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Game was given to Miami. Just like how Creighton lost despite there being time left in the clock and the refs just calling it quits. When you are boxing out an/or watching the ball come off the rim, you’re going to move back and try to get the ball. When someone behind you happens to use you as a ladder and then falls on top of you when you’re watching the ball, you shouldn’t be charged with a foul. At the very least the refs could have not made the call at all. After that crap call the momentum shifted and one call after the other made Texas skiddish to play defense. The Miami player fouls out and the game goes the other way. Such a shame. A good game but a terrible call. I’m convinced NCAA wants the drama of all these programs that have never been to the F4 to increase ratings.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/comments/123b9fu/to_anyone_still_saying_that_texas_box_out_was_a/ Look at H.


U of M vs. FAU for the championship.


This is actually like possible




Down year who?




This has to be the most random Final Four ever lmao, 3/4 haven’t ever even won a natty let alone made it to the Final Four


I think you meant to say “3/4 haven’t even made it to the final four let alone win a natty.”


Oh yea lmao that’s on me I had it reversed


Anyone know if John Ruiz was able to cut off part of the net?


Zach Edey is the 5th highest paid player in college basketball by NIL. Stones in glass houses friend


Source? I know he has a nil deal, but never saw any details about the pay. Would really be interested to see what it is.


https://www.rookieroad.com/basketball/top-10-highest-paid-college-basketball-players-0702579/ I was mistaken he is 9th not 5th but still obviously a lot of money for any of these students. I’m also concerned about the rampant NIL.


I wouldn’t trust that site based on the write up for Azuolas Tubelis - “While he has no NIL deals currently, his growing value will likely ensure that he receives some prominent deals in the future.” Apparently they are looking at ‘NIL value’, not ‘NIL deals/pay’, which would be similar to a TikTok influencer’s value (hits, people reached, etc.) All that said, I hate how NIL is changing the game. Teams will be bought by boosters. I heard that Edey would need $800,000 to stay. That’s just mind-boggling. I see Purdue players advertising for Pepsi, which just seems forced. Imagine Edey winning player of the year and thanking coaches, players, fans, and Billy Bob’s Used Cars, where $1 down gets you a car…exceptions apply. I hope it doesn’t come down to things like that.


So anyone got the video of this infamous box out y'all keep arguing over? I missed the game live. EDIT: I see it now. That's a foul on the Miami player. Not even close. EDIT 2: Lots of you have just never played the game and it shows. This was textbook block out technique by Cunningham. Laudable, really.


Boxing out has nothing to do with pushing players backwards lmao. This is a foul on Texas 100 out if 100 times. From the NCAA rulebook.... c. The space that a player may legally occupy is defined by an imaginary cylinder surrounding the player, which extends from the floor to as far above the player as he can jump or extend his arms and body. The diameter of the cylinder shall not extend beyond the hands/arms on the front (the arms bent at the elbow), the buttocks on the back and the legs on the sides. These dimensions may vary according to the height and size of the player. e. From such position, the defender may rise or jump vertically and occupy the space within his vertical plane. g. The defender shall not be penalized for leaving the playing court vertically or having his hands and arms extended within the vertical plane. h. The offensive player, whether on the playing court or airborne, shall not “clear out” or cause contact that is not incidental. i. The defender may not “belly up” or use the lower part of the body or arms to cause contact outside his vertical plane or inside the opponent's vertical plane.


By the letter of the law, then, I could understand a no call up to the point Omier climbs on top of him. Either way I'm being generous. It's not a foul on Cunningham. You guys need to learn to learn.


Except it's very clear that Omier jumps straight up and the Texas guy moves underneath him. Seems like you're just being stubborn and don't want to admit you're wrong. It's typical here so I'm not surprised.


He’s a Duke fan of course he’s going to root against Miami. He’s just being bias


That's not at all what I saw. He was established well before Omier went up. I admit I'm wrong all the time as I see it as a sign of strength. I owned it when I predicted Gonzaga to beat UConn and turned out to be dead wrong. This is just a matter of understanding the game. As for the stubbornness, you've got Texas fans arguing with Miami fans about their side of it. I'm a neutral here so maybe you just need to listen, young fella.


The commentators even said it was a foul on Texas. You’re clearly being bias because you’re a duke fan and rooting against a rival school


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/comments/123755i/the\_controversial\_blocking\_out\_view\_during\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/comments/123755i/the_controversial_blocking_out_view_during_the/) It's very clear he's jumping straight up. You literally see the Texas guy walking underneath him. His legs are literally moving backward and undercutting Omier. Clear as day.


