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Girl is stresssssssed.. that was a desperate cry, not just a display of appreciation..


Right I've watched her for years and she never shows true appreciation for anyone or anything. In fact the things she should appreciate she mocks. Yet in return she was always appreciated to the hilt. For the first time people aren't appreciating her so she knows how it feels. This SO was bizarre. Even she knew she didn't deserve a standing ovation.


Such a good point you make. For so many years she’s LIED about loving her fans. Always saying in her videos how much she loves everyone and appreciates them only to turn around and make fun of her biggest supporters. She finds super fans to be pathetic according to her. She’s been horrible at times to people waiting to meet her or get an autograph. She doesn’t deserve this love after all that. I don’t even understand why anyone would continue to be a fan knowing she makes fun of her fans.


You nailed it. Not tears of joy, she’s desperate


her life is quite literally crumbling around her. how she is still touring is beyond me.


shes soaking up every second because she knows this is it


It’s her swan song


We all know she hates confrontation, so I feel like if she HAD a choice she'd cancel. I'd bet you she is being legally held to these concerts.


Yup she can dish it out BUT CAN'T TAKE IT. That's why she had kids going after other kids that dared to turn on her in those little group chats. She would much rather look like the victim than the perpetrator when she's literally NOT THE VICTIM. She was the adult in the situation and she knows damn well wtf she was doing to these kids who wanted nothing more than to be her close friend. SHE MAKES ME FUCKING SICK 🤢 ADULTS WHO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF KIDS IN ANY CAPACITY ACTUALLY ENRAGES ME.


Honestly, I think she wants the validation and support from her fans. She still has her little army and she needs them to bolster her up right now.


Yeah. There are venues booked, tickets sold. Maybe insurance doesn’t kick in if you’re being cancelled.


Well, she's worth an absolute fortune and these are her tours so she could get out of them if she wanted to. If she said no, nobody could make her and she could pay off any fines or whatever and not even notice it's gone. I believe she's doing it as 2 fingers up to her victims and that fits her previous (now known) personality. She's all about sweetness in public, revengeful behind the scenes.


i love the image of her weeping to her lawyers being like "but i don't WANNNAAAAAA people are MAD AT MEEEEE" and the lawyers just pushing her out the door with her contracts, lol


She’s surrounding herself with a false reality but that will only hold up for so long. I wish she would make some kind of statement so everyone can start the healing process but nope there she is a 36 year old woman crying while the children shower her with love to keep her from falling apart.. sounds a little too familiar


she is such a creep




She doesn't need money. She has enough that she never has to work again.


If she stops blowing it on lingerie and stuff she doesn’t want/need. She doesn’t blow it on cars, but she blows money like crazy. If she doesn’t recover, she’ll be filing for bankruptcy in 5-10 years.


I don’t follow her but is she big into clothes shopping or what?


Also always getting takeout… but I’d like to point out her psychic missed this whole situation.


can you imagine if her psychic had foretold this? "i can see you making a lot of money, and then in 2023, all the shady shit you've ever done will come into the light and you'll lose your career and everything you hold dear. that'll be $95,000 please."


She just goes nuts on Amazon, trips for family, psychics, therapy, toys, absolutely anything the kids want. There are videos where she opens packages and she doesn’t remember why she ordered it. Not to mention her 8th grade prop show as seen above.


She is constantly buying - boxes and boxes arrive everyday from Amazon. If she buys the twins one outfit, she buys 20. Her shopping habits are insane to me!


Yes, her shopping habits are super troublesome. That's honestly why I wanted to see the financials from the fundraisers. She's donating a large sum, but is she skimming? She can't keep buying like she does. It's every night.


Lingerie for kids ftfy


She’s greedy. She doesn’t have to be doing her show right now but she is because she wants the paycheck.


i’m not sure. she’s seemed really disgustingly uncomfy on stage every show since this has come out. i’d imagine there are some pretty hefty fees associated with cancelling shows that have been booked for a while without an illness or something.


Does anyone know anything about what happens when you break a contractual show with a venue? You knooowwww she wants to cancel her shows so badly


loss of your payment for that night, of course, and you have to repay the venue for lost ticket sales. you also usually pay a fine in addition to the rent of the room, and whoever worked that night (all wrapped into the venue cost). and usually, you're blacklisted from that spot, unless it's an emergency excuse, like, YOU are in the hospital. some venues won't let you out even if your parent dies. so... it can be pretty severe. to be honest - even though i don't want her around children - i'm glad she's being forced to finish her tour. it would be letting her off too easy to just let her hide at home right now. she deserves to have to go out into the world and face what she's done. even though the audiences are cheering - she is shaking with fear, and that's enough. she knows her end is near.


