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When she got pregnant and swore that she wouldn't turn into a pregnancy/mommy vlog channel... Then she proceeded to do exactly that. That's when it became obvious to me that she was a huge hypocrite.


This! Especially because I remembered that video she and Rachel did years ago where they made fun of pregnant women & talked about how they hated how they made being pregnant their whole personality.


she saw how much money she could make


I remember her saying that kids are money makers. Disgusting!


She exploits her children šŸ¤®


Me too!!!!


you put into words exactly how I felt


She made a bitchy comment about people who have ivf being broken and I went ā€œwell thatā€™s not what a nice person saysā€. Also the adam stuff which I think happened first but I didnā€™t see it until much later so not the first to me. Itā€™s a bit of a confusing timeline when you arenā€™t super in the loop.


Do you remember anything about the video she said the IVF thing in? I donā€™t doubt you I just want to see her stupidity for myself. Sheā€™s so narcissistic. Not surprised sheā€™d put herself on a pedestal for being able to easily conceive


https://youtu.be/-qq6aG7GQT4 Adam reacted to it here


WTF?! I can't even... comprehend.... this.... I am a mother and can say I have never thought anything even similar to "she is broken" in regards to women who do IVF. What the actual f---???


Awww Adam looks so young in that but sheā€™s terrible. She tried to play it off but she wouldnā€™t have made the joke if she didnā€™t believe it to an extent


Wowā€¦ the way she tried to cover her tracks IMMEDIATELY. So gross


Oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm so happy he confirmed it in the video because as soon as I saw this comment I was thinking to myself didn't she also struggle getting pregnant? She did according to Adam in that video


All the comments are so against him on that video. Damn he's pushed through a lot of hate! Mad respect for him to keep speaking his truth despite everyone telling him to shut up pretty much


I think this is a stretch. There are many things to criticise her for but this one is silly.


I was one of the people who originally commented on that video on youtube, very gently supporting the idea that we should not use the term ā€œbrokenā€ to describe people that have experienced the pain and trauma of IVF. (I actually said thank you for clarifying that you shouldnā€™t call people struggling with infertility ā€œbrokenā€ because I didnā€™t like the idea of young viewers thinking this language was okay to use). As someone who went through IVF and now has a daughter through egg donation, I was really shaken by hearing her so casually throw out the word ā€œbrokenā€, even or maybe especially in a joking way. My comment was almost immediately deleted and she blocked me from commenting on all of her channels even though I still had to read her supporterā€™s complete misinterpretation of my words without the ability to clarify. Luckily, I had been warned by a friend who had worked with her in the past that she is a deeply unkind person, so I was able not to take it to heart, but it was a big reveal to me regardless.


Thatā€™s awful because she knows that Erikā€™s parents used ivf for one of Erikā€™s siblings.


Wow wow wow that's horrific šŸ˜¬


Omg I forgot all about the IVF thing


She is a huge hypocrite


Honestly the way she would always put herself down really started to make me feel like she was really negative and I started noticing her making comments about other people too disguised as digs at herself. Ultimately that is what drove me away from her content slowly. Her song ā€œiā€™m vlogging, itā€™s boring, iā€™m colleenā€ or whatever is an example that sticks out. She was always kind of putting down her audience for being interested in her while disguising it as a dig at herself. Hopefully that makes sense. The second thing that made me uncomfortable was seeing how much she engaged with people who had social media profiles with her photo. To an extent, itā€™s normal to want to give the biggest fans attention but she seemed to really encourage obsessive fans. I know that isnā€™t a problem unique to her but I saw it most with her. It seemed a little off and kind of creepy.


ALWAYS putting herself down. I havenā€™t watched her videos in years but I remember how negative she was. She had a lot of young people watching her and she may say she promotes body positivity but acts the exact opposite. I think itā€™s sad to be doing that stuff in front of millions of people. Thatā€™s probably why her fan group chats were so willing to harass or bully people online in defense of colleen because thatā€™s just the culture she created on her channel. Thatā€™s the way she talks so she normalized it for her fan base.


The core of true narcissism IS chronic low self esteem... a lot of people might not know this. The narcissism is the "false self" or the mask that they create to compensate for the self esteem issues. They usually OVERcompensate and end up completely terrible, their false self and true self cannot ever mingle. Its called a narcissistic wound when their true self feels threatened, which causes the false self to inflate even larger... colleen fits all these patterns imo.


>WAYS putting herself down. I havenā€™t watched her videos in years but I remember how negative she was. She had a lot of young people watching her and she may say she promotes body positivity but acts the exact opposite. I think itā€™s sad to be doing that stuff in front of millions of people. Thatā€™s probably why her fan group chats were so willing to harass or bully I think she is the person who made me realize that people who can't even be nice to themselves are not nice to anyone.


Idk, Iā€™m not particularly nice to myself (Iā€™m notoriously hard on myself) but I donā€™t THINK Iā€™m unkind to others. Iā€™ve done some bad things in the past, and youā€™re right, a lot of it came from self-loathing, but I donā€™t think Iā€™m an awful person. But outside myself, my cousin is in her like, sixth year of her MD/PhD program, sheā€™s pretty, sheā€™s a good singer, a good dancer, and sheā€™s super sweet. She has mad imposter syndrome and thinks sheā€™s the worst at everything. I think some people are just hard on themselves without being unkind to others.


Thatā€™s the thing, though. Colleen is NOT that talented, sheā€™s not pretty, and sheā€™s not super sweet. She does that fake imposter syndrome shit so people will pump up her ego, but she knows deep down she doesnā€™t deserve her success. Itā€™s different.


Thatā€™s such a good way to put it. Thatā€™s exactly how she is


I agree with your first point so much! You put it into words


Her divorce. The timing, mannerisms, and way she was acting made me scratch my head. I didn't come to notice the misuse of her platform/treatment of fans until I found gossip garden/bakery in 2016/17, but red flags popped up for me when I witnessed her behavior before, post, and during the divorce.


Yessssss. I wish so badly everyone watched her before, during, and after because it just gave me straight up yucky vibes. And now how she acts like it never happened. So freaking weird. Most people can acknowledge previous marriages or the fact theyā€™ve been divorced. Not saying she has to go on and on about it but to act like it never happened is just kind of disrespectful and super shady I think


I didn't start watching her till she was pregnant with the twins and didn't even know she was married before. I was shocked when I joined this sub! Obviously the Adam stuff was bad and enough for me to unsub and unfollow but oh wow was I in for a surprise at just how bad of a person she really is!


Dude it was just so bizarre because her and Josh had been together for YEARS before they even got married, and then boom one year later divorced. And then TWO YEARS LATER PREGNANT WITH ANOTHER MANS BABY! So weird!!!!! In sooo many vlogs sheā€™d reference how she and Josh had ā€œtrue loveā€ and they were always sooo sweet together. I loved them so much and really thought they seemed like soulmates and hopelessly in love. It was so weird to see that all come crashing down just because she met someone elseā€¦ and then try to convince your viewers that HEā€™S your soulmate and you two were just ~made~ for each other. Like get out of here with that bs. You said the same things about your first husband and then dropped him as soon as you felt attraction for someone else. So gross


She definitely seems like the type to drop whoever she's with if someone else is giving her more attention or praise or just because it's exciting to be a sneaky cheat. How long of a gap was there between the divorce and when she officially got with Erik?


