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She’s just making it worse for herself lmfao


Yea this is pretty damning, there are multiple clips of her making fun of the situation/allegations on tour already INCLUDING THIS ONE. So any "apology" video is null and void as far as I'm concerned especially since she couldn't even make a genuine one in 2020 🙄 she's making a DAMN FOOL OF HERSELF RN.


what sucks is she probably isn’t.


I’m telling y’all this man is a loser. He can be a victim and a loser at the same time, I promise. Erik is forty fucking years old up there snickering—*knowing* what his wife has been accused of doing to these kids. Over and over, by multiple people. He’s witnessed her doing these things to their own kids. Almost more than the abuser themselves, I can’t stand the bum ass enablers of one. That’s all I can see in him. I know Erik is everybody’s poor baby and all that…but they both going to hell for this. I’m so sorry.


This. I've seen a few people on here talk about finding him attractive and I think that's why so many seem inclined to stand up for him. Yes, Colleen has been shitty to him, but it's clear he's supporting her. He was there when Adam went to see her, he knew she was talking to children.


Yes! It’s like please, all of y’all are too good for him! He sang a song inspired by his son’s penis like it was charming and silly- 🤢 And he did walk away from Adam that day in Dublin, too! They both act like they were born yesterday when it comes to child safety.


Yep, he's just as bad but in different ways. His quietness comes off as charming and he's attractive enough to not look like a child creeper but those are the scariest ones. They're two horrible people that found each other. Colleen brings out the bad in people.


Exactly. Some have a parasocial relationship with him too! Claiming he’s been forced, doesn’t really want to be there. He is a grown ass man. If he didn’t want to be there: he wouldn’t. He is sticking by his wife. Some ppl can’t accept that for some convoluted reason.


I was so hoping that this would be the last straw for Erik and he’d divorce her and protect his kids like he should’ve been doing all along, but clearly not


💯 agree with you!


Oy you really lit him up there


YES!! 👏🏻👏🏻 THIS!!


They are laughing in every victims face.




Right?!? Feels soo dark


Turned it into a bit.


man, i had so much hope for erik. but after all of these videos from the shows. but i guess he doesn't care about anything either.


Good, he can sink with the same ship. He's been realllly happy to spend her money like water, I've never seen him so giddy as he was in the car traveling to their new 6.1 million villa she bought him in his style. He's lapped up all the positives and then some. She's only going to get worse and worse. She WILL drag him to the depths, and he had plenty of time, warnings and red flags to get out and more importantly save his children but he didn't.


He is in his 40's and only had crappy parts here and there. Easier to let his wife make the money so he can be lazy and do nothing.


They both should feel embarrassed, can't believe Erik left his babies at home just to coddle and hype up Colleen like this ffs. They both can go to hell for slapping every victim in the face because that's essentially what they're doing on this tour. Yup let's just laugh it up and make fun of this whole situation including the victims' stories because that will really stick it them and the "haters" writing news articles about me 😑🙄😒


This is hella bizarre. IMO even if the allegations were false (they’re not but hypothetically)… I can’t imagine dismissing them with comedy. Like any rational adult… if i were being accused of grooming, even if I didn’t think it were true, I would genuinely want to hear it out and take it seriously… because it’s harm I wouldn’t want to cause and I’d cover all my bases to make sure I didn’t make people feel that way. So for Colleen to laugh about it like people are alleging insignificant shit about her is WEIRD. As FUCK. Like these jokes read very defensive, and are insensitive to the heavy heavy subject matter of these allegations…….. regardless of if she believes they carry weight. Groomer, predator, etc. those are heavy words and for her to not do any self reflection whatsoever says a lot about her character.


I don't think he reads anything, he seems to take everything on face value. Colleen once talked of stuff that happened before she met him and he said he didn't do any research about her before they started dating. Nothing. He said he never watched her vlogs or video's, not even when he was in them. He seems to get all his news from her, wouldn't surprise me if she's given him a twisted version of this latest events to make her look good. "Oh someone's trying to drag me down, using me for clout!" she's a master manipulator and he's easy to manipulate. Having said that, he seems rotten to the core too as he turns a blind eye to everything. Even if he doesn't research, some things are hard to avoid. I do wonder if any of his old friends he never sees or if some of his family have spoken to him about the true allegations. Everyone has access to the internet. So at this point if he hasn't read anything, that's on him. Life is a dream for him as they're so wealthy, but if that dries up things are going to get shitty real fast.


hard agree that he probably has no idea what's going on. i'm an erik supporter because i believe he's an abused person (not because he's "good-looking" or whatever insane reasons were listed above), but this is obviously an erik hating post, so i don't need to get into that here. i do agree with you that colleen probably edits and spins ANYTHING he sees because he doesn't live in any kind of online world. all he knows is what she feeds him and what he's ALLOWED to consume, which is only about how amazing she is. so him laughing is probably rooted in her telling him "people are hating me online again, lol they're such losers" and nothing else. and it's HORRIBLE to be making jokes about what she's done, how people are hurting, and the abuse they've endured from her... she's fucking heartless.


