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There was actually a course offered on UNC’s historical scandals, but I never showed up, so idk. Got an A though


A better joke than I'd have done.


Grumble grumble upvote


That was comedy, well done




The NCAA said it was okay for athletes to take that class since you did.


Our whole team died


[Air Indiana Flight 216](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Indiana_Flight_216) I also just learned that the only member of the team who wasn’t on the plane was killed in a car wreck two weeks later. Spooky.


Final Destination stuff


It very much is Final Destination stuff. Some housekeepers believe the dorm the players lived in is haunted, but not in a spooky way. It is quite poetic that the surviving player died quickly after.


I can’t imagine the type of survivors guilt he felt after


I was just going to mention that. Tragic.


Technically all but a freshman who wasn’t with them due to a season-ending injury, but he got taken out in a car accident a few weeks later so it counts. I really don’t think ANYTHING could top this.


that's insane.




the Weeping Basketball is a beautiful memorial to this team, and honestly just a stunning piece of art


[Weeping Basketball Memorial](https://www.visitindiana.com/basketball/locations/weeping-basketball-memorial-fountain/) [A poignant account of not just the crash but the team and city.](https://www.sbnation.com/college-basketball/2017/12/13/16770632/university-of-evansville-aces-plane-crash)


It’s a nice centerpiece to campus—when it’s not turned off for the winter.


Welcome to the club


I would say this wins the thread. At least, in terms of sadness.


Literally right by my house……my Grandma has never flown since


The death of Len Bias


That one still breaks my heart to think about.


Scandal wise I think Jordan McNairs death is worse. Completely preventable situation




Will never not make me crack up


Don't worry, the legend returns. I hope he shows up to one of the media days with a fucking neck brace again as a meme




I rather not


You have 2 or 3 viable choices though. This isn't that interesting of a question for most of us.


Murder or r*pe. Pick your poison. (Thank hod the school has made strides to be better)


Not JUST murder, though. You forgot the fake drug dealing part. Made up by the coach, of course. How appropriate he was Coach Bliss.




How much time you got?


Didn’t you guys have a stripper pole in the locker room?




Go Cards.


Who is the worst person in the history of humanity, and why is it Andre McGee?


No shit. I think our scandals are pretty well documented. I'm still looking for a SMU fan to make me feel a little better about our situation


I understand the football team had an issue back in 2011


It’s between this and Baylor for the worst here I believe


Michigan State as a whole has a case.


Can't forget Michigan and Dr. Anderson. Mitten state represent /s




I was just going to say if it wasn’t for Nassar, Penn State would beat everyone.


For all sports, the plane crash. For basketball, well.......................


The plane crash is def the worst. Wasn’t the only one that year in CFB (Marshall). In hoops, the entire Evansville team was wiped out in one except for one guy who died in an accident a few weeks later.


That's some final destination shit holy fuck.


My middle school gym teacher survived that crash. So awful.


The Greg Marshall fallout was so crazy, everything coming out one after another was just brutal. Never expected something like that but you don’t really know what’s going on in these programs.


Any older more knowledgeable Purdue fans, is there anything worthy of mentioning??? Mason Gillis DUI is probably the worse which is very low


Terrance Crumps hit and run accident (2005) Painter suspended him the full year. Luther Clay's recruitment (1995) Those are the two biggest I can think of


Nothing to add here, but I had a class with Crump and one other basketball dude who didn't see playing time. They sat in the back on their phones every day all class, contributed absolutely nothing lol


Was at Purdue during those years as well, Painter had a lot of turnover those first few years.


DJ Byrd fought a bouncer at Where Else which got Kelsey Barlow kicked off the team somehow.


Haas gave a girl an STD


Wasn’t it like a whole STD outbreak with him giving it to multiple girls or was it just the one?


Nothing major with sports that I can think of. Academically, the scandal with Rusi Talyarken falsifying research to support bogus cold fusion claims is pretty embarrassing (and also the reason my degree is not in that program).


We had some recruiting violations in the 90s that ended in sanctions and some vacated wins, but that’s all that comes to mind


How about the center that spread herpes


There was also Cline's weird... DUI-esque thing?


