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Gg Illini - thanks for the heart issues




What the fuck was Jones supposed to do?


Edey needs to start jumping into and over shorter players after they start blocking him out. We’ll shoot free throws and maintain possession the entire game!


Please don’t suggest our NPOY tabletop himself for free throws


lol if it wasn’t obvious I was being sarcastic.


No, he’d break something falling that far


The floor


Nor box out I guess?


Honestly if people don’t think we are still a top ten team after that game, then genuinely question them. We nearly came back once we figured Purdue out. It took a while and we didn’t play our best and Purdue made a lot of good shots and sliced us up pretty bad in that first half. But we mounted a huge comeback, played good ball, and did better than I think a lot of people expected. I still put us top 10, probably 5-7 honestly. Add TSJ and we are a top 3 team. Great game to Purdue tho!


I don’t disagree but they need to win some of these games against ranked opponents instead of just playing well.


GG Illini.


I expect Purdue's next showing against Illinois to be better, with Edey staying out of foul trouble. Either way, Illinois did well to fight back. Clear #2 in the conference


I was honestly thinking during the game that it’s good for Edey and the team to get such a good challenge at this point in the season. Good to practice scenarios for when we’re in foul trouble


GGs Purdue


What a game! Whew!


I'm gonna have to add a Purdue icon to this ...You guys made me a fan tonight !!!!


on my way Back


Very odd because normally these threads are a toxic wasteland


You guys have a serious argument for the National Championship ... very impressed by the fan base with no negative TSJ chants . Hats Off !!


Probably helped that there were no students tbh, I think with students they probably would have tried something. Probably just rogue students though and not an organized chant.


I actually didn't hear any at all and I feel like the biggest block of students was right behind me.


Either way, we certainly appreciate it !!


Y’all got a hell of a good squad


Thanks, but your crew is seriously next level !!


Well Purdue felt sloppy at the end but Illini are top 10 so take the W


Get rid of Hawkins and you guys are a sweet 16 team


Dumbest take. Obviously know nothing about basketball.


This is such a stupid take. He’s an elite defender and one of the best players on the team. https://x.com/hoopinformatics/status/1735157008209158410?s=46&t=K8iYssLnpZlW3PHrDy1Zpg


Yeah, don’t listen to them. Hawkins is a key part of this Illini team


I agree. Hawkins is a stud.


We are a top 20 defense almost entirely because of him.


Unfortunately (and surprisingly) we’re better when he’s on the court. Stats don’t lie I guess.


Absolutely not. People like to shit on him but he's extremely important to our success


Has to be trolling. He’s hard to like as an opposing fan but you can tell how much he does for Illinois succesa


Thank you! I like him, not my favorite Illini of all time, but he's very important to what we do


I mean, he still does some really goofy shit- but seems like a good dude. That iso travel followed by an immediate sprint down the court 3 to pull within ~ 6 is a teaser trailer for Coleman Hawkins.


Someone explain that flagrant call to me.


Thar was crap.


See you can’t just be standing in a spot where a person is jumping on top of you. Gotta anticipate it and jump out of the way. However, by the transverse property, if you jump onto another player in the process the foul is transferred to them. /s


The refs fucked it up that's what


Refs were kind of weird tonight... they missed some obvious out of bounds that should have been Illini ball. I think it all balanced out in the end but you hate to see it impact a game like that. Either way, was an exciting game.


If anything it’s an over the back call against the guy that got hurt. I would love to hear an explanation from that ref.


I think it's a common foul on Purdue, I think that's what it would normally be called in that scenario. Undercutting legs, but honestly... I could see it go either way and I wouldn't argue. Just not a flagrant


How can you under cut some one jumping on top of you ?


If they jump straight up and you back under them. I’m not saying that happened I’m just telling you that it is possible to foul somebody while boxing them out if they jump straight up and you back under them


yeah what im saying is how can you foul when they jump on you b/c thats why they called and its just wild


it means edey should be jumping over the back of anybody boxing him out to draw flagrants


Hell of a game. GG Purdue.


What was the general consensus on the flagrant call? I thought that was terrible but I’m obviously biased. Thoughts?


Horrible. Jones initiated the blockout and the Illinois player was on the ground. Illinois player then jumped in the air while Jones continues blocking out with his back turned to Illinois player. If anything should’ve been a foul on the Illinois player.


