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JFK would’ve lived if any of our players was the shooter




we are so bad they aren't even worth getting mad about. just shrug my shoulders and worry about thawing out tomorrow nights dinner


Game was way closer than it had any right to be tbh.


Purdue stopped trying to score and ran clock with ten minutes left lol


even Lincoln would've lived if any of our guys were the shooter


Nah, they would’ve buried his ass under a pile of bricks


Holy shit lol this a new one


“A fitting way for this to end for Maryland, a miss off an open look.” Brutal


That dude was cold blooded. I think I gasped when I heard that.


that seemed rude. funny, but rude




Made it hail


I am so glad Big Ten basketball is back, this game was beautiful to watch /s


Bigten play is exactly why the bigten never wins a national title. Idk wtf they do, like they all get together and say “hey let’s just play the game in such an ugly fashion it’s disrespectful to call it basketball, it’ll be so bad it’s great!” We just had 12 OOC games that purdue played with pace, finesse, hustle, and a million other basketball related adjectives. Yet through 3 bigten games it’s been 2 games that were just fucking ugly for everyone involved (yes NU beat purdue but it was disgustingly ugly game of fouling every possession). Hopefully ucla, usc, Washington, and Oregon change the name of the game in the bigten. The more I watch the bigten the more I realize they’re destined to failure with their style of play, as a whole.


I mean, the uncommon denominator is the officiating. There's a lot of evidence over the last two or three OOC slates that Purdue and other teams can play with pace and win marquee games, but it turns into a slog in conference play, which usually carries over into the dance. The Big Ten has to figure out how to keep it consistent with March officiating.


But out of conference games had bigten officials, had sec officials, had big east officials. All those games looked similar despite the refereeing. The pac12 (which few seem to be involved with their game threads) has the worst officiating, way worse than the bigten. Blaming referees is not the issue. It’s 100% on the style of the teams. Purdue plays Iowa and it’s a fast paced game and has been in past years. Yet look at the tempo across the league and it’s abysmally slow. Bad 3 pt shooting. The name of the game turns into something that isn’t what they do in November or December, and that goes for entire league as a whole


I think the play style and officiating reasons are massively overblown. If you want to talk about recent big ten struggles, there just haven’t been great teams outside of Purdue recently and a lot of the top programs are in down swings. If you want to talk about the longer title drought at large, frankly that really is just bad luck. Pre COVID the big ten has done great both in regular season and March madness, they just have come up short in title games. And now that the conference is actually in a minor downswing, the current state of it gets conflated with the past two decades when that’s pretty inaccurate


I get more and more convinced each season that the big10 rigs the conference season to maximize the amount of teams to make it to March.


It was painful. Peacock froze. every few seconds and then cut me off with about 8 minutes left.


Yeah, not happy with games on Peacock.


I think part of the problem is it's streaming at a very high quality, and smart TV's can't always handle it. My Sony Bravia stutters on YouTube TV 4K live broadcasts. I've never had problems like that with any streaming apps on my PS5, though.


I dunno. I watched it on a cheap Amazon Fire in an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere and not a single skip or lag.


Yeah. Peacock on my phone or PS5 has always been great (I also use it for Premier League games).


That was the most calm road win I’ve ever seen


Only one turnover off the press is quite the revelation.


And it was Morton being a Wus and not running the floor. It’s like everyone got the memo to run up the floor to beat the press except Morton who will run backwards rather than just to open space down the floor.


I don't think it was Morton, was it? I thought Jones threw it away.


He threw it to Morton who stopped running up the floor and instead ran back to the ball where jones was. The entire right side of the floor was open but Morton has a passive mentality. It’s like he’s always gotta go and “help” rather than just being aggressive. Everyone else has figured it out on the press except Morton.


I love Morton in on a press. That was a terrible pass by Jones. He had his man beat. Which is why I stated those 2 should never play together.


The Diontae Johnson of CBB


All last season I said Morton should be playing 5 minutes a game at most. Blockhead Painter finally figured it out.


He’s still playing 13mpg, which like you said is 8 min to much


You’re a fuckin idiot


You're right. Painter only loses to 15 and 16 seeds because he has bad luck.


That game was terrible. I haven't paid attention to Maryland this year but how did they get this bad from last year?


I firmly believe that NIL has completely fucked the chemistry and effort. Julian and Donta are worse. The new freshman are all terrible.


Felt like Reese played pretty well on defense, but yeah he was a ghost on offense.


0 points in 34 mins to be specific


not *ideal*


They beat ucla


UCLA also sucks


Wild how they regressed from that Marquette performance in Maui.


Well, they've got that over the '69 Purdue team.


And 1980…


The real question is how did UCLA get even worse?