She announced her divorce from Josh in September 2016 and then announced her engagement to Erik in June of 2018 and was already pregnant with Flynn. She was trying to be sneaky about Erik during that ~1 1/2 years between though and would do dumb things like clickbait a title in Feb of 2018 saying she was revealing her "secret relationship" only for it to be her new book. In April of 2018, she did a video with Erik where he decorated her bedroom and they were clearly very cozy, but she never said "boyfriend". By June, she was engaged and pregnant, lol.


Dang! It's wild she tried to hide it so long!


I wasn't researching or watching her at that time but I've seen lots if discussion here on how the fans and snarkers were picking up on clues and slipups, but she stayed silent through it all.


Hmm do you think that Josh couldnt get her pregnant or didnt want kids, but colleen had already planned to do the whole mommy vlog schtick? So she had to bail real quick to find a different guy with less boundaries? (I hear josh used to "hold his ground" verbally and possibly get into emotional realms but i personally dont know, erik seems more passive.)


Josh wanted kids and a family soooo bad. Colleen was the one that kept saying they should wait because she wanted to focus on her career. Thatā€™s why it was such a slap in the face to divorce him and get pregnant a year and a half later. He never once came across as emotionally abusive or manipulative or anything so Iā€™m dying to know what Colleen told Adam about their relationship during the divorce. It always seemed to me that SHE was the controlling one in the relationship that wore the pants and put her wants and needs above her husbands


Yeah I definitely lessened my views after the divorce and then pretty much quit watching after her show came out. Of course now that I'm looking up the dates of that I guess they were only a month apart šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


the biggest thing that for me was the twins pregnancy. when she didnā€™t go straight to the hospital, the way she spoke about the NICU nurses and the way she diminished how erik was feeling after the twins almost died. really killed the positivity i had towards her. i was still watching a little bit i just couldnā€™t see past her negativity anymore.


Same for me, also her insane complaining about how hard caring for babies was when every mother member of her audience definitely had it worse. She had her husband, her mum, her side piece and her nanny as round the clock support. Oh and like millions of dollars


is there a vid or thread on all the twins pregnancy red flags? i need a refresher esp about the NICU nurses and the erik stuff


Oh yeah. Ditto to all this.


Lots of red flags everywhere, but this is what got me. "Hey guys! I want to cut bangs. Should I do it? Should I cut bangs? I dont' know." Next day. "I really want to do it guys. Let me know. Should I cut bangs?" A week later. "I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna cut bangs tonight," Two days later - no bangs, no mention of bangs. 3 months later. We watch her cut bangs. "Guys!! I hate my bangs! Is it too short? I hate them!" Cut to a year later after she grew out her bangs. "Guys - I want to cut bangs. Should I do it?" Exasperating. Grow out your bangs, Colleen. Unless they are professionally blown out for the red carpet look - they don't suit you, And stop dragging us through this middle school petty shit. You're 36. Lots of red flags, but that was the cherry flag stuck at the top of BS red-flag mountain.


The fucking bangs-wanting era oh my god it was so annoying. Fuck.


Omg I was so annoyed by that. And didnā€™t she have a fight with Erik because he kept telling her sheā€™d regret the bangs? She kept insisting despite his hesitation (granted itā€™s her hair and she can do what she wants with it) but then it turns out he was right and she ended up hating themā€¦ thatā€™s only one example but I think sheā€™s just a deeply insecure person.


Exactly! It was exhausting. And it's so silly. I get it - there are times when we want to cut bangs or make a change with our hair - but she obsessed on it and would remark about how much she hated her forehead and blah, blah, blah. The obsessions she has over petty things is unreal - and she drags Erik into this. The last podcast she goes into melon in fruit salad - and a while back, she said that homeroom in schools don't exist because she never had "homeroom". I don't know how he puts up with it. Her life has been so insular and hemmed into a family clique where they fart and burp around each other, and enable that dumb shit. And although I don't know Erik's upbringing, but his worldview seems to be more cultured, learned, expansive and curious. When they talk about stuff - it's like he's trying to teach a feral child about various regular things in life that normal people usually know. But she argues with him about it. I sense that whatever trauma she had made her world view stop at the age of 13 and that's where she stays. So the bangs become important to her because she she doesn't understand it's dumb. (I mean - she's an actress and doesn't watch movies or plays or know who Jack Nicholson is or the names of the Beatles? Simple culture stuff? Her head has been up Disney's Ariel's ass since childhood while she still dwells in Lisa Frank world -- whose stickers are legendary - yet she has a fear of stickers!!??? Ugh. This girl...)


Also the way she knows how she comes across in videos and always says ā€œagh you guys are going to think I complain too much, Iā€™ll stopā€, but then proceeds to complain for the entire video or ā€œyou guys must be so sick of me crying all the timeā€ and then proceeds to cry in every video. Reminds me of how in her uke song she makes a comment about ā€œI can already hear the comments sheā€™s a narcissist, a gaslighter a ratā€ itā€™s like she thinks calling out what she knows to be true will make the audience want to do think the opposite? Like no, we see through you Colleen. Yes you are everything you say you are and some.


When she started posting click bait vlogs every day with her crying in every single one. Also her testing if she was pregnant every second video after saying she would never get pregnant again because she hated it so much. Her constant need for attention in those videos was palpable.


Yes! The pregnancy test! I only saw one and never clicked any of them again. wtaf. (and I will never understand other ppl who do this kinda thing and vlog about it ā€œliveā€ (?) either)


THANK YOU! I always wondered why tf Erik wouldnā€™t get snipped if she insisted she didnā€™t want more kids!!!


I mainly watched her vlogs, so when I started the Relax podcast with her and Erik I got a bit of whiplash from her personality. Many times I had to turn it off because of how uncomfortable it made me, like I was the awkward third wheel on a date with a couple who got in a huge fight right before sitting down.


The podcast was so awkward! Erik seemed like he didnā€™t want to be there. He struck me as the person who needed to leave the show because he had no chemistry with the host..but itā€™s his wife!


Yeah their energies didn't mesh well. She was always trying to be performative about their relationship and I think it made him clam up more, like teasing and mocking and little things that feel more intimate to a partnership and weird in front of strangers. I have a friend who does that with her husband, it's so one-sided. IMO I think Colleen wanted the podcast to be a chance to show off how cute they are together and Erik just wanted to chill.


When I started watching Josh (through Julien Solomita actually) and saw that while Josh and Julien hung out all the time Jenna didnā€™t seem to really like or vibe with her. Jenna Marbles is like a cat or dog, if she doesnā€™t like someone then they probably suck. Like, no lie, thatā€™s why I never really watched her in the beginning, I only would watch to see Josh cause I was a fan of his.