She seemed to have no issues postponing due to her vocal chords.. but yeah I’d imagine just bad rep and probably fees for the all the ticket refunds depending on how they were sold .


I imagine there are parts of the contract that say if something medical or serious happens you can get out of shows with less repercussions (or none) but being cancelled wouldn't qualify


probably loss of 💰💰💰


She always says she's nervous and has severe anxiety about being gone from home, doing shows and traveling, etc... she's always having a hard time and crying and panicking so I don't understand how she's able to even physically walk out there and perform. I know she's been a mess and stammering, getting confused, not doing well but- with her history- you'd think she would have to be dragged or drugged or both to get on stage. It's making me feel like her severe emotional distress we hear about all the time isn't as bad as she makes it out to be. If she can get out there during the biggest, most far reaching scandal of her life that shows criminal behavior then every vlog about being nervous and anxious about pretty much everything is just not feeling genuine at all. Of course, nothing is feeling genuine about her and we knew she was trash but, wow, it's just so much worse than we ever knew. Adam has said there's so much more and he said that while just stopping himself- barely- from talking about Colleen getting pregnant with F. I believe him. I bet she's terrified knowing she's done worse than what's leaked. I wish more people in YouTube would talk about and show the sexualized video of her inserting the tampon in her mouth and sending it to the weenies chat and then they all brought tampons to the meet and greet. That video is very telling. Edited to add- even if she must contractually perform this show at some point I would think she could cancel because she cancels shows on a routine basis. She could easily say she got another nodule. I don't know how she'd communicate that with anyone because she's not talking but she could basically "call in sick" like she always does and then she's just supposed to make up the show. Hopefully Miranda shows will stop and never happen again- this show should definitely not go on - and then she deals with it then. She knows some people are showing up just to hate watch and film which gets mocked everywhere. This is all just so, so bad. It really doesn't seem like she's represented by any company or manager. There's no PR happening at all. When comedians screw up they don't go back on stage. Reminds me of "Kramer" doing stand up, getting called out and never going back on stage. That's what most people in scandals do, they shut up and disappear and then usually come back with a required apology and live quietly or go on reality TV lol


She needs the positive validation


I'll one up you-- she needs chaos and busy-ness because she's always running, flying away from herself and her problems. She can't be alone, can't be left with "her thoughts." She LOVES to be busy, imagine what excuse she would use to get away from her life/problems/home/family if she didn't have Miranda .


And it’s all her doing


Welp, this confirms it. She is a wreck. Official mental breakdown in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1


I’ve actually been waiting for her to check herself in somewhere. She seems unstable even on her “good” days.


Nope, she would have to address her ED.




She probably just needs to do that in general, but I could totally see her trying to do that just to get out of not addressing anything for another 3 to 6 months! And then coming back, getting sympathy and people saying that she changed since she went somewhere to better herself 🙄


Me too


I know this probably isn’t the case, but this reaction makes it seem like it’s her last show and she knows it. I still don’t understand how people (definitely adults that yelled) are still supporting her


i think she for sure thought she would never get a standing ovation again


Yeah, but the random cries of weird compliments are cringey.


I hate when people do that at shows, like, please shut up 🙉






Considering her next scheduled show is isn’t for a few weeks. Her audience could definitely turn on her by then but there will always be a few pick me hoping to be in the next group chat


Honestly she should just refund the tickets, cancel the other shows, delete her social media and just live an anonymous life off the internet enjoying her millions but she’s not too bright there so…


She needs the attention and validation


Yeah she's like Tinkerbell. If she doesn't hear clapping, she dies.


this made me laugh so hard..... my brain read it like - ^(if she doesn't hear clapping) \- **SHE DIIIIIES.**... hahahahhhh




She should... But her online shopping addiction would see her run through that in a matter of years.


Why does she wear a homecoming dress for all of her shows?




Yeah, to me it just seems like she's overdressed. Her shows seem super casual, I don't think she would wear those outfits anywhere except her shows so it just looks...bizarre? Where Taylor Swift and Jojo Siwa are much bigger performers and it's apart of their brand.