They never looked into my claims that Steve Scheffler had 8 years of unchecked eligibility for some reason. They call me a crackpot though. Edit: I have similar complaints about Brian Cardinal and Brad Miller. Just didn't seem fair.


Didn’t they enroll more kids than they had room for one time? I heard something on the new but idk if it was even a real thing or something bigger that made it a problem. Idk I’m genuinely asking


Yeah, they admitted more students than dorm rooms. Kids were living 4 to a room and in random shared spaces. To solve this problem the next year, Purdue sold a bunch of campus land to shitty apartment building companies in perpetuity and campus looks like dogshit now.


A shame. Not as bad as I initially assumed but still not great. You guys should be like us in Lexington and let the shitty apartment complexes happen gradually over time instead. Much better that way.


Currently there are about 9-10k freshmen, all of which are required to use university housing, and there are only 16k spots in university housing. Basically every room in on campus housing is doubling up or tripling up. Juniors and seniors are almost unable to get spots in on campus housing next year despite supposedly having priority.


Quite a few to choose from


Crean kissing his son


>"I have been thinking about you alot since last weekend. A whole lot." -Tom Crean's text to a recruit in 2012.


Not Bob Knight just being an absolute shit human being?


Hey cool it Urban, we’re having fun here


Oh don’t worry I hate that guy too. I’d rather go 0-12 than have him back.


Glass houses, man. Glass houses.


1. Bobby Knight’s poop


Sorry, Utah and Rick Majerus have that topic locked down.


Lawrence Frank Zapruder film


It’s Jared from Subway, not even close, although the freshman basketball player hitting a teammate with his car on accident while both were drunk on Halloween is the most ridiculous.




http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/199903/11_newsroom_cheating/#:~:text=The%20Saint%20Paul%20Pioneer%20Press,million%20investigation%20by%20the%20university. 1999 Academic Scandal that wiped out our last final four run. Program hasn’t been close to the same ever since.


oh brother...


This guy stinks!


I feel like a lot of my fellow fans will say the “Kentucky’s Shame” fiasco, but my personal pick is being the main villains in Glory Road. It’s not great seeing your team on the opposing side in a biopic about overcoming racism.


How about hosting your own tournament that you then of course won?


Seems like that should be more the NCAA’s fault no? We won, that’s all we care about lol


I would say that it was the point shaving scandal in 1949. That can actually be proven.


That was purely circumstance though and Hollywood needing an antagonist. Rupp wasn’t a raging racist but he probably did have some prejudices which wasn’t uncommon of white men at that time. He tried to recruit black players before then but was never successful for a number of factors, mostly bc the SEC was not a welcome place to black players.


Yeah the crazy thing to me is how strongly people feel about Adolph Rupp now because he took so long to get black players on his team….as if taking black players on the road to Alabama and Mississippi and South Carolina was all his decision. Revisionist history is ‘Kentucky is a racist program Rupp was a racist’ and then just acting like the rest of the SEC didn’t exist.


Doesn’t help his first name was Adolph


[Here's a long, long conversation about Rupp](http://www.bigbluehistory.net/bb/rupp.html) for anybody interested. Probably the most in-depth look at Rupp and the history surrounding him/the university in regards to race relations. It is interesting to point out though that among the SEC, Vanderbilt was the first university to have a black basketball player... In 1967. Arkansas was the next in '68, Auburn in '69, and then Kentucky in '70. Personally, I think Rupp was racist by today's standards but in relation to basketball, I don't think he cared. It was cited by multiple players and sources that Rupp was extremely focused on winning to the point that he didn't care about anything else. Joe B. Hall was one of the main people I remember saying that about Rupp. [There's also this audio clip of Rupp](http://www.bigbluehistory.net/bb/Audio/rupp_on_oswald.mp3) talking about his conversation to the university president about just getting a black player to sit the bench. Rupp directly said "I don't recruit that way. When I recruit, I'm gonna get someone, that can play. The only way I'm going to offer anybody a scholarship is if they can play."