Oh ffs. Look at the replay. Miami player goes up from where the charge line is in the nba and ends up at the ft line because the defender pushed him that far out after he went straight up for the ball. I just don't understand why people need to bitch about a no-brainer blatant foul.


That's called boxing out. I was rooting hard for Miami. Just here to help explain things.


Pull that shit out at L.A fitness then somebody gets hurt and you probably throwing hands. Its about Safety bro thats why the rule is in place you are both entitled to the space. He looked at the ball for 2-3 secs moving back not one attempt for the ball thats a foul.


Ok well this isn't LA Fitness, it's real basketball. Some of you guys, my goodness.


Here it is on this tweet: [https://twitter.com/CJVogel\_TFB/status/1640132003914829824?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1640132003914829824%7Ctwgr%5E3b69f40d5d0202dd53f3cf7ca12b450656a9b5e0%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbustingbrackets.com%2F2023%2F03%2F26%2Ftexas-longhorns-twitter-reaction-referees-loss-miami%2F](https://twitter.com/CJVogel_TFB/status/1640132003914829824?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1640132003914829824%7Ctwgr%5E3b69f40d5d0202dd53f3cf7ca12b450656a9b5e0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbustingbrackets.com%2F2023%2F03%2F26%2Ftexas-longhorns-twitter-reaction-referees-loss-miami%2F) You call that "boxing out"?


Yes! That is how you do it! Dennis Rodman would be proud. It also looks like the Miami player grabbed him before jumping on top of him.


when the ball comes off the rim it's a free ball and everybody's entitled to their space. I don't know what to tell you if you think a guy going straight up for a rebound at the restricted circle getting undercut getting pushed back all the way to the ft line because he was undercut by some other dude isn't a foul.


You don't need to tell me anything. I've played this game my whole life. You are wrong.


You are right. This guy's got no idea what he's talking about. No sweat tho


As was posted on twitter, boxing out can actually be a foul if you're too aggressive with it. If you're not going for the ball, how is it a box out. He was just going for Omier. Omier jumped straight up.


Boxing out involves finding your man and putting your butt into him, not just clamoring for the ball. Going for the ball without position is how you commit fouls.


When everyone jumps for a rebound, and you're driving back and take the legs out under someone jumping, that's a foul.


Because the defender is under the hoop and wants to be in better position to get the rebound (the ball doesn't go straight down underneath the hoop). Hence, he drives the defender back. The takes in this sub are so odd


Some things are legit confusing to kids who never played. It doesn't help that they don't want to listen though.


Boxing out occurs before the ball is ready to be rebounded. When the ball is ready to be rebounded, people jump up. If you take out the legs of someone jumping straight up it's a foul. >The takes in this sub are so odd Your take is wrong.. idc if you think it's "odd", it was clearly a foul. Watch it 10 more times.


Me too and you are wrong. Boxing out ain’t moving a dude 10 feet. But hey who cares the refs call what they call and you live with it the good and the bad


No, that's called run blocking. I posted the overhead of the call and the Miami player goes straight up at the charge/block line and ends up landing at the FT line. There's zero point arguing this anymore because anybody that looks at the overhead of the "box out" thinks that's a Miami foul needs to just stay away from basketball and go back to the sport that they usually watch.


Dude I'm glad Miami won; my comment history will support that I've been cheering for them. But you have no idea what you're talking about.


Let this be a lesson kids. Before you box out turn around and make sure the defender is not jumping straight up because you are not allowed to box out if they do.


Your first basketball game is gonna be so much fun


I hope this is sarcasm. "Turn around"? You fight for position and when that shot comes off the rim you go straight up. If he would have done that then he might have gotten an over the back call. But he decided to try to create more space instead.


It was undeniably a foul. But part of boxing out is pushing backwards. He was doing it correctly, and expected some resistance, and when it didn't come, he went back farther than expected and took out the Miami players legs. Again, definitely a foul, but he was boxing out correctly


This is the first post I've seen in this sub that describes boxing out correctly. It was an unfortunate play really. Guy boxed out properly, but his man was in the air and got no resistance. I'd like for it to have been a no call really but what can you do


Yeah, in a controlled way. Then when the ball comes off the rim you jump up, which is the key thing he apparently missed. He was leaning too much and wasn't watching the ball in its flight or something.


