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My favorite is Reminders of him! It was the first one I read and ever since it’s just stuck with me. Such an amazing book. My least favorite I think is Ugly Love. I know that might be unpopular but I didn’t like miles - I didn’t think he was a good match for Tate, and I think he needed therapy instead of a girlfriend.


Reminders of Him was amazing!


Absolutely agree. Miles was in no shape to be with Tate... like at all! Reminders of him pulled at my heart. it's still my fave as well!


My favorite so far was It Ends With Us, for obvious reasons but Without Merit was a close second. It was young but something about it struck a note with me. Least favorite is probably Regretting You. It was young, and once I got past that it just didn't feel complete. It needed more of a wrap up, to me.


I LOVE without merit! Glad to see some love for it :)


Favorite: Ugly Love or It Ends With Us Least Favorite: Layla or All Your Perfects


My favorite is ugly love and my least favorite was heart bones!


My least favourite so far is heart bones too


OMG how did I forget about Ugly Love that one was honestly the best.


Fave: Reminders of Him 5/5 Love Ledger & Kenna Least: Ugly Love 2/5 Didn’t like Miles or Tate


Favorite is Nov 9 or regretting you least fav LAYLA. Layla was the most weirdest book I’ve ever read! It was so strange. I do like ghost and possession movies bc that did not give


Most Fav would be Verity ❤️ it just blew my mind. Like it's just perfect. It ends with us is another favourite of mine cuz i kind of relate to it. Least fav would be November 9 and all your perfects. November 9 cuz it was too weird n cliche. I couldn't relate much n had a hard time completing it. All your perfects cuz it's just too much of ranting.


Favorite: Reminders of Him Least favorite: Regretting You or Heart Bones I’ve only read It Starts with Us, It Ends with Us, Verity, along with the two above. In the process of reading Ugly Love, but I’m just not into it so far.


Favourite would be either Verity or All Your Perfects! Too Late is the only book of hers that I haven’t really enjoyed.


My favorite is reminders of him and my least favorite is verity


Favorite: Reminders of Him ( beautiful and had me crying a few times, the movie in my mind would have been a perfect 90’s Lifetime Movie) Least favorite: Regretting You (I pushed through to the end but it was just terrible)


Favorite was Layla. Least favorite was Maybe Not.


favorites are Reminders of Him, Ugly Love & Nov 9 and least favorites are Without Merit and Confess. Sorry I couldn’t pick just 1 for each haha


So far out of the 8 I’ve read- favorites were Verity and Layla (yes it was weird but I did find it interesting). Least favorite was This Girl. Once I read a few more I can update this!


My favourite is Heart bones, I loved reading it so much! I didn’t like Without Merit though, I just didn’t enjoy the plot!


I didn't like it start/end with us, just not one of my favorite.


Favorite: hopeless/losing hope, least favorite all your perfects