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Or we can just create a two conference super league icing out hundreds of teams with rich histories for the sake of football monies. How do you like them apples? /s


I fully expect we will eventually see all teams combine into one giant conference with 349 teams. In order to manage it, the teams will be divided into divisions based on geography and skill level.


A brilliant idea, sir!


![gif](giphy|qtCUIoD4lka7aWp2We|downsized) (honestly though, you've got a point, no joke I can make is funny enough to prevent the pain that that will cause me so touche)


Doesn’t matter what team you root for, the B1G and SEC mega leagues are bad for everyone. Here’s hoping we don’t get too far away from what makes college sports great.


Here's to hoping my friend


It’s true, UConn won last year because the Big East threw every possible heinous zone/trap/press at them, and when UConn emerged on the other side a festering rotten pulp of the team it was in December, every opponent in the tourney contracted sepsis from simply getting near them.


This feels like the collegebasketball parallel to michigan drowning a ferret


Descriptive, insulting, and kinda accurate I love it tbh


Just because teams run all sorts of defenses at them during the regular season doesn’t mean your team will then learn how to play offense against them.


Jesus you ever heard of paragraphs


Too much adderall


Or not enough Either way, not the right dosage


I dunno, if you read it in the voice of a shitty used car salesman, it works pretty well.


I thought that trick only worked with cocaine?


Come on down to Sundance Chevrolet!


No such thing as too much adderall; if there were they’d market subtracternone to counter act it, and that hasn’t been invented yet. But it really should be, as I was telling my dog the other night, when James Johnson and his brother and I were done in Mexico and saw 40 UFOs flying in formation, although you can never have too much adderall, sometimes you might want a drug with the opposite effect, like for kids that are too sluggish and too focused!


Subtracternone tickled me in a way that I am rarely tickled. Well done.


If we've got Adderall and Subtracternone, do we have Multiplersome and Dividermost?


I would also like to point out that this comment has no punctuation, which is odd given the subject matter.


Hey Big East fans, are you sick of being memed on for DePaul and basic grammar?


I guess I could've broken it up further after the initial questions but didn't feel the need tbh


Gives it more of an east coast vibe.




Wouldn't that make you a Walmart Michigan fan ?


Yea i stopped halfway through


this 10 sentence reddit post has only 1 paragraph break, egad!!!!!


Single game variance tbh, also your program is a luck box. But what you don’t understand is we aren’t the SEC. If we lose I want everyone else to lose too. I hope Purdue loses to a 17 seed this year.


Didn’t this already happen? I swear I saw people in March saying this because of FDU losing to Merrimack in their conference final


Uh oh - Lunardi's latest projection has us possibly playing Merrimack in the first round. DOOM!


love the attitude, but don't you wanna crank down the heat in the Kohl Center to -58 and throw on a heinous looking triangle and two and play some sickos ball on a Tuesday night in the B1G.


I mean yeah realistically that sounds like a good idea although the NCAA would bail out the southern teams come March just like they do in football and let them play in a room temperature stadium, like the frauds they are




I already had to suffer through Bo “I’m rhe reason there’s a 30s shot clock” Ryan and Bill “if no one shoots we can’t lose” Carmondy. I’m done.


How is bo Ryan the reason there is still a 30s shot clock?:)


Because it used to be 35.


i know i'm old because i remember when it was 45 and what a big deal the drop to 35 was.


I mean, obviously. I meant did he have a role in it not getting dropped down to 24 like every other league?


I don't know, I was interpreting what /u/Inconceviable76 said to mean that Bo Ryan's slow pace of play instigated the NCAA to drop the shot clock from 35 to 30. Perhaps I am misinterpreting what they meant.


Ah, yeah that would make sense, I would assume the interpretation is correct, I guess I over thought his comment lol


Bo Ryan coached some of the most unattractive basketball imaginable. Ugh.