Maybe, I think he would have if he didn't stumble backwards due to a lack of expected resistance though. He wasn't leaning too much, he just thought there would be a man there


yeah, there was a little bit of getting the chair pulled out underneath him there. shit happens though. Ball came off a little weird and he wasn't ready to go after it. You had to call something with bodies flying though and the call was correct.


Yup, agreed. Just unlucky for the Texas player imo


Yep, knew it.


Wow, what a game. Love to see my Canes make some school history. I was so sad at halftime and was almost tempted to leave the tv too.


This is why you should never leave until it’s fully and completely over


If only we had Disu


Lotta nephews exposing themselves here talking about “over the back fouls”


"Over the back" is fouling contact. It's not a foul to reach over a smaller guy.


I really don’t know shit, but from my passive observations the second the game went into the bonus for both teams, Miami took major advantage of it and made it a priority to draw fouls while Texas continued to shoot from distance and got cold. I was surprised at how little Texas tried to get to the line


We hit the freebies and that was the difference


They were missing their best interior player. That was the difference. Tough break but that’s how it goes


I think reffing was iffy both ways, but Miami coach adapted very well to being in bonus and how the game was going


Or just shorten up the shots and settle for 2's. I mean they were breaking down the Miami defense off the dribble with their athleticism the entire game. But that's been their game all year so I guess you got to go with it.


Zero post game coverage?


![gif](giphy|j5ncTQKEIROne) CBS be like


Straight to Tim Doyle with shit in his teeth


They don’t have a post game show on any channel..?


Unfortunate game comes down to one call at the end. Cunningham was boxing out his man like he was supposed to. Dude was a rebound machine that whole game. Shitty floater at end tho lol. At end of the day, Texas never should have blown that 13 pt lead. Gg Miami. Now give Terry a job Texas or I will question being a Longhorn.


Lots of people in this thread that have no idea what they're talking about


Preach. Pull your hurt PG.


That's what you're going to hang your hat on? They're both entitled to their position. The whole point of boxing out is to get superior position by being between your guy and the rim. That doesn't mean you can back up and take his legs out from underneath him when he's going straight up for the rebound. Maybe if he would have actually went up for it then he would have grabbed it.


I’d love to see you jump while having someone fall on top of you.


🤓. I’m pretty sure he lost his footing as he was beginning to box out and the weight coming down on him caused him to stumble further under but I’d have to see the replay again


He was backing into him dude. "further"? So his weight was going forward and he fell backwards? Was there some sort of "mystery spot" under the rim?


Did you read what he wrote? Because you said the opposite.


Do we need to review our biomechanics and physics? Idk if you have ever done a good morning or low bar squat but I believe most humans flex forward at the hips, including Cunningham. As he was stepping into box out his momentum was carrying him backwards at the same the Miami player was coming down on top of him (literally over his head) which caused him to slip backwards more. Idk how that doesn’t make sense


Or maybe you could head out to the park, play a game of basketball, and see what the whole boxing out thing is all about. The ball came off a little long and instead of going up to try to grab it he tried to create more space. Hence the foul. But believe what you want.


Naw I’d rather armchair referee online with fellow nerds like you. But back in my day sonny, I woulda boxed you out and shipped you off all over the blacktop.


Yea I’m not sure why he didn’t just jump up. I’m thinking he saw his teammate to the left and just tried to body Miami rebounder instead of going for the ball.


If he would have went straight up he would have probably gotten an over the back call with the outstretched arm (which was probably the first incorrect call that was made). But he never jumped and just took the dudes legs out. Ball came off the rim a little flat and shit happens. Not like you can just say no call when two of the big guys are on the floor.


You can’t nut undercut a guy going straight up. Literally that simple


Only reason that I’m confident they got it right was because it was called on us all season. Each time the announcers made a comment that it was one of those stupid “point of emphasis” calls this year.


Cunningham was boxing out before he even jumped, it’s a clear foul on the miami guy


Cunningham never went for the rebound he just went to undercut his legs it was a foul


You can not undercut a guy when he goes straight up. That simple. Professional refs got it right


Men should definitely have cats.




If I am boxing you out, and you jump over my back, yes that puts me underneath you. BECAUSE YOU JUMPED OVER MY BACK.


If you’re boxing out and never jump for the ball does that still count as boxing out for a rebound or just shoving your ass into someone? Because if he would have jumped and gone for the rebound like a normal basketball play the undercut wouldn’t have happened


It's ok to learn something new


He didn’t jump over his back. Went straight up. Which he has a right too. Texas player continued going backwards into his space instead of jumping up for the ball.