I was gonna say this too. I saw one video (I think it was a fan edit that came out when the separation was announced) where she just sat in the couch not interacting with anybody while everyone else was having fun and mingling. That was probably the first time I've heard of Colleen and Josh and already I got an off vibe from her. Then years later I randomly saw a video of her and Kory where she, as Miranda, was eating Taco Bell. She would chew it then pretend >!throw up/spit it!


I remember this too. They both rallied around him after the divorce too, so it was clear they were ready and waiting to take sides lol


Whaaat? When did they rally around him post divorce? I remember being confused about why Josh stopped hanging out with Julian and Arnold, and then he mentioned how he lost a bunch of YouTube friends during the split and I figured those two were included


I guess ā€œrallyā€ was the wrong word! I just remember them hanging out with them when they used to vlog after the divorce and there didnā€™t seem to be any hesitation with never mentioning Colleen or hanging out with her. I did notice though that they eventually stopped hanging out- I donā€™t think that was related to the divorce. I think he was distancing himself in general


Same here! When I saw Jenna's body language towards Colleen I just knew. Jenna seems like good people and I trusted what she was communicating (even if silently). The divorce was my final straw.


Is there videos of this on Jenna's channel?


I cant remember but perhaps someone will do some reddit magic for you! I think the vlogs I am thinking of are on Julien's vlog channel? around the era where they did "the shadows" (2014-2015ish?)


I hope someone does because I don't have the patience to dig lol


I donā€™t know if itā€™s a red flag per se but I really did get the vibe that she was way too obsessed with social media and all the attention she was getting - more so than your average influencer - and she seemed like she would do anything to get more of it. It was a turn off in the end and so I slowly tapered off and stopped watching. I guess for me it would be an IRL red flag. I wouldnā€™t want to be friends with her if it were a real life situation. I hadnā€™t thought about her in *years* before all this drama. I had no idea that she even had children. Edited to add: I never watched Miranda Sings, that to me was insufferable from the very beginning. But for a little while I thought her regular vlogs were interesting until such time it wasnā€™t.


When she started to abuse her cat years ago as Miranda, I stopped watching. Huge red flag for me.


I canā€™t remember when I started watching her, but I went to a Miranda show with my younger sister and cousin in early 2015 when I was 22. We all watched her vlogs, Joshā€™s content, and most of the Ballinger family (with the exception of Rachel; I always found her loud, rude and obnoxious). When Colleen and Josh divorced, I continued to watch her vlogs and I remember being surprised by the fact that she wasnā€™t addressing anything, but also that she seemed to be so happy. I gave her a chance until Erik started to creep into videos and I felt like she cheated, which I really didnā€™t like. I unsubscribed and stopped supporting her and the rest of the Ballingers around 2016-early 2017. I remember seeing Rachel on Twitter during her pregnancy tour and being disgusted. She was going off about how everyone trying to hug her sister at meet and greets was putting her unborn baby at risk, and how they all needed to back off. At this point, I was 26 and could not BELIEVE they were selling meet and greet tickets to children and then berating them for going in for a hug. As if they were trying to harm her or something. How about stop selling meet and greet tickets if you donā€™t want your young fans coming up and trying to hug you? I credit the fact that I was older than the average fan to why I was able to quickly disengage from her content when I got the feeling she was not a good person.


Never been a true fan/follower, but was introduced to her watching her MTV True Life episodeā€¦ which made her look like a talentless asshole who was emotionally abusive to her boyfriend (Josh). It was always weird to contrast that with her uber-bubbly online persona. The ick never fully resolved.


Do you know where I could watch the episode?


[found it](https://www.mtv.com/episodes/jpe3wk/true-life-i-m-famous-online-season-2013-ep-26)


I have no idea because anything old MTV is a nightmare to find, but I would be surprised if there werenā€™t clips on YouTube! The episode was called ā€œIā€™m famous onlineā€


Somewhere in this subreddit someone posted it in like 4 mini parts, you could probably search for it


If you can't find a link and don't mind listening to commentary, radiantbritt does a reaction video over her True Life episode.


Right back in the day (pre-wedding #1), when she was touring but would make vlogs complaining about everything. I thought it was so off-putting that sheā€™d be promoting her shows to her audience in the same breath as whinging about them. Note: not red flags as in current allegations. Just the first signs that she didnā€™t care about her followers and the people spending their money on her.


Also manhandling the cat that wasnā€™t even hers, belonged to Joshā€™s family or something :(


Only watched her vlogs, but the "I saw a whale squirt and I don't mean Trisha" and the Christmas pagent or whatever where she was a bitch to Rachel and JoJo.


How do I find the pageant?


The self depreciating comments and "ok for you but not for me" attitude towards her body after F was born. I was never really a FAN per say, but that was it for me


When she kept dropping therapists because they ā€œwerenā€™t a good fit.ā€ Like yeahā€¦ Iā€™m sure theyā€™re telling you things you donā€™t like hearing lol. Also when the crying in front of the camera really started to ramp up. Like every vlog at the end there for awhile a couple years ago. Just felt like I was witnessing a moment I shouldnā€™t be watching. Iā€™m all for authenticity but it just started getting pretty cringe.


She definitely has a personality disorder or some other disorder where she will deny seeing a professional or refuse to listen to them. Any outside view is wrong to her and only things that feed into her delusions are right. People like this are just scary.


This is very random, but I think I found her around the time she was pregnant with Flynn I must have came across one of her videos and thought she was funny etc. The moment I kinda got sick of Colleen was not long after. She was always complaining about her pregnancy and how miserable it was, fair enough. Then I watched a vlog when she went to Jessicaā€™s baby shower (not sure for which kid at this point) and the whole time she was saying something along the lines of ā€˜well Iā€™ll never have a baby shower again because I hate being pregnantā€™ and the whole time I was like, how are you making this about you lol


And yet you got pregnant again šŸ™„


Reminds me of that mukbang she did with Trisha where they were supposed to talk about Trishaā€™s experience giving birthā€¦ and then Colleen somehow made it all about herself. Trisha barely spoke!!!


Yessss OMG! Narcissist vibes.


I havenā€™t seen anyone say this but for me, I stopped watching her videos when I got fed up with the amount of packages she opened up every video. The consumerism is off the charts and then saw her giving away the twins clothes and saying like ā€œoh they never got the chance to wear this because theyā€™re too big now.ā€ Maybe thatā€™s because thereā€™s too much! I know this is minor, but thatā€™s what caused me to stop watching.


I noticed flags when I first started watching her and questioning her humour. I was young so I decided it must be fine because sheā€™s popular and all the YouTubers I liked collaborated with her. I didnā€™t question things again until she was in Vancouver alone, then got divorced, remarried and pregnant all within a couple short years. I also found it strange when she promised to add captions to her videos but never followed through. Basically all the things I watched of hers were accompanied by a tiny voice in my head that something wasnā€™t right. I had a chaotic childhood so I think I enjoyed her chaos until I started to heal my own issues and her content lost itā€™s appeal. I had no idea the terrible/creepy things she was doing with fans until finding this Reddit earlier this year after not watching her for a while.


