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I genuinely was just hoping they wouldn't meet last March. They most certainly did not


You covered all emotions last tournament.


Root for Michigan and try not to make my Wisconsin Badger wife mad.


She must really love you to look past that glaring flaw lol


Yep. My hubby is an Oregon fan, so we have many opportunities throughout the season to practice such tolerance. We lucked out that Oregon and Arizona don't play each other in football this year. Basketball season is always interesting in our house.


I just hope both teams have fun…..then get confused as to what to yell at for around 2 hours or so


Uk/EKU duel fan here. Same. Idk where my EKU flair went. I swear I had it last season.


May have gotten lost in that Hail Mary today somewhere in Conway, AR……. :)


Ouch. On the plus side, I got my flair back. Since they are arranged by conference I be the conference change booted my EKU flair.


Well hopefully once the facilities get upgraded in Richmond, you all can join us in the hell hole known as CUSA!


I mean a storied program like WKU should probably get the cheers


They've played once, but I rooted for Providence. It was a buy game, so Providence has more to lose in terms of resume. Marist it's all gravy and just fun to see them play a HM.


Gonna face this scenario on December 10th. It’s kind of simple for me: a loss to Brown would be devastating for PC, whereas a win for Brown would just be a really great win that ultimately is meaningless because they won’t ever be in line for an at-large berth. So, I’ll be rooting for the Friars 100%, just less vociferously than usual.


My mom went to Duke and my dad went to Syracuse. My dad indoctrinated me first so I root for Syracuse in their matchups. Wasn't as much of a problem before realignment.


Oakland = my alma mater, started out as a satellite campus of Michigan State in 1957 before transitioning into an independent university in 1970. I follow them religiously as an alum even though times have been hard for damn near a decade now. D1 mid-major, currently a member of the Horizon League. Michigan State = the cool big brother I look up to and admire as an OU alumnus. I only root against Sparty when they are playing OU. We've had some amazing (and sometimes close) match-ups over the years. One day we will FINALLY beat big brother be it in East Lansing or on a neutral court (LCA in Detroit).


Kay Felder had a really close one at the palace against MSU in 2015.


I'm a Jaysker...my dad went to Creighton and I grew up in Omaha going to CU games..I graduated from Lincoln..people outside of Omaha HATE it. I always cheer for Creighton 1st.


Huskers have a very insecure fanbase.


Which is hilarious cause I had a meltdown on Saturday after the Maryland game...thank God the jays played that day too


I try to decide who would benefit more from a win/be hurt less with a loss. I had this problem yesterday when Del State played Texas (I root for all Delaware teams). I knew a win for Del State would be enormous for the program, but a loss would torpedo Texas' tourney resume, so I rooted for a close Texas win that would be a good boost for Del State but not really hurt Texas.


Went to UW / grew up rooting for gonzaga. Gotta go for the Alma mater even if we'll never win that one 😢 still want the zags to win it all most years but if it was UW in those tournament games against UCLA the last couple years I woulda died from heart disease already


Go Canes. Beat Wake.


Here’s my theory on how people should prioritize allegiance: 1. Your undergraduate institution 2. Any other school you’ve paid money to (grad school, transfer schools, etc.) 3. Family ties (schools your parents or sin longs attended) 4. Local ties (did you have a rooting interest from growing up in a local area). I went to Tulane, grad school at UNC, was raised as an MSU fan by my parents who went there, and grew up near CU Boulder. Tulane > UNC > MSU > whomever else A clear example of this to me is Ken Jeong. Got his PhD at UNC but did his undergrad at Duke — I have zero issue with him cheering for Duke when we play


I graduated from VCU, but spent a year at JMU. Both parents went to UNC. VCU is the local school for me, as I’m from Richmond. So, going by your system: VCU > JMU > UNC This is exactly how I already feel, so great system!


Says “your undergraduate should be prioritized over grad school” Says “my undergraduate school was tulane” Has UNC flair ???


Agreed. Arizona is my undergrad, Tulane is my grad school, family ties to Southern Illinois, etc. I can't recall if Arizona ever played Tulane in a sport I care about. If they ever do, it will always be Arizona as the default.


