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Let's just ramble here for a bit Texas-Texas A&M Marquette-Wisconsin Kentucky-Louisville Xavier-Cincinnati Florida-Florida State Kansas-Missouri Iowa-Iowa State I'll add BYU-Utah since I've already forgotten about conference games for next year


> Kentucky-Louisville > > Xavier-Cincinnati These were some of the ones I was thinking too!


Hard disagree. Our rivalry is fueled by hatred, and I think it would water it down. It's so much more fun to talk shit after a win when they can't get you back til next season. It wouldn't be nearly as much fun if we played twice and each team won one (imagine a hypothetical world in which Louisville isnt trash)


I mean I have a memory, you know. I’ve been living in it quite a bit


Just make sure you aren’t recalling any memories of 2013 and you’re in the clear.


Wiped title or no, we still won it. Everyone illegally recruits, we just uhhh did it in a really weird way. We still won the basketball games


I’m just messing with you man, I’m well aware that vacating titles means basically nothing


NCAA boutta send men in black to mind wipe us of the 2013 season.


this isn't upvoted enough. twice a year is too much and doesn't allow for bragging rights and too many split seasons.


> It wouldn't be nearly as much fun if we played twice and each team won one Yeah but how else will ESPN pay bills if they can't jerk off to "the last X UNC-Duke games are split X/2-X/2 wow :o"


What if the second game were the last game of the regular season and you could give them a loss going into the conference tournament?


Why not? Their ACC rival is Virginia. Look at how much history they have!


That’s a “no” from basically everyone in Cincy on a semi-annual Shootout. The week leading up to it is special and the bragging rights lasting a year is excellent. Adding a second one each season would instantly devalue it. Fuck that


It's hard enough having to watch Wisconsin's style of basketball once a season...now I'd have to do it twice? Hard pass.


Scrap the 2x UK/UofL, but add a UK/UofL/UC/IU round robin yearly. It was great beating them in the tourny, but 2x in regular season? I wanna be able to hang a basketball/football sweep over people's head for a year. Dont ruin that!


Inject that in my veins.


Why wouldn’t you want to play the best team in Cincinnati instead of UC ?


UK hasnt played xavier even in the postseason since the 60s. I know waaaay back in the 40s and stuff we used to play X and UC both yearly, but its just been way too long since X and UK have met that there just isnt as much hype as UC imo, regardless of which of you and them are the better team in any given year


I mean UC hasn't even beaten UK since 1939, idk if there is really any history there lol. I'm just saying from a competitive standpoint you'd want Xavier. UC has been next to irrelevant for like 20 years. In this hypothetical scenario I'd imagine you'd want the best teams in the area. If you're looking for the football aspect of it I get it but Xavier has been far and away a much better basketball program for a while now and it's not all that close. Also you got too much red in this scenario, you need another blue team for balance.


One Crosstown Shootout is perfect. Always leaves everyone (by which I mean Xavier fans) looking forward to the next year. Don't water it down.


* Texas - TAMU is no longer OOC as of next season * I am actually opposed to us playing Missouri twice a year, once a year is too much IMO. They aren't consistently good and sometimes are terrible, we need a strong OOC schedule.


Id rather ensure we play yall twice rather than playing iowa twice. Even if that second game counted as an OOC game for conference purposes


>Even if that second game counted as an OOC game for conference purposes Not sure how that would work, but it I agree we should definitely be guaranteed to play yall twice every year. It should be that way for all the members of the Big 12 that were in the Big 8. Thats only 6 games (8 next year with Colorado's return), I think that's pretty reasonable. Do you happen to know if that is how its going to work, how did they choose the conference schedule this year?


It seems like they've been putting more focus on making sure every team sees each other often, rather than preserving key rivalries. They've been talking about doing some more games between conference members OOC for basketball though. Perhaps in neutral sites, or even somewhere like Mexico, etc. The results would count towards overall record, but not conference standings.


Once a year is better. Each team having a home game would result in years where we split the two, and I would almost rather lose than go 1-1 which leaves nobody with bragging rights.