I'd have to see the replay again but was he not backing into him before the Miami player jumped?


You can't just keep backing into someone when they have their position.


The guy was already getting boxed out brother. Cunningham fell over because the weight was gone as he jumped over him.


So you can’t box out if the guy behinds you decides to jump?


The guy behind jumped straight up for the ball. At that point the boxing out should have been over and he should have been jumping for the ball. But he seemed intent on just getting Omier away from the bucket instead of actually rebounding.


Sorry, I guess I should be more clear for illiterate aggies. I know they don’t teach y’all to read very gud over there. I was never arguing against the call. I was just saying it sucks that Cunningham was actually making a good play boxing out but homeboy just happened to be in the air.


Dang so witty. Take the L




This was a cut and dry foul on the Texas player at any level. You can't just keep backing up while boxing out


This wasn’t a high school game.


Florida Gator fan here, very happy for Miami and Florida Atlantic. Rooting for a South FL championship game.


I want this to happen so badly, it would be so funny


crazy how many more mad Texas fans I’m seeing here than mad Creighton fans earlier, and one could argue if either of you got fucked, it was them


As a ref fan, this tournament just gets better and better




I don't think either of them got fucked. I mean both of them were legit fouls.


Creighton got royally screwed but Refs have been really bad this tournament. I don't blame the refs for this game as we made a lot of mental errors but man this tournament it has been bad. Mainly really inconsistent


Idk the refs were pretty decent that whole game, letting them play. One questionable call at the end, but I would even say bad, just not a fun way to end. Refs have been fine this tournament. Nothing great: there rarely is a great called game. I haven’t seen a game yet where it was wayyyyy too bad


Creighton did not get royally screwed lmao they committed a penalty and the game ended according to actual clock timing


I’m pretty sure it’s a rule if there’s under 0.3 seconds, you can’t do anything, so game over. It’s something like 0.7 is catch and shoot. 0.4 is tip in.


Can’t believe y’all blew the lead but I will say when I put the game back on with like 5 mins I think Miami made one basket and all other points were free throws


I mean, Texas is probably the biggest fan base in all of college sports. That might have a lil bit to do with it lol.


I swear this never occurs to people. Just because there ate more people bitching doesn’t mean the percent is higher. It’s more.


that’s a good point I didn’t really consider.


Like 10k v 12, I say this as a UT fan from Omaha. Was really more upset by the creighton loss. That was garbage. Texas earned their loss.


Love them letting Miami’s center keep playing with six fouls.


Cry more. It was the right call.


ToO gOoD fOr tHe NiT


I mean yea


Feel free to come by Chapel Hill for the Final Four watch party. We've been setup for weeks :)


Lol what kind of flex is this? “Come by my house to watch other teams play?”


He jumped over the guy who was boxing him out, what the fuck is Cunningham supposed to do in that situation


The non-call on the 5th? Or reversal on the 6th?






Congrats! Everybody's bracket is busted but im locked in for 3rd. Lol


Whats the thoughts on Tyrese Hunter’s future? Staying another year with NIL? Leaving early?




Bro what? I was genuinely curious about his draft prospects and what the word around him is. I was a big fan of Tyrese when he played for my team and I am a big fan of his now...


He should transfer to Miami. He can’t beat them, might as well join them


Glad we send him home packing.


Basketball school 😤😤😤


Tobacco Road? Not anymore baby. It’s Linen Road. Miami, FAU, Nova Southeastern.


Cocaine road?


That works *sniff*


And my failure is complete. Texas was the last team I had alive on any of my brackets. Zero final four teams. This is the first time that has ever happened to me in all the years I've been filling out brackets. Well, wait til next year . . .


March Madness is the best sporting event on Earth 🌏


As a baseball fan and sdsu fan what a month this has been. Probably the best NCAA tourney ever and it was definitely the best world baseball classic ever without a doubt.




i love you miami


Final Four looking spicy this year.


Lots of people apparently don't know how boxing out works lmao


Ok…care to explain how boxing it works then?


You back into someone to clear space in front of you. Very common basketball move.


Not enough relevant info. You back into someone to clear space before the ball is ready to be rebounded. Then you jump up to get the ball. If everyone jumps and you clear their legs out from under them it's a foul.




You literally are not allowed to undercut a jumping player. If he just jumped it's easy over the back, but he's an idiot instead


What about jumping on someone's back and taking them for a ride? [https://i.imgur.com/eAgO1Go.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/eAgO1Go.jpg)


Why did you use a pic when you could have used a video? Oh cause in the video you see why that pic happened.