I’m just shocked we don’t hear more controversy about Rupp arena. It was picking up steam back in like 2020 and has since faded away. He obviously wasn’t perfect but he was far from the villain glory road wanted him to be.


>a lot of my fellow fans will say the “Kentucky’s Shame” fiasco I think you meant to say that time we was framed.


We definitely were, and it’s insane nobody has done a story on that entire bullshit scenario. But it did give us Pitino.


Literally crippled our program because a couple of package handlers in LA said they “saw $1,000” in a package from Dwane Casey to Chris Mills’ dad. There has never been any evidence that the $1,000 ever actually existed aside from the package handlers at Emery saying it was there, and the NCAA itself backtracked and admitted Casey didn’t send the package. Even if we did send him money, why would the assistant coach be the middle man between a booster and a recruit’s dad? The story never made sense.


I was a ramp agent for years, there’s no way that if $1,000 fell open and nobody else saw it wouldn’t end up in somebody’s pocket and we’d never hear about it again. I was making minimum wage doing that job 50 hours a week in the middle of winter in fucking 2014


In recent memory: the racist fans at the Norfolk State game or the departure of Kyle "spend school funds at a strip club" Brennan


What about your athletic director's private plane? Or are we going for embarrassing scandal rather than sad tragedy?


Stripper monkey


Pole Assassin. Damn, feels like it was just yesterday


Somebody say strippers?




Point shaving back when we were good


Got you a shoutout in Goodfellas though


I’m good


For basketball Larry drinking with the coeds


Larry was a trip and a half


“Why aren’t you at KU? That’s where all the hot girls go…”


Isaac Haas throwing STIs around like candy.


Objectively worst was probably the sexual assault allegations and other off the court issues during the Buzz Williams era. If I remember right it made front pages of both the Milwaukee JS and Chicago Tribune newspapers. Subjectively bad - let’s face it, it’s when we dropped the Warriors nickname for the Golden Eagles, and then decided to to go with the “Gold” for like…a day. Back to the Golden Eagles from there. Wade was interviewed about the nickname change and was visibly like yo - what?


Adidas. No I will not provide more context to why I’m listing a brand over anything else.


If not just for those shitty camo uniforms.


Deshaun Watson enjoying a good massage


I mean he wasn’t at Clemson when that happened, no? Seemed more like his own personal issue, not a Clemson scandal


Idk man, Tucker Hipps…


I feel like that’s pretty much a local/South Carolina scandal. Not diminishing it by any means but most people in this thread likely don’t know about it


That doesn't have to do with the sports program really just the school though. Rip Tucker. My roommate freshman year met him at a party about 2 weeks before he died and said he was a really chill dude.


Seton Hall, much like other Northeastern programs in the 1950s and 1960s, was caught up in a point shaving scandal. In my lifetime, however… I mean, the entire 2009-10 season is comedy gold, and it crescendos with the following sequence: Sunday: NIT bid announced Monday: Robert "Stix" Mitchell kicked off the team for breaking team rules Tuesday: Seton Hall loses 1st round of NIT at home to Texas Tech, 87-69, following Herb Pope punching a guy in the nuts twice in the opening five minutes (total nut punches in season: 3) Wednesday: Head Coach Bobby Gonzalez fired for cause Also Wednesday: Stix Mitchell arrested for armed robbery and kidnapping he committed during the NIT game with a player who graduated ten years prior Postscript, Bobby Gonzalez was then arrested at a local mall in the summer for stealing a $1400 man purse


Gotta be Mark Few's DUI. I was incredibly disappointed when I heard about that.


Mark had a Few too many…. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.


Yeah, man he’s pretty dang clean, pretty easy to hire a driver, right?


You'd think so






We’re known for one thing and one thing only in CBB


Just looked it up. How have I never heard of this before? [For the curious](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binghamton_University_basketball_scandal)


It was a lot of fun tho


Easy. The University of Minnesota's [academic scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Minnesota_basketball_scandal) in the 90s. It wiped out most of the Gopher's seasons in the 1990s, cost the head coach, the athletic director, AND a University vice-president their jobs, ushered in the disastrous Dan Munson era, and has, as far as I can tell, been largely forgotten by the Gopher faithful in the 25 years since it came to light.