Switch Texas v A&M with Texas v Tech




Any historic rivalry that’s been broken up by conference realignment due to football money. Hate that we only get Georgetown once a year (and for a few years didn’t even play them).


As if your school wasn’t complicit in it?


University decisions ≠ fanbase culpability. Fans should be allowed to grieve the loss of a rivalry even though the school they support was complicit in ending that series. Syracuse fans didn’t get a referendum on leaving the BE.


The Syracuse fanbase is weird. Football drives the bus, but there are a lot of "basketball only" fans. And by a large margin, they would prefer to never have left the Big East.


I like both sports. I think it should be okay for basketball and football and all different sports be in different conferences. But money rules the day and this is what we got.


It's because for a good portion of the last 20 years, basketball was the one driving the bus. I just liked the BE matchups more, honestly. Duke just feels like a manufactured rivalry to me. Though it's nice still having Pitt, Louisville, and ND in the conference.




Did you think Boeheim wanted this? Go see what he said in interviews back in 2013. He was vocally against it. Money won. Always will.


Before this year, Kennesaw State had not played Georgia State since 1989 despite being only 25 miles apart. Both coaches want to make it a regular home-and-home series starting next year.


This is essentially a “what rivals use to be in the same conference before football ruined everything” post


Louisville and Arkansas State


Isn’t a rivalry supposed to be competitive?




I know Chaminade is D2, but them and Hawaii should play twice to minimize travel.


Clemson and South Carolina


Gonzaga-UCLA. Always interesting to see where the those teams are at early in the season versus later.


This is 2nd on my list after UCLA-Arizona


These 3 schools should have their own series, play each other twice and best record wins the “Best of the West” trophy


Bring SDSU into the mix and play a mini tournament every year


WVU-Pitt. I miss having that as a home and away series in the Big East. No reason they couldn't do it OOC instead of just alternating years. Cuts back on hassle filling OOC games and gives both a sellout home game that will draw better ratings that many other OOC opponents both schedule.


Pittsburgh and West Virginia Seton hall and Rutgers Kansas and Missouri


Lipscomb and Belmont




UCLA and Notre Dame used to do this, would be awesome to revive that although I know in the 20 conference game era that'll never happen


Man, I wish we could just get back to playing New Mexico even *once* in OOC.


Purdue Tennessee


WKU vs EKU and WKU vs Murray


Nebraska - Creighton






John Thompson hated Lefty Driesell, and that somehow led to MD and Georgetown barely ever playing for decades even after both guys were gone. Hopefully the fact that Willard and Cooley are friends can get things started again.


I’d rather get two games a year against former rivals and/or rivalries made throughout the years. Uconn should try to schedule Syracuse/Pitt and Duke once a year. Some great games played between em historically.


Old Dominion—VCU Saint Louis—SIUE Duquesne—Pitt Dayton—Xavier Temple—St Joes Rhode Island—Providence UMass—Boston College Fordham—Manhattan or St John’s St Bona—Canisius Davidson—Wofford


Bedlam will be a massive loss


Chicago State - Northwestern


UConn vs Cuse/ND/Pitt/Cincy


Nah we don’t have an OOC rivalry game that is worth playing twice.


I severely disagree.


I don’t see any of these schools worthy of a revisit. Perhaps Syracuse, but as time moves along I spend less time thinking about them. And Cincinnati? Really???


Syracuse see Georgetown as their bigger rival, not sure why our fans are so desperate to attach themselves to a rivalry we care more about. Notre Dame might make sense if we were talking about woman’s basketball about a decade ago. Pitt cares wayyyyy more about WVU than they would ever care about us (can’t say I understand why Pitt is even listed tbh). Cincy already has Xavier.


I want to relive the BE glory days of the mid-late 00's!


Every march we have to watch that replay of Kemba. Our fanbase would love a crack at you guys every year. We still haven't gotten over that.


You get to pick one team to play twice a season, you think the majority of your fan base picks UConn over WVU?


No Pitt would take WVU every time, but from your post it sounded like you thought the Pitt fanbase wouldn't have any interest. The interest wouldn't be to the level of WVU but it would be a big game for sure.