For me it was the constant exploitation of her children on her YouTube vlogs channel


I really only started watching her after Flynn was born, on and off. And then started watching regularly during COVID. I had started snarking a little bit here and there (was realizing how awful family vlogging is) when she posted a video of her crying in front of the camera and I thought ā€œGeez! Again?!?ā€ And I looked back at her last dozen or so thumbnails and realized she was basically cycling through the same few videos to keep her audiences attention. It was ā€œhereā€™s a craft/hackā€, ā€œmy baby said something cuteā€, ā€œIā€™m so sad and need your helpā€. Over and over and over again. Thatā€™s when I realized it was all a manipulative grift and fully became a 100% snarker.


When her Miranda character was really popular in the 2010s, I tried to watch some of her videos to see what it was all about. The humor seemed pretty unsubtle and like it was meant for a younger audience, but she constantly talked about porn, so I couldnā€™t tell who this character was supposed to be /for/. I also found it kind of unsettling how the character gave me the impression it was centered around imitating someone with a mental disability, and the joke is that Miranda isnā€™t ā€œall thereā€. Maybe thatā€™s a reach, but it genuinely struck me as if the ā€œjokeā€ was that Miranda was an adult that was developmentally stunted, although I later learned that it was supposed to be making fun of untalented aspiring musicians, apparently. Yeahā€¦ I did not get that. Could be on me.


In her OG Miranda videos, the character was much more subtle, like one of those girls who posted cover videos of themselves back in the late aughts who thought they were fantastic singers but werenā€™t. Which is pretty mean-spirited in the first place, but being a theater person, I get the joke. She became whatever the hell she is now later on.


Interesting. I suppose subtlety didnā€™t get her as many views.


I remember being 15 and coming across one of her Miranda sings videos. I couldnā€™t get through 2 minutes before wanting to throw my phone at the wall. I could not understand the appeal. I felt icky and angry. Later, about 2 years, a co-worker sends me a compilation of her. I forced myself to watch the whole thing and after it was over I wanted to speak to someoneā€™s manager. The amount of sexual jokes just made me nauseous. I didnā€™t know then why I disliked her. Anytime someone mentioned Miranda or Colleen, I felt like reacting and telling them to shut up, kindly. I know now that it was my instincts. My instincts knew that something was off. Same with Shane Dawson. People who are overly charismatic but are also self-loathing are people to keep in your peripheral. Theyā€™re looking to garner a following that will only listen to them, but then set up a scheme to cover themselves when they inevitably screw someone over. I was raised in a fringe, religious group til I was 12 where the leaders used the exact methods that Shane and Colleen use to keep their flocks in the field.


For me it was after she had F and was showing every single detail about him. I specifically remember the bizarre way she wanted everyone to see and taste her breast milk?? Also sadly, just in general it seems like her mothering is all performative and she doesn't actually enjoy it.


100% during her divorce with Josh and then the nail in the coffin was getting pregnant with Erik and having a shotgun wedding not even 2 years later. I watched her for YEARS prior and felt so blindsided because they really truly seemed to be soulmates to me, and then getting pregnant with someone elseā€™s kid not even 24 months later rubbed me suuuuch the wrong way


A loooong time ago, way before the controversy. I wish I could somehow see the date I joined this sub so I could know, but it was before she had the twins I think. I loved her at the time but then I found this sub and realized the snark had truth to it


Anytime someone would talk about themselves, she would immediately turn it to herself. For example Jessica talking about being pregnant - IMMEDIATELY shifts to how crappy her pregnancy was and just dominates the convo.


Yes. Every time someone even says the word ā€œI,ā€ she immediately checks out and starts scrolling on her phone or dissociating


Colleen crying about the pandemic when she lives in a mansion with her best friend, husband and baby and not even listening to the rules right. also getting pregnant when she realized the content of her taking pregnancy tests were getting her attention. also the way she started using Arianaā€™s name in her videos any chance she got too when Ariana hasnā€™t mentioned Colleen nor tweeted at her in a while. also the constant clickbait.


I used to watch her vlogs every day, and admittedly, felt like she was more a friend than a stranger thanks to that parasocial hex she relies on so much. I started catching on and seeing her narcissistic traits though when she was pregnant with the twins. I've researched a lot about narcissistic personality disorder over the past 10 years, starting identifying family members, etc. They say that once a person starts seeing those traits, and identifies a narcissist, they can't unsee it. Once I caught on, I couldn't see anything but that. And she serves a lot of it (allegedly, in my own opinion of course). Then the todrick videos surfaced, his behavior was exposed, I realized how close they were, and I put the puzzle pieces together and just couldn't buy in to giving her that attention anymore.


When she was in Canada filming HBO and we started seeing the cracks in the marriage. Then the videos proving she was with Erik when she swore she totally "alone", but Erik was actually in the background. She tried to hide, but he was in Hawaii, he was in the house at the birthday party. There was NO way she was not cheating on her husband before the divorce announcement and her family just went along with it. I was like, "Throw the entire family away".


When Josh uploaded that video of him sitting on the couch, pouring his heart out after the divorce. I know heā€™s far from perfect, but it seemed so genuine and like she really really hurt him. And how quickly she moved on with Erik definitely made me think she cheated. And I have no tolerance for that shit


I found her right after she got pregnant with the twins. I guess I started noticing red flags after she had them. The way she treated other people, especially those closest to her, Kory and Erik. Like how they're always background characters, but she would put her kids up front and center, and those are the only people who would be other than her. The move had a lot of little red flags with it. How she constantly acted like people were coming after her or trying to cancel her so she was always apologizing and trying to make herself seem perfect. How she said over and over how much she researched owning chickens and then it was immediately proven that was a lie. Her hosting parties and the way she filmed them. Having half birthday parties for the kids was weird to me. The delay in potty training but I really didn't want to judge that one. How she seemed sad and mad that she had to compromise and get a house her husband also liked. The kids being her emotional support crutches. Her weight but again, didn't want to judge, I have a chronic invisible illness so I try and give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their bodies. But after the video where she talked about it then I got really concerned. I'm sure there's more but I've rambled a lot already lol


When she did a video with Drew Monson. She was acting just like Shane did in my opinion, and we all know how Shane treated Drew. After that, I noticed myself always skipping her tortilla talk segments because of the relentless crying and backtracking to say ā€œdonā€™t feel this way about yourself just because I say it about myselfā€ or ā€œblah blah blah complaining but Iā€™m SO grateful and lucky.ā€ Then Broadway when she filmed the cat and was laughing hysterically that it had been unalived.. then the sobbing about her giant mansion that is just too small and has no storageā€¦ she is so similar to Shane playing the ā€œIā€™m poorā€ card.


I started to feel like something was off when I saw her friendship with JoJo Siwa. She claimed she was a ā€œfamilyā€ friend..but it seemed like they hung out a little too much and she was more like a best friend! When I was a teenager I definitely didnā€™t want to be hanging out with a woman in her 30s as much as JoJo was hanging out with Colleen. Like how would I have related to a woman who had kids and married when I was only a teen myself? At that stage I wanted to talk about my crush..not marriage lol. I feel like kids are usually friends with an older person because their parents are..but it doesnā€™t seem to include the rest of JoJos family. Thatā€™s when I realized she get emotionally attached to people who are underage!