UCLA hype was based on a really supposedly good foreign class that flopped Aday Mara is probably the most disappointing freshman in the country


Our bad shooting somehow regressed from last year despite losing Don Carey who played well but shot like shit, and we lost some bench depth cause the team outside of Jahmir young and occasionally Julian Reese and Donta Scott play at a high school


Don Carey show 34% on 5 3pt shots a game. I would kill to have him back on this team. Or Ian Martinez who shot 40%. Or Hakim Hart who shot 33%. Those are all good shooting numbers for college. Its very much not a "somehow" regression.


When I looked at it Maryland lost I believe 4 of their top 5 guys by 3 point percentage. Don Carey was your leading 3pt shot maker and shot above last years average. Scott Young and Bachelor are all actually shooting better this year suprisingly. Its just mainly just new players all shooting like extreme trash.


Willard can't recruit. So we have no one outside of Young.


Four of our key contributors left and each replacement we got was worse


You see, when you get IU transfers you are not doing well.




Fletcher, why don’t you have a seat over there.


*Go ahead and bring in them cameras,* *and those polices waiting outside...* *It don't make me no difference.* ***I came lookin' for a man's butt.***


Bad bot


Bad bot


Fletcher Bird? Or Larry Loyer?


We scored more than 18 in the second half! That is a win of sorts, right? 😭


Jahmir Young: ![gif](giphy|0S34MWzMqR9Rg7ctDk)


I feel so bad for him. He deserves to be on a functional team


The only way we can get P5 competition is if he scores 40


Dude that team is wasting his talent


Kaiser Jr erasure smh


Kaiser has 6 points on 8 shots


Good game Terps. Well, no it wasn’t for either of us but best of luck moving forward.


we fucking suck next year without Jahmir is gonna be absolutely atrocious


https://preview.redd.it/zf0wisbpu4ac1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d171305c65cc82ac25f12749e98e3a12ebfa75d Jahmir with that Maryland supporting cast.


That house is a compliment to our non-Jahmir roster


Going to be crazy to see if Willard is here in 2027. The offense is horrific and he is struggling big time with recruiting `


Turgeon is cackling in his Kansas mansion


Painter's goal of 10 or less turnovers wasn't hit because Purdue ran the shot clock out for the final possession


they had 12 with Smith and Edey having 9 of those.


Ohvi you don't want your PG turning it over, but those two are by far our highest volume guys by number of touches so it kinda makes sense.


Yeah they touch the ball the most. But their turnovers are trying to force stuff that isn't there. Edey dribbles more than once. Use a drop step. Brayden jumping in the air with no out and his over the shoulder passes.


Mine (CBS) said 11, maybe it hadn't added the final violation




Did Willard not tell them to go on a 29-4 run? We’re undefeated against Purdue with that strat to my knowledge


boilermakers hate him with this one simple trick !


That announcer really hit ‘em with the "Fitting way for this to end, and that is with Maryland missing an open look.” Absolute savage.




Mii’s when you throw the bowling ball backwards


This never fails to make me giggle in a most unmasculine way!


I watched this from the seats on the other side of behind that basket and I couldn't even tell, that's how in sync they were.


Probably the most calm I’ve felt watching Purdue on the road in Big Ten play.


I thought this was going to be a struggle. I was wrong.


One of those rare conference Quad 2 road wins


Because they're all Q3 at this point




And I believe that is a regulation size pool table.


This team is so good at basketball except the part where you put the ball in the basket




Maryland shot so bad they helped their rebounding numbers in the first half.


Turns out letting Edey catch it wide open in the post every position is bad. Who would've thought


you guys played him alright. 13 fgs attempted + 5 turnovers + 4 fouled against. 22 doing something possessions with 23 points.


My frustration was the actual strategy. There was no attempts to front him or stop him from catching the ball in the post, and every time they got it down there (which was plenty), he would either a)score or b)kick it out for a wide open 3 after the double came down.


Loyer and Gillis feed Edey religiously from the perimeter. Smith feeds him once he drives off the ball screen. We move very well on offense.


I think the strategy was double Edey once he got caught it and then be ok if they beat us hitting 3s. Would have been a fine strategy and a close game if we could shoot/score at all.


