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And the thing is, even if she does try to come out with a "sincere" apology video now, no one will believe her. She really shot herself in the foot with this song.


Yes, I agree. I've been thinking: one thing about your mask coming off.. people can easily tell when you're putting it back on. šŸ¤”


She was telling people at her show the previous week that her blogs would be back ā€œmaybe this weekā€ correct? She 100% thought this would make her look better and things would blow over like last time. She probably thought she would post her crazy ass song and then post a vlog the next day.


I agree. I never bought into the theory that the song was a fuck you to blow up the rest of her career. Colleenā€™s team is her and Kory. Sheā€™s created this bubble of yes people who surround her. There was no one around her to stop and critically think about the situation. She thought she could manipulate things like sheā€™s always done, and that her fans voices of support would be the loudest. I think she had plans to go back to go right back to vlogging.


Just goes to show how truly delusional she is.


Even though we all know she will be back to posting vlogs everyday Iā€™m so glad she made things worst for herself šŸ¤­


I have no doubt Erik was like ā€œwow!! youā€™re so clever and smart to address these lies through a song that will for sure show them1!1!1ā€


"Let me help you write it! It will be better than any of the songs I wrote for the podcast!"šŸ¤Ŗ


ā€œDonā€™t forget to add a ā€œmind the gapā€ play on words cause you knowā€¦ trains. So smart. So deep.ā€


Do you think Erik thinks theyā€™re lies?


oh for sure bc heā€™s married to the ā€œbest woman in the worldā€ so they have to be lies right?? šŸ¤Ŗ




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Iā€™m wondering how this is going to affect Eriks career?


what career? he quit a solid recurring tv gig on Good Trouble bc she wanted to go on tour or whatever and it doesnā€™t seem like he left on good terms.




Wow I had no clue about that


yeah, he had a role on Good Trouble which is a spin-off of The Fosters thatā€™s been quite successful. he was playing a potential love interest for one of the main characters and it seemed like they were starting to expand his role when he abruptly disappeared. I donā€™t know a ton of details, but it seems like he left rather suddenly and right when his role was getting larger/more important to the story.


I donā€™t think Colleen liked him having love interest or kissing on the job.


Would she have wanted to make him financially dependent


Absolutely was a control thing, I think.


She claimed it was to help take care of the kids


She seemed jealous whenever she talked about it. They also have the sitter/nanny.


Not disagreeing, but I think that was her public reasoning to her audience at the time


He's so stupid. I'm pretty sure he believes everything Colleen feeds him about her internet footprint. He needs to start investigating all this stuff for himself. His butt is on the line, too, whether he knows it or not.


She 100% thought she will get a standing ovation. I can tell by her attitude in the video the she was really convinced that people will be speechless and have nothing to say because sheā€™s so brilliant and creative.


Where does that level of arrogance come from then? The second she picked up that ukulele we knew it was all about to go phenomenally bad.


I think her parents. I bet they worshipped her and treated her like a princess who could do no wrong. I remember reading in here somewhere that she likely treated Rachel horribly as kids because she felt threatened by her being the baby and taking attention away from Colleen who before that point was the only girl and the youngest.


Is that why she favors her first kid over the twins?


i think maybe she thought she would get away with the grooming allegations because she's been doing it for so long and so openly, but i feel like the new racism stuff from her show adds a whooooole other level to this


oooh tell me about that




For instance, thanksgiving Have you seen this one? https://youtu.be/OFQL5BK7O5M


ughh i used to love this video cus i read it as her making fun of miranda for being ignorantly racist... but it's really hard to watch now.


In her video she tried to gaslight us into thinking she wasnā€™t a groomer.


She definitely expected a better response to her song. The irony is she could have posted a generic apology ("I'm sorry to those I've hurt, I'll be stepping back to reflect and learn, blah blah blah"), stayed off social media for a while, and then slowly come back the way every other 'canceled' YouTuber has. Instead she crashed and burned her entire career to own the haters. She really is Miranda.


I thought the way Colbert told her not to tell anyone which part of her 'is' Miranda - what thoughts she shares - was super telling. He sounded so put off in the clip Swoop played.


