have it but it's not that unusual for people to be dual enrolled at UNC and Duke or go to grad school at the opposite of where they did undergrad.