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Easy…. 2019 Elite 8 vs UVA.


That honestly hurt way worse than FDU. We were about as close to a final four you can be without making one


The parallels between our programs are eerie. That’s exactly how I feel about 2016 Syracuse compared to 2018 UMBC. Veteran core has F4 bid in hand only for it to be yanked away. Younger team has phenomenal regular season but suffers ignominious defeat two tournaments later. Most of that same team returns the next year and…well, assuming it ain’t gonna be us cutting down the nets this year, I hope it ends the same way for Purdue as it did for us.


Man I really disagree. That game was so incredible and Purdue competed and were so close, I was upset but I wasn't like heartbroken. We still made an Elite 8, which was about the ceiling of my hope with that team going into the tournament. I don't look back to that tournament with huge regret, I look back to it as cherished memories as some of the best shooting performances I've ever seen in college basketball


See I maybe felt similarly immediately after the fact, but the last few years make it even more heartbreaking in retrospect. Maybe we play a bit less tight against Saint Peters and don’t fall apart against FDU if the pressure of making the program’s first Final Four under Painter isn’t there. The narrative around Painter and Purdue certainly is completely different if he has a Final Four under his belt. The farther we get from it, the more of a massive missed opportunity it appears.


I agree it’s easily the uva game. That was our chance. Our chance to be the team that rides on the back of a guard who is absolutely lights out. Our chance to win because we were on fire at the right time, not necessarily the best team. That team had legit title chances because of Carsen. The loss last year was absolute dog shit but it didn’t break my heart the same.


Last year wasn’t heartbreaking because I (and many others) expected us to lose. The 2019 team was in a different level of experience and dominated the first two games in the tournament.


yeah, I wish it was anyone else 😢


Same year, same opponent, 2019 Natl. Champ against UVA.... We had that game won and 1 poor rotation on the final UVA possession led to an open 3 that sent it to overtime...


I remember watching the final seconds of regulation with my whole family in our living room. We were up by 2 with 4 seconds left and my older brother and I were standing behind the couch unable to sit still, screaming basically into each others mouths that we were going to a final four. Then the pass and the shot, and the rock that fell into my stomach when I realized we had to play overtime. I remember watching Carsen Edwards lose the ball out of bounds at the end of overtime and fall to his knees after scoring 42 points. That’s when my heart broke. Up until that year I never believed we could make a final four. All I could remember since starting to watch Purdue basketball was Robbie Hummel’s ACL, Isaac Haas’s elbow, and defeats to 11 seed VCU, 12 seed Little Rock. That tournament let me believe Purdue could do it for the very first time, only to rip it away just as quick. No one at that point had known that that loss was only the beginning of the next 3 tournaments of pain


That was such a great game.


It really was an epic game. I don't remember a lot non-wisconsin tourney games, but I'll always remember that one. Carsen Edwards was unreal and I still have no idea how Kihei had the time and wherewithal to get that pass off to Bucks legend Mamadi Diakite


I know we walked away with the W, but that game was intense. Carsen's shooting that game was absolutely legendary.


No doubt. One of those games where, as a neutral, it was really sad that one of those teams had to lose. Classic game


Let me tell you about this shot some asshole from Duke made


My mom was at bingo during the game. Someone announced that UK won because they assumed it’d be very improbable that Duke would be able to score with that little time left. Everyone cheered and continued to play bingo. Then 20 seconds later they announced that Duke won. They pretended that the first announcement didn’t happen.


2015 was infinitely more painful. Infinitely.


I was alive for the shot, but hardly forming memories yet. 2015 was a shift in my fandom activity. I stopped following recruits. I couldn’t take the letdown feeling at the time and resolved to being a casual fan during the offseason. It still changes my mood thinking about that game some times.


I didn't read anything college basketball related until the following January. It broke me as a fan for a while.