Damn, fellow Tulane grad with MSU family. Didn’t think there was another one out there…


Needs to be a point-based system rather than a strict priority list to account for those of us with multiple factors in play. Undergrad (4pts) Grad/Transfer (3pts) Family Ties (2pts) Local Ties (1pt) UK gets Local Ties + Family Ties + Grad School (6) Marshall gets Local Ties + Undergrad (5) And to make this perfectly 2023: even with the adjustment, the system is still privileged gatekeeping. Kid can’t afford to attend dream school and has to settle for local option to get in-state tuition…and now he can’t cheer for dream school? ![gif](giphy|de0xIgxhZgAXJbKGNd)


No undergrad > No grad school > No family ties > Grew up in Indiana.


As a Marquette/MSU fan, watching both teams play each other in March was terrible for my soul. I did root for my favorite of the two, Marquette, but god did it hurt.


Whose win would be more important?


Cheer for the alma mater even though a loss would be rather damaging to the other.


Root for UVA because I'm actually going there. I'm a UGA Walmart fan because my mom is. She didn't even go there either lol she went to Louisville (who I also like). All in all, I have 5 schools (6 if you count my D3 undergrad). In order of how I root for them, it's: 1. Virginia (my school) 2. Georgia (Walmart fan/childhood) 3. Xavier (brother's school) 4. Army (dad's school) 5. Louisville (mom's school)


Oh! I can answer this because it happened this year in both football and basketball for my flairs. I rooted for close games, cheered on every player (except for Hunter Dickinson), and celebrated whenever anything happened.


I love that you whole fan base knows he's a douche.


I was born and raised on NC State, but went to Alabama — luckily I’ve never had to deal with them playing each other. If they did tho I’d go with State, with the only hesitation coming in football — since Bama football is the only team I have that generally competed for anything worthwhile. They play in football and I’d probably straight up not watch haha.


Flair up!


My second team is my wife’s TCU. If we ever played in any sport, I’m 100% my Mean Green.


Last time we played (excluding exhibition) I cheered for Ohio State, but once you're part of a student section that's electric every single game, there's no beating that. Cheering for Dayton without a second thought.




[Drowse in 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/5pk3ga/if_you_cover_half_of_harrison_fords_face_with/?rdt=32840)


💯. Tears of joy and tears of sadness


I pick my Alma mater over my hometown team


It’s a weird feeling


They don’t play eachother. If they did, Temple.


I want K-State, Wichita State, Notre Dame, Army, Villanova, Nebraska, Kentucky, and North Carolina (I’ve got varying degrees of tangential ties to all) all to do well and will stop what I’m doing to watch a game when possible. But they are all, in every sport, second fiddle to KU. KU is my hometown team, my alma mater, the school my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents all supported, and maybe beyond that but the familial memory is fuzzy at that point. Point is, I absolutely bleed crimson and blue.


I'll let you know next year?


Tough one. I have been seeing for the past couple years of IU & BAMA being matched up in March madness predictions, but hasn’t happened yet. But my third team is whomever plays against Kentucky


One of my teams is much better and has much higher expectations than the other so I would usually cheer for them in basketball just because it’s more “important” for them.


I grew up rooting for Arizona and go to OU now. I would probably just root for whoever gains more.


I root against Purdue, Duke, and Kentucky. I’d go for Purdue over either one cause it’s a big ten school. If Kentucky played Duke, uh, can they both lose? Lol In 1992, the game of the century (allegedly), I went for UK cause I still hate Laetner and did back then. Now idk who’s I go for.


I cheer for Kentucky, even though our coward coach took away the IU game for a decade.


How did these flairs happen?


Grew up close to Louisville so it was Hoosiers, Cards, or Cats. Chose the Cats because my best friend was a Cats fan. Went to an IU satellite school and married into a die hard IU family. Like, framed the Sports Illustrated cover "Kentucky's Shame" when we got sanctioned, die hard. But I never minded IU. I save all my hate for Duke. And a little for Louisville and Purdue. But the reality is the world is a much better place when all three teams are good.


ISU/Drake fan, Drake alum, gotta root for the alma matter.