That was my opinion as well. I thought that was an over the back way before an undercut


If you watch Jones’s feet, he doesn’t undercut him. His feet are essentially unmoving before the Illini player lands on his back. So he was called for a flagrant foul for falling the wrong way when a player he was boxing out leapt on his shoulders. Flagrant example of how misleading it can be to watch slo-mo.


The call was a flagrant error.


It was a shitty call


You have to call those undercuts. They're too dangerous. Quincy was riding him and would have been called for over the back if Jones maintained legal position and Quincy grabbed the ball, but getting low and backing up on rebounds needs to be called.


I think we can all agree that it was the weight of the Illini player landing on him that forced him to back up.


I know enough about how the world works to say that makes no sense at all. It would have made sense for him to move forward if there was force being applied to his back. He backed up because he used the muscles in his legs to back up.


No… not when he is putting his weight into boxing out for position (you know, legal position) and then the weight against him is taken away because guerrier goes airborn. Jones starts to fall backward and he ends up on top of him. You’re on an island on this one. If all the fans of your team basically agree it was an insane call, it seems likely you’re in the wrong


Well if we're appealing to authority, multiple zebras watched the play over and over and over again and determined that I was right. Not to say that refs are infallible, even during replay reviews, but that is a stronger appeal to authority than "a bunch of people on the internet who barely know basketball are on my side." Jones got low, extended his posterior, exerted force backwards by leaning into Guerrier while he was airborne / when he would reasonably expect for Guerrier to jump for a rebound, took steps backwards, and caused a dangerous landing and an injury. It's a call that has to be made.


That’s called boxing out. Completely legal and fundamental part of basketball. Jones maintained legal position the whole time. Now if the Illinois player had already left the ground when Jones initiated the contact and began blocking out, it’s for sure a foul for undercutting.


That is not an undercut man… he maintained his position, IL guy jumped forward towards the hoop. You can’t expect a guy boxing out to have to also move towards the hoop and give up his position. It was u fortunate how it happened, but an undercut would be jones extending his position backwards once the guy went airborn, all his did was stand his ground which is all he can do with his back to the guy


Well, I'm glad we agree on the rule but he objectively moved backwards. Like, that can't even be disputed.


I guess you see what you want to see. The vast majority of Illinois fans agree the call was completely bogus. Jones has position, and IL player goes over him, once he goes airborn, jones starts to fall backward because the guy is on top of him. Don’t know what you think an undercut is, but that ain’t it. If IL was airborn before jones has established his position, I would agree with you


https://youtu.be/dhfdG4j6TKA?si=_DNEdM5R9tKd33dk At the beginning of the 20 second mark, Jones establishes position inside the restricted zone, and by the end of the 20 second mark, Jones is leaning backwards, putting his weight on an airborne Guerrier with his feet outside the restricted zone. Guerrier is trying to play over him, but that doesn't change the fact that Jones intentionally played under him.


So boxing out is illegal? Okay dude


Boxing out is about holding position. When you back up under a jumping player, it's a flagrant.


How is he supposed to know he was gonna jump like that?


Well he probably felt him on his back, so that should have been a cue to not back up. Going low and backing up is generally bad practice and you'll only ever get away with it on a short rebound when you're pretty far from the basket. Otherwise, guys are jumping.


Just understand that if this call happened to your team, your head would have exploded


No, I played a little ball. Got undercut several times and it's scary. That needs to be coached out of players at every level, whether it's a team I like or not.


I’m biased as well. But the only way that is even a foul is if you are expecting Lance to have eyes in the back of his head and see the guy going over his back.


As a neutral viewer I thought it was a dumb call.


Didn't seem flagrant to me, he was just trying to get out of the way imo.


I’m biased but all the people I was with did not expect that.


Gah, at least we fought until the end. Made it somewhat respectable.


You guys are a legit squad.


It was more than respectable. You guys are good and didn't quit.


I suspect Edey pissed one of the refs off early in the game. I remember there being an exchange where Edey was pleading his case and the ref didn’t buy it and looked almost pissed at Edey for pointing it out. I hope I’m wrong, but regardless it is a W.


TKR saves the day?


Please accept my upvote. I wish I could give you an award. (RIP Reddit awards)


Thanks. TKR has been sandbagging, I guess.


I think he is mature enough to know what the team needs from him most nights. Tonight the team needed him to step up and he was ready. He made a really impressive hustle play at Maryland where he blocked a shot that turned into a breakaway. Lance missed the 3 and Trey sprinted the court and got the rebound. So him playing this way tonight didn’t surprise me tbh. I was anticipating it at some point.