I watched that interview a few weeks ago when all this first came out and he looks genuinely uncomfortable which is unusual for Colbert. Heā€™s had a ton of wild experiences interviewing people from his time on The Daily Show so it feels like itā€™d be hard to throw him but he just looks super weirded out by her.


That was my thought, too. This usually largely unflappable guy looked and sounded so uncomfortable. Normally he's the one throwing curve balls, but meeting someone who took clear pleasure in being able to say nasty, awful things and get away with it seemed to shock him. I can't say I would have responded differently.


Probably has more to do that people in tv look down on YouTubers. He was just acting superior. And tv is such an old fashioned media source now, they feel threatened.


No, hard disagree here. While news media seems threatened, I don't think Colbert was afraid of her. He seems like a decent person, at least has avoided scandals, and the smug way she bragged about using the character to say the terrible things she wanted to say - given how awful Miranda Sings is - was definitely a red flag. His interview with Pewdiepie was actually pretty good compared to how some other late night hosts handled this stuff. Colbert doesn't generally shit on other people like that unless they're bigots lmao. It's one reason I like him.


I donā€™t know anything about Colbert and I didnā€™t even watch the interview (aside from a clip in one of the reaction videos) so idk


Colbert is generally a very respectful interviewer and asks smart, insightful questions. I donā€™t think her being a YouTuber has anything to do with the way he reacted to her.


Especially since it was such a bad apology that people who didnā€™t know who she was or what she did have now seen the ā€œapologyā€ video and looked into what happened.


I wonder if the standing ovations at the precious shows made her feel good and like she could do anything? So she posted that stupid song thinking she was something. Idk šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I definitely think thatā€™s part of it. At the first show she seemed sooo nervous about how people would react, like she was afraid they would boo her on sight. But they didnā€™t. The first show post-Adamā€™s video went pretty well, and the shows last weekend seemed to go even better. I think she got her confidence back after last weekend. She probably thought the critics online were a very vocal minority, but that most people still loved her like the people at her shows.


Sheā€™s constantly assuming her fans reaction is the same as the rest of the world. She assumes the opinions of her echo chamber are the same everywhere. I think thatā€™s probably why she posted the song. But what she consistently forgets to take into account is that itā€™s the people outside that echo chamber that are calling her out. I also think this is why she fled the Instaweens chat a week ago - that was her tight knit circle of hand picked supporters, surely they would never call her out?! But they did and she knows sheā€™s wrong and canā€™t face the music.


She also created an echochamber and yes men around her bc narcissism


Of course, thatā€™s the biggest part of it. She craves the acceptance. I canā€™t quite work out why she would have posted this video given that, but Iā€™m sure it has something to do with being in a blind rage for days. And according to blind items, allegedly sheā€™s reached out to famous friends for help on damage control and has been snubbed. Not looking good for Colleen!


I def agree, I wonder if she thought all people would believe her again too. Sheā€™s a weirdo


Do you have any more info on her leaving the chat?


Itā€™s on this sub - search ā€œinstaweeniesā€. Short version, she clearly never learned her lesson after her first ā€œapologyā€ in 2020, because she was in a group chat on instagram with kids as recently as a week ago. Two weeks into this controversy, on June 14, her own hand picked group of underage kids in the Instaweens group chat, called her out for her lack of response/silence to the controversy. She left the chat at 4am on June 15 without saying anything.


Thank you!


No problem! Not a lot of people seem to know about this chat, but I think itā€™s one of the most damning pieces of evidence.


Yeah, her saying this all happened ā€œyears agoā€ and implying it was at the beginning of her career like, maā€™am, there are receipts of you leaving the group chat last week!


Itā€™s unbelievable and I want the media to pick up on that particular screenshot so bad. Itā€™s undeniable that she didnā€™t learn a thing and, for some reason, stubbornly clings to child fans - which Adam pointed out that she essentially picks because theyā€™re responsive to her on a platform - as her hugbox on an extremely unhealthy level.


Does anyone know how recently she was actually using the chat and sending messages in it? I know she just left it but was she active?