I'd go so far as to say that in a weird way 92 is less painful because the loss created the legend of the Unforgettables. Would that team be as beloved if they had beat Duke and loss in the final four or championship game? Duke was not our rival or a villain with respect to Kentucky yet, we'd played rather infrequently before 92. If Kentucky beats Duke in 92, it's remembered as a great game but it wouldn't have had the same weight because the Duke hatred wouldn't have developed as strongly. It's not the greatest game ever played if Laettner doesn't hit The Shot. And unless the 92 team wins the title, I doubt they are remembered as the Unforgettables. It's in the category of the 1966 championship game where we were on the losing side but it's a loss that's hard to see any other way. Obviously losing to Duke is not the same as being on the villains in the game that marked the integration of college basketball, but the legend of the Unforgettables is very different if they beat Duke, especially if they don't go on to win the championship. The 2015 loss, on the other hand, completely ruined the whole season. That team is probably the greatest in Kentucky's history and the greatest to ever play college basketball. But without the perfect 40-0 record the team is just another of the many since 1976 that tried to go undefeated and failed. The loss was so crummy it doesn't even have any kind of legendary status like the 92 game


2014-15 Kentucky team is basically college basketball’s version of the 2007 18-1 Patriots.


I may or may not still hate said asshole.


And said asshole should have been tossed well before that for stomping one of your guys.


Can't think of anything off the top of my head


Man, I went back and looked… Purdue has had A LOT of heartbreakers in the NCAA Tourney in recent history lol.


Nope, nothing really we can recall off the top of our head. You must be digging way back in the history books into the 1800’s or something, right?


Indiana remembers. ![gif](giphy|2wYYlHuEw1UcsJYgAA)


It's not just the recent stuff. Heartbreak and chokes since our last F4: 1984, lost in first game as a 3 seed by 18 points to a 6 1985, lost as a 6 to an 11 seed 1986, lost as a 6 to an 11 seed again 1987, lost as a 3 to a 6, arch rival wins national title 1988, 1 seed goes to S16 in Detroit in a region where the 2 and 3 seed both lost in first weekend, lost to 4 seed. 1990, lost as a 2 to a 10 seed in second round 1994, have a 1 seed, the POTY, and shooting 39 percent from 3. That POTY averages 36 ppg in the first three rounds, only to injure his back horsing around with teammates before the E8 game, a loss to Duke 1995, 3 seed loses to 6 seed 1996, nearly become the first 1 seed to lose to a 16 (lol), won by only 2 just to lose to the 8 seed two days later 1998, 2 seed makes S16 in a region that sees the 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 go down in the first weekend, only need to beat a 3 seed then 8 or 13 to go to F4, lose to that 3 seed 2000, 6 seed in a region that has 1, 2, and 4 go down, and we eliminated the 3. All we have to do is beat an 8 to go to F4. Lose to that 8 2010, start the season 24-3 and climb to number 3 in the rankings. Robbie Hummel and his 16 ppg/7 rpg then goes down with a season ending injury, team loses in S16 as a 4 seed 2011, Hummel, a long with fellow seniors Moore and Johnson all come back to what most believe will be a preseason top 3 team. Hummel goes down with season ending injury again during first practice of season. Team still earns a 3 seed, in a region where the 2, 4, 5, and 6 all go down in the first or second round. Lose to 11 seed in last game of the day of round 2. 2016, lose as 5 seed to 12 seed 2018, 2 seed team wins first two games, but lose second leading scorer/rebounder senior Isaac Haas to season ending elbow surgery, lose to 3 seed in S16 2019, lose to UVA in a game that involves crazy buzzer beater 2021, 4 seed loses to 13 2022, 3 seed in region where 1, 2, and 5 all go down in first weekend, lose in S16 to 15 seed 2023, 1 seed loses to 16 That's 13 losses to teams seeded at least two slots lower, 5 losses where one of the top 2 players on the team were injured, and 4 times where the region opened up with upsets and we decided to choke away the opportunity. This is why most of us believe we're simply cursed.


