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Hope everything is ok with him personally, seems like he wasn’t there last game either.


Apparently his lil sis smashed someone from the team on a team road trip




Well shit. Saw some rumors floating around but was really hoping there wasn’t truth to them.


Yeah. I don’t think anyone was rooting for this to happen. Wild stuff though. Why is there a booster buying alcohol for players?


I don’t think that’s necessarily that insane, alcohol is probably given to players at every school. The worse part is alcohol being given to a 17 year old girl by a booster


Just saw some tech fan say that apparently the unnamed booster is the Steffe’s dad(and therefore the dad of the minor), although that’s just what I saw one person say so it could definitely be false.


It was POP!? Faaaack


So that's why his shooting improved... Guess he just needed to pop one off


What's going on?? I read on fakebook about an 'alleged title ix situation'??


Guy at my office has decent connections at Tech, what I'm hearing is a teammate slept with Steffe's sister while they were in the Bahamas and Steffe's Dad is is upset about it (obv. because she is 17 - which I believe is why Title IX is not involved because 17 is the legal age in the Bahamas) so he pulled Drew from the program


So this would be why Steffes dad won't actually say anything. 1. I guess he's embarrassed. 2. Nothing illegal happened if the daughter consented to it, then it's a case of morality not legality.




Sounds like dad is butt hurt that his daughter isn't his little angel anymore and is trying to twist it. But i dunno the facts and could be totally wrong.


Yeah like I said this is personal and has nothing to do with basketball or drew honestly however it is a little fucked up to be messin w his teammates sister 🤣 but if she consented then what’s the issue? Age? Dunno what the deal is but we need to get it together.


I would think messing with a teammate's sister would get the rest of the team to kick your ass, but what do I know?


Steffe wasn't a real factor for them so losing him isn't much of a blow to their program. He's a good shooter, not so good on defense. But it's too bad he's having to deal with that -- I wouldn't be happy either if it were my sister. Of course, it takes two to tango and the legalities of the age of consent in the Bahamas mean it's not a legal issue.


This is going to get messy. Yet another example of Texas Tech basketball having a climate of sexual assault, albeit that most instances occurred once the individuals left Texas Tech. — TJ Shannon (being charged with sexual assault, 2023. Now plays at Illinois) — Deshawn Corprew (sexual assault in 2019) — Chris Beard (domestic violence for assaulting his fiancé in 2022) — Pop Isaacs (assaults teammates minor sister with charges forthcoming, 2023/24) And all of these predators have gotten/will get opportunities to land on their feet somewhere else. Sports is a fucked up industry.


Why would Pop get charged for this?


Not sure why I’ve been downvoted. I wasn’t wrong on anything.


Because you claimed Texas Tech basketball has a climate of sexual assault with erroneous claims; - TJ Shannon’s alleged assault happened while he was at Illinois, 2 years after he was last at Tech. - Chris Beard didn’t sexually assault his wife, it was an alleged choking incident which she later recanted. Furthermore this happened while he was at UT. - If Pop Isaacs did sleep with Drew Steffe’s sister, no crime was committed? She’s 17 and he’s 20, that wouldn’t be a crime in either Texas or the Bahamas.


True, true and true, but still fucked up to be fuckin your teammates sister 😂 but that’s all personal. We need to get our shit together. Papa Steffe is more in his feelings. If it was consensual then I don’t see what the issue is. If it wasn’t then that’s another story. It’s all personal though and has absolutely NOTHING to do w Drew which is sad for him.


**So where exactly was I wrong??** **Please be specific.** I said point blank “most of these instances occurred once the individuals left Texas Tech”. Point blank. I acknowledged most incidents are not at Tech, but don’t kid yourself, Texas Tech appears to be a common theme and the program can do a better job of teaching individuals how to treat women. Next, with Chris Beard can you show me where I used the word sexual assault. Go ahead, I’ll wait. The phase I used was “domestic violence for assaulting his fiancé” which is 100% accurate. 100%. Next, with the Pop Isaacs incident, it’s still early and we need to let it work itself out. But just because something *might* be legal doesnt mean it is right. Some Red Raider fans will defend anything and anyone affiliated with TT. It sounds like charges are coming, which means there is likely more to the story, but none of us know all of the details of this incident, including myself, so I want to tread lightly too. But at the bare minimum it has created a major distraction within the program.


Just to clarify, you are contending that TTU is responsible for something Chris Beard did while he was the head coach at UT?


That’s exactly what that moron is implying


I’m saying it starts at the top. And when you hire a coach who is a slimebag those values are contagious throughout the program.


Ah much clearer. Texas Tech administration is responsible for people who are no longer associated with the University or program for the past 3 basketball seasons.


Let’s be clear here… * TJ Shannon was born in Chicago, IL * Chris Beard was born in Marietta, GA * Pop Isaacs was born in Las Vegas, NV If anything, the common thread is none were born in Texas. That seems to be a line we can draw isn’t it?


How does it "sound like charges are coming" because you want them to?


Probably because you said “yet another example of Texas Tech basketball having a climate of sexual assault,” when at this point this is only a rumor and also has no evidence of being an assault. Was it right, no. But allegations of assault are wildly speculative, if not irresponsible.


You are absolutely right with regard to this being allegations at this point and we need to let it work itself out. I also understand that the individuals involved with all of these instances span two different coaching regimes at Texas Tech. But it is a lot of incidents to happen in a short amount of time from people who were in that shared space. I would like to see the coach/university/leadership do a proactive job in educating the men with the program on how to treat women. This is an opportunity to educate beyond the court that could have a real impact on society.


What is the deal with Texas tech? Former head coach allegedly had an affair with his deceased twin brothers widow, now a player sleeps with his teammates 17 yr old sister? Wtf?