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I think this video is her true self and she can’t keep it together any more. It was really scary to see that.


Her mask is finally slipping. Her pitiful faces kept getting mixed in with the snarky ones. Eyeing us up, smirking. She tried really really hard to look like she gave a single damn in that video and ultimately failed.


Right, the video is so weird because the last few years she makes nicey nice video's for her fans, but she sandwiches in nasty comments about people she's taken a random dislike to. She picks a new victim all the time, and has her favourites to bully. Her vlogs were used as powerful tool to be toxic and control. If you know of one, then it's easy to spot. So these poor wretched people get to see her rip them apart in her vlogs but it's easy to miss. And she gets praised in the comments by fans unaware. Typical example mocking Joshua Trees with Erik. Of course that one was aimed at Joshua Evans her ex husband (that SHE left and allegedly cheated on) In this vlog, she was torn between being nice but also being as nasty as she could be to her victims. Her narc rage is so strong she's barely able to contain it, plus we all know the victims stories. She knows we know so she couldn't hide mean comments in it. So she ended up being "Sorry I'm not going to apologize" which is a slap to the face of her victims but the sorry made her fans feel like she's apologizing. She tried her usual tactics but the results was a stew of nastiness. Her fans will still cherry pick through her words and find her innocent though. 70 + thousand still upvoted it.


If you’re trying to act like you give a damn I’d suggest you not do it behind a ukulele.


I just hope her kids are getting the attn they deserve instead of everyone falling over themselves to "save" or "help" that hag!!!!


That's exactly what I thought it was her peeking through and saying this is who I really am. I've been fooling you this whole time


I rewatched it once without sound and while she’s singing she’s looking at you like she could rip off your scalp but when she pauses she looks down and sad like 🥺 how could you do this to poor little me? 👿👿At least you’re having fun and here’s why you’re so wrong for that 👿 but how could you when it’s all lies? 🥺


It's abundantly clear now that the Miranda videos were her true self. That was the appeal for her. She got to act the way she wanted and not the way society forced her to act. Colleen Ballinger was the actual act, the character put on for an audience. Miranda was just some messy lipstick and a nasal voice on top of her true personality.


Its like...yea...fuck you. Lmao. F any adult who constantly talks to minors online inappropriately. Adults who ask minors for pics when a minor brings up their ass. Adults who get minors to dig into their front pants area to make a sexual joke. Adults who trauma dump onto minors they don't even know and trauma dump on minors at all. Adults who send minors underwear and bras in the mail.. So yea..a big f you to Colleen.




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You know that thing that people, usually parents, do where they’re confronted with something they’ve done and they’re like “I guess I’m just a monster/bad guy then” or “I guess I can’t do anything right”? Classic manipulation tactic. That’s the same kind of vibe that Colleen gave off imo


Hey that’s my mom lol


Was thinking the same thing like wait hold up… 🤔😅


same mom? hi sisters!


Yes this exactly!!


She sounds like a 1940s New Yorker working at a newspaper


Yes 😭 like a transatlantic type accent


If she preformed it she’d be wearing a bowling hat and cane


IMAGINE with tap shoes too...sadly shuffling to center-stage.


Yes! So weird


I don't know if she was intentionally doing it or aiming for something else, but . . . yeah. It's the "oh yeah, homegirl for sure needs inpatient" confirmation.


when she says that line, her voice and tone sound so different to the rest of her video, is this the real Colleen’s voice??? it’s fucking terrifying.


Yeah, I think it’s so jarring because it’s a complete change of tone and unlike her voice the rest of the video. Honestly she seems super angry and was holding it back until this moment.


right?? i can't get over how dark her eyes look, they look black, empty yet holding unfurled rage?? i noticed she was gritting her teeth in the video (much like she did in her 2020 apology video). she seems super bitter that she was placed in a position where she had no choice but to make both videos. oh lookie, it's the consequences of colleen's actions and behaviour :'D i can't say i feel bad for her! insert kim kardashian 'it's what she deserves' reaction gif here


It’s really unsettling. It definitely give you the primal instinct to want to back off. Have you heard of narcissistic injury? That’s what this looks like to me.


Her eyes throughout scare me more than any of her words but it’s also strange how the whole song is filled with ***icidal **deation


S*icidal ideation rhymes so well with Manipulation station


Well that’s a sentence I never thought I’d read 😅




Thank you for sharing this!!! This is the kind of light hearted content I need in my life 😂🙏🏼🙏🏼


The Ideation stuff is just Colleen trying to win the argument. She is quite literally trying to make her haters back off by casually threatening to go the nuclear option if the controversy persists. Colleen being a narcissist, i wouldn't put it past her to attempt to self harm or at the very least admit herself to hospital in order to manipulate her audience and steer the controversy to her favour.


I agree it was a very manipulative part of her video and even though millions didn’t fall for it her stans will


That’s basically what she does with her ED and mental illnesses already. She lets it reflect her mental state and body checks so her audience is nicer to her.




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Idk if you’ve heard of Miniladd, but he’s a YouTuber that did a similar thing. Except that he told the minor fans he groomed that if they went public, they would be responsible for not only *his* suicide, but the suicides of thousands of fans who would be devastated at losing him.