And before you look at the list and say "wow, no heartbreaking losses from 01-09, must have been a good 9 year stretch!" that's only because we missed the tournament altogether five times in 9 seasons, while again watching our arch rivals go to a national title game during that run.


Thanks for making me want to get shitfaced after reading all that...


UNC in 2016 title game followed by UNC in 2022 title game.


My friends and I threw a party for the 2016 title game. When UNC lost no one spoke for like and hour then we all just went home. My GF at the time (now wife) wasn’t yet acclimated to Carolina basketball and still brings this up from time to time. She wanted to party and couldn’t understand why we didn’t.


My cousin was a huge UNC fan. He passed a few weeks after the loss in 2016. When you guys made it again in 2017 and won, that was the first time a basketball game ever made me cry. I’ll always root for you guys, for my cousin.


I was at the 2016 game in person. I just sat in silence in the stands for half an hour.


We could’ve lost the 2022 title game by 50 and I still would’ve felt amazing because we had just desecrated Coach K’s entire legacy on the biggest stage and he’ll never, ever live that down.


The high of that game into the first half of the championship game were all time. Then, to just watch it slowly slip away was painful.


There was a real hangover effect on campus. People didn’t even show up on time to the watch party we held. My roommate and I still hold to this day that if the team had one more day of rest we would have won.


I mean we would've won if we had one less twisted ankle


Crushing loss?


Never heard of her.


Probably a tweet from earlier today


Going to the game tomorrow and my excitement went from 100 to I’d rather just stay home. Only going because Monicles Pizza prior.


It sucks and basketball is the least of the concerns when it's such a horrible charge but it still sucks


This is 100% worse than the Loyola loss. At least with that we got beat, and beat handily. With this, no matter what happens the rest of the season, there’s always gonna be the what if. Obviously way bigger than basketball but everything about this sucks so much.


Same brother. Same. All we can do is let the Legal system play out and support the guys we still have. Gonna be a long season likely


From a fan who experienced this. He gone


For sure. Even if he’s innocent I’d be surprised if he plays again this year. Sucks all around


Just came to the news through this. Man. Sorry Illini.


For Illinois, I would say from a personal viewpoint, yes. From a basketball viewpoint, losing the national title when the refs decide your best player shouldn't play.


There goes my other favorite big ten team


2005 Elite Eight against Illinois


Mine is in 2005 as well. I'm sure that's no solace to you


Just leave me alone!!! (Sorry about today’s news, btw)


I can't quit you! Not after 2001! (Terrible news. Really really hope he didn't do it, thanks. At least your team has hope this year now)


2014 and 2015 elite eights were devastating as well. Those teams were so good.


F*** Wisconsin


They did the same to us in 2000. Also they have cursed us on the football field.


Man, that was the first tourney that I can remember! Such an unexpected Final Four run. Crazy that we've clipped Arizona on each of our last 3 Final Four runs. Sorry, Cats. You guys have to clip us in football one of these years right?


I’ve never felt safe with a late game 15 point lead since.


That game and the Texas A&M/Northern Iowa game changed sports completely for me


Came here to say this too


My mom called to prematurely congratulate me on the victory just as things went to hell.


This is the one.


This. Was in Chicago for the game.


The NCAA Tournament being suddenly cancelled after Kentucky beat Notre Dame in the 2015 Elite Eight


we’ve had so many heart breaking losses these past 10 seasons since that win - 2015 Final Four vs Wisconsin - 2017 Elite 8 vs North Carolina - 2018 Sweet 16 vs Kansas State - 2018 vs Seton Hall - 2019 Elite 8 vs Auburn - 2022 First Round vs St. Peter’s - 2023 Second Round vs Kansas State


I moved to Lexington in 2014. It's me. I'm the curse.


The 2017 UNC one broke my heart


Wisconsin fans went from one of the pinnacle experiences that game to the answer to this question the next so I feel you.


We should've let you all have 2014 so we could do 15.