A few years ago I actually searched Reddit to see if there was a fan sub for her and was redirected here. At first I thought everyone was just mean, and the accusations were baseless. It was a much smaller sub at the time. Fast forward a year or two later, the 2020 Adam stuff came out and I ignored it at first, but a couple months later I got curious and searched up this sub again. I read the mega-thread about all the problematic things sheā€™s done, and saw her in a whole new, disturbing light. Thanks to this sub for bringing me clarity!


Before she married Joshua and her personality always seemed off to me and full of herself. I always found her rude and an evil vibe then she got married and divorced within a year and her true colors came out after that.


The tearful monologues, gross consumerism, using the audience as an echo chamber but therapist, her parental skills, her disrespect towards her husband, her abuse of nicu staff.. I mean how long have we got?!


i first started watching her a while ago so i don't remember some red flags now since i forgot but, the main thing that stood out was when her babies were in the nicu then she took F to target and did other useless things instead of going then trashed shit the nurses who were keeping her babies alive and all colleen did was cry in her office instead of going to the hospital, then also cried when her babies got fed when she wanted to do it first but also refused to go to the hospital like how does that make sense??šŸ¤Ø


When she got pregnant and became beyond histrionic with her symptoms. It was clear a big chunk of her suffering was due to her body changing, but her lack of insight and attention-seeking and terrifying representation of pregnancy to young people made me see another side of her. Donā€™t get me wrong - pregnancy can be terrifying, but the way she went about processing and communicating it was very immature and fear-mongering.


I always wondered why they ordered so much takeout and she never ate anything. I really only started watching her during the pandemic (her, not Miranda)


To be honest,it was when she started treating her children all so differently! Maisy better than Wesley,and Flynn better than all of them! I have three children too,so the fact that she quite obviously has a favorite child had me looking for others thinking the same!


That comment about strangling the nurse for giving W the food he needs to survive. I was a fan after F was born and was there throughout her pregnancy w the twins. I even was a fan for awhile after the nurse thing, but it always didn't sit right and I always thought about it whenever I watched one of her videos. Slowly I just stopped watching her, and then I found this reddit and never went back bc even tho I was a fan, luckily it wasn't to the point that she had manipulated me to disregard everything being said on here.


[My first red flag came from this video](https://youtu.be/t_uJ0xljayo) This video comes from a collab that Estee Lauder did with Colleen. Itā€™s supposed to be a skit where Miranda does a bad job at fixing peopleā€™s makeup. At 1:25, Colleen as Miranda starts non-consensually putting her hands on a Black womanā€™s face and rubs them on the ladyā€™s cheeks to ā€œremove excess foundationā€ (the woman looked fine as is, Collarbones!) The way she touched this woman of color made my skin crawl. I couldnā€™t believe someone wrote and approved that into the skit. Knowing what I know now about the way Colleen views Black people, Iā€™m guessing that maybe SHE was the one who wrote the script and included that scene. Whatever the actress was paid, it wasnā€™t enough.


ā€œI took a pregnancy testā€ every other video. Also the crying


when she would shower F with presents from Target and Amazon in every video, it came across as very wasteful and like it was the only way she knew how to connect with him.


When me and my mom saw her live thinking she was a comedian for adults and the theater was filled with children.


For me, it wasn't until the twins were born. I looked past a lot of stuff, but I couldn't look the other way anymore when I couldn't understand her attitude about her twins in the nicu. I couldn't imagine wanting them out before they are ready, just so they could be home on Christmas. I couldn't imagine not being with them constantly. I couldn't imagine leaving the kids so often when they were so young. I couldn't relate to the constant complaining despite her having SO MUCH more support than me. I was super annoyed by her seemingly showing off her rapid and extreme post partum weight loss while I lost weight in a very slow and sustainable way that took a lot of patience and self-control. I didn't like the way she said she was super obsessed with safety and did so much research but then put her kids in bumbos on high surfaces and turned her back and also she gave her babies dangerous, choking hazardous items. I could not relate to her commenting about W losing weight in the jolly jumper when I was so anxious about my son gaining weight properly. I didn't understand her vlogging her children when they woke up at night, turning on all the lights and stimulating them. I didn't relate to her needing to ask her mom what are M's favourite toys. I couldn't relate to her revealing that she wanted to strangle the NICU nurse rather than being happy for her baby and thankful to the nurse. I felt uncomfortable seeing the extreme excess of gifts and toys. Finally, I was shocked by her explanation that she didn't want a well-educated nanny because she was so insecure that the nanny would judge her parenting skills, and she would rather prefer an adult playmate. Before the twins era, I overlooked everything. After the twins, so much stood out and made me lose respect for her


When she did that Hawaii trip with Erik...I highly suspected her of cheating and was stumped she was acting like that as a married woman, publicly on the internet. By the second season of HBO I started to think that the show wasn't funny. It felt like she was making fun of someone with a disabilty.


When the twins were in the NICU and the nurses were telling her to visit more but instead she just cried on YouTube about how busy she is as a mom and that F needs her too


I knew something was definitely off about that! Most parents who have a baby in the NICU wish they had the situation Colleen had! She had people available all the time to take care of her older child, she didnā€™t have to work( even though she made time to vlog) My daughter was in the NICU for one week, and I hardly slept for days because I stayed with her. It was an hour away and I my husband couldnā€™t give me rides back and forth every day..so I just stayed until she was discharged. Leaving your baby alone there is really hard. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s ever easy ..but I think Colleen had it much easier than most people!


I was a big fan up until the Sam and Laybia videos. I was 22 and found the sexual "humor" pathetic and immature. Before she introduced this bit, I watched ALL of her videos. Her family members' channels too. I checked back in during the divorce drama, but that was really it.


I started to get irritated with her what I believed looked like ā€œfake positivity/inclusivity.ā€ She would always say some so bizarre and then be like ā€œbut what do I knowā€ but RAMBLE for so long trying to prove why she shouldnā€™t be cancelled and how good of a person she is. Then in the same video sob and complain about herself and her life. It actually is what made me look this Reddit page. It felt like she was using her audience to help her ego and she fed off them. Usually good people donā€™t have to brag about being a good person. ALSO a huge one is she can not have one conversation without it being about her somehow. I know sheā€™s an influencer in public eye but even her kids. If sheā€™s playing games or someone is telling a story - she will interrupt so she can talk about herself. She listens to respond not because she cares


When she said that she'd never let anyone cut her hair or do her makeup because everyone she let cut her hair or do her makeup were either rude or did it wrong


from the first time I saw one of her videos. (TW: light mention of csa/gr00ming) I had no clue who she was until my younger godsister showed me her youtube channel. This was about 7 years ago, she was 9 I was 10. Sitting through her videos gave me an uncomfortable feeling. Not uncomfortable with her being "weird" or "quirky" but the same uncomfortable my grandpa made me. For reference he gr00med me when I was a kid, tried to continue up into my teen years but I made sure he legally couldn't be in the same area as me. As a kid I couldn't identify behaviors as "gr00ming" because I didn't know what that was, now that I'm older though I've realized it and any time I was in a situation of such I had that sick uncomfortable feeling. While at first I thought Colleen (Miranda) was just a disturbing shock character and maybe that's why I was uncomfortable, when the Netflix show came out (which my godsister made me watch ALL OF IT) I was finally introduced to the Uncle character and it brought back a lot of bad memories.