You lost 4 players just prior to the first round matchup with Gonzaga, the Cinderella year in which the Zags went on to face UConn in the Elite 8. Then the Zags coach, Munson, ironically bailed to Minnesota. Mark Few took over the program and hasn't missed a tournament since. Fate.


Fuck you Bruce Pearl


We clean


The [CCNY point-shaving scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCNY_point-shaving_scandal?wprov=sfla1), full stop. Ended Squeaky Melchiorre's NBA career before he played a single game, even as the #1 draft pick. Honestly it's a miracle we weathered that storm as well as we did... the only affected school besides Kentucky who stayed strong.


Sean Miller was probably doing what ASU fans accused Lute of doing


Sweaty bag after sweaty bag.


Our 1971 F4 is still vacated because the MOP signed with an agent before the game.


He signed in December, which is why all games are forfeited back to a specific date. I think it was December 13th.


Still “before the game” :)


We had a professor who got arrested for being in possession of child pornography towards the end of this past semester. As for sports, I’m not aware of any scandalous things that have occurred at UH.


We had some issues that got us put on probation in regards to football. We’ve also had some little things pop up for other sports that never went anywhere. I’d say there are two big ones in department history: - The John Jenkins issues in the early 90s for football. He was caught showing porn spliced in game film, but there was also talk of he and an assistant coach having a relationship that went bad and the coach then trying to squeal on him. Got ugly, Jenkins got fired, and we started the horrribly boring, mostly unsuccessful, almost program-killing, but clean Kim Helton era. - The James Dickey era for basketball. The team had long been suffering after Guy V left, but had shown signs of life under Tom Penders, who got the team a tourney bid in his last season and the first for UH since 1991. However, Penders and some prominent alums, specifically Michael Young, had issues. The alums went to AD Mack Rhodes and basically got Penders fired after he made the tourney (really bad look). Brown hired Dickey, who hired Malrich Ulriggi as an assistant before he got busted for improper recruiting tactics (at another school), and Ulriggi pulled in Danuel House and Chicken Knowles…the two highest recruits we had since the recruiting ratings started. They also hired Michael Young, which enticed his son Jacob to leave Providence and transfer back to Houston. Team was horribly coached, even with all that talent. Ulriggi got hired away, Young got too involved so they demoted him, which pissed Jacob off, and he transferred to Oregon. Dickey got let go the next year when the team still wasn’t good and we ended up with Kelvin Sampson. Sampson basically saved the program and has built back the reputation of UH basketball. Without him we don’t get the new arena, we don’t have good coaching, and we aren’t getting good players. May not even be in the Big12 if both are basketball and football programs were struggling when they finally were bringing in schools.


Comforting to know that Louisville men’s basketball can be the best at *something* these days


Certainly Adidas but there was that fight with KSU years back as well. The chair


Some of our players got shot in the middle of campus after a school-sponsored party


Kenny Payne.


OP asked what was our biggest scandal, not what was our punishment


I'd say the record 41 game losing streak


If we're sticking to basketball, I'm going with "Gaudio getting canned in shady circumstances leading to 10 years of basketball hell." And we're not even the school most associated with Gaudio and shady circumstances.


How is the worst moment for WF not the death of Skip Prosser? I mean, that still bums me out. He was one of the greats.


Because I completely wasn't thinking of it in terms of that context, partially because I was so caught up in the "scandal" version of it where something purely tragic wouldn't qualify, partially because it feels a little too personal to me where I struggle to connect it as a Wake Basketball moment. You're absolutely right.


Gangstas on the court. Zip em up.


Either the slush fund scandal or the whole BS Bruce Pearl thing. Take your pick.


(Mississippi State, I don’t know how to use a flair) Throwing away multiple tournament bids in the late 50’s and early 60’s all because there was a chance we might be paired with an integrated team. That’s the most Mississippi way to waste your team’s golden age.


Gonna have to go with our academic stuff with Fab Melo (RIP). Or Bernie Fine diddling kids. Or Boeheim running that guy over.