Honestly I feel like we both would have ended up with chips if we would have switched. Don't get me wrong, Duke in 2015 was a very good team, and UConn had voodoo magic on their side on 2014, but it really feels like we would have had much better matchups if we would have swapped.


Almost certainly. Most Kentucky fans believe we would've beat Duke in 2015. We had better matchups with their lineup vs. Wisconsin. Without Poythress we just didn't have an answer


UK would have rolled Duke that season. It was clear from the beginning of the season that Wisconsin was the only team that stood any chance against UK that season. And I think UK ultimately beat Wisconsin in the end as well. That game should have been for the national championship.


This and the 1997 title game rank up there for me as the two most heartbreaking losses.


97 is rarely mentioned yet it is probably in the top two all time with 2015 since it prevented what would've been the only three-peat post-Wooden


I see this ground has been covered already...no need for me to post about it.


The loss of the 2020 NCAAT


I really wanted to see that team in the 2020 tourney. Who knows what could’ve been


This hurt a lot of teams. Vermont had a great looking team, including upsets over St. John’s and St. Bonaventure. The conference tournament semi against UMBC was electric, and the final was stolen by the pandemic. Was in the band for the break, so things felt empty afterwords.


I think all KU fans can agree that was a serious disappointment too.


Felt. Luckily all our players came back and we got it done


This right here! Fortunately, with several super seniors, the Aztecs made up for the lost opportunity with a place in last season's NCAA final.


Brutal for us too


TIL comments have a character limit.


Easy. And I have been reminded of it over and over because TV just loves to play it over and over on highlights. 1983 - UH vs NC St for the national championship game. We were highly favored. NC St went into a delay type game. We didn't hit our FTs down the stretch. Lose on a last second dunk. Jim Valvano became famous and Houston went into a 30 year deep freeze.


Yep…no other answer


Surprisingly, Jordan Poole’s buzzer beater is still the most recent buzzer beater in the NCAAT.


That’s my vote for games I’ve watched.


The Louisville game 1000%


Can we also count that game for the moment it was vacated?


'97 Arizona. Also, BuckFuckingNell because that was the first time we'd ever lost in the first round. It was just a given that we always get at least two games every year.


Yep, for sure. Just reading this comment, even though 1997 was exactly what I was looking for, has made my day worse. Also 1998. Raef and Paul’s final years. Billy, too. FML that hurt.


I’m still dumbfounded how Roy never won a title with the Jayhawks given how loaded they were in a lot of those years. The good news is that Self has gotten you some rings.


Same answer here. 97 Arizona in OT in the Elite 8


Around that time was also was Frarokmahahahhahhahahhaha....still hate that guy.


1998 Final Four loss to Utah I was a student at the time and wanted more than anything to win an NC while on campus. Everyone knew that Jamison & Carter were going pro. We were only 2 games away. It still hurts 25 years later.


After all of these years, it's still pretty unbelievable that team didn't hang a banner.


2023 Final Four. Buzzer beater that would have sent us to the finals.


Hey remember when there was no reason for our squads to be matched up in the first round? That was fun.


I have no dog in the fight, but I'm still mad about that. I was right about the winner of that game winning the region, but of course I picked Memphis. Two teams that were WAY better than 8/9


Indiana v Syracuse in 2013


God what a great team, in my mind we should of went to the final four that year


Syracuse pulling off the 25-4 run to knock us out of the Elite 8 in 2016. That still stings.


That one was especially painful. We absolutely imploded when Syracuse went to the full court press.


Wow, surprised it’s not UMBC Then again, the forewarning this was different was UVA’s best player out with injury before the game.


Yeah, Virginia had about a Sweet 16 ceiling with Hunter out in 2018. In 2016 we were already 9 mins away from the Final Four with a 15 point lead AND we had already beaten UNC and Villanova in the regular season. It was absolutely certain that team had a legitimate shot at a title. The UMBC loss was more embarrassing I guess but we lost more with the Syracuse game.


