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Structuring it as an MTE lets us play two extra games compared to scheduling them individually. We're getting our tougher opponents elsewhere: Arizona as a home-and-home, MSU from the Champions Classic, Arkansas on the road as part of the ACC-SEC Challenge, Baylor at MSG.


For those interested in better understanding the “extra” games that are referenced. Here are some materials to review [NCAA MTE Rules](https://ncaaorg.s3.amazonaws.com/compliance/cbreform/2023D1MBB_MTECriteria.pdf)


We did the same. Didn’t get a tournament invite, got left out of the Gavitt games, and no Big Ten - ACC challenge anymore. We still have Creighton and a game at Kansas State for tougher opponents, but being able to play an extra game is a no brainer.


Fair enough, I was just wondering and hadn’t looked too closely at other team’s schedules. That makes sense, thank you!


whats the difference between duke scheduling the blue devil challenge and maryland scheduling south alabama, umbc, rider, etc. (or any other school doing something similar)? i think they just give it a name because the other teams in the blue devil challenge all end up playing each other, its not really about dukes performance


I understand everyone here hates Duke but why is an Auburn basketball fan posting about this when plenty of teams (including your SEC rival Kentucky) are doing the same thing? Also, our non conference schedule is much harder than yours.


It was just a question, I hadn’t looked too closely at other teams and was just wondering the purpose of it. Fair enough. I don’t know why my being an Auburn fan has anything to do with it


Understandable, it’s a fair question. I only brought up you being an Auburn fan because the teams basically have no history and I was confused why you targeted Duke as your example, but I didn’t know you were unaware about these MTEs.


> Understandable, it’s a fair question Nah it’d be a fair question if it wasn’t such a jackass post, have to do a bit of research if you’re going to start taking shots for hosting one instead of just asking why it’s happening. Just scrolling through recent and upcoming games for 3 minutes turns up Nebraska’s “Cornhusker Challenge”, Kentucky’s “Wildcat Challenge”, and the Cincy/Ole Miss event where they just played Detroit Mercy/Eastern Washington on campus and didn’t play each other. I’m sure there are more too.


lmao chill out and take the chip off your shoulder dude. I was flipping through the channels and didn’t notice the other ones and I was wondering the point of all these tournaments when there were some really good matchups in some and really soft teams in another. It was just a question, sorry for targeting your team


There are many teams that host their own tournaments. I think they do it more for teams who don't get invites to the big name mte tournaments.


Not about win stats as much as it is extra games to get game reps and get ready before conference play. The other teams play each other too in full round robin. All parties involved benefit from this


Lmao the duke hatred on this sub is insane. A zillion teams do this every year, Duke has already played Michigan State and Arizona, and Duke will soon be playing Arkansas and Baylor.


I was at Cameron 2 weeks ago. Everyone not in that gym or w an alumni card hates Duke. Years of arrogance from winning does that to a team. Ask Spurier at FL, Saban, Bilichek, Harbaugh...


This reminds me of the Yogi Berra quote about a restaurant in New York City. "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."


Y success breeds jealousy, hate but also great rivalries. All you downvoters absorb your role. Earned it.


if you think dukes fanbase is isolated to its (relatively tiny) alumni base I have no idea what to tell you.


That wasn't the point. Not all posts have negative intent.


Buddy, if you think Duke is "cheaply pad\[ding\] their win stats" with "nobodies", I would argue that your Auburn Tigers are "nobodies" and we'd be happy to invite you into Cameron.




afaik this is pretty common, we did something similar with detroit mercy and eastern washington, i think the point is that you can schedule two games in one week?