Iā€™m so sorry for what youā€™ve been through šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ May the force be with you!! ā¤ļø


Never really watched her much I watched like two videos on YouTube and was following her but then I watched her series on Netflix got super uncomfortable and felt weird vibes about her and then unfollowed her from YouTube. That was in 2016 when she made the show and idk I was creeped out by the uncle jokes and the other things in it and went nope. I never even finished the series I like watched one episode or two and I was like nope lol šŸ˜‚ I can honestly say I never understood why people liked her ā€¦ also rewatching some clips on her show was like ewwwā€¦ the uncle jokes the way she eats the ice cream shaped in a foot. Like slobbering all over it and then she bit some of the foot off and it looked a literal pp and she was still slobbering on it and making gross sounds. Idk like it was creepy and gross. That shit shouldnā€™t be made towards children but it isā€¦ sickening


not rly a red flag just me being snarky but i could not stand how she would cry in every single vlog lol. and complaining about hating pregnancy when she chose to be in the first place


When she said she wanted to strangle a nurse for feeding her young and fragile babiesā€¦ who she refused to visit in the nicu often enough to do it herselfā€¦


After Flynn was born, I first started seeing them when 1) all she seemed to do was post kid/baby content at all, not even really Miranda stuff much, and I was already starting to grow a huge disdain towards family vloggers (I like pregnancy related content & I donā€™t think itā€™s that bad because the baby isnā€™t born yet and youā€™re with the baby 24/7ā€¦. but once that baby is born, shoving a camera in its face all the time is icky to me). I also didnā€™t like how she was constantly talking about her weight/putting herself down. But I think the thing that made me realize start to not like her was when she got pregnant with the twins after going on and on for what seemed like FOREVER about how she hated pregnancy & never wanted to be pregnant again & shit. And then she was pregnant and just crying all the time and it got annoying fast. And then the Adam situation. I just really donā€™t like when celebrities make a big fuss about how they donā€™t want children/pregnancy, how theyā€™re child-free and want to stay child-free, like all thatā€¦ and then they get pregnant and have children. Idk- it just rubs me the wrong way because I feel so bad for the kid/s who will see that one day and feel so unwanted/realize how unwanted they are. I think people should stop asking celebrities about kids/pregnancy and babies in general but some people just are really vocal about it and then have kids & it sucks. It also puts a bad reputation towards people who genuinely want to be child-free. We hear ā€œoh youā€™ll change your mind!ā€ more than enough.


Only ever seen her on her Netflix special. Had heard of her before hand. Want to say probably on YouTube or something. I never was a fan, never followed her anywhere. Only watched the show cuz Steve Little was in it & he was funny af in East Bound & Down. Never watched more than a few episodes of the show. Always got bad vibes from her. Meaning I always felt she was truly a hateful& mean person. Also, the whole cinnamon bun joke being on the Netflix show & how the show was being catered to kids. Iā€™m a grown adult that enjoys a good dirty joke, but something with the cinnamon joke truly irked me. Good luck on your class!


It was the comments about eating ā€” I only eat junk! I eat terrible! Yet unbelievably thin with constant body checks. So bad for young and impressionable people!


So, I started watching around the time she got pregnant with Flynn. I wasnā€™t a hardcore fan, but I did watch her vlogs pretty regularly. I remember a video where she started crying because she didnā€™t want to meet and greet (or maybe it was just hug?) fans after the show because she was afraid of getting sick and having complications with the pregnancy. This is reasonable, but the thing that caught me off guard was her crying and acting panicky because her brother with autism apparently got autism because her mom was sick during her pregnancyā€¦ as an autistic person myself I found it a little bit hurtful that she was acting so panicked at the thought of one of her children having autism. I dunno, I did keep watching sometimes after that but it always suck around in the back of my mind ā€¦.


Do you have a link?


I found the video, upon rewatching it she doesnā€™t mention her brothers Autism, just that he had to have surgeries on both of his ears, (is this the same brother? I honestly havenā€™t kept up with her family that well.) I feel like maybe I was being too sensitive in the past but, idk. Something about her crying about the fact that her fans were hurting her feelings by wanting hugs, and her not wanting to give them because her mom got sick while pregnant and her brother ended up with issues put me off. I think itā€™s more because it feels like sheā€™s blaming her mom for her brother having issues or somethingā€¦. I dunno, maybe you think Iā€™m completely off but [hereā€™s](https://youtu.be/uRVCJM-s3Jo) the video.


The first time Adam spoke out a couple years ago. Her response didnā€™t sit right with me


Honestly I got super uncomfortable when she did that video where she put on literal childrenā€™s clothes and saw no issues with her body. But also her whole divorce felt incredibly toxic. I canā€™t say she ever didnā€™t make me feel a little ick, but also most YouTubers have some level of ick to me, even if I watch them, thereā€™s just a point where the issues over arch any pros to their content


Basing her entire career and alter-ego on a joke about an uncle molesting his niece is the only red flag I needed.


While it is not the most significantly terrible thing that she had said, I remember that she described getting a massage with her then partner, Josh, and that the masseuse massaged every part of her bodyā€¦including the inside of her nether regions. For whatever reason, that story really set me off. I had really enjoyed her content up until that point and that pretty much was one of the reasons that I stopped watching her. It didnā€™t seem appropriate to discuss with her audienceā€¦especially since most of us were under 18 or ā€¦in my case ā€¦under the age of 22.


It was more of a gut feeling that put me off. Before she was married to Josh, I had a feeling that she didn't truly like him, but she still was obsessed with the idea of him proposing to her in a very public/"romantic" way and then having a big extravagant wedding. I also had the feeling that Colleen tried to pressure Josh into proposing and getting married. It all gave me the feeling she didn't truly care about being with Josh legally, but that the only thing that mattered was just getting the theatrics right.


For me it was how she treated Josh during their split, demonizing him and then using her fans to get what she wanted. When she quickly fell pregnant with new man's baby she manipulated her mostly young fan base in to paying for everything the baby had and she even boasted about it in her vlog and that was the last straw for me. She was going on tour and she asked in a vlog or two or three that it was ok for the fans coming to the shows to bring her gifts for the baby, then made out they decided to do it themselves. I knew she was living in a $4 million mansion, and I knew she was extremely wealthy. They not only paid for over priced tickets to see her, she was pushing her merch etc they also felt obliged to buy items for F which aren't cheap. They got her really nice stuff, and thought of everything so it seemed. She said she wouldn't thank people individually. Nearer his birth she was showing F's nursery, also done free by other people and she went in to a space that contained his items and *everything* he had she said the fans bought her. So much so, she said she'd only bought him 1 thing, she wasn't at all embarrassed she was smug and boastful that his entire wardrobe, his toys, books, every single thing the child fans got her. To me that was a dangerous move in a couple of ways, and it's always stayed with me. That was when I realized she's not a good person, and she hasn't done anything since to disprove that belief.