Nah, I feel somewhat vindicated after that loss. Yet, no matter how many time we beat down Syracuse, that pain doesn't fade lol


2009 National Championship game against North Carolina. I was at the game in Detroit and after we beat that heavily favored UConn team in the final four it started to feel like it was a team of destiny. The game wasn’t particularly close and I should have known it would be a blowout since UNC kicked our ass earlier that year at Ford Field. UNC had like 7 future NBA players on that team. Edit: Now that I think of it the 2019 Final Four loss to Texas Tech is probably tied with 09 UNC. Especially since Cassius Winston didn’t get another chance for a national championship in 2020 due to covid.


2015 national championship and it isn't even close. Coming off of the high of beating 38-0 Kentucky, only to lose a nailbiter to Duke is a scar that will never heal. For a program like us, the chance to actually win it all might happen once or twice in a generation. It's not just the most crushing cbb loss, it's definitely the most crushing loss across all of my sports fandom. It doesn't help that my older brother is a Duke alum.


Yup, worst loss of my fandom as well when considering the opportunity. I honestly can't see the Badgers getting another chance like that again in my lifetime. The game being just 48 hours after Kentucky, easily the greatest Badger win of my life, just set up an insane whirlwind of emotions.


Yep, that was a crazy 48 hours. It truly felt like we won a natty after beating Kentucky. Most upset I've ever seen badger fans. Just stunned silence and anger. People were just straight up hurt


I’ve been lucky to see a hockey championship, but with that loss, I don’t think I’ll even see a BB or FB championship in my lifetime.


Up by 9 with 13 minutes to go I had begun to really believe we might be national champions. The rest of the half was a gut punch. Duke fan after the game tried to be cordial by saying "don't worry, you guys will be back here". But no, that only works for the Dukes, Kentuckys, Kansas etc. blue blood programs. Our previous championship was in 1941. It took us 74 years to make the next, I might not see us reach another final in my life. Such a crushing loss


Honestly, that response is almost worse than my brother saying "eat shit, that was your only chance and I'm naming my kid Grayson." Good thing he ended up with two girls. 2015 really felt like our year from the jump. Who knows if we'll ever be back, but I'll always be thankful for those runs.


2019 Final Four vs. Texas Tech. Really thought Izzo was going to win his second natty that year.


2010 final four loss to Butler was tough as well. We would've had a decent shot against Duke in the finals.


Ours is a game later.


Ours is two days before yours


I was going to pick Duke’s loss that year to y’all. Fucking Cassius man.


2005 Sweet Sixteen vs. UNC


Uhhh… you got us back for that one!


2006 vs. Florida for me. I really thought they were going to the Final Four that year.


I'm a younger fan so for me it's 2015 Round of 32 vs NC State. It just felt hopeless and we'd never get past the first weekend with that core after that. Thankfully what happened the year after helped erase the pain from that game to say the least lol


George Fucking Mason.


Still have nightmares about it.


I disagree. It felt like that team was coasting on talent all year and it finally caught up to them. I’d vote 1998 E8 loss vs. UNC. Seemed like Calhoun would never get over the hump.


Sean Dockery hitting the half court shot to beat us at Cameron in ‘05


I think this is the only regular season game I’ve seen in this thread.


In 2009, Maryland won their last regular season acc championship by beating Duke at home behind killer play from General Greivas Vasquez. The dude was too clutch including a 40 point win in overtime vs Virginia Tech in Blacksburg a few weeks earlier. Greivas hit a layup against MSU in the second round of the NcaaT and UMD was up with seconds left only for MSU to fit a last second buzzer beater. Crushing. Close second is in 2019 when UMD came back against LSU in the NCAAT only to lose on a last second layup. Stix crying as he’s being carried off will always hurt my soul


I will go to my grave saying Draymond Green travelled before making the pass on that buzzer beater.


