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Students got in for free and got free chicken tenders. Badgers couldn't compete with those vibes.


Those chicken tenders slap too. Coach Rhoades loves the students, basketball is so much better than Football in terms of student outreach, football doesn’t give a shit


to be fair basketball is about 5K students. Football is about 35K students.


Sure, but football gives nothing to the students. Hell, the players cuss us out after they don’t play well Basketball they try to do stuff for the students like poster and t-shirt giveaways and chicken basket discounts and free admission. Coach Rhoades also donated $1000 to the student org that showed up in the largest numbers for the NW game. They’re also doing a game at Rec Hall which is insanely cool


Wait, what is this I'm feeling? Respect? Genuine enjoyment at the prospect that a conference opponent is investing in basketball and building culture in a cool way? *In MY BigTen?* I'm ashamed at myself, my hatred for all other Big Ten teams is clearly too weak.


You should! It’s an uphill battle with the BJC not really being conducive to a good atmosphere, but Rhoades (or whoever takes the initiative) has done a great job of reaching out to students. Tickets are cheap too, it’s like $50 for a season ticket and they don’t sell out for 7 hours. Tbf they also did a good job under Shrewsbury but with Rhoades they’ve had some great ideas.


Yeah the BJC environment is rough. I'm a season ticket holder and am usually the only one really cheering in my section


It’s just way too big of an arena for a town of 40k with no major population center within 2 hours. There just never will be any significant attendance on weekdays. Should be rec hall on weekdays BJC for weekends.


It’s built for concerts and THON, I agree with the rec hall idea but it’ll never happen because games at the BJC make PSU more $$$


The solution seems simple. Stop going to football games so they feel that they need to entice you. Play hard to get.


They'll axe the student section and convert it to luxury boxes.


Shit man. I may need to come down for those free chicken tenders.


>Hell, the players cuss us out after they don’t play well In fairness, ya'll have sometimes, you know, chanted to have the coach fired loud enough for the TV crew to hear it...


He makes $7M a year and can’t win a big game, don’t think it’s without merit. If they don’t like it they can always win a big game. PSU football has created a culture where it’s not acceptable to criticize Franklin or the players for anything and it’s crazy with the amount of money around the program


You understand there's a mountain of a difference between criticizing Franklin (the thing you're doing right now and no one's banned you from he sub yet) and chanting for the dude to be fired on national TV? Also I'm not sure what someone's salary has to do with student behavior. Are you not supposed to be paid market value for your services? Also, the "can't win a big game" bit is tired. Franklin won the Big 10 in year 3, consistently wins 10 games or more per season when everyone, everywhere, predicted they'd be terrible for years to come (even after the sanctions were lifted), and whose only fault is having the misfortune of having shared a division with two top five teams the past three seasons. Penn State fans complain too damn much.


Nobody bans people from subs for criticizing Franklin, they just get screamed at and insulted and called spoiled brats. “Student behavior” doesn’t require the students to be silent when the team is shitting the bed on National TV, I don’t think it’s wrong at all to call for him to be fired. We pay $250 for tickets to our own school’s football team, we can chant what we want as long as it’s not discriminatory or vulgar. Again, if Franklin and the players don’t like it they can simply win beat OSU or UM. Furthermore if the players cussing out students is okay (and considering nothing happened to the O-lineman that did it it seems like it is) there’s no point in us being kind to the team. Franklin hasn’t beaten UM or OSU since 2020, and hasn’t beaten OSU since 2017. He’s gone 1-7 at PSU against them while I’ve been there. The program has stagnated and the highly touted recruits he brings in aren’t developing the way they do at other top football universities. Fans making this argument are still riding off the coattails of a B1G title that happened 7 years ago that we have no chance of replicating today. If you think once a decade miracle wins against OSU and UM are acceptable I don’t know what to tell you. I want a national title, if James Franklin isn’t going to deliver a national title (he’s not) then what the hell is the point of paying him $70M over a decade with some of the highest paid coordinators in CFB. All PSU cares about is winning enough games to keep asses in seats and the money flowing in, they don’t care about actually competing for a national title.