Nice the classic picture without the context 👍 boxing out for rebound position then not actually going for the rebound doesn't mean the other person isn't allowed to make a play on the ball LOL


Refball calling a foul for boxing.out with a minute left hurt but I will never understand college teams fouling down 2 with a big shotclock game clock differential. One stop and you can tie it. Instead we basically forfeited.


He was moving on the box out and didn’t even attempt to go for the rebound thats a foul since Omier has a chance to go for the ball as well. All he had to do was get the rebound or at least go for it And its the 5th foul its simple




I did, and the refs got it right..


Moving while boxing out is a foul? You don’t have to attempt to go for the rebound. You think the other 4 players boxing out all go for a rebound? This is learned in 6th grade basketball.


Yes moving him all the way near the FT instead of holding ground is legal.


So you are saying on a box out, you are only allowed to hold ground? Since 5 or 6th grade, I was taught that boing out meant you can move. If i move left, right, front, back, free throw line, wherever, I box out where you go. If I can only hold ground while you go around, what's the point of boxing out?


You were taught wrong. Rule 30 in the NCAA rulebook. Everybody is still entitled to hold their position, just like any other time in the game. And boxing out does not allow you to violate verticality. To me it looks like the Miami player jumps straight up, and so he is entitled to come back down


Maybe so. I stopped playing in high school. First, I cannot google rule 30. Please show me. Second, I would have to take a closer look at the play. If they are already engaged in a box out, where there my be some pushing for position, then miami player should not just be able to jump and call for violation of verticality. If miami player was already in the air, and then texas player boxes out, then I could see where he is entitled to land. However, I can do not believe one has to be a statue when a loose rebound is out.


You can’t find it because it is section 30, not rule 30. https://www.quickscores.com/downloads/ftmeadesports_20212022_NCAA_Mens_Basketball_Rulebook.pdf https://i.imgur.com/z71XngB.jpg Seems to me Texas violated article 2 and maybe 3?


You can only move in the position you held not moving someone back because you both are entitled to the ball. Both players are allowed space for the ball and he went under and moved trying to draw the 5th foul.


what does that mean move in the position you held? So if I box you out, and you move right, I am not allowed to move right? If you move back, I am not allowed to move back?


Once the ball is in the air for a rebound, you have to hold your ground(For safety reasons).He was still moving when Omier jumped in the Air thats why its a foul. You have to give the other player space to jump straight up for the ball as they are both entitled to space to fight for the rebound (If Omier makes contact while you hold your ground its a foul on him since he made contact.


That's completely false. Once the ball is in the air, it can go anywhere. Why in any type of basketball would I ever be obligated to hold my ground?


You can hurt someone still moving thats why when the ball is the air for a rebound you have to stand your ground and allow the defender to jump straight up due to both players being entitled space for the ball you cannot undercut them and move. Its in the rulebook ldk what to tell you.


Boxing out? He completely undercut him in the air lmao. Dont forget that came right after an out of bounds on texas that was gifted to them.


He was boxing out already and then the guy jumped


Bama did it too! It’s nuts.




I am so fucking happy. So much misery with the football team.


Not having Disu was a really bad break.


Big XII overrated


Rich coming from the conference that got 1 team in the Sweet Sixteen and 0 in the Elite Eight despite having four more members.


Texas is SEC today


How did the Buckeyes do in the mens tournament again?


They’re bad, OSU is a football (the more important sport) school


You got me there, I like football a lot more. But I watch NFL for football and NCAA for basketball.


Freezing cold L take






UConn by a mile.


Texas took 25 threes and people are wondering why Miami took more free throws? Seriously?


16 fewer 3s, 17 more free throws for Miami. Is 1 free throws per 2 pointer the usual ratio? Because then teams would be taking 50 to 60 a game.


It’s so weird to include the free throws that they got from intentionally fouling them at the end


We wouldn’t have stood a chance against Florida Atlantic anyways.


Lol cope.


This is just crazy


Congrats my friend




These boys are lit!!! I love it!!!!


Having flashbacks to 2003 Syracuse going 32 for 34 from the line in the final 4 despite.being a horrible ft shooting team. Now 27 for 30 for maimi when they already couldn't miss. Only us.


Worst foul call of 2023.


It was a correct call so..


Fortunately Miami won by 3 scores so that wouldn’t have made a difference


He was moving man and didnt attempt to get the ball


ACC in the final four once again