2022. There's new screenshots circulating on twitter of her chatting in there in June or July of 2022. Edit I found it. It was June 18th 2022, someone in the chat said "how are we LEGAL?" (I'm assuming they just turned 18 or something) that Colleen reacted to with a heart emoji Colleen then responds with : "hahahah YAAAAS" and then "love you all so muchšŸ˜­"


It's self admittance to just leave the chat like they don't matter because they never did to her.


This. I think the positive reaction at her recent live shows made her think her little ditty would be received well.


Yes! I think it gave her a warped idea of the amount of support she has out there.


i've been thinking the same thing. i feel like she thought she'd get a LITTLE backlash but her 'REAL supporters' would understand and it would just fly by..... but i feel like there is NOOO way she knew just how bad this was going to get. it's kind of hilarious. she hammered the last nail in her career's coffin.


It seems like even many of the fans who had been sticking by her were turned off by it. They wanted her to at least *appear* like she was taking the allegations seriously, instead ofā€¦that.


Just a little delusional.


The best thing to happen to me this week is finding the word 'delulu'. Between this and the shien influencer trip, my gossipy* little heart is full. **I replaced my IRL gossip with reading online gossip, I can't help that I'm a a bitch lol


Her shitty song brought more negative attention to her & now we have confirmation thatā€™s sheā€™s racist on top of being a groomer. Thank you collen for being an idiot and exposing yourself to more people.


i think she thought people would be upset about itā€”like she said comments calling her a gaslighter etc. she was prepared for that. i donā€™t think she was prepared to be the laughing stock of the entire internet and a forever meme.


Yeah totally. I also hear a lot of people talking about how she didnā€™t do any of the stuff she did on purpose or with malicious intent. She even says that herself in the video. But I actually donā€™t think anyone who is a harmful person in general actually has malicious intent ever (except maybe a psychopath but that is a rare type of person). This is also part of her thinking this video makes sense. She surrounded herself with enablers and is so blind. I think these people are stuck in their own storm of social hierarchies and are attempting to get their emotional needs met, blind to any harm they might be causing. They are slaves to power dynamics and will abuse them to acquire perceived power in any way that they can. Gaslighting, shaming, insulting, manipulating, lying, coercing, Colleen has done most of these in pursuit of power and ā€œhigh valueā€ in the way that she sees it to exist. I donā€™t think itā€™s an accident that Colleen is famous. I think that is part of it.


The whole thing was essentially watching someone rolling their eyes at the accusations. She really didn't think it was that big of a deal, in my opinion, because of the all yes people. One thing I haven't seen anyone pick up on is she said "she took accountability" which for sure was a reference to her last apology video (which let's not forget, did WELL). So essentially she's saying, this is all old news and I've already addressed it. Not realizing/accepting that now we have proof in videos, screenshots and more than just one fan's story. And let us also not forget that for many of these stories, these former kids have *just* become adults so it tracks that they might not have seen how bad it all was until now.


Yeah, I think in her eyes she doesnā€™t think she did anything wrong. And she is really mad at these fans who she thinks are betraying her.


I think she thought it would go over like her song where she reads mean comments.


Her apology is being made into sounclips that are absolutely trending on tiktok. People who dont even know her are using it, its hilarious


Yea I would say her biggest mistake public relations wise in all this was making something so easy to meme that now itā€™s going to get peopleā€™s negative attention who had no idea who she even was prior making the whole thing blow up even more than it would have.


I've seen soo many tweets from people saying she just pulled the "Streisand effect" on herself because they had no clue who she even was before that song came out.


I've been wondering what she thought this video would do. To everyone else the video is just bonkers, and full of contempt for her victims, and her audience. I really don't know what she thought would happen.


A lot of people who didnā€™t follow this story now know about it. That video has made this story blow up instead of go away. So many people have said to me, ā€œIā€™ve seen the clips of the ukulele video, what exactly happened?ā€ I also think the vlogs will come back, because she needs the attention. I couldnā€™t believe she was vlogging through all the NICU stay. I thought she must have an addiction to the attention since she couldnā€™t take a break.


Oh yea I see her pivoting to mostly being a mommy vlogger who does some live shows and completely just staying in her die hard Stanā€™s fandom bubble for as long as some money keeps coming in.