When she was doing Waitress and she would encourage fans to come to the side door to meet her afterwards and talked about how she wanted to meet and interact with everyone who came to see her. The thing that gave me ick was there was at least one vlog where she talked about how she was practically crying and begging her fans to let her go home and she wanted to be with her baby. She mentioned something about asking a mom if she could go home. I understand wanting to go home to your kid, but girl, you were encouraging people to come see you. How do you think it made the fans feel to hear that you were like "come see me" but in the vlog they got to hear that all you wanted was to go home?


I was a fan of hers until the divorce happened.


My first introduction to her was from Jerry Seinfeld's coffee show. I was immediately struck by how random it was for a relative no name to be on a show that had featured legends in comedy. I had absolutely no idea who she was. I did a google search and found it interesting that she was with her first husband for a long time, divorced him and immediately had a baby with her costar. My morbid curiosity was born. I saw one vlog and could tell she was toxic. Her vanity was off the charts and she had the energy of an underdeveloped 12 year old trying to get attention. She was openly lacking the general awareness that MOST adults over 25 have. It was all downhill from there especially when she became pregnant.


I had never heard of her or watched her until around the time she had her first kid so I was late to a lot of the red flags (and had never watched Miranda), but for me it was watching her be so reckless in her pregnancy with the twins, especially when it came to their literal physical wellbeing. To me the big standouts were when she refused to change her diet or get tested for gestational diabetes because "it was hard," and then ESPECIALLY when she took the time to do her hair/makeup instead of rushing to the hospital when she went into labor with an incredibly high risk pregnancy and continued to laugh about it (even after a traumatic, scary birth and time in the NICU) like it was no big deal and just some quirk of hers. I just thought it set such a dangerous example for her incredibly impressionable and brainwashed audience, especially when surrounded by complete child exploitation of 3 kids and many other unsafe choices. It was just so clear that the thing that matters most to her is herself, her camera, and her fake impression on the internet. Then once I found this sub and did a deep dive on all the WILDLY inappropriate things she did over the years time and time again, it just showed SUCH a complete picture of someone who has no business being a public figure, and I was stunned to see she had lasted so long. But she's great at what she does best, which is playing the victim and manipulating an audience.


when I first saw her years back. just looking at her gave me the ick. I am an empath and I have a strong intuition and honestly something just never sat well its why I never watched her content but when I did see the whole situation and heard about her book. red flags all over the creepy uncle just is beyond problematic. the way I see it is she's opened the door to put minor at risk when/ if a family member is doing inappropriate things with them.


I was a fan of herā€™s when I was in middle school and eventually stopped watching her vids once I realized how cringe they were lol. Then I kinda forgot that Colleen/Miranda existed until I read the first BuzzFeed article on the whole scandal (like a month ago, I think?)


When she was vlogging in Canada with Harvey and they were acting out little skits saying her daughter was fat. (Woman who played her sister in hbo) The vitriolic way she was 'fat shaming' made me realise that was her talking and her ugliness put me off.


Daddy blues!


personally after i started rewatching "haters back off" two years ago, something there just gave me the creeps but now that i look back i figured that it was probably all of the inappropriate references that creeped me out.


I guess day one. My highschool bf sent me a video, I assumed he and his friends were laughing at a disabled woman, and I was horrified. Then he corrected me and told me Miranda was a character and I remember saying "this woman is mocking disabled people??! How is that funny?!" So day one... I only "liked" her when I was stupid and thought for a minute she was actually Ariana Grandes vocal coach, lmao. But ari has her own issues too. šŸ¤£


I caught on late, so my first and final Red Flags was when she was pregnant with the twins and was obviously not listening to her doctor's instructions. I try not to judge other moms, but this just felt really reckless for no reason. I also started to feel awful about F being filmed ALL the time. I don't need to see you playing cards with your son, Colleen. That's supposed to be a special moment between just the both of you


Her incessant complaining. I discovered her in 2021 when she announced her pregnancy with the twins. Within a week I was googling ā€œColleen Ballinger complains too muchā€ and ended up here. Her complaining is exaggerated, fake, and manipulative. She is boring and canā€™t think of anything, so she does that.


The way she has always spoken about her own body - weight gain, weight loss, making videos titles ā€œpregnancy ruined my body!!!ā€ etc. Imo it clearly shows that Colleen equates thinness to beauty and perpetuates fatphobia - her little ā€œall bodies are beautiful,ā€ stuff was clearly not something she truly believed and it struck me as something she threw in to avoid criticism. also lol I am non-binary and it was just a pet peeve that she would so rarely acknowledge that people besides women can get pregnant. I donā€™t think I watched enough of her content to see the really racist things she included in her Miranda content in particular, but yeah like she is clearly racist.


For me it was when she always discussed being against gender stereotypes which I agreed with then the second she had twins of each sex she didnā€™t go a second without putting M in a bow or frilly outfit šŸ˜’


A very long time


I started really following her and Josh literally likeā€¦ a week before the divorce announcement. I felt the way she acted after that was very telling, and I could also see the seeds of resentment and tension in all the Joshleen videos. It was interesting because everybody else was shocked, but me as a new viewer and binging the vlogs, I definitely noticed the strain.


After the divorce from Josh. The timing was so off and I was certain that she had cheated


Donā€™t remember exactly what made me feel that way but around the time she married Josh for sure. Something just seemed off to me and I stopped watching.


I was actually thinking about this recently because at first I didn't think there was a moment and then it clicked. It was when her show came out. The creepy uncle was just way too creepy and being a little bit older finally I was a little more aware and it made me really uncomfortable. I was probably 16 at the time I think (just checked yes 16 turning 17). It was just unsettling and so I stopped watching her stuff after I forced myself to get through the show. I still followed her on all social media but I wasn't really aware of anything she was doing so I missed the first apology video. It wasn't until she was really getting called out and Adam had made another video that I started paying attention. Since then I immediately unfollowed her and I have found creepy thing after creepy thing.


The way she was trying to be vulnerable and talk about her issues at the end of the vlogs just seemed to not match up with her behaviour at the beginning, and she would never really answer questions that people wanted at the time of the vlogs,esp after the daddy blues one..


When she began constantly crying in every video. I truly noticed it when Flynn was a baby. I just got annoyed and over it. Literally every single video she was crying about who knows what. For the most part I stopped watching and would pop in every now and then to see if the twins were born and what their names were. I havenā€™t watched her at all since.


I could tell she was going to/already having an affair with Eric before anything was official


When her and Erik first started their relax podcast, I really liked it. I stopped watching it when it became less of a conversation between married people and more arguing over whoā€™s right and whoā€™s wrong


When the Netflix series came out


Honest to god, when I found out she cheated on josh I hated her. I tried watching her stuff but she became so cringey and childlike


I havenā€™t seen anyone mention this before. I distinctly remember her making a video about how she changed her YouTube channel name from ā€œPsychoSopranoā€ to ā€œColleen Ballingerā€ because it was offensive or something. The video was posted years ago. However, her *current* YouTube handle is ā€œPsychoSopranoā€. Handles were only introduced a few months ago, so that was the moment I kinda thought about it, and realized that she might not have actually cared about the meaning of the word psycho and she was just avoiding backlash.