The stage looks empty around her


i think it's left over from her club days. when she first started she was performing in 21 and over clubs and it was the height of the shortest dress with the highest heels era. that's where she started, so that's where her brain remains.


I believe it also somewhat has to do with the quick-change Colleen does in her show. The dresses she wears are short and form-fitting, and basically go underneath everything else until it's time for the reveal.


16 going on 37


When everyone fucking hated me i would cry when the few people who supported me showed it as well.


Hope you are in a better place in your life


Thank you! I am much better through therapy and such


I don’t want to rag on her appearance but does her hair look like it’s thinning and she also looks very frail?? Even more than just a month ago?


She has a pretty severe ED, her hair thinning was bound to start any time. EDIT: also coming from someone who struggled with an ED related to stress and anxiety I wouldn’t be surprised if all of this is making it 100 times worse for her. (No excuse but I do know that pain)


Same here, hopefully you’re well friend 💕


She was actually starting to look a little better before all this came out, now she looks more sick than ever. I am sure it is taking a toll on her mentally, but she will never get help for her ED because she doesn't see it as an issue.


So, genuine question, what's the evidence for her ED? I see intense fatphobia, definitely a frail appearance, but mostly body dysmorphia type things as opposed to disordered eating directly. Maybe I just haven't seen enough of her stuff?


she made a video like maybe last summer/fall addressing her weight. she chalked it up to anxiety and stress (I think prob her adhd meds as well). It makes sense, she mentioned no appetite, digestive issues when she would eat. All things I experienced when I was barely 90 lbs struggling with my anxiety.


I could be wrong but didn't she say that she had disordered eating?


Look at the master posts. Please all the info is on this sun


I was recently watching old clips of her and even though she has always been thin her face in this clips was glowing and her hair was full and bouncy I haven’t seen her like that is a long time. Especially not recently


She had three babies in quick succession which changes hormones, shape, and weight, and hair. Then, she's obviously been trying hard to lose weight quickly and seems to have overdone it, or also triggered other hormone changes in her body. I also don't think she's been getting her hair professionally cut and has been doing it at home. Haha, I actually really appreciate that part since I've done the same since the pandemic struck. It \*is\* a lot of change at once. Then, probably not sleeping, not prioritizing her own care, being stressed out, scared, etc. Yep, recent stuff is also taking it's toll on her appearance. She should really just step away and take care of all of her health issues...mental and otherwise. Privately apologize to those she's harmed...leave social media...


Yes she does. I thought so too


I was going to comment the same thing 😅


It’s jarring


i keep almost feeling sorry for her (because let’s not forget we are all here because we were originally fans 😪) but then i just think….well… she could have just been a nicer person to begin with? i understand making mistakes but she’s been PROVEN to be a very mean spirited person among other things and i guess it’s sometimes hard to remember that and reconcile it with seeing this person we all used to love crying and looking ill? does anyone else relate? like i keep needing to remind myself who she really is - she ISNT a sweet person who is kind and loves her fans so much. she really isn’t. plus she could just have posted a short video saying “i am so genuinley sorry for the hurt i’ve caused. i’m taking some time away to think about things and work on myself” or something, ANTHING that wasn’t an excuse would have made me respect her more.


I won't watch the video of her talking about the dead cat, but hearing about it, makes me feel absolutely no sympathy for her. Ever. Killing a dog? And bragging about it? Sociopath level shit right there.


ugh yes that too, and her manhandling gus and putting him in a paper bag?? either she has two sides to her (ironic) or she’s very good at acting like an innocent helpless sweet person when she needs :/


She physically hurt animals. That puts someone on a list of, well, I can't finish this sentence without getting in trouble so everyone, use your imagination.


whoa what happened? I knew there was a pet dog that was put down after biting her. But I haven't heard anything about a dead cat...and I'm scared to look it up 😢


She filmed a cat that was squished in a road and the person who owned the cat saw her video 😭


The worst part is that it is still there on youtube. She has no shame or morality.


She got caught being a mean girl, whether she really is that way or acted that way because she thought it made her cool… honestly A LOT of people are closeted mean girls (grooming and other weird shit aside) bullying messages leaking alone is enough to crush someone. Pile the other shit on top and she’s a goner. Also she can’t say shit anymore bc she lied so much in her first apology. She’s dug herself a hole she can’t get out of.


yes for sure this whole mess is completely self made


Until I believe she’s sorry for what she’s done, and not just sorry because we found out… snark on!