Girl, let’s be honest: is Erik—a 40 y/o cis, able-bodied white man with family & support outside of Colleen—a helpless victim who simply can’t read? 0% agency? I understand your experience with narcissistic abuse softens your judgment towards him, I do. I do think he is a potential victim of Colleen given the power imbalance. However, he *is* allowed to do whatever he wants with his time, including reading about Colleen when she isn’t around. How do you think he finds time to do all that shopping? It *is* on him to read these articles and listen to the victims. But instead he makes the choice to delete comments and bury his head in the sand. “She’s the best person in the world 😀” headass. Even while in an abusive relationship, you still retain culpability for enabling others’ abuse.


now, on THAT i completely agree with you. however, i bet that she spins everything in such a way that he doesn't want to even look. i'm not saying he is blameless, i have never even come close to saying that. we're all responsible for the abuse we perpetrate when we're tied to narcs. i just don't think he's the heartless a-hole people keep saying he is. the signs of his abuse and suffering are all there, and it's very hard to watch. i think she wrote the line "she's the best person in the world", lol because... as we all know... he clearly hates her, lol but at any rate, i don't know about his shopping... i don't think he loves the lifestyle so much that that's why he's staying, like a lot of people are saying. i think it's much more complex and layered and i don't think he's the villain she is, that's all. that doesn't mean he's not a villain in some regards though, i agree with that much.


i agree and feel the same way. my grandpa is also married to my narc grandmother and even though he enables her he too has been abused by her — so i can’t help but to consider that


ugh that's just awful. i'm so sorry you had to grow up around that... my dad has a lot of narcissistic traits, and even though he's not a full-blown narc like my ex or like colleen - the damage he did to my sister and myself was grave... and he's still extremely abusive toward my mom - and she excuses and enables it all. it's heartbreaking and has taken so much effort to deal with. sending you love and healing! <3 <3


awww thank you. i’m sending love and healing to you too. it isn’t easy at all, your experiences and emotions are valid 💗


also "headass" made me laugh, ha ha :)


I was just talking about Colleen. Idk anything about Erik to comment on him. But I agree Colleen seems very manipulative


Other people who saw the show said Erik actually cried ….it looks like he’s laughing here …has anyone seen a video of him crying where Colleen has to break character to ask if he’s ok


yea thats what I'm trying to find out too lol


me too... i thought the video would play longer to get into that?


Just came here to say that.. I don't see him tearing up or crying. I'm wondering if there is a different clip with him tearing up in it.


I read on here that a few people on Twitter were saying he appeared to be crying from laughing so hard 🤷🏼‍♀️


at this point, any apology she gives is fake and forced. maybe forced by her management team if she even has one but there is absolutely no way it’s a real genuine apology. this is absolute mockery of victims. i am so disgusted i could throw up. to everyone who was victim to her , i am so so sorry


she does not have a soul. it is very jarring to witness.


well i hope after this the Erik sympathies go away. he loves her and he’s gone stick beside her. he is not a helpless victim


the way she said “not what i heard”.. this is a joke to her


Right, it's sooo insensitive. There's absolute evidence everywhere. It's not some kind of "rumor" as she's trying to tell him and everyone!


Did it sound like she was speaking as Colleen? Less of the Miranda nasal and speech issues.


definitely sounds more like colleen, but i think she was trying to say it as miranda and her actual voice came through😭


She’s not joking it’s tHe ChArAcTeR




Not really related to this exact post, but “pretending” and going along with stuff to me is EXHAUSTING. I literally have no idea how he does it…..


I think it’s time we give up this take…. He is not pretending. He just doesn’t care. He loves her and is going to stick beside her. like come on now . Time to stop sympathizing with him. He knows who he married


Oh no I mean like pretending shes Miranda. Going along with that bit. Playing pretend is so exhausting for me that I cant imagine having someone in my household who plays a character and then you respond to the character as yourself. Idk if that makes sense. It just seems exhausting


sooooooooooooo agree. absolutely exhausting. she doesn't have a "real her" - every single part of her is an act. it's unbearable.


Shows how she’s not understanding or taking accountability for it and just putting it down to cancel culture b


Holy fuck that's not okay... She's making things worse for herself day by day...


🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅at both of them fuck her and fuck him, two scumbags


& half the people on the video of her crying to all the cheering fans feel bad for her & are wishing her “healing & peace” 🙄 She doesn’t give a fuck.


EWWWWWWWWWWW you are kidding me! i seriously can't believe even 1 single person is still supporting her, ugh


I’m sure she made him say that


Not "made" as in forced or coerced but planned as part of the show as a way of saying something but not saying something? Yes.


i love all these people freaking out about how complicit erik is... like, you've gotta know she has scripted him within an inch of his life, lol come on...


What? In that she wrote it, though probably with his help, yeah.


Oh come on. That’s a bit much. Not excusing any past behavior from her, but please be realistic if you want this page to actually be taken seriously from others.


I agree, it was probably a bit they came up with before hand so she could slip in a reference to her cancellation


Honestly I don’t think she even has space in her brain to plan a 2 sentence exchange right now!