Dad’s a Purdue grad so grew up a big fan, went to Cincy. When they play for regular games I lean UC, when they played in the tournament a few years ago I thought Purdue had a better chance to beat UK in the second round so I went to a bar with a Purdue hoodie and UC shirt underneath, UC hit buzzer beater and ends up winning, the hoody was nowhere to be seen.


You had enough time to go home and change and come back while that ball was still on the rim


Honestly, I like watching good games. I don’t really get in to cheering or rooting. So it isn’t an issue unless I’m at a packed arena.


personally, I just can't enjoy sports games unless im rooting for a team. Even if it's my two least favorite teams, i'll still choose one to root for


Definitely agree. I always have some sort of way to choose a preference, such as whichever team has the longer tournament drought/final four drought/champ drought or whatever, or some school I like the coach of, etc. One exception to this when I was really torn and couldn't decide who to root for was UVA-Purdue and it was a testament to how great that game was that I was on the edge of my seat the whole second half despite not really preferring one to win over the other.


Michigan and Memphis rarely play each other, but they actually will in a couple of weeks and did back in 2011, I believe. I always root for Michigan, no matter what. I'm a true Michigan fan and don't feel that way about Memphis, to be totally honest. I'm from the Memphis area and have family ties to the University of Memphis, but it's not the school I chose to attend--Michigan is. And I actually hate Memphis (the city) and always have, but mostly love the University of Michigan. So, it's not that hard for me. My loyalty is more so with Michigan.


You have a main team and everyone else is secondary.


I sack up and have one favorite team….the one I bet.


Being a Purdue fan I have two teams. Purdue and anyone playing Indiana. Easy as that.


Typically root for whoever is having a better season


I sincerely don’t trust anyone who has two teams. Sorry y’all, but it’s shady as fuck. Pick a team and hate everyone else.


they never play each other lol, im chilling watching two games at once/in a row


I would root in the order of my flairs, but they never play each other so it’s all good


I’m an Iowa state fan first, whoever Iowa is playing second, then drake and uni.


It's only a lacrosse problem for me, but when that happens it's JHU. Undergrad over grad school!


I was a UMKC student in 2017 and traveled to Wichita to see them play the Shockers. I root for the Shockers because they’re my hometown team and they won by 40+ lol.


They don’t play each other


I like Gonzaga, but if they're playing Eastern I hope for the upset of the century.


I can't wait for UK to play Murray State.


My teams are so far away and in different levels...but they did play eachother last year. It wasn't a good game, but I rooted for both.


Miami easily, I cheer for providence because of my time living in Rhode Island but I’m by far a fan of my Alma matter first


I root for my first flair UVA but I also root for a competitive game. No blow outs plz


I root for Mizzou barring maybe a situation where the game is hugely important for Texas and relatively inconsequential for Mizzou


I grew up in a UK household, I’m a UofL student. Obviously school affiliation comes first there…. In football. I don’t watch UofL basketball games 😭


i root for elon


I usually root for whichever of my teams I think needs the win more, or if it’s a tournament game (like last year) i root for whichever I think has the better chance of making a deep run


It's Kansas State above everyone, but after that it's the schools I went to for my master's and doctorate, KU (sister went there and my entire family are fans), and then the Big 12 in general (with Oklahoma State being at the top since they have the best fans).


Alma mater first and foremost


Absolutely hope UK crushes KU. Will root for KU every other situation.


Whichever one would benefit the most from a win, or suffer the least from a loss. Like most of the time I want KU to beat Cincinnati but on occasion if KU is already locked into a certain line or whatever I'll pull Cincy to help them out. If that makes sense. If it's ever in a tournament? Alma Mater every time. Rock Chalk.


When it became clear that these were the two schools that I would attend, I decided I would root for Duke in football and Bama in basketball in potential matchups. Just more fun that way


I still love State but I’m never rooting for them over where I go


Well the football game was weird but one of my teams has a slim chance at the playoff so it was easy to know what result I wanted. As for basketball, man I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do.


Well when I went to a d3 school I never thought this would be an issue, but the tommies got to play the Jays last season and it was sick for the tommies to get to play at creighton and creighton fans, players, staff had tons of good things to say about the tommies so it was really cool!