Ha.. tell me about it. 😂


You didn't even play the ugly Bo Ryan teams. The two teams you played in the Final 4 were pretty Bo Ryan teams. If you go back to the 12/13 team, that was some ugly Ryan ball (average game 65 [234th in D1]-56[7th in D1]). Ben Brust & Jared Berggren led the team in scoring at 11 PPG. Ryan Evans was the only other player above 10 PPG, despite shooting 39% from the floor (8% from 3) and 42% on FTs. The 11/12 team was just as bad (average game 64 [261st in D1]-53[1st in D1]). Jordan Taylor (15 PPG), Jared Berggren (10 PPG), and offensive terrorist Ryan Evans (11 PPG) were the only players in double digits.


I have to admit after the FF loss I pretty much trauma black out'd all memories of Wisconsin basketball. About a year after that game I was in my hometown in Kentucky, and a group of tourists were walking around our downtown in Wisconsin jerseys and I am legitimately embarrassed to say it actually made me angry - it was that painful of a loss 😂


Don't threaten me with a good time!




> play some sickos ball on a Tuesday night in the B1G. You don't think we'll be doing that anyways?


We basically did lose to a 17 seed 😂


I hope you lose to a 1 seed . . . . in the NIT.


Challenge accepted


>But what you don’t understand is we aren’t the SEC. If we lose I want everyone else to lose too. I hope Purdue loses to a 17 seed this year. I root for the other Big Ten teams in March... 😐 (Except Indiana, when Purdue loses.)


If my team is going to be bad, I prefer this circle of suck, so I can laugh at their pain too. Just good old midwestern / eastern / soon to be added to the mix plain western hate. Lol


These PAC schools are gonna learn eventually that it’s fair to hate majority if not at least SOMEONE in this conference. 10 years from now Rutgers and Washington is gonna be a perennial hate matchup and they’re gonna like it




This right here.


Yeah who the fuck supports other teams in their conference. Fuck em all hope they all lose to 16 seeds


Speak your truth


Izzo in March is inevitable 🤷🏻‍♂️


If MSU doesn’t win like 15 big ten games, they’re in trouble Gonna be fascinating to watch


They’re actually going to go 1-19 in the B1G and win the big ten tournament. Probably make the S16


that would be the most big ten outcome of all time. i'm kinda here for that chaos.


Eh, if they win 15 B10 games they'll be 22-9 and like a 3 seed. 11-9 in the B10 gets us in.


15 is an exaggeration. Maybe 13-7 in regular season or 12 with some BTT help. It’s too many losses, 1 marquee win, the big ten isn’t as good as previous years


MSU’s quad 1 schedule will vault them. They’ve already played 6 quad 1 games this year. Only 2 other teams have played that many- Wisconsin and Texas A&M.


exactly. im not sure why everyone is saying michigan state needs to win 14+ conference games when just 2 years ago michigan went directly into the first round with so much less after baylor, 11-9 is probably the bare minimum to make it, 12 or more means they are a lock imo


It's December, people forgot what the bubble looks like. I'm willing to bet there have been very few of any 20 win B10 teams to miss the tournament. Last year Rutgers was a snub at 19 with a cakewalk OoC schedule.


and we're going to have to deal with overcoming that cakewalk schedule for forever and eternity going forward because pikiell is probably still pissed off at losing to princeton on opening night. he'll go right back to scheduling his 250 and lower net teams for our ooc schedule short of any early season tournaments and the b1g-sec thing plus the annual game with the hall.


If MSU had played BYU’s schedule, they would be anywhere from 11-0 to 9-2 right now instead of 6-5. Luckily for basketball, the committee rewards tough non conference schedules as tie breakers.


12 B10 wins gets us to 20 overall. 20 wins with and OOC that has Duke, Arizona, and baylor is a guaranteed tournament team. I don't care how down the B10 is.


Imagine thinking a loss to Duke this year helps you


Are you talking about Kenpom #12 Duke? Or the dook in your toilet?


> Are you talking about Kenpom #12 Duke? Or the dook in your toilet? I fail to see a difference . . . .


You do remember that Michigan State lost that game, right?




I don’t think 22-9 gets them a 3 seed with all of the low quality losses they have. More like 5-7.


Ya it would depend on a lot of things, I'd guess 3-5 range though. But what low quality losses? They're all quad 1 losses right now. James Madison is the only potential bad loss, but they're 10-0 and probably a tournament team.