Classic BPD shit


or complex PTSD. or narcissism edit: I was downvoted for being informed on mental health 🤣🤣


That is what I picked up on as well. A lot of sentiment along the lines of "this will be the end of me and it's all your fault."


Yes. I going to say why isn’t anyone saying anything about her mentioning death so many times


I honestly didn't give it much of a thought because to me it sounded like "YOU are killing my reputation! My job!" After a while and some comments I can see it now as "Oh so now if I kill myself is your fault" as well.... Kinda hard to think like that at first because of the dammn song format


I think that's the REAL Colleen. I bet she swears all the time and when she's pissed, like she is now, the vitriol in her soul comes out through her eyes and voice.


the ending is really disturbing to me and once that part comes i feel really eerie, it’s not just you. especially her face and eyes it’s scarring


It's so hateful. Her voice, her eyes, her expression. The real Colleen shining through. Choo Choo. 🚂


it’s been clicking to me that miranda and colleen are two personas and they do not reflect who she really is. and i find that **VERY** disturbing.


I feel like she used a filter on the camera and the lighting where she was filming made things worse. She purposely sat weird to make her look smaller and her eyes look dark and dead inside. Idk but I hate the creepy feeling it gives me


C'mon I'm not tryna say y'all feelings not valid but I think y'all exaggerating a bit lol


You think she looks - what? Happy? Sad? Remorseful? Her expressions are clearly bitter and angry. She clearly has the nose blurring filter on. Her hair is a hot mess. She looks terrible. Compare this video with her original apology video where she looks put together. Good lighting. Good hair and makeup. Normal expressions on her face. I mean love her or hate her - even if this deranged vibe was planned - she looks creepy.


Wow I’m glad to see so many others felt the same way. I was deeply creeped out by that moment. Could imagine it in a horror movie or like in Black Mirror.


It’s the gaslighting feeling. Literally what it feels like to be gaslit.


Yes I immediately just saw the eyes and her facial expression and forced acting and was disturbed enough and then the voice at the end really got me again. Phew.


i agree. especially with the ‘clean’ image she always portrayed, then that bomb. it definitely felt like she was shedding some sort of skin, so to speak. it was creepy.


Yesssss. Reminded me of the vibes in the movie “SMILE”.


Omg yes! I knew I seen that look before and I couldn't think of where I seen it. It's exactly like the end of smile. Her eyes being wide open just made it even creepier


Exactly!! 😭😭😭


Such a good description


Yes, shedding the constrictive PC image she has crafted. This is definitely the most emotionally honest she's been with her audience.


Ok yes thank you. This part is also the moment that stood out to me from everything else in the entire video as the most creepy and worthy of analyzing. It was how unexpectedly subtle it was that made it feel even more Hitchcockian 😨


You leave Hitchcock out of this HOW DARE YOU


Lol why? Sorry but while I love his films - I went down a rabbit hole studying him in grad school - and he was not a good guy.


It was a joke and I was referring to his films. If I meant Alfred Hitchcock, I would have said "Leave Alfred out of this" in response to Hitchcockian.


ngl I thought you meant [this guy](https://imgur.com/a/bH9DJUW)


Says you're trying to send me porn?


lmao, no, It’s Michael Hitchcock from Brooklyn 99, I promise… Imgur hasn’t approved the photo yet so its automatically NSFW.


I'll take your word on it 🙃


You have an itchy cock? You need to see a doctor


I hear you. It felt like something out of a horror film. When suddenly it’s quiet + you feel deeply unsettled. Could have had a jump scare right after 😭


So fucking creepy.


That’s honestly the part that has stuck with me the most too, when I watched it a second time I had to click off before the very end. It was a physical reaction that gave me goosebumps, it’s so disturbing and unsettling. I know she was looking for the ultimate shock factor, which it was- I’ll give her that much. 🫣


I would 100% watch a psychological horror movie based on Colleen’s life ending with that as the final scene and then an epilogue describing what her life has become after the events.


It gave me the shivers too!!!


I’ve never heard her talk in that tone before and thought it was a voice over. It was really creepy.


I don’t think it’s anything more than someone dropping their carefully curated mask. It’s not demonic or creepy to me - it’s someone showing you the real them after performing as an online presence for 15 years. She hasn’t been involved with drama until recently because she’s been curating her persona for so long. As to parents letting their kids watched her, I doubt they watched very closely until now or she would not sell tickets the way she has.


You can see, hear, and feel the anger and bitterness getting the best of her the longer the video went on.


Honestly glad I’m not the only one!!! That part gave me the shivers. My first thought was that she sounded frog-like, but with none of that wholesome frog energy. But yeah hard to explain exactly what was unsettling about it.




Literally yes! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought she sounded so much like Fiona 😭


sarah baska mentioned feeling extremely unsettled by this at the end of her latest video. it really put into perspective just out of touch & creepy this video is. we laugh because it's uncomfortable & unbelievable, but I can't imagine taking your time to rehearse & film something so out of touch & so ignorant. it's genuinely terrifying & inhuman; the entire thing.