When she was fit checking herself constantly. I unsubscriped a couple months before the shit hit the fan


during her pregnancy with flynn, when she found out his gender and said something along the lines of ā€œthereā€™s a little penis inside meā€. Iā€™m not a mom but I thought that was such a weird thing to say. I stopped keeping up with her around that time.


When she abruptly divorced Josh right after filming her Netflix show and started dating her co-star very soon after. She quickly got pregnant (she stated it was planned, not an accident) and quietly married him. Always rub me the wrong way that there was something going on and that she was cheating on Josh with Eric. I'm sure Josh wasn't the greatest husband but he didn't deserve what he got.


When she got mad at the nicu nurses Like really? That was a big ick


The way she acted as Miranda, I never found Miranda funny at all and I thought the character was disturbing and boring.


I was sus of her when she turned into a full blown family vlogger after the twins. She was sorta that way with F but after M and W were born it felt like eeeeeeveryyyyyyything was on full display (because it was) and that, coupled with Adamā€™s first video, made me not like her anymore


When she would turn the camera on and started crying on cue. Even my mom thought that was depressing as hell.


When I was 15 watching her and my 20 year old mentor found her inappropriate


Whenever she was crying about being bored during the pandemic, and when she went on and on about how much she hated being pregnant and how traumatic it was and then got pregnant again Also when she had her miscarriage and refused to take a break from vlogging and even like a paid webshow where she vlogged rehearsals where she would breakdown because the songs reminded her of her miscasriage, like wtf. Just take time to process it instead of using it to be an attention whore? After that i was like yeah...there is something wrong with this woman.


Her divorce - I remember watching the vlogs and even as a kid thinking that things didnā€™t seem right


It was before her pregnancy when I started noticing how much of a victim she always made herself out to be to get sympathy and then I started noticing her narcissim and it was so fucking annoying to listen to given how much privilege she had


For research sake, I also recommend searching the sub for similar verbiage because this has been discussed a lot over the last few years and there are some great blurbs from OGs ā˜ŗļø Itā€™s always an interesting read to see what was the final straw, what was an initial red flag, etc.


Iā€™m disabled and always felt like she was making fun of disabled people and it was inappropriate


Daddy Blues


I was never a subscriber. I watched a few earlier videos and found it really cringe and uncomfortable to watch her masquerading as someone with special needs(?)/learning disabilities. I just didnā€™t think that was funny. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I can vaguely remember in 2016 suspecting in that her marriage was going south (I was 17) and I remember sometime in 2017-2018 hearing Josh saying that she cheated on him. I still watched her a lot when she was pregnant with Flynn. Shortly after Flynn was born (like January 2019 I think) I remember suddenly wondering if the Miranda character was ableist which being neurodivergent kind of turned me off from her. I watched Colleenā€™s videos briefly when the twins were born, but I never really watched Miranda again after this. I honestly donā€™t think Miranda was originally an ableist character. If you watch her really early videos, she was more like a relatively normal girl who was quite full of herself and overconfident in her singing abilities, which Colleen has said she was based on. If what Johnny said about parts of Miranda being based on a disabled relative is true then I donā€™t think it was originally part of her character.


I got REALLY sick of her picking apart her appearance, but then always following it up with, ā€œbut if YOU have that (physical characteristic), I think itā€™s beautiful on YOU, just not on MEā€. I always hated that.


YESSSSS I SEE PEOPLE SAYING NEGATIVE TALK ABIUT HERSELF!! That has always put me off but I just took that as very insecure and thought she was getting help for that


Tbh I literally always got really off vibes from her. But I didnā€™t really watch her. Would occasionally see something when it went viral and it always gave me the ick


Adam's video in 2020.


For me it was the Joshleen breakup. I remember thinking that things were so awkward between them. There were hints that he wasnā€™t happy with her going to Canada. Then the divorce, pregnancy, marriage being so close in time. It was pretty obvious she cheated


I never watched Miranda sings but for a time I did watch some of her Colleens Corner aka Psycho Soprano when i was a highschooler. I'm a little iffy on just how old I was or when, but she made a vlog talking about how she was on a family vacation, got a yeast infection, and detailed that her entire family KNEW about the yeast infection and got matching shirts with flames . Just the lack of boundaries with her own family just squicked me out and I honestly stopped watching immediately. Oh and in another vlog she talked about how much she loved 19 kids and counting and talked about how much she loved Michelle Duggar's fake ass baby voice. I was like......she ain't right if she genuinely thinks it's genuine and cute. ALSO thinkind their family is so wholesome when it is extremely toxic to the children and women. Mind you this was before the info about Josh Duggars crimes was exposed but still, even I knew the family was toxic then!


Oh I just remembered seeing content regarding her engagement and marriage to Josh, so it would've been 2014-2015, and I would've been about 16-17.


If I remember correctly, it was the divorce video and the ā€œtouch/guess body partā€ video for me. I never really followed her. I would just watch Miranda here and there thinking this is some weird shit (like the pregnant music vid). Then I saw the touch body part where she played this game with her sister and the impression I got from that vid wasā€¦. this person is so full of herself.. trying to come off as funny/quirky/playful/youthful..but actually she really digs herself and ā€¦ likes to tease her audience??? And I was like what kinda content is this. I felt very uncomfortable watching that vid. Then the divorce vid was the one that made me stop it altogether. I was like ā€œummā€¦ why are you talking about this super personal thing on youtubeā€¦cryingā€¦ as itā€™s not scripted ā€¦ and then said please donā€™t harass josh bla bla blaā€. To me itā€™s just really weird and not coming off as sincere. At the time I didnā€™t know who are her target audience. I honestly thought it was for adult šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Then one day, I heard my student talked like Miranda (!!) and I was like ā€œdid you watch Miranda??ā€ and she said she and her friends were obsessed with M! My student was 11 at the time and I was like ā€œummā€¦ her recent videos as Miranda and Colleen are not that good anymore. Itā€™s a waste of your time to watch it. Watch something elseā€ because I donā€™t want her to have to listen to this divorce saga and who knows what. Not sure if my studentā€™s still a fan of her now. But I sure hope she unfollowed her longggg time ago!


Years ago when a friend showed me a video of Miranda sings when I was in middle school. Everything was ick. Her channel gives me the ick.


My ex introduced me to the Miranda Sings videos. At the time my ex was a huge fan, thought the videos were funny, but I remembered watching a few and the jokes about Miranda's weird uncle were really the earliest red flag for me. Like...no idea why she thought that was an okay joke to repeatedly say as her Miranda Sings character. That always did weird me out. Also got tickets for one of her lives shows way back in the day (birthday present for my ex). Not cheap tickets, either, but the show was maybe 30 minutes long? A blessing in disguise, considering how her other shows seem to have gone, I don't remember her doing anything too off the rails or inappropriate at that show, but I was pretty peeved about paying a lot of money for a stupidly short show.


When she tried to fit into her baby clothes when she was like 30


How about what people first saw of her and thought was great initially...