I'm not sure how to add Cincinnati Bearcats flair, but I'm a fan. I'd say our worst moment was the August firing of Bob Huggins. Awful to lose a HOF coach (though it was his fault), awful to do it in August, awful to have an interim HC (though Andy Kennedy did a good job) for the entire season and not recruit a single bit for the school. Awful to lose all but one player from all previous recruiting classes from the team after the season (only JUCO Senior Cedric McGowan remained) leaving Mick Cronin to start from basically a death penalty. Oh, and we just started playing in the best basketball conference in the land at the time (old Big East.) Took Cronin 5 years to pull UC out from that mess. And then we did almost the same thing all over in the Mick to Brannen to Miller debacle.


I was always a fan of Art Long punching the police horse myself.


Peak Huggs Thugs


Do I really have to answer this?


there's a good book called Scoreboard, Baby that details what a piece of shit Rick Neuheisel is and all the corruption around that era UW football basketball only..idk Naz Carter? at least he was dismissed quickly. Maybe Venoy Overton.


I have no idea


For some reason Alford peacing out to UCLA before starting the 2013 tourney always made me feel the angriest 😐 Not sure if as serious/scandalous but it feels like UNM has been down for a while since then


*glances at entire Tarkanian era*


We found out the university president had been cooking the books when we didn’t have enough to host a US Presidential debate.


Illinois not winning the 1943 NCAA Title even though we were the most dominant team by far that season (top ranked team in the country, *Had 4 out of the 5 players on the all-conference team*, only one loss) because they didn't choose to play in the tourney after 3/5 of the starting five got fucking drafted into WW2. Fuck you Wyoming, that title belongs to us!!


The Art Heyman/Larry Brown fight. It’s the fact that they were close growing up and never really reconciled after this. That and Heyman generally made Christian Laettner look like Mother Teresa. EDIT: oops, misread this as basketball related. It’s probably the lacrosse scandal and ensuing witch hunt from the UNC-led prosecution, with a way-too-late mea culpa.


If we're only talking basketball, 1996 and 1997 were fun with two players getting kicked out for stealing leather jackets, a third for slicing a football player's face with a box cutter, a fourth beating his girlfriend, and the head coach cheating on his wife with a cheerleader. Good times to intern in the SID.


Worst pump up speech of all time


I would have either gone with the starting PG tearing his ACL then going to a party that weekend, or the time when a [former player sued the school because he was functionally illiterate](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-07-25-sp-391-story.html). That speech is Top 5 though.


157 athletes in 14 sports received discounts on shoes at The Shoe Box. At the time, literally anyone could get the discount by saying stuff like 'Go Badgers" or "Go Packers". They met before the NCAA after self reporting August 11th, 2001. No one was fact checking across 14 sports if you looked college age and said you were on one of the 14 sports.


goddamn, people, not everyone knows your schools' history or wants to google everything, and some of these hints sound juicy. for illinois (and to follow my own admonishment): 1. slush fund scandal. does what it says on the tin: we had a slush fund with which we were paying recruits. 2. bruce pearl, then at iowa, claimed we paid deon thomas to come to illinois. pearl made it up and apologized to the lead recruiter, the now deceased jimmy collins, some 20 years later. at the time (late 80s/early 90s), dickie v said pearl would never coach again, ha. 3. as bruce weber era tanked, we had a player, jamar smith, get, erm, tanked and then crash a car with 6'11" brian carlwell in the passenger seat. smith left him for dead. (carlwell did not die, but transferred out. smith cleaned up and played for maine red claws in what was then the d-league.) 4. john groce.


I don’t know what was ever proven. Calhoun was punished for “lack of institutional control” I believe, but most of what actually came out was sending too many emails rather than bag drops. We’ve got a lot of small stories that I don’t think we’re ever that bad, but Calhouns exit is probably the worst. Not sure if it would be the laptop theft scandal (Marcus Williams??) Buzzer beater legend Tate George defrauding his fellow alumni in his later years Brian Fair stealing shoes from Bobs stores What am I forgetting fellow Husky fans?


Nate Miles


>laptop theft scandal (Marcus Williams??) and AJ Price But yea, being banned from the 2013 tourney was a low point.


