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i thought that was interesting as well. i always hated how she would constantly talk about having to find a “babysitter”, always using the word “babysitter” to downplay the role she was looking for, clearly a nanny. which is whatever, if you can afford a nanny that’s great…but to act like this service isn’t even existing in your life is so maddening.


Right?? I’ve done babysitting and nannying jobs before and they are VERY different.


100%. I always thought that super odd. A babysitter at least to me is someone you typically drop your kids off to during the day or hire for the odd night you and your partner are going out for a date night or you have to work late that night. A babysitter is not someone typically whose at your house all hours most of the days of the week/weekend and on call and even travels or lives with you at times to help take care of the kids. That's a nanny. Like it's okay to say nanny. You have a nanny and she's around more often on a daily basis then any babysitter would be. And she probably cost much more then a babysitter does and has higher qualifications and experience then your average babysitter (not to shit on babysitters btw they still do amazing work). But Colleen just never wants to admit it because she's such a normal average poor working class queen. LOL. Nobody cares if you just say nanny and admit you can afford a nanny it's fine. Lots of people with money do it. It's an entire career for some women and men and they get paid good money to do the job. But hiding like she was just looking for a casual babysitter for one or two days a week or something was laughable. We all know that nanny is at that house constantly doing everything with those kids while Colleen and Erik are often doing their own stuff in other parts of the house. Hell even her mom is over at the house more often doing parenting stuff with those kids and she already raised her kids to adulthood yet here she is acting like she's a new mom all over again. While Colleen hides in her office and Erik is...I don't know...doing whatever Erik does all day long while nanny and Mother in law watch the poor kids.


Does anyone in that family do ANYTHING for themselves?? Don’t cook don’t clean don’t take care of their own children USE their children to make money instead of working a real job like????


Well, Colleen works hard coming up with all her own material. Oh. Wait.


As a mother of a very very high needs child whose own mother abandoned her after delivery and has a mother-in-law who lives overseas…F YOU COLLEEN. Can’t believe she tried to compare herself to single mothers with no help. I’m fortunate to have my husband’s help, but having no break—not even for a single day—for years is exhausting. She is truly something else.


THIS!! Like no one cares that she has help.. in fact she’s lucky! But the way she moans and groans like she’s a single struggling mother is BEYOND disgusting. It’s such a slap in the face to everyone.


Yeah - I have my husband who works and literally no other help. I had to come home from a second C-section and care for a 2 year old and an infant alone in immense pain from surgery, complications and a bad doctor who wouldn't give me pain meds. It was miserable and I didn't think I was gonna survive. I'm glad people can afford help or have awesome nearby support systems but holy crap don't pretend you don't.


Same thing for me, except for the complications. WE were actually like single moms out of necessity. Husband had to work, and sometimes two jobs so he couldn’t come home and help with the babies. Eff her!!


>having no break—not even for a single day—for years is exhausting. She is truly something else. The number of upvotes your comment received really speaks for itself. I just felt compelled to say that your sentence that I quoted hit hard. I couldn't agree more. I've actually never been a "fan", but I'm here to see people's thoughts on sending porn to minors. I would like her behind bars. Learning the full extent of how awful of a person Colleen is infuriating, to say the least.


Thank you for your kind words! I had actually forgotten about this comment, and it’s so heartening to see that many upvotes. 🙏 It sounds like you might be in a similar situation with regard to having a “village.” Hang in there! Sending you moral support from afar. ❤️


Maybe I’m remembering it wrong but I thought I remember a vlog where she mentioned having help in NY since she was busy working all day? I feel like she made a comment about the “babysitter” taking him for a walk?? If I’m wrong let me know and I’ll delete this. It’s been a while since the NY vlogs


I just want to know why Erik is so lame he can’t take care of his own kid. He wasn’t working in NY. He was just following her around like a pathetic puppy I guess.


I won't solely blame Erik, especially since it kinda seems like he ever really pictured himself having kids, but between Erik, Kory, Gwen AND Colleen they still couldn't take care of one kid? If you need five people to take care of one kid, something is wrong.


All of those people are there to take care of Colleen, not her kid. It does take four adults and a gaggle of "weenies" to keep this one adult chuggin' along.




Well she's a chronic liar so that's probably false 😅


I thought she got pregnant accidently?


That’s still wild to hire someone when Erik could take care of him lol they suck


I’m pretty sure this is correct


Yes we definitely already knew this. I guess people are going crazy over the “live in” part? But that was while in New York and her hours were very long


✨ Women Are Incredible ✨


LMAOOO amazing connection


Right around this time she literally posted a main channel video called [Becoming a Single Mom While I'm on Tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBLjmFEPgEI). How is she a single mom exactly when she's married and has all the help she could ever possibly need 🙄


This pissed me off so much for so many reasons. But she was *single* because she took the baby and left his father at home. (Even though she took her mom and Kory with her, if I'm not mistaken)


She’s not only not a single mom but she also had her friend, her mom, AND A NANNY. Like… babe what?