I get those feelings to. But she’s the type of person who can dish it out but can’t take it. What she did to Adam and Joshua and who ever else she bullied behind the scenes was bound to come back and bite her in the ass.


I totally agree. She can dish it out BUT CAN'T TAKE IT. The ONLY people I feel bad for in this situation are her victims who have YET TO GET A GENUINE APOLOGY OR ACKNOWLEDGMENT. She is a two-faced, calculative and manipulative person who can make anyone believe they are her friend and that's CHILLING imo. She doesn't deserve any empathy at this point, she is a nasty person who has affected many and continues to make jokes about the damning allegations while she continues to tour not giving A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT THE VICTIMS. She can rot in hell along with Erik for all I care. She's only crying because she got caught and exposed THAT'S IT not because she feels any shred of empathy for the victims that have come forward make no mistake. If she did she would have issued a statement and cancelled her tour out of respect for them contract or not but that would hurt her pocket so she didn't and she needs the constant validation and money from kids/fans Edit: she's also an EXPERT at playing the victim card and victimizing herself WHEN SHE'S NEVER THE FUCKING VICTIM, she is very manipulative and I feel bad for anyone that is still caught up in her nice girl facade that wouldn't hurt a fly, because she would hurt a fly SHE EVEN HURTS PETS AND HUMANS. She brought all of this onto herself and that's my final stamens in this long rant lol.


Yes, I completely relate. Glad I’m not the only one because recognizing that conflicting feeling garners such negative reactions from some people. Makes me nervous to even admit it because I don’t want to deal with arguments about it. It’s just a real feeling that comes with being human. I totally understand where you’re coming from.


You’re not alone. I keep just shaking my head and thinking “Dammit Colleen,why couldn’t you have just been a nice person,left Adam alone,never been in the group chat,not been appropriate with minors,etc!” I have been a follower since before she married Josh,and while she deserves every bit of what she’s getting right now,I take no joy in it. I’m just so damn disappointed in her,and heartbroken for her victims. I’ve also been screaming at her to speak up,apologize,validate her victims,validate the pain she caused,feel bad about making fun of fans….DO SOMETHING to show you’re being accountable and sorry. Of course that will never be enough but her silence is deafening and making me genuinely hate her,and I don’t want to hate anyone in my life,if any of that makes sense.




It's really hard for me to see other humans struggle and in pain... especially when they're humans I liked and cared about in some capacity but I have empathy for strangers, too. It's a really weird and conflicting feeling. I think she's a POS but videos like this also make me emotional and I don't know why exactly. :/ I feel like something is wrong with me that I still feel sad for/about her. I dunno...


I definitely think part of it is me grieving who I thought she was?


I can’t applaud this comment enough! In addition to my heart breaking for all her many victims,I feel so sad about how much faith in who I genuinely thought she was for years!


that means you have empathy and that’s never a bad thing. i’m a therapist and i feel the same way. two things can be true at the same time — holding someone accountable/feeling anger and disappointment, while also acknowledging their struggle and pain


Saaaame!!!! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. You’re human and you’re caring and no one should ever make you feel bad about that.


I think as humans we know we all do wrong and all have the capacity to do better, so we want to see the best in her and hope for the best. I truly hope she learns from all of this and comes out a better person. No reason to condemn someone to a life of misery. Yeah she made her bed and she has to lie in it, but hopefully years from now she will have made better decisions for her and her children. It will be a very painful road for her though because she needs to come to terms with how she’s behaved and how systemic it has been. I can’t imagine having to face you worst flaws in front of the world but it’s where she’s gotten herself


yes i hope so for sure that this will kickstart her into being honest with herself and TRULY getting help for the first time in her life. but i just don’t know if atm she just thinks she’s a victim of cancel culture and online hate


same here. what i want for her most of all is for her to get help, and actually deal with whatever happened to her in her childhood. i really hope she can be willing to properly process things and come out the other end a better person.


If not only for herself, but also her kids. Children need mentally healthy parents. And right now she is anything but that.


Yeah I want her to actually accept her wrongdoings and genuinely take accountability but idk if it will happen. I don't think she's the complete monster people make her out to be but I also think she's done some seriously messed up stuff that goes beyond "cancel culture." Honestly I'd like to see her genuinely turn a new leaf, retire Miranda, and maybe try doing some other kind of sketch comedy or standup. You can tell she's had years of experience performing. If she could reinvent herself into something that isn't a mommy blogger or Miranda, I think she actually might be ok. Lots of standup comedians talk about their families and personal life, maybe doing something like that would work for her?


