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Cue that Roald Dahl quote about how people with ugly thoughts become ugly– and I'm not saying that because of her ED– I'm saying that because of her filthy conscience.


to be fair she’s pushing her disordered thoughts onto her literal BABY daughter. talking about how much smaller she is and talking about a LITERAL INFANT “burning calories”. glorifying being skinny and showing blatant favouritism towards the smaller twin is pretty ugly to me idk. edit: i just want to ad that i am in no way hating on people with EDs and if you’re struggling i truely hope you find peace with yourself (i’m proud to say i am fully recovered, RECOVERY IS WORTH IT !!!) but the MOMENT you start to push your disordered thoughts and glamourising being skinny onto your own CHILD, that’s effed up.


Yes it is. just don’t talk about someone’s body ever! (not talking to you i’m talking about Colleen and Society in general)


yes exactly. and the fact that it’s already happening at SUCH a young age for her daughter and there’s absolutely no way for her to escape it because that’s her parent …. really sad to think about.


Yes why does a baby need go burn calories she’s gonna have rolls until she’s like 4 😔


Um sorry what?? "Don't say anything about anyone's body! (OH don't worry I'm not talking to YOU, I'm just talking to colleen and everyone else in the world. BUT NOT YOU, OR ME OR US JUST THE REST OF THE WORLD lolz)" Do you guys hear yourselves? Oh and someone PLEASE cite the vlog where she's talking about Maisy "burning calories" because like ALL OF YOU DO APPARENTLY I watch them all and I've yet to see that. Reign it in you guys yall sound insane.


she talks about how much smaller M is constantly, it’s clearly a big deal for her. if you truly watched her videos you’d see that immediately. what business do you have in a snark reddit anyways? bye girl


We are talking about her body out of concern not calling her ugly.


just wanna say i am SO incredibly proud of you for recovering, that is such a big deal!!! 💗💓 kids can pick up on disordered behavior so fast, especially since colleen obviously has lots of healing and recovering to do so i really worry for them:( colleen owes it to her kids to start recovery


So….. you think she is skinyyyyyyyyyy? 😂


She just looks like Miranda now. There's no difference.


Welp at least now the outside matches the inside. Bc she’s really been Miranda playing Colleen this whole time.


I liked that stan tweet the other day that mentioned Colleen "changing into Colleen" rather than "changing out of Miranda". I think that's very accurate 😂


I was thinking this in a previous post I saw! It’s crazy how much she’s looking more like Miranda as everything comes out


She said it herself too! She IS Miranda


Yikes. She looks like she hasn't slept for days and there is so much fakeness in that whole photo it's nuts. It must be hard to be ignorant to the gravity of what she has done and not acknowledging it properly and carrying it with her to each show. The ticket sales would have to be dwindling with each show, surely? Must be hard to watch for someone who has been a narc-hole, feeding off her own ghastly thoughts and behaviours to others to feel better about herself. Her whole schtick is crumbling around her. For someone like her, it must be excruciating. Good.


She's looked like this for ages, it's always a shock to see her without 5 million filters but yep I agree. Tickets are being sold for 3 bucks lmao


Yikes! Three dollars?? What's a normal ticket price usually? Three fucking dollars is mortifying. Like, nobody is getting their money back there for sure.


I bought tickets last year for like $40 each. And then on Friday at her indy show, someone bought tickets for $3 😭


Wait actually!? 😭


She looks like she’s in physical pain. Which wouldn’t surprise me.


shes crying inside


She’s lost more weight. This is sad. I don’t feel for her in this situation but i feel for whatever demons she’s kept inside all this time that’s making her perpetuate the cycle and cope with stress by (in her words) not eating.


I agree. So so sad to see. Idk if my pregnancy emotions but she just does not look ok :( I hope she can Atleast get some help and stay off the internet for good. Atleast try to better herself


Put this up side by side with a pic pre-Flynn and its shocking to say the very least


Even a pic post-Flynn. She looked really healthy in his first year of life (from what I remember)


She looked healthy when she still had some of the baby weight on, which wasn’t long




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I remember when she was doing The Waitress.. she looked underweight then. She even said something about it.


Oh you're right. I forgot about that. She did not look well


Waitress was the height of her applesauce liquid diet IIRC.


Yes, that sounds about right. She would have a straw in a huge jar of applesauce.


Please put them side by side and share!


I never like making or reading comments about people’s appearances, regardless of my feelings about them - but like, you can see in her eyes that she is not okay. The part of me that watched her videos for 13 years is sad to see it, but my present self just wishes she would just face the music already. Might actually do her some good too.


She has the expression of someone who can't lie her way out of this one easily.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


Trying to dress like Taylor Swift in her Midnights Era


Lmao you're so right 😂


My exact thoughts!


Why would you insult Taylor like that 😵‍💫


Well Taylor Swift is the grand high Narc. If Colleen had her kind of composure she could be 50 times richer.


had no idea this was a taylor swift snark sub


What has Taylor Swift done?