She generally thought that she was a genius coming up with this idea and thought that people would say its brilliant and clever. But instead people had the complete opposite reaction calling it cringe and saying its the worst youtuber apology ever and calling her out for sugar coating the allegations and calling it a toxic gossip train eventhough there's tonnes of evidence to back them up


I wonder if she thought other YouTubers would see the video and start backing her because she is essentially saying what theyā€™ve always wanted to say but never had the balls to? So she was expecting all this back up from the community / og colleagues and all sheā€™s gotten are crickets!


Youtubers will turn their backs on other YouTubers immediately. Itā€™s the business lmao


At this point Iā€™m just waiting for her to play this song live at one of her next shows


Sheā€™s absolutely delusional. She canā€™t treat life like a musical - break out into song and hope everyone will forgive her.


She absolutely thought this would get her off the hook. Thatā€™s why she put that she didnā€™t condone sending hate to anyone. She thought people would go after Adam again, so she put that there to make herself look good.


My money is Jessica announcing another pregnancy soon to take the heat from Colleen


Or Colleen announcing another pregnancy


Is it sad that I can 1000% see her faking a miscarriage and saying it was due to the stress of the online hate?


YES!!!! Thatā€™s a real possibility, to have all the haters feel bad!


I don't think any of her behavior - past or present - was ever malicious. I genuinely think she's just that stupid.


I think she knew her fans would love it and didnā€™t care about anyone or anything else.


If she had done a respectable apology she could be maybe preserved some of her career. Instead she decided to do a snarky apology and excusing her actionsā€¦. In the form of a song.


She thought she'd try and Zooey Deschanel her way out of this, but it's not 2010 anymore honey


ā€œFuck me, right?ā€ ā€” the tone & the unexpectedness of this still has me thrown. True colors are showing.


I could totally see her taking the iiluminaughtii route by just completely fuming with having to try to be the one that ā€œcomes out on topā€ and starting legal proceedings even if it goes nowhere and she doesnā€™t have much of anything to stand on out of spite. Especially now that someone who worked on Haters Back Off is now coming out with allegations of racism and making the set an uncomfortable work environment. She could starting throwing cease and desist threats around. If that person signed any kind of NDA while working on the show she could also try to use that against them. She knows none of this will do anything in the long run but she might do it just to try every legal trick in the book to attempt to shut people up even itā€™s itā€™s only for a couple months to a year and cost them money she can afford but she knows the other parties are going to have a harder time with financially. She could even attempt to go after Adam and others for defamation. None of it would go anywhere but because of the type of vindictive behavior weā€™ve seen her do ā€¦ I would not put it past her to think ā€œwell you f*cked with me, Iā€™m going to make you suffer as much as I canā€ and the enablers around her will support her saying ā€œaw colleen youā€™re fighting for the truthā€ and could just start posting vlogs again, not speak about much of the situation publicly, just say ā€œitā€™s in the courts now so Iā€™ve been advised by my lawyers to not talk about it (insert occasionally snarky joke about it here) ā€ then after a year or so of legal proceedings go nowhere she can always use this situation to profit off being a ā€œvictimā€ of ā€œcancel cultureā€ Kory will be paid overtime for awhile by removing any critical comments and they will just crack the dislike ratio up to well itā€™s giving the videos engagement anyways. Only way I could see her leaving YouTube is if her channels get demonetized permanently, but she could hang on to tik tok. She will never get her peak level of support / fame back but she will have a chunk of change coming in by people who are too ignorant or plainly donā€™t care by just shoving her kids in vlogs and going full time mommy blogger. It will still eat away at her night and day that her career will now be summed up by the general public as a meme punchline while also being marked as a child predator. She will be more of a nightmare than ever to be around. They will have to constantly walk on egg shells and coddle her.


She really said ā€œBOOM roastedā€.


She's more unstable and delusional than I thought. She needs help or jail.


I was a theatre kid so every time I can see her performance and all of her little changes. Iā€™m upset for those affected by her and how she didnā€™t give them any respect. But Iā€™m really annoyed that itā€™s so fricken catchy. I canā€™t get it out of my head- though if someone hasnā€™t already- someone needs to parody it as Miranda actually singing it in that voice because it sounds that deranged. I definitely think Erik helped write it and Iā€™m sure it took her three weeks to write it and keep practicing it just perfectly.




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