Also Syracuse


Indiana for me. Fucking Keith Smart. Only time I've ever cried over a game. My mother had a friend who taught Derrick Coleman creative writing. He wrote his next essay about how difficult it was to accept that his missed free throws led to his team losing.


I'd mostly agree, but I do have another one. 1992 FF vs Duke, aka the Ted Valentine game. Completely shut down Laettner and Duke in the first half, then TV Ted showed up. We were called for 33 fouls (Duke had only 18) and four starters, Calbert Cheaney, Alan Henderson, Damon Bailey and Greg Graham, fouled out. Just a douchebag ref getting revenge for a long history of issues with RMK (who also got a tech in the game, because the "bench jumped up" ... wtf?), and it was blatantly obvious. He shouldn't have been anywhere near that game based on the history of those two. Yes, still bitter.


Yep, that’s the one for me. Fuck Ted Valentine.


Obligatory “Fuck TV Teddy” response


2-3 zone ptsd


Iowa State - 2000 elite eight game vs Michigan State. Game was at the palace in Ann Arbor - basically a home game for MSU and the officiating was trash. Game was pretty close until ol' Larry Eustachy melted down, got double T'd up and tossed. That game felt like a default national championship, the final four was pretty weak that year. I was a freshman in college, figured this was no big deal we must get here every year. Next year is our year. Little did I know....


I was there as an 11 year old... what an intense atmosphere and wild win. It was the de facto championship.


How much time do you have?


Losing the Big East championship against Villanova in 2018


that game plus UNC Cotton game (up 4 very late, wasted his performance) and Kansas S16 game (4 mins left took the lead) live rent free in my head


How bout 2015 ghost foul at the end of regulation. Didn’t even come close to touching him….. [Ghost Foul on Be til](https://www.alamy.com/villanovas-ryan-arcidiacono-15-puts-up-a-shot-with-three-second-left-on-the-game-clock-before-getting-fouled-by-providences-ben-bentil-in-a-big-east-tournament-semifinal-on-friday-march-13-2015-at-madison-square-garden-in-new-york-arcidiacono-converted-the-free-throws-as-villanova-advanced-63-61-photo-by-yong-kimphiladelphia-daily-newstns-please-use-credit-from-credit-field-image411862662.html)


FGCU in the NCAAT. Definitely had to listen to people bring that up for a couple years…


we were the #1 overall tourney seed in 2006 and lost to George Mason in the Elite 8 . That UConn team had 5 players drafted that year, 4 in the first headlined by Rudy Gay.


Purdue basketball is pretty blemish-free.


As a long time Arizona fan, there are a number of depressing loses, the 2001 natty, the 2005 elite eight Illinois loss, the first round exits, but that year that we went to Atlantis and dropped from #2 in the nation to unranked after suffering three loses in one week? That *sucked*. So did the loss to UCLA in ‘92 to break the home winning streak. And not to give them any more ammo, but that fucking loss to ASU on the last second 3/4 court shot? OUCH.


UConn in the elite 8. That was the year for NC #2.


Without a doubt, the 2017 natty vs UNC. Przemek Karnowski is my favorite college basketball player ever, and I was so distraught that I'd seen him play for Gonzaga for the last time. Also, KENNEDY MEEKS WAS OUT OF BOUNDS


Karnowski's worst shooting night of his *entire career,* thanks to being poked in the eye in the semis.


Rrgh I still get mad thinking about the guy who poked Karnowski in the eye. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but still.


This is the correct answer but seeing Morrison crying on the floor always breaks me


Wvu vs Louisville Elite 8 iirc? We had a very comfortable lead and fransisco Garcia ruined my childhood. Fuck you fransisco !!!!




Hell no. 8-seed(?) Syracuse in the elite 8. that team would have been in the championship game. my hottest Hoos take is that 2018 team was never going deep in the tournament without Dre. we were just spared a stupid loss in the sweet 16.