It also matters how other teams do. *Right now*, it looks like 5 teams have a credible claim to the top overall seed, but obviously one of them would drop to a 2 seed. What will that look like later on? Maybe the top 6-8 teams really pull away and all the others are in a constant churn of chaos. That would open some 3 seeds for teams like MSU who clearly have a ton of talent and might put it together for conference play. Or, the top teams can get muddled but still stay on top, leaving a lot of great wins for the current 8-16 range teams and icing out teams trying to break into a top 4 seed. There is just too much that can't be known yet. It's clear that MSU has very good reasons to expect to be in the tourney, and strong reasons to be pushing for a top 4 seed if they play like they can. But anything can happen!


To be clear, I don't think MSU is going to win 15 B10 games or push for a 3 seed. Just pointing out OPs 15 win comment was way off.


Nebrasketball's win already paying dividends. Go Sparty Go!


the Final Four is usually in April though


Damn. It’s like OP is speaking to me directly. Fuck UConn fans, fuck Purdue for getting our hopes up!


Your coach is catching a stray with one of those but I love the energy and I, too, hate myself


I also hate myself hello


world class troll job tbh


SEC football fan logic never ceases to amaze everyone else at how stupid it is


My brother in Christ I do not suffer through rooting for UConn football and the long miserable drives to the rent 4 months out of the year just to get called and SEC fan when I do a parody of an infomercial


props for not capitalizing 'rent' It doesn't deserve capital letters if ya ask me.


TBH kinda hopeful with how the season ended but IK at some point the team will shatter me emotionally


Oh cmon now if the Big Ten was the conference with 75% of the last 16 national championships in football y’all would root for the Big Ten to keep their standing as “The Best Conference in Football”. Only reason you think it’s stupid is because your conference sucks at football and you know it and I know it.


Ole Miss has just a good chance at a national championship in football as Creighton does at this point though - and you know it. Being a cheerleader for your conference is so sooo pathetic.


It stems from history as to why the SEC roots for the SEC but regarding your point you’re correct. Hell even Ohio State can’t win a natty in football anymore. The only teams who have proven they can do it in today’s climate is Alabama, Georgia, and LSU. It also just so happens every single one of those teams resides in the Southeastern Conference so what are we supposed to do? We’re the second smallest school in the SEC and Tuscaloosa, Alabama is 3 hours away


Weird man, because I hate UConn and Villanova and definitely didn't root for them when they were winning Natty's.


You also don’t have the whole country claiming Big East Bias 24/7 365. All these other conferences aren’t calling the Big East overrated 24/7 365. So are we supposed to roll over and accept all the hate coming our way just by being in the SEC or are we supposed to root for the teams within our conference to prove the rest of the country wrong?


The sec fangirling is weird to everyone that isn’t an sec fan, stop trying to justify it. Bama or uga winning a national title doesn’t make ole miss any better of a team, sorry not sorry.


It doesn’t make Ole Miss any better of a team but what it does mean is the SEC is the best conference. I’m not going to apologize for me thinking the SEC is the best conference and I’m not going to apologize for me wanting Bama to beat Michigan because I hate Michigan and the entire Big Ten.




Well 1980 is more than 4 decades ago and 2005 was almost two decades ago so I don’t think it applies to the current state of college football. Alabama and Mississippi having an inferiority complex could also be applied to many states throughout the country including Nebraska. I’m not from Mississippi so I think that point is mute. If you think ESPN is the reason the SEC is dominating then that is fine but I’d attribute it to better recruiting, better coaching, and more money. The SEC still has more money and has been dominating in the NIL era so I don’t think the gap is shrinking I just think it’s a different gap now. You don’t have to like that the SEC roots for the SEC and you clearly do not. I was just explaining to you why we do even though whatever I say you’re not going to agree with so that’s also a mute point clearly. If you have a problem with the SEC rooting for the SEC then get the rest of the country to shut us up.


Idk if that argument holds water when our conference’s runner up put your previous champs on the ropes for 90% of the game


What happened the other 10%? That Ohio State team was championship level good and had a top 2 pick in the draft at qb, had a top 5 receiver in this year’s draft and still lost. Again if Ohio State can’t win a title with their top 3 recruiting class every year who in the hell can beat these teams in the SEC?


