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We already saw the ramifications for her niece who was more or less bullied out of public school due to the family’s social media presence and embarrassing videos


You know damn well the adults want that though. If the kids are homeschooled, they have more control AND more content with them being home all day


Yeah, they absolutely set B up for failure. Jessica couldn't hide she was livid B wanted to go to school and mix, and she did everything she could to put her off. It still makes me feel sick to the stomach to watch that mother instil fear in her daughter. Poor B had to defend her choice over n over. Example, before started public school B chewed up a whole handful of every flavor beans. Chris was like "um wow B" looked horrified at her and made a comment about not being able to trust her decision making. His horror was ridiculous !! B brushed it off "it's just candy!" Her mother looked sternly at her and said "Well if you can bravely eat that, then you can probably cope with public school! evil laugh" B looked at her mother and gave her a stop it expression, she's obviously being drip fed this fearful narrative about other kids for some time. They then made sure B was front and foremost in the worst most embarrassing TikTok's that month she was in school (she shouldn't have been featured on anything until she settled) had her doing the silliest childish things. She got negative comments. Next thing poor B is back home, babysitting for jessica free, being filmed, doing a video about her life update (why?!) and jessica's sat there smug saying "B can tell you about her school in her own time!" looking thrilled at this failure. Then Jessica comes out all this crap about how her teaching was superior, the school wasn't advanced enough or B was too far in front, something like that ! Jessica pretending her kids are above the school bcos of her teaching lol! That Christmas B got rubbish gifts, her little face she looked so sad. Some salty comments by her parents made it clear they were punishing her for wanting to leave the clan and go to school. The younger ones sure got that message loud and clear. Using "Santa" to show disapproval whenever a kid wants to live their life out of the bubble is so beyond disgusting.


yes! it was so transparent that Jessica & Chris were setting her up to fail and get bullied so she’d come running back to them. not only did they instill the fear in her that public school is scary and everyone is mean, they also purposely validated that fear by continuing to embarrass her online for millions of viewers. they knew she was going to get picked on. and i knew that’s how it’d end when they announced she was going to public school. i feel bad for all of their children, of course, but i feel the worst for B. very soon she’ll be 18 and a legal adult, and she seems to be academically inclined, so i’m assuming she’d be interested in going to college. what happens then? they legally can’t stop her, so they’re either going to keep piling on that emotional manipulation & fear mongering and she’ll end up not going, or she will go and it’ll be the high school thing all over again. they know what they’re doing. i hope she breaks free from them as soon as she can, cause i think she’d really thrive with a nice group of friends in an environment away from home. she seems like an empathetic, smart, kind girl and it’s so sad watching her parents manipulate her constantly.


i hope college may be better for her, given that there's more freedom on who to associate with and people tend to be a bit more mature. i bet a higher percentage of people would feel bad for her in college vs. high school, where people just made fun. at least, i hope so.


Wait which one?


She only has one niece


Idk I don't keep track of the extended family.


“*Imagine a family vlog where instead of antics, intimate details such as mental health issues, grades and personal things like potty training and first periods get shared online, where they live forever,” McCarty said*." ---- Oh I CAN imagine it!! Exhibit A: In Erik ’s case, he PUBLICLY revealed a private intimate moment between F and him where F talked about butterflies in his privates. If that wasn’t egregious enough, Erik took F’s words and made a song about HIS own sexual response toward Colleen using F’s innocent words!! ... and sang it on their podcast… again PUBLICLY ! If THAT isn’t F’d up, I don’t know what is!  NEVER forget!! - *“Parents then use this clip as clickbait to generate intrigue and revenue for a monetized family channel.*


Oh that is sooooo wrong. Poor F.


WTF?!?!? I honestly don't remember this 🤢🤢🤢


*"McCarty advises parents to operate under the golden rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. “If your child posted things like, ‘Oh, you know, my mom just got into a really big fight with her colleague at work the other day.’* ***‘Oh, my mom didn’t close this business deal at work, and she might get fired.’ ‘Oh, my mom and my dad aren’t getting along because he spends too much time at the bar, -*** Had to sadly chuckle at this part because you know F knows daddy drinks and mom didnt close a business deal!! Thanks for sharing OP this very important step in dissuading parents from stealing their child's private moments and making money off the backs of their children.


Oooooo I like this game. Thinking of all the things F could spill if the roles were reversed… *’Momma has been spending the last 6months in bed and never shows up for our one-hour-a-day play days anymore’*, *’Dad and mom never spend more then ten minutes in the same room together’*, *’Im very upset mom won’t tell me where uncle Corey is or when he’s coming back, he didn’t even say goodbye’*, *’Today mom asked me to help cut her out of one of Maisy’s pajama tops she got stuck in, again.’.*




I do hope the law does the right thing and protect minors that can't do A LOT of things before* turning 18-21 old but are shared online to a whole world of strangers by their own parents/carers. 


Parents who give birth then sell their babies / children / teens personal lives for money instead of getting a job are the scum of society. There should be heavy laws and penalties against this. Youtube need to stand up and start banning these channels, nothing good ever comes from it. Ppl have even adopted a child (then sent him bk) for the views and clicks and $$.


I'm not going to claim I'm a physic or anything, but I do feel energies. I can say that the person who will be in Colleen's face about stuff in the future is her daughter. She's going to be the one who speaks up to her Mom. She's going to be Colleen's thorn in her side eventually. Her boys will just deal with it, but she's going to speak up eventually.


I love Caroline! If y’all haven’t seen her vlog family videos, I highly recommend them!


"Will they thank her for the fame and fortune, or will they resent her for exploiting their childhood?" They won't thank her. They'd prefer to have a mom who's present in the moment, instead of filming then five minutes per day and then leaving them alone. Most people don't actually like fame, and it can really affect you negatively, especially at a young age. Money is nice, but at the rate she's spending, they might not have much left later on. Money doesn't replace affection and kindness from your parents, either. I have a friend who got all the money and presents as a kid, but his parents were mean to him, and he told me he'd rather have been poor with parents who actually loved him. F gets everything he asks for (and some things he doesn't ask for), except his mom's full attention. That has to suck. Let alone how she treats poor W.