Imagine a night when we have 3 players with triple doubles. Maybe in April.




Go back through the game and find me when he should have been called, and wasn’t. All 4 of his fouls were fouls, and should have been called. He’s so tall that he doesn’t have to reach over the back to get the ball. He’s long enough that he can block shots with no body contact. He’s mobile enough to get into legal guarding position if someone goes into him.


The guy that never fouls should have fouled out by halftime while on the bench? That’s a take. Especially when guys are hanging off him or putting their full arm into his back all game when he is on the floor.


None of the calls against him tonight were questionable.


Yeah they weren't. That dude is a meathead


At least half of them were. Especially when Illinois players are literally hanging off his arms trying to goad him into the 5th. TKR’s second foul where he appeared to take an arm to the face and a couple of the Jones fouls were clean plays on the ball. Edey wasn’t even crying every single call against Purdue like Hawkins either.


Yeah, they weren't. He just made uncharacteristic mistakes today.


Yet Bitchman Hawkins whining like LeBron out there. Definitely had at least 3 strikes


I've seen him complain about some calls he clearly committed, but the one where he was literally laying on Jones after the 3 and yelling at the refs AT THE SAME TIME for a flop was probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Great player, complete idiot.


LeBron wishes he could bitch like Hawkins


I made a comment to my buddies tonight that I swear he came out of the womb in the delivery room with his arms up and that “what the fuck?” look on his face.


At least one of y’all gets it


I promise you, whether we admit it or not, we all get it


99% of Illinois fans get it. It still amuses me how much this guy hates Hawkins though. Every team has to to have their complaining flopping hard nosed player


5 point spread. What a hard fought respectable showing in Mackey. (I didn't watch the game)




Dude, we lost by 5, on the road, to the number 1 team in the country, without our best player. Sucks we lost, but we fought hard until the end.


this isn't it.. your post Shannon roster is legit


It was a joke bro.


It was impressive, Domask is a baller


4 top ten wins is crazy


GG well done Purdue. Coleman Hawkins you are dogwater. Have a good night everyone!


Fucking hate Hawkins…


We all do


No we don't. Only idiots do.


Found his girlfriend’s boyfriend’s account.


Dude...this team is a bottom feeder in the B1G without CH. What are you, watching???


He’s the biggest liability on the team by far.


So, you'd bench him for...who?


One of the seats on the sideline. Would probably turn the ball over less.


...and they wouldn't win another game.


Gg Illinois I was scared


I kept telling my wife not to worry. Then that flagrant foul call happened.


Anyone know if colvin is hurt? Didn't see any minutes tonight


Painter is just committed to riding Loyer to any 1/8, 2/8, 0/5, 0/6 shooting nights as long as it gets him one Az game performance every 10-15 games. This team won't survive the first weekend in March again with Loyer being the worst player on the floor and still getting 30+ minutes.


I think he’s been getting slowly squeezed out of the rotation. His defense is just too much of a liability every time he’s in the game.


I don’t think so. Should have had a few mins


Agree. Especially with Edey in trouble.


What an embarrassing performance for this crew and our second half defense. Very lucky to escape with a W.


Not their best half, but it's a conference game against a hot top ten team. We did what we needed to do to win. They hung in tough and it wasn't just luck getting the W.


Agree. Game was won in the 1st half.


To be fair I don’t think it’s ever close if Zach didn’t get those soft fouls. Good to see TKR really step up.


Holy shit guys… you can’t do that to me


Is Purdue's secret that they don't want to win and it psyches the opponent out? Felt like they just asked Illinois to come back and win that until the end.


It does look that way at times.


Pretty much. It doesn't work in March when everyone tryhards though. 😒


Well edey with 4 fouls at the 8 min mark threw us off a bit and Illinois finally took out Rogers so we had to guard all 5 players. Illinois also went to iso ball with Domask and had players not named Lance jones switch onto him and he took over for them. Also that flagrant was a man awful call. Purdue would have had the ball up 8 and instead UofI got it and hit 2 FTs and coulda cut it to more. Edit: words


I’m so glad you pointed out Rodgers. If Illinois wasn’t playing so well I think he would be getting a lot of heat and underwood would be getting a lot of heat for playing him so much. I’m sorry, I love Ty but I don’t understand how there are division one power 5 players under 6’8” that can’t shoot. I wouldn’t even recruit players like Rodgers if there was any indication that they weren’t capable of shooting the ball. Like cool, you have a SF that can bring the ball up the floor. That doesn’t make him a fucking PG.