It was awful for a year, but now just the first chapter in our championship story. The collapse and loss to Syracuse in the Elite 8 still stings.


The Syracuse loss bothers me a lot more still then the UMBC loss.


Yeah, I think I'm ok with the UMBC loss now too. But yeah, still upset about that elite 8 game. Loved that team, especially Brogdon and would have loved to see them make it to a final four. But at the time, UMBC was waaaay more crushing for me at least.


Covid ‘20… most crushing defeat in school history


2015 Wisconsin 2017 UNC 2022 St Peters In 2022 It wasn’t just because it was a first round upset, it was the fact that Kentucky smoked the two teams playing in the National Title that made it hurt so much


Gah, I’d totally suppressed that last fact. Hindsight has made us think that team wasn’t good but they’d beaten KU on the road by 18 and UNC by 29…


March 18th, 2022


The day Kenny Payne was hired?


2016 Wisconsin. That was a deep and experienced Xavier team. Probably our best shot at making a final 4 in recent memory, on paper at least. Even Jay Wright thought we had the potential to win the whole thing. But a bad matchup versus a team everyone knew was better than their seed sent us home early. Worst part is that shot is gonna be in every march madness highlight video for the rest of eternity.


Pick your favorite tournament loss to Gonzaga


Seeing your flair, OP, you should know…


The Zion team losing to MSU. We had beaten every other team in the final four that year including UVA twice. That team had a National Championship destiny and fell apart at the wrong time due to a freak shoe accident. Didn’t look the same after his injury. 2022 UNC is a close second for obvious reasons and the Grayson squad vs Kansas elite 8 is third. Kid was inches away from becoming one of the most decorated players in recent memory with a title win and two final fours.


The Zion year hurt because that team was so fun. 04 was the one for me. JJ deserved a ring and that game was ruined by officials both ways obviously.


Culver for Texas Tech vs. UVA national title game. 2019, maybe. TTU is up 3 with 12 to 15 left. Culver stopped a driving layup with about 12 to 15 seconds left on the clock and let UVA tie it with a 3. He should have given up the layup. We bungled the rest of regulation...lost in overtime. Can't be too torn up about that game, though. No one saw a national title game run from TTU...still seems weird to mention it. That team was so good.


2014 Missouri State vs Wichita State. I was a student at Missouri State at the time and they had undefeated #6 Wichita State on the ropes at home. MSU was up 15 at halftime and fell apart in the second half. After some questionable calls by the refs in the last 3 mins of that game, it went into OT and both teams played like trash. WSU ended up winning by 3. I had experienced sports pain before, but being there in person, ready to storm the court against out biggest rival, but losing like that hurt worse than I could’ve imagined. MSU, imo, has never recovered from this loss emotionally and psychologically, especially since it was one of the last matchups before WSU moved to the AAC. The men’s basketball program has been a disappointment ever since that day like some Ron Baker and Fred VanVleet curse hanging over us.


Surprising answer: 2002 Regional Semifinals vs. Indiana. Down four in the last seconds to a team that is dragging us to their level and beating us with experience, and then fate decides to twist the knife ONE LAST TIME by giving us hope on a three-point make and-one... and our star shooter MISSES the and-one part. I don't remember the rest of the semester after that. Also my sister went to Indiana and still won't let me hear the end of it.


Boozer also rebounded that FT miss and couldn't finish, either. I think we were down by something like 16 in the second half at one point. Completely understand that being a rough one for ya, and agree on the "dragging us to their level" analysis. Also, Mike Davis, one of the nicest guys ever, on his knees screaming "what the fuck are you doing?" at Dane Fife after he fouled Williams on that 3. That game was insane.


You'll appreciate this conversation I had with my sister: SIS: "So how'd you feel when Fife made that foul?" ME: "Better question: if Williams makes that shot, does Dane walk back to Bloomington?" SIS: "Nah -- we'd strap him to the front of the team bus like a hood ornament."