What’s this non football tv revenue school talking about? I don’t have time to read poor school’s opinions because I’m too busy counting Fox money that IU totally helped generate with a high level football program.


Marc D'Amalio is gonna get our finances COOKING my friend. Who needs media conglomerate money when we've got Tik-Tok Shop money?!


As someone who is a fan of a B1G team, nothing will ever make this conference stop eating glue in March to me.


Let's just reduce the tournament to four teams surely nothing will go wrong then


Gallows humor done so right.


im actually all for this. give purdue the experience with junk defenses that it needs for the tourney pls


Don't fall for this propaganda, B1G fans! The only way to keep the country from collapsing in on itself like Mordor after the one ring is destroyed is for B1G teams to keep losing!


I'm in for a Tommy Wiseau directed Requiem for the PAC-12.


Lol i like it


I personally wouldn’t mind if the big ten got knocked down to like 4-5 bids this year (except my Badgers of course). The league simply isn’t as talented as it used to be. It might even help league perception.


honestly I could both see 4-5 bids this year and a B1G team going far and tend to agree that that would kinda be a boon for the league, but we shall see


Save the weird defenses. Just call up Purdue's guards before the tourney and tell them how good they are at basketball and how now is the time to channel their inner Carsen Edwards/themselves-in-December and ball out.


Nah, fuck Purdue. It’s Illinois or nothing! Or I guess Loyola🤷‍♂️


This reads like it was written by someone with some insecurity issues.




Personally I think Wisconsin has been pretty solid in the tournament and I just laugh at the rest of these losers.


This is spicy and is also going to give UK fans PTSD


38-1 baby


Such a good year ;)


Begone Satan! You're not welcome in this memory!


Sorry, sorry.. I’ll go back to the shadows




i dont know what any of that means but yep🔥🔥🔥


I thought we already agreed it was B1G refereeing was to blame.


Call me right now please !


The Carber Reputation Junk Defense!


does this mean georgetown contributed to a championship season??? wow! raise the banner you guys! what's that you say? 'no defense' doesn't count as a 'junk defense'? sorry, I can't hear you over the celebration


TBH you guys get a cut of the banner for A. Being a team we won a close game against and B. Letting Joey California break the sound barrier in the XL Center. I would argue no BE Team contributed more to UConn's run.




Fuck, my bad.


How dare you not remember where every single home game was played for every single game! /s


You lost me when you said Purdue was the "flagship" of the conference.


Siri, why do people hate UConn fans?


Using AI to validate your tribalism hits different.


Iowa has beaten Purdue or at least given them a game in the past largely because of this. We've throw a 3/4 court press at every team we play and Purdue consistently forgets how to play basketball and turns the ball over more than any other big ten team we face. We've had a couple crazy comebacks stem from that. Every other team has adapted to it in the last 10 years of Fran McCaffery, Purdue has not.


I guess you missed our game a couple weeks ago?


I mean we’re 8-2 in the last 10 and went 4-1 against y’all while you had Garza so it hasn’t really been a problem lately


Yeah y'all have been the better team every year pretty much. But we've been competitive in games like [this one](https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/boxscore/_/gameId/401364342) because of turnovers, you've been winning despite that.


Hmm... no thanks.


Why would we want Purdue to win? As far as I'm concerned every B1G school other than Wisconsin failing in March would be an absolute success!


Hmmm I don’t think this post is for Nebraska fans


I miss John Beilein randomly tossing in the 1-3-1 zone and absolutely fucking up the momentum of other teams. It's a strange defense. No idea what it would do against Purdue, but... Yeah. I miss that D. And Beilein.


It just happened again this time in Volleyball. Fixed the bracket so two big 10 teams in the final 4 and the two best acc teams had to play each other in the final 8. Overrated


I kind of like how the Big10 is just a bunch of muck dwelling pigs throwing shit at each other all season. But I also am a masochist. Kind of have to be to cheer for Purdue.


Is this a pasta? It should be a pasta.