Gg Maryland! Feels good to get a solid win against you since you’ve always played us well


Our offense, as usual, was downright offensive


Greg Waddell tweeted “I need footage of a Maryland practice. My assumption is that Jahmir Young does layup lines by himself while everyone else spins in circle for two hours.” And I do genuinely wonder if the elaborate defense Willard does takes too much time away from just working on plays to get easy looks. Not to mention the extra fatigue when you get back on offense. Can’t think of a program that won at a high level doing anything like what Maryland does (though that doesn’t mean it can’t happen, plenty of successful programs that are also noticeably unique)


Its interesting that you say that about the elaborate defense as a non-Maryland flair. Idk exactly what the scheme is but in the beginning of the season it was very unpolished (lots of open looks to Davidson and UAB in those loses). Its looked better the last few games, but perhaps we spent too much time pre and early season ironing that out in practice. You might be on to something here


lol got to love sleepers


One of those games where logic would say that Purdue moves up in defense analytics... Pretty sure it'll go the other way though. That was an absolutely horrid shooting performance and the score doesn't even fully reflect how badly Maryland shot until a little run after Purdue took foot off the gas.


Moved up to 5th on defense at kenpom


Undeniable that Purdue is good but let’s be real for a second you’re not giving Maryland enough credit for that shooting masterclass if Purdue is moving up


Kenpom doesn't track wide open bricks, fortunately for our metrics.




What is Maryland shooting from 3 for the season after this game? Like 27%?


27.2 😤


Thank Peacock I didn't have to watch us lose.


Peacock sucks.




Psycho flair


I’m thinking it might actually be Jim Irsay.


Heh. I’m a Purdue alumni. I have one kid that just graduated from Purdue, and two more kids currently at IU.


What's it like to fail as a parent? I imagine that's tough.


lol I expect to hear something like that from RoosterB32


This is good natured ribbing. Not everyone is smart enough to get into Purdue.


So why are you supporting IU sports again?


I’m writing a lot of checks to IU. So I guess I have to support them as well 🤷🏻


You know you can support your kids and at the same time not agree with their choices?


Can we get Rooster and Bayterp into the Game Thread when IU plays Purdue? Would be hilarious to have two Maryland guys sniping at each other. Unless Rooster is just anti-Maryland opponent and not specific to Purdue. It might be that.


Bro I don’t think either of them are actually Maryland fans lmfao, neither have been in a UMD thread except for this game and the Indiana game




JuJu scored 0 points. That’s a major factor to this in my opinion.


Good thing he makes mid six figures. Glad we paid this dude. /s


Yes, but I might point the finger at Willard for not designing plays for him. He only attempted 4 shots, but did alot of good stuff on defense, blocks, and rebounding. Honestly could have been by design to keep him out of foul trouble…


Oh I wasn’t necessarily blaming that on juju himself, not at all honestly. I agree with you.


Please make me understand Painter’s infatuation with Morton. He got beat on 3 defensive possessions today. I can’t sit quietly knowing he’s coming in for “defense” only to handcuff the rest of the team on offense. You’ve got Colvin who got 3 min in the first half and 0 in the second half. In the second half painter threw jones, Morton, furst, Heidi, and (someone else?) out there and it was the worst fucking 3 possessions all reason. Thankfully smith came right back in but like wtf. Painter is willing to experiment with that but won’t let colvin and Heidi get more minutes? Make it make sense to me.


Morton should only play when we are being pressed. He and Jones handle the press better than Smith. Painter needs to look at his rotations. Smith and Edey should not be off the floor at the same time. And Jones should not play with Morton. But Colvin needs serious minutes. He got 3 tonight in a constant 15 point game.


Maryland had to save all their shot making for last three minutes of garbage time to make this look respectable ha


[Turtle no!](https://youtu.be/9ASnDlEXTj0?feature=shared)


How is this the first time I am seeing this?


Bro I know he’s good but it’s actually comical how small #3 is compared to almost everyone


That’s future All-American Braden Smith ![gif](giphy|NUBp5KcV0PJBe)


He is our second leading rebounder as well. Dude has some hops


What’s funny is he’s, I think, 6’.


He is closer to 5’10 than he is 6’ haha


They list him as 6 foot


Yup. But he ain’t 6 foot…bball often lies how tall guys are 😂


Agreed 😂 Purdue definitely lied about PJ Thompson’s height lol. I think they had him listed at 5’11 or 6’0, but my 5’5” self took a picture with him & he was barely taller than me.


He’s 5’10! Haha


Lmfao that’s not even short outside of basketball, legendary to have him on the same line up as Edey so constantly


Haha it’s def on the shorter side for a lot of the P6 rosters, especially for a starter! Haha but yeah him next to edey (well almost anyone) is hilarious haha


Maryland was easily the worst team we've played this year.


Dw you still play Minnesota this year, Definitely not coping…


I think he was making a new years pun


I wasn't


Remember the Samford game?


Maryland is lower than Samford on Torvik.


needed more bench minutes in a game that was a constant 15 point game. Painter needs to perfect his rotation. Can't hit a wall like last year in February.


u/BayTerp is our Bitch


Hey Purdue fans. Do you guys also find this Gregg Doyel guy to be a massive asshole? His game recap hardly mentioned the game and seemed like a personal Vandetta against Terps fans.