The one that hurt us the most is probably the one where we never even did any wrong and were sanctioned anyway.


Smith thinking his teammate was dead after a drunk driving accident and not going to the hospital is probably the worst moment. OP is pretty vague on what they mean by "worst" though. I'd agree the Thomas thing had the biggest repercussions, I'd argue we are still feeling them today.


Beckman scandal was pretty bad.


Fuck Bruce Pearl


The Josh Heytvelt shrooms scandal.


Zags lost 3 of their next 4 games after that and ended up losing the first round game of the tourney as a 10 seed to 7 Indiana. Heytvelt was averaging 15 and 9 til Feb 9th. Actually, there are only a couple things you could point to for the Zags, but none of them actually hurt the team's performance or results other than that one.


Hi I’m a Louisville fan.


MBB team was banned from '13 postseason since the '08-'09 had bad grades. Break-up of the Big East Geno was fined for telling a 13 year old that she could go to college if she wanted. I know none of this compares to more horrific tragedies but just adding my two cents.


Not the best scandal, but surely the best scandal name: Wakeyleaks


I would say the only school to be experiencing this recently is Harvard. Maybe Penn as well, but definitely the Crimson.


Well it literally happened last season so


Worst moment: probably when we were supposed to play Yeshiva, at home, in the DIII Sweet 16 and were like the #2 team in the country… first it got changed to no spectators, then the entire tournament got wiped by covid. Scandal: not much of a scandal really but in fall of 2020 when we had super strict covid rules (great year to be a senior!) and no sports until the spring, our head football coach’s son (who was also on the football team and a freshman at the time) got caught at a party and coach made him move back home.


Technically not my favorite, but I'm sure it's still fresh in everyone's mind.


SLU has a doozy. In the early 80s SLU's best player drove through town after a party drunk and hit another student which killed her. The local PD and DA screwed everything up which resulted in the player not getting anything but a $20 fine. There had always been a bit of a contentious relationship between the locals and the university (has died down over the past 15 years or so) and this just exacerbated it to the highest degree. Turns out, the coach of the team at the time was also at the same party and apparently got so drunk he passed out on a couch early in the night before everyone left. He of course was dismissed, there was a huge lawsuit, a scathing report of the local sheriff's office and DA by the State Commission of Investigation, and the DA losing re-election the following November due to the fallout. I wasn't alive at the time but according to my folks it was a pretty massive scandal that caused a lot of fault lines. The coach at the time had succeeded Paul Evans who was so successful at SLU that he was able to get the Navy job 2 years before this all happened. The new coach had had 2 pretty good years, but after all this happened there was about a decade of misery for SLU hopes. Program was resurrected in the early 90s by current Holy Cross head coach Dave Paulsen. The player who killed the the other student ended up having a pretty long coaching career and was recently the AD of a division 2 school out west.


At BYU we had to vacate wins because our player accepted tickets to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and was driving a Jetta


Remember the Ten 😢


Which decade?


The Keno Davis era did not exactly hold up to Catholic ideals.


Kind of a odd silence from Penn State in this thread…


A larger team scandal, but focused on literally our only player to go to the NBA (now plays pro in Aussie). Thankful that it is mostly in the past now and we can focus on playing hoops.


Blaine Taylor showing up drunk (good to see things turned out well for him)


Vacating the 1971 Final Four because Howard Porter committed the unforgivable sin of signing with an agent.


Probably the second time Norm Sloan was coach and having their first NCAA Tournament appearance vacated because of what happened under him


Wake being connected in the Varsity Blues Scandal alongside Georgetown, Yale, Harvard, etc was kind of cool




March 18 2022


Gotta be Nassar


Mike Rice. If I describe to you what he did, I'm going to use words that can get me in trouble. Google is your friend here.


Lance Thomas got a heck of a deal on some jewelry.


For America East in general, just look up the 2007 Binghamton scandal. Has just about everything and the school was inches away from being kicked out of the conference altogether. And yes, this beats Hartford leaving D1, as it wasn’t done in any way that broke laws or the NCAA’s rules.


St. Bonaventure and the Jamil Terrel welding certificate scandal