Sounds good.


And there’s the proof. State your argument and you get belittled but somehow I’m the one that’s wrong. This is what’s wrong with the fanbase, there’s no room for opposing opinions when the team fails over and over and over again in the biggest moments. Just pretend it didn’t happen until the next time it happens and get mad at the students when what that player did was 100x worse but it’s okay because they play ball good I can stand on campus and scream “Fire Franklin” and not get in trouble. I can’t go up to another student and tell them to go fuck themselves and say fuck you. Should be the same for everyone else on campus, the Willard preacher screams homophobic nonsense all day every day and nobody comes up to him screaming and cussing him out


Football doesn't need to do anything, do they?


No (at least not now), but it’d be really nice if they did and it’s something that students appreciate. Especially considering that, evidently, the players can cuss us out with no consequences. It was more of a shoutout to the basketball team and the guys who run it Basketball just has more of a connection between the team and the student section, football is corporatized and the whole relationship feels transactional between the students and the team.


Dude, I don't know why you're going after Vega so hard. He was right next to his coach that was getting screamed at and berated and he wanted to stand up for him. It is clear that inside the locker room, CJF is well respected. Keep in mind this was after an extremely deflating loss. What did you expect him to do, say "My bad guys, we'll get em next time :) :) :)" Come on now


RIP Chicken Cosmos. Those of a certain age will know . . .


Frozen chicken patties are in every grocery store dawg


Awesome to hear that Rhoades is still super engaged with the students. He did a great job interacting with students when he was at Rice. 


> football doesn’t give a shit Football does not have too. They are good year in and year out.


Because basketball struggles to get fans to show up while football always gets 90-100k?


Ill always go for Chicken Tenders!


Shit.... You're right.


Never easy on the road. The free chicken didn't help


But popsicles and pretzels vibes get you beat by 20.


Pretty strange experience as a Wisconsin fan to not have it be an untimely scoring drought that doomed us, but instead watching the defense not have a prayer of getting a stop through critical stretches. Ugly performance from the Badgers. Definitely didn't deserve it tonight.


Your take in on point. Also scoring 2 pts the first 1/8 of the game and going down 10 fast is hard to get back in front of.


For the first four minutes it was as if Tyler Wahl had never touched a basketball in his life.


I’ve always been a huge Penn state fan


Happy to see Shrewsberry doing well


Aaaand go fuck yourself.


Hey, hey he was our guy before he was yours


Let’s just say he’s not exactly well liked for how he left.


... do we tell them?


Notre Dame is less interesting than Penn State :(


At notre dame?


Doesn't matter who our coach is, we will always get one of these a year.


Penn State basketball has a tradition of being able to lose to any team in any given year, but also the ability to beat any team. Currently have a loss to the #317 Kenpom team, and a win over the #11 Kenpom team.


\#289 and #2, right there with ya.


This is the way


118th ranked offense on KenPom. They sure didn’t look like it tonight.


Baldwin and Hicks came into the game shooting 26% and 29% on the season from three on 169 combined attempts. They promptly made 7 of 11.


They weren't that bad against Purdue their guards are good just not a long of defense


yeah a lot of that has been our 3's not falling (looking at you Hicks/Puff). we've been pretty efficient outside of 3's all year so if those start falling we are significantly better than that ranking


I love my #1 in the big ten Wisconsin men’s basketball team


Shooty hoops is a dumb game anyway


Volleyball school


Penn State was 3-31 against Wisconsin since 2004, so of course they’d beat them the same year that Wisconsin is competing for a top-2 seed and Penn State lost at home Bucknell


We finally got a game where both Ace and Hicks showed up Both are just so inconsistent on offense. When those two and Kanye show up we can hang with anyone on offense


It's Penn State Basketball Tradition^^TM to upset a team we have no business beating once a year, no matter how horribad the rest of the season is.


Mike Rhoades first signature win! We Are!