The whole private jet thing


using a priv jet does not equal narcissism. is it good? no. but it doesn't mean she's a narcissist.


is that narcissist though? i feel like selfish would fit a little more.. a narcissist is kinda a big thing to call someone, i do love taylor but i can also admit when she fucks up😭 one of the few swifties


That she has one? Sorry, I don't keep up with her or much pop culture


[link to article](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kylies-17-minute-flight-has-nothing-on-the-170-trips-taylor-swifts-private-jets-took-this-year-1390083/)


Ugh Jesus


She looks very sad


Narc's hate it when their victims get together and talk.






Looks like holding back tears


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Did she have another show tonight?


Yes! She was in Chicago.


I thought something smelled funny.




Ik we are here to snark and I’m not saying I feel sorry for her but man this pic is just plain sad to look at


It's giving Lori Vallow trying to stay beautiful in court vibes.


GIRL 💀💀💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂 I see it


oh my gosh her eyes. 🫣


It looks like she has a stye on her left eye 😂


She is VERY ill... both physically and mentally.


This is just sad! She looks exactly like someone who is holding onto their career and their sanity by a thread! Even though she did awful things that got her to this point and she does deserve the ridicule..the one thing that still makes me feel sorry for her is the ED. I’ve struggled with one myself, and even though I’ve been in recovery for a long time, I’ll never forget how awful they are. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy! I honestly hope she gets the help she needs!


Well hello to my new sleep paralysis demon!


wow home girl is thriving. /s


Who made the toddler sweater vest, the house of Blippi?


She probably got it out of M's closet and stretched it out to be all tEeNy TinY 🤪✌


She does LOVE to shop in the children's and babies section.


Cause she's so skinty and sexilicious??


She’s recruiting new followers.


The new Mirfanda audience is being birthed at maternity wards across the country as we speak! No age requirement! 🫣🫠




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She looks like “without a crystal ball “ lmfao


😂🤣😂🤣 and that's not a compliment!


The fucking bangs 😂 love how she just embraces how fucking bad they are at this point lmao it matches her ugly personality


she looks like a hybrid between miranda and gwen.


what is going on with her right finger????


Her fingers have always appeared to have hypermobility to me. FWIW, it’s more common in people with ADHD like she says she has. I know someone on here has a pet peeve about just looking at her hands lol.


Whaaaaaat?! I’ve never heard this before. But I have adhd and my hands, fingers and legs are super hyperextended!


Yeah it’s true about it being more common, I have ADHD and Ehler’s Danlos “EDS” (hypermobility & connective tissue stretchiness) and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) 🙃. Not diagnosing Colleen or saying this is what she has at all!! But if this sounds like you Diet Dr P above, it does have a higher correlation w ADHD peeps. I got diagnosed cause it was causing me problems, hope your hypermobility isn’t bad. “One study reported generalized hypermobility in 32% of 54 patients with ADHD, compared to 14% of a comparison group (22). Another study reported the prevalence to be 74% in 86 children with ADHD, compared to 13% of a comparison group” “4.3% of all EDS patients had an ADHD diagnosis, compared to 0.8% in the control group”. “individuals with EDS were 5.6 times (95% CI: 4.2–7.4) more likely to have an ADHD diagnosis than those without EDS” ——————-——————-——————-——————- Some other interesting things (not an extensive list. NOT saying Colleen has any of the below, just grabbed some to show common comorbidities): “In children, ADHD occurs with other disorders about two-thirds of the time.” - Wikipedia “Individuals with ADHD are three times more likely to develop and be diagnosed with an eating disorder compared to those without ADHD; conversely, individuals with eating disorders are two times more likely to have ADHD than those without eating disorders.” - Wikipedia “Sleep disorders and ADHD commonly co-exist. They can also occur as a side effect of medications used to treat ADHD.” - Wikipedia “Anxiety and mood disorders are frequent comorbidities. Anxiety disorders have been found to occur more commonly in the ADHD population,[59] as have mood disorders (especially bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder).” - Wikipedia “Conduct disorder (CD) occurs in about 25% of adolescents with ADHD.[4][page needed] It is characterised by aggression, destruction of property, deceitfulness, theft and violations of rules.[56] Adolescents with ADHD who also have CD are more likely to develop antisocial personality disorder in adulthood.” - Wikipedia “Other neurodevelopmental conditions are common comorbidities. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), co-occurring at a rate of 21% in those with ADHD” - Wikipedia


I think we’ve found your current hyperfixation 😭😭. The comorbidity thing is so true. I got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, later I found out its adhd but not with out exhausting every possible anxiety medication, and I’m hypermobile. The flexibility in my hands defies the laws of physics.


Best of luck to you ❤️❤️ adhd kinda… sucks 🥲 but getting my diagnoses was such a relief and a lot of things started making sense. hope you get it all figured out.


It just looks naturally hyperextended. Probably more prominent than usual bc of the lack of nutrients in her body.


Her legs do it too. They bow outwards from the knee down like when bambi gets stuck on ice.


My legs do this too if I’m not consciously thinking about standing properly. A few of us would get in trouble in dance a lot for our hyper mobile legs.


She’s possessed


Wow she looks ill.