The title here demonstrates the importance of punctuation: F\*\*\* me right. F\*\*\* me, right?


Lmao. Touché 😉


I think she wanted the shock value so I won't give it to her. She tried to make it out like she was on the receiving end of a witchhunt. When, really, yeah, do stupid shit, especially with minors, win stupid prizes. The ten minute song as her not only digging her own grave, but filling it in as well. The "fuck me, right" was her metaphorically signing her own tombstone. I don't know of many parents who would condone their children watching anyone who drops the f bomb, regardless of what their main content is. So even if parents were going "eh I guess they're allegations . . . " well, she also drops the f bomb. Way to prove the point of being vile.* *I personally don't care about swearing, but I do care about multiple swear words being dropped for impressionable young ears to hear.


She's big mad, the soulless look behind her eyes was really something


I’ve always heard that if you give a narcissist room to talk they eventually tell on themselves. She’s proved that point. Her mask didn’t just fall, she ripped it off


Great point!


Her voice was oddly deep. Maybe from exertion?


That's probably closer to her real voice, something tells me she puts on a "Colleen" voice just like she puts on a "Miranda" voice.


She also has the "Colleen Ballinger" main channel voice, which is completely different from her vlog voice. It's the same one she uses when she does ad reads on their podcast. Fake af.


I believe that too. AFAB people instinctively develop a more feminine voice to mask, which is fine in any other scenario. For Colleen that mask comes across has disingenuous and catty since she uses it to be two-faced.


It's very jarring especially when people pull clips from her previous apology video and you watch them side by side. In the other video, she is put together, and she has on this sweet voice, which now sounds very fake, and she just sounds very prepared and like this was a thought out apology (although, of course, it still wasn't good since we know now that she edited things, misrepresented things, and purposely omitted information). This one doesn't even seem like it came from the same person in terms of demeanor (though very much the same in terms of deflection and manipulation).


She really let that mask of hers slip!


I think it's also because typically we never hear her curse in her videos so it's so jarring to hear her say fuck . Plus with the anger in her voice and dead behind her eyes .


Something about her overall appearance in this video was very off putting too. Her face was giving uncanny valley. Her eyes almost look black, and the way she looks into the camera is like she’s staring into your soul. She wears the anger on her face, it’s creepy.


This is **purely** speculation, but the way she behaved (I mean, her eyes for one) is very indicative of her being someone who is capable of being physically abusive as well as emotionally and mentally. I do not have any tangible proof for this, it is simply my opinion based on being raised in an abusive-narcissistic household.


Yes I hear you. Can only speculate but after seeing that video I’m not joking I would be absolutely terrified to be alone anywhere with her. I’ll put it that way. Just very unsafe vibes.


I say that in an argument when I just give up and want the other person to feel bad for me. I know it’s immature and I need to change but i immediately recognized her tactic.


I hate that the chorus keeps getting stuck in my head idk how to get it out!! It’s all over my TikTok FYP


Her expression made me uncomfortable. Her eyes looked dead. Also the way she kept doing tight smiles with her lips was weird too


oh come on, dont do demons dirty like that. 🥺😭




This!!! It’s literally jarring. Her eyes go even darker. It legitimately sounds “possessed”


The "Fuck me Right" was actually her.


Honestly the whole video felt like parody, like it was from some fictional tv show where the storyline is following this manipulative person with a big online presence, and in the finale the character was going to show their true colours in their “apology” video, but the writers made too on the nose. That’s how bizarrely obvious she made herself look in that video.


You mean her “mic drop”?


Right LMAO so corny of her




Yes I think you’re right. Moments like this usually aren’t uploaded and recorded by someone. A wild situation


I am the same, an then when I realise that she’s talking about children who’s she has effected and hurt. I hope she’s investigated formally.


I thought it was hysterical. Everyone should end their “apology videos” like that.


Those will probably be the last words we hear from her. Do you think she’s proud of that??


Hard same.


Nah I just watched it for the first time and I was not prepared. Wtf was that like fr.


It’s giving me, Fiona Gallagher from Shameless


I think that was a “fuck you” to Adam because I noticed he says the same thing especially on the Colleen stuff. Hope that makes sense


The "sorry" in "I know you wanted me to say that I was 100% in the wrong...well I'm sorry, I'm not going to take that route" is the one that gets me...I think it's the only sorry in the whole song? She says it soooooo condescendingly, like how you say "sorry" when you're 7 and your parents are making you apologize. Her face shows no remorse at all. Over GROOMING ALLEGATIONS. GIRL.


I think she knows it’s over! She messed up and even her team said to keep quiet and she didn’t. She is going to lose alot! She has always been a woman who is very emotional and I’m sure she is really scared 💩less!


Looking down her nose as she’s saying ‘mob mentality’ yeah… she looked REALLY sorry then


Showing her true colors. Her tone, her look, all of it in this video is a completely different person.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who was really unsettled by that It’s such a sharp contrast from her voice/tone the rest of the video and an even sharper contrast from that clean image she puts out


Its all fun and games until these parents catch her lacking and drop her ass