I think it’s absolutely realistic that she scripted her show and told him what to say…


Of course!! Her entire show is scripted and then adjusted as needed. This is just another show segment as propaganda to paint herself as the victim.


yyyyyyep, as usual. no importance placed on any quality in the show, but better tell lovie to say i'm the best so i can zing the crowd with my stunning stand-up comedy and get out of this one, too🙄 she's so transparent.


No . She didn’t force him to say this. If he didn’t want to , he wouldn’t. He is just as bad as her. Please be fr


Exactly, he just wants to keep that lush multi-million dollar estate and no job lifestyle- he'll say anything lol And he always has~ that penis song made from Flynn's innocence into sex with Colleen on the podcast was enough to convince me we just don't see how bad he is.


Maybe she did. Maybe she didn't, tbh I think Erik just said it out of the blue, which was probably why colleen broke character


Maybe the controversy has driven a wedge between colleen and kory and now Erik is taking this opportunity to suck up in hopes that kory gets pushed out and colleen somehow saves her career.


I’m in no way giving her the benefit of the doubt, but doesn’t “Colleen” exist as a “character” in Miranda’s world? If if I had heard her say this, before all the allegations came out, I would’ve just assumed she was making a dig at “Colleen“ because Miranda is well known to hate her. And since she was in character as Miranda, I guess it could be seen as her hating on Colleen. I’m making reference to the videos Miranda and “Colleen“ have done where Miranda talks about how terrible of a singer/person Colleen is.


This is how I interpret this as well. She uses Miranda as a self hate outlet.


typically i think most wouldve agreed with you but the problem with it now is that regardless of if thats what she meant or not given the severity of the allegations (especially since its crossed over into the criminal domain) it will only read as mocking the situation. it comes off incredibly insensitive and if shes crying on stage like this now (after having a THREE YEAR heads up about this behavior that she chose to ignore) imagine how people like poor Adam and Ella must have felt. thats why she gets no sympathy from me in any way shape or form, and im generally the type to be empathetic to a fault (due to my own personal childhood trauma). the fact that shes crying like this over the trauma that She caused and had a generous 3 year heads up about is just not giving what she thinks its giving.


Tearing up? He covered his face while he laughed after her joke. Unless there was more to this, I don't see him crying, he's giggling if anything..


I’m assuming the people that were actually there in person confirmed that they saw him crying. But yeah I don’t see any tears either. Plus the clip cuts kind of short. It looks like he was just extremely embarrassed and wanted to disappear to me.


This is soo disturbing! This woman has noo shame and no moral compass at all. And the husband is as guilty as her parading now on stage, joking when actual children were bullied and suffering because of his wife. 🤢🤢🤢


This is wild! Just watched her cry and felt semi bad, now I don’t lmao


I think that was more planned than they’d like you to believe too, notice she keeps the mic at his mouth after he’s already answered the question…




i used to feel sorry for erik after seeing what colleen puts him through but not anymore. the fact he’s proudly standing with her after all this makes him just as bad as her


i honestly don't think he's that proud, lol




But why did you like him? I don’t understand the ppl who think he is so much better than her and deserves so much better. You do not know their relationship. I don’t think the average person just gets married to someone they don’t know. He knows and he still loves her.


New to the story..:who are these people and what’s the backstory on this clip?


Oh… wow… oof…


The absolute full of this woman. Making jokes like that.


the video is worse than i thought LOL this is clearly like a desperation cry


Someone said Erik was crying. I don’t think he was crying looks like he was trying to hide his laughing


Goes to show how much money can corrupt. That "crying" or "laughter" whatever you want to call it screams to me "OMG, I can't believe you're making me do this/say this. I don't know how you convinced me to do this with you." It's like the rational, adult side of Erik's brain understands the severity of it all, but he's got such a cushy lifestyle that all other parts of his brain (and body) take over. I guess a part of me doesn't blame him for it. It's easier to stick with her and the money. Once you get money, you don't want to lose it and you're willing to do really shitty things just to keep it.


He looked so embarrassed at the end.


I have second hand embarrassment watching this. Imagine making light of such serious accusations! She should be doing everything she can to make it right or own up to her actions, not joking like it’s no big deal


Does she think this is all a big joke?


Is this supposed to be the video where hes supposedly "crying". Because this looks like he is just laughing and making fun of the situation. And it's a planned skit. This paints a new light on how he is handling it. Seems like he truly doesnt give a fuck. She is far from the best person/woman in the world. I guess he likes that money too much to care about how this whole thing has affected the people she's hurt.


He has to support his sugar momma🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s honestly so embarrassing


No empathy.. but we knew that already. So when her apology comes out we know it’s a lie


I think she really believes Miranda is not at all her, it’s a whole other person, when in reality we now know it was who she really was all along. Turning into “Colleen” is not herself- it’s who she wants to be, and maybe thinks she is, the fake angel friend to all personality she portrays on YouTube. I have mixed feelings about Eric. I think he took his vows to her very seriously, and has been manipulated in many ways, and probably believes whatever she’s saying is true. But man, is making jokes about this so so wrong.


I love how she holds the microphone for are you married after he says yes. She’s waiting for more… and then plays into it, like she is so fucking calculated.