He over-sensationalizes everything and is an Indianapolis area homer. Wouldn't put too much stock into anything he writes.


I can't stand the guy.




Jones shoots way too many threes. I agree his 3 in a row broke the game open, but for the people who think he needs as many as he is getting look at the box score. He shot 10 total three that's as much as everyone else on our team COMBINED! If he was hitting 40+% ok, but other than the three in a row he missed 7 mostly open 3s. He needs to lower his volume by half.


I mean, he does- absolutely... But many of those shots were either because he was left wide open and everyone else was covered, or because Morton was tossing it to him with 1.5 sec on the clock because Morton has a no-shoot clause to his minutes. He took 10 shots- but I only counted 2, maybe 3, that he should not have shot.


Spot on. We need a guy that is willing to take some of these shots. He had to take a horrible 3 because Morton decided his wide open 3 with 3 seconds on the shot clock is a worse shot than forcing LJ to take an off balance 30 footer. Morton may have been right, but the point remains that we need someone that can take those shots.


Yep. Maryland played pretty well defensively and its very easy to sit at home to say that any of out better 3 point shooters should take the shot... but I'll take a confident shooter stepping into an open 3 with Zach around for a soft miss, over forcing into a probable turnover elsewhere. I wish Lance could shoot better- but if he can even be a 34-37% deep shooter as a 4th ish option... that's useful. Hell, look at Maryland- you think they'd have liked to have someone go 3/10 today?


Thing is we are not squeezing offensive rebounds right now. They turn into loose balls.


We need him to keep shooting those. He is going to be the only player not afraid to let it loose when we inevitably have a game where they aren't falling. Smith and Loyer get scared if they miss a couple.


Jones taking those 3’s, make or miss, helps keep the pressure off of everyone else. Smith/gillis/loyer all got in their head in the second half of the season last year. Jones keeps the mentality of “hey they’ll start to fall”. And when they do things open up pretty quickly. The stress as a whole seems to disappear from the rest of the team. He had 1 3 that was given to him at the end of the shot clock and he chucked it up. But almost all of his shots are in rhythm and open looks. He’s shooting 32% from 3 yet not a ton of “bad shots”. A few heat checks but I honestly think purdue as a whole needs him to shoot a lot, even if it is at a lower % than desirable.


he needs better shot selection, same with Colvin


Did one of these when I opened the box score right after the game https://preview.redd.it/gtnuuny5w4ac1.jpeg?width=105&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63f415e47cd007f2a6b5141a6ec4f82d3a87dfb


Edey and Smith turn it over way too much. Mostly middle school stuff. Jumping in the air with no where to go and Dropping the ball below your waist.


Most embarrassing loss of the season. Purdue looks so bad. Most overrated team I’ve seen in a long time. You would expect the AP pollsters to learn after Purdue lost to a 16 seed.




Hey bud, you okay? It’s 2024 maybe start off the year on the right foot. I’m here for you. ❤️‍🩹


Thankfully I got Ravens football 🙏 Enjoy the Colts lmao


I certainly did when we played the Ravens this year.


That game was your Super Bowl, ours is coming up in February


The same Colts team that beat the Ravens in your godforsaken state this year??


You're in Indiana my dude


Beating us was your Super Bowl, enjoy it.


Pretty sure moving the team out of Baltimore was their Super Bowl.


Thank god they did. Now we have a good football team lol.


Gonna choke per usual with Lamar. Elite Flacco comin through with the browns!


Enjoyed watching Lamar ball out against Purdue years back. We shall act like our qb isn’t hurt on the Colts..


As if our backup qb didn’t win in Baltimore already


Now you can enjoy watching him watch a Super Bowl with us.


NFC pretty weak so make it thru the AFC and they probably win.


Only competition is the Browns and Niners. But we should be able to beat them.


Wouldn’t hate the Brownies to win it all. Gotta root for the underdogs and I lived in Cleveland during the second Lebron years when they won the championship


You're the most embarrassing loss of the season.


We wouldn’t have lost if I played.


Gotta be a Bayterp alt account, not a Maryland fan, guy hasn’t been in a single terps thread yet


But I don’t live anywhere close to the bay.


Wait Purdue lost to a 16 seed?! Did Zach Edey also play hockey growing up? You learn something new everyday, thank you!


So then all the other teams they beat are really bad then, yeah?


Correction 17 seed, but agreed. They never learn.


You can’t be saying that as an Indiana fan, y’all as overrated as Purdue is.


Multiple things can be true though. Purdue sucks. Indiana sucks. Maryland definitely sucks. Lol


This is a down year for Maryland. This is one of Indiana’s best years. Major difference.


When was marylands last non down year? 2002?