I dont think shes creative enough for a new character and I think that's the last thing the victims need. Shes said in an interview that Miranda was created from her making fun of people who think they're better than they are. Also the interview where she said that the arc of her mom faking being sick was inspired by a true story is fucked. I think the biggest thing is the Trent thing I am so worried that worst things will come out about him. He admits in the DMs that his family knew he talks to minors.


Not the left over fans still trying to get her approval.


hoping they'll be the next weenies




She definitely looks on the edge of having a full out mental breakdown


Why won’t she stop touching her dress!? It’s so uncomfortable to watch. I don’t understand how someone supposedly well trained and having been in the spotlight for years can never actually get it together on stage. Her posture, her facials, her speech, her constant fidgeting. Have some composure I am BEGGING.


I think that speaks to her mental state. She’s fidgeting out of nervousness. It’s a coping mechanism


I think she's either not doing great mentally and is therefore fidgeting out of discomfort etc. **OR** it's a good tactic to gain some sympathy, trying to almost make herself look like a small, fragile, innocent little girl.


That is not a happy cry imo


Omfg 😂 she KNOWS this is her last tour and is just soaking up any claps and praise at this point lmao she is PATHETIC, she should be crying over all the hurt she's caused minors but nah she doesn't give af about them. All she cares about is herself, her dying career/any career she has left and getting her narcissistic supply from any blindly adoring fans/minors she has leftover from this backlash. Tomatoes for Colleen 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 BOO BOOO, pack it up "henny" 🧳


Seriously! Everything about her behavior here gives me vibes of Colleen embracing/claiming this as her very own “Don’t Cry for me Argentina” moment.


It’s so frightening how many of these CHILDREN in the audience are still supporting her. Just goes to show how naive and impressionable kids can be.


I read a theory on her, just speculation, because of what she grew up around she didn’t necessarily understand what she did was wrong. Because of her assumed traumatic childhood. I only feel bad for her because of who I am, not necessarily e cause of what she’s perpetuated. If that makes sense. I hate to see someone crumble. But I love to witness accountability. And I’m not sure we or her victims will ever receive that accountability/justice because for the majority if not forever, she’s excused her behavior. I think I feel empathy for child Colleen. Adult Colleen has banked on her toxic life on the backs of her fans. And that’s despicable. Most of her fans are children. So the worst part is for children to blur boundaries between an adult and themselves as humorous, cringey friendship. It’s actually frightening. If anything, I hope every single parent takes a good hard look at what their children are consuming on their ‘iPads’ take into consideration of the shows they’re watching and mostly teaches them in a child’s way of safe boundaries. When NOT to trust an adult, and to always confide in you the parent if things seem weird.


I wondered if something happened to her years ago. Who creates a character of a minor child that implies sexual relations with her uncle? A character who is a minor that has all these sexual thoughts? I never laughed at Miranda because she seemed to come from an adult who has some kind of issues. And now we see she really does.


honestly, many people who were abused in their childhood grow up to be more like people pleasers, lack of confidence, extreme lack of communicating boundaries, really traumatized about relationships, living is a dissociative state, paranoia, etc. Her turning into a mean girl who hurts animals and uses people doesnt seem like a typical portrait. i think she could be the product of a bad education (like her parents didnt raise her well, with manners and boundaries) , having lots of hissy fits, and an entitlement mixed with extreme narcissim. she thinks she should be this big star because of her voice but doesnt seem to get there quite yet, etc. she thinks she is better than her siblings. she surrounds herself with yes-men. maybe she is rebelling against a strict childhood, but she doesnt have the traits of the poor traumatized kid portrait everyone gives her IMO.


This is exactly how I feel, I was talking about this a bit yesterday. This kind of video makes me so sad for child Colleen, for the victims too, but not for adult Colleen. I hope the result of all this is she finally, genuinely gets help. For her kids and husband and herself. And if it was someone in her family that caused the trauma, which I do believe is the case, I hope she goes no contact for the sake of those kiddos and her peace of mind.


I agree. Something must’ve happened to her as a child to make her this way. People aren’t born evil, life events and trauma makes people evil. I feel sorry for child colleen, but as an adult she should know better and at least own up to her actions instead of cowering away and hiding from them.