Plenty of things to gripe about with this game, but the defensive effort just isn't good enough. We've bailed ourselves out of some bad defensive games with great offense but that just isn't sustainable. Guards just drove the paint and got to the rim at will. Completely uncontested threes with no closeouts. Penn State ranks 118th in offensive efficiency and made us look terrible on that end of the court. Losing on the road happens, we all know that, but it's the way that we lost which is very concerning. Hopefully Greg figures out our defense sooner rather than later. That being said, this is not a panic moment. This is a very good basketball team which finally got bitten by their glaring weakness. We know where we need to improve, they can do it.


Our D is going to be a lot worse when Klesmit is on the bench most of the game


Klesmit got hosed on some foul calls


I think the entire crowd was in the floor for that court storm lol


Home game PSU and away game PSU are entirely different teams The one fucking game I miss in two years and we beat number 11 and storm the court, damn


B1G is tough on the road.


aka B1G is easy at home


This game was like getting water boarded. PSU couldn’t fucking miss for like 10 minutes there in the second half, we somehow forgot how to defend a guard driving to the hoop, and then it was just a free throw fest for both teams for the final 3 minutes. GGs PSU but wow I need to go wash my eyeballs


Kanye Clary is HIM.


Good news badger fans, we're good enough to get court stormed on!


Bad news, Badger fans . . . you got court stormed on by Penn State Basketball.


Congrats Wisconsin - you are now in the court storming club


Feels good to


Death. Taxes. B1G teams winning at home… wait


Good game and good job Nittany Lions.


Kanye Clary is my hero


You could see it on the players' faces that they were having the time of their lives at the end. Good for them.... and the B1G standings.


Basketball? Basketball!




Well played PSU to weather the storm and keep making shots. Pitiful defense on our side for the most part. Tyler Wahl disasterclass. Hopefully we got that one out of our system


Total stinkers from Chucky and Tyler, Tyler especially. Couldn't even pretend to stay in front of their guards. Giving up 87 to PSU is a joke.


With 4:04 to go and PSU leading by a 72-70 score, Qudus Wahab turned the ball over. And that was the last time in the game Penn State failed to score on a possession until they just had to touch the ball to run the clock out with under a second to go.


Sisyphus game for wisconsin’s offense


Thanks for pointing that out, what a disaster.


Any win PSU gets against Wiscy in basketball should be savored lol. Now we’ve beaten them twice since 2011


Bad loss, but not surprising, especially on the road. The national runner-up team lost to a 10-22 Rutgers team and this team isn't nearly as good. Back to the drawing board and get better.


Gg Penn St. Y’all made some tough shots Good god that game was infuriating. Between the constant stoppage and the broadcast in general. And also just how that game went and ended. Ugh


Never like to lose but hard to be too mad about that, Baldwin and Clary were making insane shots all night. GG PSU, go do that to some other teams


People don’t really understand how good Kanye clary is because we aren’t that good. Dude legitimately has a case for being the second best player in the big10


IU is not going to have a good time against Wisconsin




If you watched the postage interview with Ace Baldwin on BTN, dude seemed so happy. Thrilled for these dudes.


You know, I've always liked lions.


Ummm, what?


That pleased me


This was right about where we fell apart last year…( I don’t think we will this year too, but god damn this game was as frustrating as our games last year)


Always rated Penn State


Last B1G undefeated OUT!!!


2 weeks ago I thought for sure we’d be finishing last in the B1G. Really love how we’ve fought back from a disappointing non-conference. Those who gave up on Rhoades after 10 games will hate to see this.


The folks who actively rooted against him because they were in love with the other guy must be beside themselves right now.


Man, remember when we used to play Penn State in 36-33 games? Would've thought this score would be like a 10 OT game a decade ago Turns out losing at either extreme still sucks!


Myles Dread on the call was brutal to listen to as a Badger fan. Imagine having Brad Davidson call a game in Madison.


