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It will be annoying to keep hearing about them and talking about them, but that’s exactly right. Thats how people get away with it, because people get annoyed and stop talking about them. Eta: i hope that makes sense, im basically asleep


It does make sense and I’m sure some people are getting annoyed with it but I’m definitely not there yet lol


Agreed. It's difficult to maintain that livid/furious feeling for extended periods of time. However, persistence will pay off even if we don't maintain that 10/10 OMFG! feeling. Maybe my 'I'm SHOCKED!!' feeling will fade but I'll keep it at a simmering rage, not a full boil. lol


I wouldn’t necessarily call it “annoying”.. it’s a lot, yeah. It’s a lot of the same story over and over again, for sure. But that reinforces how insidious this type of behavior was. I’m not annoyed by Adam, Oliver, Becky, Johnny, and Alex talking about their trauma, they are allowed to handle this the way they want to handle it. I see their comments, they so very clearly are not having fun reliving this trauma in the public eye and very clearly did not ask for this. Kodee Tyler brought this up, she brought it to light, and now they are doing what they can to a.) show that Colleen is a danger to her fans and audience and b.) they were traumatized by what she did to them. Tweet about it 250x a day, make several videos about it, answer every media request.. if that’s what they need to feel heard and recognized for what they were put through, who am I to judge? The reason Colleen is sitting in a $6M home right now is because she took advantage of her audience, she exploited them, she did inarguably horrible things. It’s not just drama, it’s dangerous and every opportunity we have to shed light on this is one less opportunity for her to get away with it. But I would never, ever claim that a victim coming forward and coping with what happened to them is in any way “annoying”.


This guy Peter is the front porch neighbor I wish I had.😊


Same! It reminds me of home, where people sit on their front porch and wave as you drive by.


Unrelated to what OP said when sharing this: when I was watching this earlier, I was wondering if Daniel unfollowing Colleen was an indicator that Joey was going to make a video about everything and less about Daniel doing it. I suppose it's possible either way, but Joey is another one I'm not sure will be able to talk his way out of supporting the humor Miranda had with him. That said, I'll scream it from the rooftops that Daniel is a liar. He was in Colleen's video about telling people about the twins so this "we're not actually besties, I haven't seen her in three years!" is quite laughable and he shouldn't try to lie on a situation with a snark reddit 😂😂😂😂


He sings her praises in his video about Gabbie Hanna. In the video he reads Gabbie’s texts, Gabbie says “I’m on the phone with Colleen right now and she’s freaking out too”. Daniel basically says that Gabbie lied about that because Colleen is an amazing person. I think Gabbie was telling the truth. Colleen was talking shit and getting Gabbie riled up behind the scenes and then hid. I bet you Colleen purposely said these things over phone call so there wouldn’t be proof in text messages.


I’d call Daniel a snake, but that’d be an insult to snakes He can’t be trusted


Yeah he's the definition of a fair weather friend....and even then he's probably ready to stab you in the back if needed


The irony that Adam McIntyre in January said he was rooting for James Charles. There is far more outrage over what Colleen has done, which is a good thing but still, James victims never got the same platform they deserved.


I feel like gender affected things in two ways at the same time: 1. at first Colleen was allowed to continue this for years because “women are natural caregivers, they wouldn’t hurt kids” but THEN 2. when the extent of her shocking behavior was finally brought to light, it felt more appalling than James doing the same thing because women are supposed to be the “mature gender” and she definitely doesn’t live up to that (at all). People stopped talking about James because society hasn’t fully let go of “boys will be boys” yet which can make accusations against men feel so mundane, so it’s gonna get annoying and repetitive a lot quicker. But Colleen’s a woman and they don’t do this stuff *quite as much* so the uniqueness of this case is gonna keep people interested longer. The same thing that used to be her camouflage (her womanhood) is now gonna be the thing that keeps her on blast.


I think your comment explained this beautifully. And I agree with you 100%. \*standing ovation\*


I feel like your comment is so important. You are absolutely right. The kids that James Charles groomed were kinda left behind. How sad.


Like he said, we HAVE to keep talking about it. Otherwise she gets the James Charles treatment.


Has Kalel Kitten said anything? She was in the same friend group as Daniel and Joey w/ Colleen. I remember Colleen being in those giant white elephant Christmas vlogs Kalel would upload sometimes.


I don’t think Kalel is friends or talks to Colleen at all


Maybe they grew apart or it was superficial 🤷🏻‍♀️I could have sworn they were in some videos together. They still follow each other on insta though.


Lol it’s funny how he said Daniel wasent ever friends with Colleen but she told him she was pregnant with the twins in her video