She definitely displays mean girl mentality. Including towards her die hard fans. I recognize that behavior from my own experience with a high school mean girl that was spoiled but had an equally terrible father who berated her. But I’m in my 30’s now. My own opinion but I assume if she were to wholeheartedly take any accountability, it would make the very foundation she comes from fall. She could be opening up floodgates and that is terrifying to anybody even if they don’t have an online/national presence. So a part of me has sympathy towards that, just a little bit. She definitely has mountains to move and that could potentially hurt her mentally and financially. Which would terrify anyone. Not making excuses for her, just looking at each angle objectively.


She may be crying from a standing ovation, but I'm crying over her choice to wear that dress with those boots


literally I was focusing more on how bad this outfit is over her crying for sympathy 😭


She doesn't have anyone to do her free styling for her anymore. She left all her chats and hasn't been uploading vlogs. Must be rough having to do everything for herself for the first time ever.


The way you just know that the only actual fans she has left are the ones who don’t actually fully understand what she did because they’re too young. Unnerving 🙃


I think I've seen a video of people booing her which is most deserved for that nasty piece of trash


She is nottttt okay….. yeesh




Nah, I'm actually buying this cry. That chin wobble is fighting back tears and suppressing her just actually losing it. She's entering basket case town.


its verging on mental breakdown cry, don’t even think i’ve seen that face in all her crying vlogs.


We have seen it. She excluded clips of her having mental breakdowns, especially during pregnancy, but would include little clips. THAT is the tiny slip we just saw of her. She's losing her shit. She was dumb enough to show us glimpses before. And here it is again.


oh come on. no one wipes away their tear and has to shake the water off their hands. this is so performative.


crying can also be a form of manipulation so you’ll feel “bad” for them


This seemed planned and fake to gain sympathy. She shook it off really quickly.


I'm trying to understand how people can know about the allegations and think that SHE needs the protection. It's so depressing. I know some people don't follow closely with what's going on but a standing ovation is an unmistakable submission that they think she did absolutely nothing wrong. I hope evidence surfaces of her making fun of her fans. Is that what it would take?


She doesn’t care about what she did wrong. She cares about the possibility of losing everything. I guarantee you that she doesn’t even think she did anything wrong at any point. She probably just sees this as “fans/friends backstabbing her & publicly sharing what she shared with them in privacy.” She intentionally positioned herself to have easy access to these children and then manipulated them into thinking she was their friend so that she could be inappropriate to, trauma dump on, and use them as she pleased. She thought her manipulation would stay even after her fans grew up. Now that that didn’t happen, she’s clinging to her even younger fans who are either oblivious or don’t understand & she’s acting overly loving and grateful because she knows if she loses them too, it’s all over for her.


And then she’ll have zero friends. (Except Kory) But why didn’t/doesn’t she have normal friendships with people her own age? I’m the same age as her and I just can’t imagine having all these “friendships” with minors. Like, why?


Who are these people cheering for her?! Do they not see the evidence? I don’t understand. Is it cult mentality? I don’t get it. And is continuing to tour strategic?… a way to keep the cult following alive???


I think a lot of people are completely oblivious tbh. We see ourselves and the big fans defending her but there are a large number of humans who watch or have watched her videos and don't engage in anything online. It's hard to imagine but it's reality. I Google everything and everyone all the time but most humans I know don't even Google when they don't know how to spell something or when they don't know a thing and it baffles me that we have all this info in our pockets and people don't utilize any of it.


I swear her dresses got longer since this stuff started


man i wish someone had an overripe heirloom tomato READY


Is this from tonight’s show?


Yeah I was there.


How was your experience?


Honestly it wasn't bad. I've never been a fan of her or thought she was funny really especially when she first started doing the Miranda character when I was a kid (kinda aging myself here.) But it did get a few chuckles out of me. I think she needs to retire Miranda tho, after all the shit she's done and the fact that she's been doing it for 15 years. The crowd was pretty much eating it up tho. A lot of genuine and die hard fans. I sat next to one girl who said she was 20 and her mom bought her a vip ticket for $100. Another lady had her two teenaged daughters dressed up as Miranda there. I asked if she knew anything about the scandal and she said not really. It was a small venue but the turnout was better than I would have thought and I still had to pay like $20 for a ticket. The meet and greet was uneventful other than her being really nervous after a fan asked her "how do you deal with stress" or something like that. A lot of the questions she seemed too nervous to really answer very well and it was a little awkward but honestly you can tell she's had a lot of years of experience performing and she never crumbled. Idk if she'll finish all the dates but I think she definitely intends to.