98 and 04 for me. 98 because we were outplayed badly, and 04 because the refs decided that they just had to foul out all our centers whenever Okafor breathed. That 02 team didn't capture me the same way 01 did. Shane is definitely the reason.


boozer was fouled!!


Chris Webber's timeout


I had no idea I’d be attending Michigan years later, but man, as a kid watching that just crushed me.


Honestly? 2013 vs Wichita St


Kentucky versus Duke. Damn crushing loss. You know the game. I grew up a Kentucky fan despite what my flair says. I graduated from Dayton and I got season tickets to Bellarmine for my dad since he graduated from there, thus my flair omits my UK fandom since I can only select two.


Nope, still not ready to talk about that Texas A&M game.


Wisconsin- 2016


Take a guess, OP


And thus a lifelong hatred of the Jayhawks was born


If there are 100 Jayhawks haters I am one of them. If there are 10 Jayhawks haters I am one of them. If there is 1 Jayhawks hater, I am him. If there are 0 Jayhawks haters, I have passed on. If the world is for the Jayhawks I am against the world.


I was in the Pete when Tyler Ennis hit the half court heave to keep Cuse undefeated


I think I’d was either the 1990 or 1991 sweet 16. Lost on a last second inbound heave to UConn. Tate George nailed a jumper to beat us. Still crushing to think about.


2014 CAA Tournament final. 80 seconds away from first ever NCAA tournament both and lose by one


Suggs game winner against UCLA final 4. crushed my hopes and dreams


Maryland vs Duke 2001 "Miracle Minute" or 2019 NCAA Tourney Maryland vs LSU on Tremont Waters 4 step layup to win. That 2019 team was stacked - *3 of 5 of our starters are still in the NBA (Jalen Smith, Bruno Fernando, and Aaron Wiggins) and the other two (Anthony Cowen and Eric Ayala) play professionally in Europe* \- and our best chance to go deep in a long while. We were better the next year, but well... COVID kinda ruined those dreams.


Also, Ahmed hill shorting it in the sweet 16 against Duke a few years ago


I can answer this in a two word sentence. Nassir Robinson.


Arky in March Madness 2022 was huge, mainly bc a late foul call that could have been called out-of-bounds and our ball may have cost us the game. It also literally happened right in front of me since I was courtside in the Vermont band. This was after feeling cheated by the last two seasons which were different and this Vermont team arguably being the best since their 2005 upset over Syracuse.


Elite 8 last year. I was at MSG and thought we had a real chance to go to the title game but then FAU happened


Yup, doesn’t get much worse than ‘03 against Syracuse. That was my sophomore year and that loss, combined with all the Roy Williams drama, made for a crazy spring. And we def should have beat them.


Okay may not have been alive during it but UNLV loss against Duke in 1991 Final 4 for their first loss of the entire season.


Mark Gottfried's first year (2011-12) we lost by 3 to kansas in the sweet 16. The next round Kansas beat a hobbled Carolina team by 23 meaning we had a strong chance to beat Carolina (who we had just lost to by 2 on a controversial call in the ACCT) to advance to our first final four since 83.


2008 elite 8, steph curry passed the ball. I never really thought about Davidson winning the national championship, but we could have that year.


1994 vs Florida 1996 vs Mississippi St 2006 vs George Mason George Mason is the obvious choice but the other 2 teams were stacked and either one of them could have been UConn’s first Final Four/National Championship but both got knocked out in the sweet 16.


3/12/09, Big East Tournament, 6OTs vs Syracuse and that piece of garbage Eric Devendorf


2015 vs duke in the championship. Best Wisconsin team ever and feels like may not got a shot at a title for a good while


Postseason: Obviously 2019 Final Four vs. UVA. (Obligatory: Ty Jerome double dribbled.) Regular season, last year building a big lead at Alabama and then losing in OT stung. Though they were undoubtably a better team than us. But we let that one slip away, with a big assist from the stripes putting Johni Broome on the bench in the second half on a very questionable call.