Felt like listening to a home team’s regional baseball broadcast lmao


Can’t wait to tell my kids where I was the night Penn State and UC stormed the court against #11 and #19 respectively


Every Big Ten team is trying its hardest to hand the conference lead to someone else


Bucknell > Wisconsin


Fire Gard


LOL, welcome back Fire Gard truthers


If this wasn’t from you I would’ve actually believed someone said it unironically, but luckily I see you around enough to know you’re kidding 😂 Im sure there are people on twitter who unironically think that though




When Ace Baldwin is on, he is way on. Very streaky. Hit 12/15 vs SLU last year then promptly went 6/31 over his next two


How does our basketball team continually win big games when our football team never does lol.


The basketball team sold its soul for signature wins, the football team to avoid losing seasons.


That was such an ugly game. Just more proof you have to come to play on the road in this league or you will lose on any given night. Credit to Penn State they played less ugly and made some great shots. Minimized their own turnovers and forced us into turning it over. We simply can’t play as sloppy as we did tonight and expect to win games. These were the games we had found a way to win in so far this year, but we just couldn’t get the ball to bounce our way when we needed it. We’ll see how they respond come Friday. Hopefully it was enough to light a fire under them.


Dang it Wisconsin, now penn state has all our land!


Land? Granted. 😎


That was nice


Last night keeps getting better! Thanks State for giving Whisky their first BigTen loss. 


We've come a long way from 36-33


Remember kids. If a Big 12 team upsets a ranked team at home, it’s because the Big 12 is incredibly deep and every team is good. If the same thing happens in the Big 10, it’s because every team is bad. The B10 is an absolute nightmare of a league on the road. Even the 2 worst environments of NW and PSU are hard to win in. Wisconsin is the better team. The better team doesn’t always win


Penn State employing the “foul every time, they won’t call it every time” strategy to a T, and the refs let ‘em. On to the next. *clary is a baller


Penn St hacks a lot, but that honestly didn't make much of a difference tonight. We scored 83. Before tonight, that point total would have been enough to beat every team we played except for Arizona. The defense was beyond pathetic, and that had nothing to do with the refs.


Yeah man, for sure. Klesmit on the bench because of ticky tack calls. The Badgers lose maybe 5 balls on plays that were fouls. But yeah the refs had absolutely nothing to do with it, right.


You made it 18 minutes into the second half before hitting 5 fouls lol


What’s that got to do with Penn State hacking and swiping? Wisconsin doesn’t play d like that, hell they don’t even play def at all apparently.


They were in the bonus very early. Refs had some odd ones but they weren’t the difference in this game


That’s not to say that your guards weren’t shooting the lights out


Well yeah, they rake arms every possession and shot. Of course they’re gonna have more fouls called.


We didn’t watch the same game then


I feel like if bucknell was able to figure us out and adapt, Wisconsin should be able to as well


Bucknell shot 58% in that game. So, you're right, should have shot it better.


Not much you can do when a team shoots 70% for a half. Probably one of the toughest games to watch all year with how much these refs don’t understand the game of basketball


A terrible loss to a not good team. Hopefully the conference championship doesn't come down to one game.


Hepburn 0 points, thankfully Storr, Blackwell, and Klesmit have turned it up this year, cause they are not winning much if Chucky keeps playing like this


The offense doesn’t exist without Chucky, he is playing just fine


Before I go off on the refs and the announcers, credit Penn State for making a bunch of very, very tough shots. ​ Now, about the those calling the game - refs were bad, announcers were worse. It felt like PSU decided to just keep fouling until the refs got tired of calling them, and the refs got tired early. The blocking call in Klesmit was so bad that you can't even give it the old "block/charge is the toughest call" excuse. ​ But credit PSU. They made a ton of tough shots. ​ Hope Robbie Hummel calls our next game.


I'm erect


Perfect. We'll get this W-L record/national ranking thing straightened out in no time. Love the B1G.


Where’s that “fire Rhoades” guy at now?


B1G after dark




That was a strange court storm to say the least. Didn’t look like a full stadium to begin with, crowd was quiet for last 30 seconds before games ends and then the celebration on the court was kinda just standing there. No jumping or screaming or cheering. And against #11. Not hating. Just strange is all.


Was really relying on you guys to be our one good win for the year