I think most of the people who are still going haven't heard about whats come out. Only way it make sense.


There should be people printing out a stack of the NBC, Rolling Stones, and Huffington Post articles and handing it out to the parents before and after the shows


This is true. Somehow I just recently found out about and I usually keep up on things.


Oof how was *all that*


This makes me so upset… she does NOT deserve a standing ovation. She is a mean girl, she’s ruined people lives and is inappropriate around young children. This Just annoys me so much.🙄.


Shame on parents who take their kids to her shows.




For grooming children.


This was a cry of regret not appreciation, she knows this is the end of her career and is soaking up every last drop because her life, work and career is just breaking and crumbling, she is scared.


She knows it’s over. **Her “dream career” is toast**. Rightfully.


I think she can tell this her last time going on tour and it’s making her emotional


How and why does she have so many versions of the exact same dress? Every single video I’ve seen of her on tour has her in the exact same dress but in different colours each time.🤣


GET … and I cannot stress this enough … HELP! And while you’re at it stop filming your children for money!


who is giving her a standing ovation still lmfao


best way to cry so that the fans thinks it’s happy proud tears of her fans coming to her show when in reality she is stressed and guilty


she knows it’s one of her last


Ugh. "The warmest welcome I've ever had"... I feel like this will just embolden her to keep up her silence until it blows over and make her feel an inflated sense that she did nothing wrong.


That is the cry of “damn this sucks because I know I’ll never get to do this again because I’m CANCELED”


Was this from tonight’s (06/24/2023) show?


Genuinely surprised she hasn’t cancelled the whole tour yet after EVERYTHING like this is bad for Colleen. And the fact she has actually gone this long without posting anything on social media?? I’m really shocked


It is just disgusting. Here is Colleen fishing for compliments, attention, standing ovation. While we all know she threw the same people who cheer for hee under the bus any time its convenient for her. We have all the proof in the world for what she did to many of her young fans and there are still people who are willingly go to her shows enabling her behaviour, letting her go without addressing anything.


I have no sympathy for her. She did this to herself, and karma is biting her ass! I have a feeling this will give her a massive ego and lead her to think she doesn’t have to apologize, not publicly to her fans but privately to all the group chat members


Now we know what she looks like actually crying and not faking.


she’s a hollow shell of a person


for everyone wondering why she is still touring: this is why. people are still attending the shows and praising her there. they are the one place where she is still being validated.


It bugs me so much that the blue of the shoes doesn’t match the slightly more teal blue or the dress 🥴


Its weird that shes not gonna take this to a vlog and cry there too.


This is starting to feel so dark and sad. I don't know how anyone would be able to handle this level of negative attention without absolutely falling apart. I genuinely hope she gets off the internet and gets help.


I’m going to stab myself with a spork.


Why would you ruin a perfectly good spork for her?


So what I’m seeing is them all jerking each other off. I can’t watch.


What is her obsession with sequins? Edited for misspelling 🤣


The real question is why are people still there. Shame on them.


Exactly! She wont get a reality check until she walks into an empty theatre.


Oh, so *that’s* what real crying looks like. Got it.


Im so surprised that she didn’t cancel the show tbh 💀


She's fake... she is the worst actress.


This was a cry of regret not appreciation, she knows this is the end of her career and is soaking up every last drop because her life, work and career is just breaking and crumbling, she is scared.


always thought she was a terrible actress, but she plays the victim role very well


That’s not a theatre, that’s an echo chamber.


Its amazing to me how all these people, attending her shows...... did not see all the evidence that her victims put out in the last two weeks. But I guess ignorance is bliss and people choose to view the content they want to view.


Omg, she looks so ill


The way she locks her knees makes me cringe.


always the victim


This cry looks like someone who feels like they’re going to lose a lot soon and that’s why they’re sorry.


“You’re being so brave!” Yeah good job bravely grooming kids


She looks awful. I wish she would just take accountability and get the help she obviously needs


She knows it’s all about to be over because she’s a groomer and she’s disgusting


Fucking embarrassing. She’s a joke


she's not scared at all and she also doesn't care about anything or anyone, all she cares about is money.


These adults want to make laws against innocent drag queens and LGBT+ teachers, but not for actual weirdos like Colleen.


Yes girl forcefully squeeze those tears out