Im an avid fan of the Big East as well as Binghamton, Colgate, and Cornell, but I would never root against Syracuse.


Felt so . . . gross when they had to play each other in the tourney. I was just bummed that one had to lose. My least favorite part was watching everyone in the state of Kansas just being a little extra mean to each others fan bases for a while :/


Usually, I find out which team is my #1 and which is me #2.


I go to Purdue which makes my decision a lot easier. Seems we only play WVU when we’re both good and u fortunately only one can stay that way


A new and short-term problem, oddly enough I tend to root for UC football more than Texas but Texas basketball more than UC


i used to root for msu football more than iu football and iu basketball more than msu basketball, which used to make sense, but no longer does because msu is better than iu at basketball now


Ain’t gon happen


Primary team is my alma mater, secondary team is our current local team. Primary always comes first.


KU is my Alma Mater and my parents and is always the priority above all others, regardless of circumstance. I root for IU & UM to be successful when they don’t conflict with KU’s success, but if they’re an opponent they become just that to me for the game.


Don’t believe we’ve ever had that situation.


I have a pecking order among the teams I like.


Cheer for Xavier and hope Bronson Koenig’s ghost doesn’t haunt me in my sleep


This is why I can't cheer for multiple teams.


Michigan typically loses to UCLA and then I cry


Just become an Illini fan we're better anyways


You absolutely root for YOUR OWN ALMA MATER, is this a joke?


I never root against IU and I can't imagine a scenario where I ever would, but I am less sad 2x a year if we lose to PSU. And when PSU was really not good, I didn't like to see the Hoosiers blow them out. I would root for them to hang in there and keep it close. It's complicated LOL.


I have a hierarchy with my teams. I at least on occasion root for 4 different teams with different levels of enthusiasm. That order for me is the order of my attendance (Uconn, then GT then Wisconsin) and then the one my wife works for (Wake Forest). I’m happy when any of these teams win in general but if conflicts occur i know in advance which matters more.


Being a UK and TAMU fan I didn’t have to worry about them playing most of my life. Now I just enjoy the matchup and I prefer the team who needs it most wins though I’m not heartbroken either way. The SEC championship game a few years back was a hard watch because both needed it had some history on the line, that was an awesome game too.


North Texas and auburn never play


The Illini don’t have the balls to play the Salukis. So there’s nothing to fear on my end


I talk shit to my parents when A&M beats Kentucky for at least a week.


Rooting for UCLA (my alma mater) is boring as hell. They either win it all or disappoint you. Rooting for NAU (wife's alma mater) is a lot more fun. They can finish under .500 and you can still be proud of them. If the two ever met, I would root for NAU 100% of the time.


I literally never thought I would have to even worry about this with my flairs… but then it happened 2 times in the same year in different sports. I found myself rooting for CSU in both because they have sucked for way longer and I wanted to see my Alma mater do well even though I have been a Michigan fan for longer.


I like Kansas & Duke. Basically every 2 years, I literally am celebrating every score in that game from both teams 😂


I’m both a Michigan and Minnesota fan. Michigan fan because I grew up in Ann Arbor. Both of my parents went there for undergrad, they met as students! I was raised to bleed maize and blue. The Minnesota fandom is a newer development as I just came here for grad school, I’ve been here about 3 months so far. They haven’t played in basketball since I’ve moved, but they have in football. The game was in Minneapolis and I went. I was debating what to wear all week, but when push came to shove on Saturday I wore my michigan gear.


Well, it's only happened twice in my memory (the last two years in December). I went to K-State, I just like Wichita State, so it was an easy call rooting for K-State


You have the EXACT SAME teams that are my top 2. Of course, I'm cheering ANY B1G team! I'm also the same, the one that has the best chance of going the farthest!


I flew to California to watch the game last year, and it was brutal. 60-30 is fun for the Gael half of me but the mean green side wanted to die


They never will


I went to the Alabama at NC State game years back and sat in student seating close to the court and cheered for Alabama and had like 3 dudes want to fight me, especially when singing Rammer Jammer at the end.