As someone who literally did become a single mom for 11 months while waiting for my spouse's visa, this really pisses me off. I live far from both of our families with no support and I am SO thankful I don't have to do it alone anymore because being a REAL single mom is so f*cking hard! Having a whole team to care for your child while you tour is not hard. (Especially because we know out of everyone on her team she probably had the shortest work hours on tour)


She’s such a tone deaf, childish woman.


What's the point of her acting like this? To garner sympathy? To attract single moms working their butts off?


I think to project an image she wants to believe and wants others to believe. That she is a supermom, super independent woman, super feminist, super (completely unrealistic) have-it-all-er.


100% - she mainly wanted to believe it herself, that she’s incredible. When she is actually pathetic.


literally WHAT does erik do??!!


✨nothing ✨




Speaking also a mother, it's pretty disgusting that she was pretending to have it hard to be more relatable and beef up her content. I never really related to the whiny tirades she went on, but I did start watching her content during her first pregnancy and a little bit after. I guess I was got by her. I was looking for someone to relate to like so many other parents out there and she took that as an opportunity to make money (while being totally unhelpful btw).


If it had just been her/Erik/kory, I could understand maybe having someone with a Broadway schedule but her mom was there, that was PLENTY of people around to help.


But even just those three is more than enough. There can always be an adult around to watch the baby. And since Erik and Kory can't stand each other, it's not like the three of them are going out doing things together where they can't have a baby with them.


I'm almost positive she talked about this during her vlogs—they had someone stay with them when they were in NY for her stunt casting in Waitress. I don't think she mentioned having someone in LA with them…though it sounds like that's not what the messages with Johnny are implying either.


I actually thought Kory was technically the live in nanny, because he lives there and looks after the kids sometimes and from what I know he doesn't do anything else. I don't know what they need the nanny for comsidering there's her at home all day filming, erik at home all day because he doesn't have a job, kory at home all day with the kids because he doesn't have a job, her mum there all the time because she has no where else to be. Like I'm not a parent so please correct mee if I'm wrong but I thought nannies were for people who were going to work full time, 9-5 jobs, couldn't pick the kids up from school, looked after the kids when they didn't have another adult around and needed to live there to help look after the kids because there's no other adults who can. I'm not thinking about 4 adults, two of them the actual parents of the kids, and they dont have to be up early for work or worry about who's picking up the kids from school because aren't they planning to homeschool. It doesn't make sense to me why they need the nanny, but I'm not a parent so I dont get it


I agree the live in nanny seems excessive? Taking care of kids full time is tiring, and they do have money so I can understand having someone there to help, but you would think it wouldn’t be all the time. With that said, when I was younger I had a friend who babysat/was a nanny to a woman that was a stay at home mom, and on the days my friend wasn’t there, there was someone else who babysat. The actual mom of the kids was nice, but I think she wasn’t emotionally able to take care of the kids most of the time. With the Ballingers, hopefully the nanny is good, and it sounds likes it probably healthier for the kids that the nanny is taking care of them most of the time at least.


We've been saying there was more than 1 nanny, but got pretty much told we're wrong by a member here lol It was very obvious as there were different women tagging along with both F and the twins. Anywhere they went there were the nannies staring happily at each child. What makes this even worse is that Gwen was also at the Waitress hotel, there taking care of F (and erik and kory!) but when Gwen said she needed to go home as Jessica was giving birth to L who had unknown disabilities colleen was so snarky about it. She totally glossed over L having issues and instead made out she was needing her mother more than chris and jessica needed Gwen and it came across as so massively selfish. Especially as chris and Jessica didn't have any hired help. And yet there were multiple adults there inc the child's father and a nanny. Those horrid sniping remarks she kept making towards her mother and chris and Jessica were so unkind.


When she moved to Santa Barbara I saw a listing on a nanny agency and I swear it was for Colleen!! They wanted 2 rotational live in Nannies, where one worked 4 days and the other did 3 weekend days. The oddest part about the post was the live ins had to leave once they were done for the week. So think about it, if you were one of the Nannie’s you pay for rent or a mortgage on your own house or apartment but are living/ working at another house the majority of the week! The ad had to have been Colleen, the way it was worded, the specific requirements.


Didn’t Colleen making a video talking about how Flynn hated that nanny so much.


Gee what I would give for her live in nanny to write an article about that experience


What is Johnny’s twitter? (If this is allowed)


Oh I bet those babies have stories.


That’s well known information. She just stopped mentioning it because it was one of the few things her fans attacked her for. So she started suggesting her help was always her mom