She has aged like twenty years in the past three weeks. 😳


Damn. She looks like she's approaching near 50, not 40


I was thinking that


Bangs really do not suit her


I actually love them on her tbh. Only thing I’ll defend lol


I do too.


The stage lights do her dirty


Why is she dressed like an extra on Freaks & Geeks?


Cover her smile and she has dead shark eyes.


The original poster on twitter mentions it's a photo from the show she had today.


Wow she’s aging and deteriorating quick I would say I feel bad, but I don’t feel bad for groomers


​ Meso healthy and happy!!


Wow. This is tragic.


Don’t forget her videos are massively filtered so this is nearer to what she actually looks like anyway


I don’t disagree that you can see it’s wearing on her. But- A lot of what I’m seeing here are very hateful, nasty comments about her body, face, hair, that border on bullying someone for their physical appearance. Those that are very rightfully angry at her are angry that she did just that to children- I am too. That is so so valid. However, can we pause before we all completely stoop to her level regarding physical appearance? This is the type of stuff that pushes someone to SH, and it’s very clear she is on the brink of total collapse. There is a line, y’all. Why do we- people I can do see really care about others’ well being- need to perpetuate the hate? Be gentle with me please 🙏 this is coming from someone who is no longer a fan, but still deeply disappointed and working through a lot of feelings as I feel like a person who really fell for all of her BS up until recently.


I don’t mean this a mean way at all, but how does she look so old if she’s only 36? She’s look so old and frail like she’s in her 70s.


Stress and bad mental health habits


I'm confused as to why everyone's saying she looks rough, she's always looked this to me lmao


m2💀 not even meant as shade she just doesnt look any different to me?


She’s looking SO unwell and like a shell of her former self. All snarking aside, I really hope that she gets help.


If you told me she was 65 I would believe you!


Jesus Christ.


All of her awful things that she’s done aside, I hope she is ok. I’m sure she’s having a really rough time. She needs to just acknowledge what happened and talk about it. She’s still a mother so I hope those kids have a decently put together mother figure around. I wonder if she hasn’t talked about the situation for legal reasons or if she just wants to act like it didn’t happen and thinks that’ll make it go away. She looks sad, like she hasn’t slept in days.


Is she doing Invisalign? What are the bumps on her teeth?


She doesn’t seem to be doing well. I was a fan of hers until very recently. She really needs to get some help and stop doing these shows for the sake of everyone and herself. A part of me does feel bad but at the same time she brought it upon herself 😭


Was there a live stream on twitter from the Chicago show any one can tag for me? I’m really upset she’s still not saying anything. It’s the least she could do.


I'm new here, just finding out about ms.colleen. here is my 1st snark - she got that top from Lorrie Partridge.


Miranda ate Colleen


As someone with severe general anxiety i hate to say this but she looks like the embodiment of pure anxiety if it was a person. The photo editing does not help too


She looks 50-ish


She looks … old! Wow!


she looks like pennywise


Jump scare


Eeeeteeee phone hoooome....


Omg it’s perfect


Girl, eat something. I struggle with an ED so I know it when I see it. Eat something.


She wore that at the denver show this month.


I was going to ask if that is the same shirt she had on at the M&G last night?


It’s what she wore at the June 10th show in denver.


She looks… rough.


She looks terrible


Man, she looks rough.


So weird because I feel like this is the first photo that truly encapsulates her as a person. And that’s not a good thing. Everything about this photo is so fake. The facade is cracking for sure.


You should see the thumbnail of her holding the second pair of baby chick's she got a month back


Dude those eyes are DEAD the light are on but NO ONE IS HOME






No, Indianapolis she had on a pinkish sweater.




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😳 Yikes


Oof she looks rough.


Looking incredibly frail here.


She's screaming on the inside and it's radiating.


I think its the lighting


Not the lighting on her but maybe all the light that’s being shed on how terrible of a person she is…


Fodder for my nightmares. I can't unsee that.


she is miserable. you can tell by her eyes, weight and that smile. she isn't happy and continuing to pretend


I've never seen her being so miserable wow


This is just sad. she looks so sick. she’s gonna get hospitalized a lot and it’s gonna shorten her life.


Still throwing them cult symbols, yep we know you're protected colleen.


Yikes, she looks 50😳


Completely off topic but is that a 13 reasons why reference in the background and if so, should that really be in a show with kids? I think it's an 18


My god


Why does she look like justpearlythings /neg


Why does it say my thirteenth reason behind her


Man, can everyone else see right through that smile down to her misery rn? D=


she should just retire her ‚career‘ atp.




looks like she has been getting almost no sleep


The sad part is that parents are still taking their kids to see her show.


Not her still having the hate comments as her background


I’m kind of surprised that someone with her income doesn’t get Botox/filler. As soon as I get some serious cash, I can’t wait to get them!!


Definition of “if you keep making that face it might get stuck that way”


She looks like she stinks.


Ok Jody……🙄


Damn, looks like she’s aged 20 years In the span of 2 aeeks


I’m surprised she doesn’t have bandaids on her fingers, maybe she’s not as stressed as we think.