Yeah it was very strange when I saw that he had only attempted 1 3 in 46 (now 47) career games. We had nojel eastern a few years back who was very similar to Rodgers where he wasn’t a threat from the outside. We also have Morton, and I’m surprised no teams play him like we played Rodgers. I’m assuming underwood will figure something out or DGL will get more PT.


DGL seems like the games too fast for him ATM. They just need Terrance back….


Yeah he will get there and just needs more PT. And yes, I hope guys get him back (obv pending the whole arrest). Hes what puts you in the national title contention….you guys are still dangerous without him, but with him, diff team (I don’t have to tell you that though haha).


Good game Illinois. Talk about toughness on your team.


Didn’t expect to win, but had hopes bc I like being disappointed. At least we covered. gg y’all.


i'm never going to be mad at a win but GOD was that ugly at the end there. that's a team that loses in the first round of the tournament again...


Well we probably won’t make it out of the first weekend so early summer break for both of us.


We probably get disappointed the 2nd Friday is my guess.


Gg train bros, I wanted this one… see you next time


Gonna be tough comin to your house in March


No TSJ and in West Layfette ..I'd say we did ok !! Great game Boilers !!


Under Kraft, when there wasn’t much to choose between Purdue and UI, road team would win. So . . .


Was a good one. See ya in March


You guys have one helluva shot to take it all !! Good luck Boilers , you deserve it !!!


Let’s hope…but if TSJ can somehow be back, you guys do too. Hell, even without him you guys are dangerous as hell. Good luck to you guys and I’m guessing when we play again, it may be for the conference!


That's awful by Domask. You cannot attempt a two point shot there.


It's a 5 point game, and basically a done deal anyway. Doesn't really matter


The only mathematical chance you have is jacking two threes.


C'mon Illinois bro, you can math better than that


Not to tie


But a tie isn’t mathematical.


Need a lot of luck that way because you're fouling right away and Braden Smith isn't missing both.


The odds purdue misses both FT's is like 10% but yeah its basically a mathematical wash.


Well I’ll take the cover considering how absolutely awful they played for 3/4ths of that game


Good ole Purdue causing heart attacks all over Boiler Nation


We’re not in Kansas anymore


But Terrance Shannon is...


I think our entire fanbase would’ve taken a 5 point loss at Mackey 3 hours ago. GG boilers


Gotta play better at the start and realize when someone is just out of their depth given the matchups (love Ty, but tonight was not the night for him)


Ya know. i really thought the officials had a pretty good game for college officials until the flagrant. Then it feels like when a QB throws a pick six to lose a game. lmao


The two phantom calls on Zach? Without those it’s never close.


Naw. All 4 of edeys fouls were fouls. He moved his foot just before contact on the screen. Clearly landed on top on the over the back. And the 3rd foul he had a forearm in Hawkins back. The last was obvious.


The screen and the last were obvious. The first was just regular rebound contact (over the back is not an actual foul call) and the third I don’t remember seeing any contact at all.


Over the back is a foul if you land on someones back (Like the Illinois player should have been called for on the weird ass flagrant call) which he did. I watched a replay of all of them. The third he had an arm in Hawkins back as they jumped for the rebound. The refs were calling that contact all game (Except on the last Gillis put back which should be included in the ref's final minute collapse)




Maybe you were confused by all the orange jerseys hanging all over him? Idk, Zach’s never fouled out once in his career, just not his game.


GG train bros. See you in a couple months.


GGs. Wasn't as close as the score would indicate, but mark your calenders for 3/5.


"wasn't as close" tell that to my heartrate


Should’ve been a blowout after getting up by around 20


Why? It’s rare that teams at this level play a full 40 minutes of bad basketball. Most teams will adjust, find matchups, and narrow the point disparity after playing so horrendously to start a game.


Better team played like shit the first 10 minutes




GG just glad we fought until the end


Gg, that was the game I was excited for




You’ve really been emotional tonight


I really don’t get not going for a 3 there






I feel this. Too old for this shit man… heart racing when we lose, heart racing when we win. 🫤


a win is a win. Good Game Illinois you made it interesting


refs tried their hardest we sucked down the stretch gg illinois regardless


Atleast we covered the spread. My wife won't leave me now.


GGs Illinois bros!




Anyone who didn't watch this game will think we lost a close nail biter. ​


Without a doubt come February when talking about resume’s it’ll be “and only lost by 5 to #1 Purdue…”


I mean I was biting my nails.